Dragonfly Awakening

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Dragonfly Awakening Page 11

by Jaycee Ford

  I swatted his arm in jest, pulling away slightly. “Just for that, probably so.”

  He pulled me back with force, my legs quivering with instant need from his possessive dominance, and he whispered with a gruff drawl, “Maybe I’ll distract you.”

  “I hope you do.”

  Our lips met with the passion that we shared. I couldn’t believe I could finally call him mine.

  • • •

  The End of Summer Festival was only days away, and Ellie’s Boutique was making its big entrance by acquiring a booth at the event. If I remember from my youth, the whole county would meander over to our one signal light town, and this would establish my mark in the country fashion world—the little bit of it we had.

  Sleep deprived, I hunched over my trusty sewing machine and channeled my inner designer, sewing seams together furiously on a new line of city meets country. I had my dear friend from Charlotte to thank for the inspiration, but if I wanted the country to know of the city inspired designs, I had to get these done yesterday. The jingle of the welcoming bell rang from the front of my store, but my conscious ignored it until I finished the final seam.

  “I brought you a salad, but from the looks of it, I should have brought you some coffee. Have you slept in the past forty-eight hours?”

  My ears perked up at the sound of Jordan’s friendly invasion of my work zone. I really hadn’t slept, just talked all night to my boyfriend as we lay under the stars, and then feasted on his body for breakfast. My stomach rumbled at the thought of food, but my heart skipped just thinking about the past twenty-four hours. Boyfriend.

  “No, I was working.” I played it off with an eye roll and a smile, and continued, “You just gave me an idea about a new design angle, and my mind has been in overdrive. Come see what I’ve got, and then we can eat lunch.” I grabbed her arm and pulled her toward the back wall of my workspace. With each step, the caffeine pulsed through my system. I had a feeling I would crash midway through whichever British movie I was to torture Paul with tonight.

  “I’ve got just the outfit for the fest tomorrow night.” I reached up on my tiptoes and grabbed a hanger, which held a rusty orange, one-shoulder dress that flared at the hips. I held it out to Jordan, and she glided her hand down the dress, appreciating the feel of the material.

  “Ellie, this is really pretty. I love this color.” She held it up against her.

  I walked to the table next to the rack, and I grabbed a pair of cowboy boots in her size and placed them on the table. “Here you go. You have an outfit for the fest. You might even wrangle a cowboy.” I winked at her with my new knowledge of her and Tom becoming a thing.

  “Okay, Ellie. Spill it.”

  “Err … I know about you and Mr. Coffee. This town isn’t that big, you know.” I grinned. She rolled her eyes, but in hope of becoming even better friends, I offered a willing ear. “So, how did it go?”

  “It was fine. Did you know he was my student too?”

  “I did find out about that yesterday … and I know about the tub incident!” I cringed even saying it, but it was something that I had to share.

  “Damn, how small is this town?” Her palm met her face with embarrassment.

  I waved my hands in earnest to avoid any humiliation. “No, don’t worry. Paul told me. The whole town doesn’t know. At least I hope not.” I shrugged, figuring that Lance knew, and there was no telling where he would have taken that information, being that he was buddy-buddy with Angela these days. “But Lance knows, too, so you never know.”

  “I don’t even know Lance and Paul!” She perked up and added, “Wait, if you know from Paul, then Paul knows from Tom. Has he been talking about me?”

  I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be the only one having fun at the festival this Friday.

  HOPPING IN THE shower. Will call when on the way.

  A smile spread across my face. Paul Harris was my boyfriend. Sleep deprivation hadn’t hindered all that happened this morning, which played in my mind on repeat. The one memory was enough to assure me that those words had come out of his incredibly talented mouth.

  Ellie, please be my girl.

  I wasn’t even asked, but Lord knew that I didn’t have to be. I glanced around my store as I locked up for the evening. What would life have been like if Paul had got to me prior to Lance? What if none of this existed? Maybe the past ten years was God making sure I followed through with one of my dreams before I could have another? Could any girl be so lucky though? The way that Paul looked at me told me that I didn’t deserve him, but the fact that I could call him mine for even a day was more than I could have ever wished for. And for that, I was blessed.

  I shut off the lights to the store for the night. I headed to my workspace in the back of the store and counted all of the dresses I was to set up for the festival. A little flutter of nerves tickled my stomach. The possibilities of having everything I had ever wanted blew my mind; although, spending so many months apart over a stupid miscommunication reminded me that I could not yet be content. I would enjoy this moment¸ but until I owned the last name Harris, I would never settle down.

  The chirp of my phone rang in my pocket. Wow. That was a quick shower. I started the climb up the stairs as I pulled out my phone and read Dad across the top of the screen. My heart warmed as I swiped to answer.

  “Um, why does it take you months to come visit your father?”

  I sat on my sofa and grimaced, realizing the truth in his words.

  “Hi to you too, Dad.”

  “Oh, don’t you ‘dad’ me.”

  “Hi to you too, Julius.” I grinned as I pulled out the teenager charm I used to possess so easily. He quit and then let out a chuckle that I bet he was attempting to hold back.

  “I can’t even fake being mad at you when you do that whole humorous act.”

  “My charm wins every time.” I smiled. I could almost hear him roll his eyes at me.

  “So, when are you coming to visit your father?” His impatience was evident in his tone. I had only visited him once this summer, which meant I sat my ass in the sand for forty-eight hours and read under a beach umbrella.


  “It better be.” He dropped the subject, since we both knew that I would make the trip soon. “So … any … uh … progress?”

  “I have a boyfriend, Dad.”

  “And?” His voice sounded hopeful. I smiled with relief. I was finally able to tell someone.

  “And his name is Paul Harris.” I didn’t think I would ever get rid of the silly grin that slid up my cheeks every time I said his name.

  “I’m so happy for you, El. Well, bring him along when you visit. I do have an extra room … cuz y’all ain’t sleeping together.”

  “Dad …”

  “Oh, don’t you ‘dad’ me.” His humorous sarcasm bled through the phone and I laughed again, but he was serious. We wouldn’t be sleeping in the same room.

  “I’m going away now. I have a date.”

  “Be home by ten. It’s a school night.”


  A belly laugh echoed in my ear as the phone clicked off. I shook my head as I hopped off the sofa and aimed for my bottle of Riesling in the fridge. My phone rang again and I pivoted on my heel, rushing back to answer Paul’s call. As my finger slid across the screen, my eyes lit up over the caller.

  “Gianni!” I greeted as I headed back to the kitchen for my much-needed glass of wine.

  “Belle! How’s Dixieland? New York misses you.”

  I leaned on the counter, absorbing the sound of New York through his voice. “Everything’s great!”

  He laughed at my excitement and said, “Um … did somebody get laid, because you were not this chipper a week ago.”

  I paused and became a little flustered. “Well … I … well …”

  “You did get laid!

  “Stop saying laid!”

  “You got laid by Paul!” He sounded like a sixteen-year-old.

p saying laid!”

  “Laid, laid, laid!” A child. A small, immature child.

  “Gianni, I swear—”

  “Okay. Okay! I’ll stop. I’ll stop!” His laughter leveled out.

  “Why are you so chipper?” I didn’t hold back the slight annoyance in my voice.

  “Because I got laid.” He laughed again, causing me to giggle at his antics. I couldn’t help but join in.

  “Well, congratulations,” I replied sarcastically.

  “Ah, thank you. I performed well.”

  “So sure of yourself there, aren’t ya?”

  “Indeed.” I bet he winked. “Anyway, my reason for calling was to ask if you were coming to visit your mother anytime soon.”

  Why must he turn a fun conversation into one of tension? “I haven’t spoken to my mother since I left New York. She refuses to return my calls.”

  “Well, she keeps calling me and asking if I talked to you.”

  I groaned at her insufferable nature. “Then why won’t she pick up the phone?”

  “I don’t know, belle. You know how she is.” He sighed into the phone, and I pressed the palm of my hand to my head in the hope of warding off the mother of all headaches.

  “Stubborn as a mule.”

  “That she is.”

  “Maybe around Thanksgiving or something. Just tell her to call me if she keeps pestering you.”

  “I have. She is as stubborn as a mule, obviously.”

  My phone beeped in my ear. “Gianni, I’ve got to go. I’ll call you next week.”

  “Sounds good. Love you, belle.”

  “Love you too.” I tapped my phone to answer a call from the man that was finally my boyfriend. “Hey.” My peppy voice changed into one of a temptress.

  “Hey, girlfriend. Are you in the mood for some Italian?”

  I just got off the phone with Gianni. I believed I had my fill of Italian. “Italian sounds great.”

  “Okay, good. Then come open your door because I have a handful of pasta.”

  I giggled into the phone and powered it off. I ran down the steps in hopeless excitement to see my boyfriend. I halted by the entryway mirror and sighed. Too late now. I would have liked to shower if none of the other men in my life wouldn’t have decided to call me in one night. I pulled open the door to see his beautiful smile, not hidden by a hat. His eyes lit up, matching his wide smile. I couldn’t believe he was this happy to see me.

  As soon as I shut the door behind him, he set down the bag of takeout and wrapped his arms around me, picking me up off the ground. His lips found mine and the earth stopped its rotation. Nothing in this world mattered when he kissed me, and I didn’t have a care in the world. He set me down and blazed another smile across his face. I emulated it as I ran my hand down his chest.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile so much.”

  “Do you have any idea how absolutely happy I am?”

  I shook my head, his lips barely a whisper between us.

  “I … I don’t …” He shook his head and continued, “I don’t think I’ve ever been this happy.”

  I glided my hands up his chest and urging his face down. “I haven’t either.”

  I guided his lips to mine, and with a flick of my tongue, I showed him how happy I was. His body pressed against me and I could feel how happy he was. I giggled as I pulled out of our heated kiss.

  “I think I need to carb up before you give me another workout, cowboy.”

  I playfully pushed him away and scooped up the bag before running up the steps. A hearty belly laugh echoed behind me, followed by his cowboy boots climbing the stairs. I placed the bag on the little bistro table in the corner of my designated kitchen area. A view of the sunset shone through the window. I pulled out the takeout containers as Paul pulled open the fridge.

  “What do you want to drink, El?” He grabbed a bottle of beer.

  My heart warmed knowing that this would work out. We were perfect together. We had known this all along, but stubbornness and best friends got in the way. The negative notions of this all falling apart scared me to no end, but I was stuffing them away. I was going to be happy for once in my life.

  “Could you grab the wine, please?” I asked as I continued unloading our food.

  He opened the cabinet next to the fridge and pulled out a wine glass.

  Would this be how our lives would be like if we had forever? If this were forever, I would take it.

  He placed the glass in front of one of the takeout containers. I sat, unwrapping plastic silverware, and he sat across from me with a fork in hand.

  “So, what did you get us?” I asked. His smile looked proud.

  He reached over and popped open the lid, and my face beamed.

  “You remembered! How did you remember?” I twirled my fork into the pasta, leaving all forms of etiquette behind.

  “There aren’t too many chicks that like fettuccine alfredo with bacon. When a chick likes bacon, a man remembers these things.”

  I stuffed a huge bite in my mouth. My eyes closed as I absorbed the flavor and a quiet moan escaped. I swallowed and opened my eyes, fixing to thank him, but the look in his eyes caused me to stop. His face softened with a smile. God, I loved that man, and he was finally mine.

  “What did you order?” When I asked, he smirked and popped the lid. I peeked inside his container. “The same thing?”

  “It’s bacon … come on now.”

  We both dug into our food, and while we were stealing glances at each other, I realized that I didn’t know much about him anymore. Just because I had completely memorized his body didn’t mean I really knew him. I leaned back and sipped my wine.

  “So, am I going to have to dodge any ex-girlfriends?”

  He set down his fork and wiped his face. He glanced away and scratched his head in what appeared to be embarrassment.

  “Well, Ellie, you’re pretty much my first girlfriend.”

  The muscles in my face slacked as I processed what he said. “How is it possible that I am your first girlfriend? You … move … too well to have not had girlfriends.” I didn’t want to think about him having sex with other people, but he was most definitely experienced.

  “I’ve been with girls, just never dated anyone.” He tensed slightly and looked at the floor.

  “Well, why not?”

  His eyes flickered back to mine and his shoulders fell with his tension. “I’ve only ever wanted you, Ellie. No one else but you.”

  My eyes pricked with tears at his confession. I scooted out of my chair, crossed around the table, and held his face in my hands. “You have me. You’ll always have me.”

  I pressed my lips to his, and he pulled me on his lap. His fingers threaded through my hair as his arm held me close. Our kiss ended with loving pecks, and he rested his forehead against mine.

  “You’ll always have me, baby.”

  I couldn’t help my smile as I asked, “Even if I make you watch one of those old timey British guy movies?”

  He chuckled and our eyes found one another. I stood as he laced his fingers with mine.

  “Even when you make me do that.”

  “Well, I will take advantage of it now, so if you don’t survive the whole movie, I can at least give you the benefit that you tried.” I squeezed his hand, let it go, and headed to the flat screen to prepare the movie.

  “Exactly. That has to give me points for something,” he said as he plopped down on the sofa.

  With the remote in my hand, I sat next to him and pressed play. He pulled me close to him, and I nestled my head against his chest, curling my feet under me.

  His arms wrapped around me as he held me through the movie. His kisses lined my face. I had never felt more devotion, more love. My eyes flickered closed as the drum of his heart soothed me. His breathing evened as the words of Mr. Darcy sang me to sleep.

  THE DAWNING LIGHT glowed against my lids, the scent of sunshine warming my heart. Arms tightened around me and a sleep-lad
en moan echoed. My heart sighed in happiness. The light called me to open my eyes, and the sight of her hair made of fire kept them open. Her arms squeezed my torso again and I kissed her head. I couldn’t believe she was finally mine. After the years of waiting for her, she was finally mine. She rested her chin on my chest. I caressed her face, Ellie leaning into my touch.

  “Hey, baby.”

  I couldn’t keep the smile off my face at the sound of her voice.

  “Hey, beautiful,” I whispered. She eased up my body and pressed her lips to mine. She leaned back, her eyes full of lust. I shifted slightly as I grew hard. “God, I love seeing your smile first thing in the morning.”

  “Well, maybe we should have sleepovers more often.”

  She readjusted and straddled my hips, pressing against me. She bit her lip, owning the seduction to perfection. She dragged her hand down my chest, coming to a stop between us, and grabbed me. Hard. Ellie leaned back, unbuckled my belt, and then unzipped my jeans. She held me inside her hand and pumped to a slow rhythm.

  “It seems like someone’s awake.”

  “I wonder why. My girlfriend is jerking him.”

  I glided my hands under her shirt, lifting it off and tossing it to the floor. I caressed her chest, her nipples pebbling under her bra from my touch. Her hips moved to the beat of her hand gliding up and down. I leaned forward and unclasped her bra, pressing my lips to her cleavage and then claiming each nipple. She moaned. I needed to be buried inside of her. I picked her up and stood her next to the sofa, stripping her of her shorts and panties. I yanked off my jeans and pulled her forward to my lips. She cried out as soon as my tongue touched where she needed release. I wrapped my arms around her, picked her up, and laid her down as I shifted my knees onto the floor.

  “Paul … not me. You,” she panted. I pulled away, and when I inserted a finger, she cried out again.

  “Oh, this is for me.” My tongue resumed savoring her taste as her back arched off the sofa. Her fingers laced through my hair, giving herself over to me, but when she clawed at my shoulders, I knew she needed more.

  “Inside. Please.”

  I shifted quickly. Her eyes opened to me, and her jaw fell slack. I eased inside of her. I held her face in my hand, pressing my lips to hers with every thrust. She felt so good, too good. I couldn’t ever lose her. I wouldn’t. I wouldn’t ever lose her again.


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