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Spilt Secrets (A Talnarin Novel Book 2)

Page 19

by D. E. Chapman

  It’s frustrating.

  “Team two could be anywhere.” Elaine cuts into my thoughts. “We stick together. We’ll head west and cut around until we search everywhere.” She sighs deeply. “It’s not the best plan but it’s all we have.”

  A thought hits me. “You don’t have a plan in place in case something goes wrong? A place to meet at and hid out in if something happens?” Elaine’s eyes widen as she stares at me in shock. Self-conscience I mutter, “What?”

  She shakes me, a smile on her face. “Alanna, you’re a genius.”

  “Why?” Elaine’s intense stare is unnerving. I shift my weight uncomfortably.

  “We don’t have a plan or hide out. But, I do know where they might have gone. It’s the only place we all know and are familiar with.” She’s nearly jumping for joy and the enthusiasm is contagious.


  “The castle, Alanna.” She releases me abruptly and turns on her heels. “Let’s move out.”

  She mounts her capalt, and I’m quick to follow suit, eagerness settling in.

  This might be it. It makes sense. It’s the one place we agreed to meet. If something bad happened, the first place I’d go would be to a common location we’d talked about.

  We take to the sky. As we climb, doubt creeps in. We all knew the about campsite, yet the figure was there just a short time ago. What if he’s still there? What if they were attacked when they arrived?

  No, that can’t be. They were attacked here.

  My head spins.

  Before I can voice my concerns to Elaine, who flies next to me, we pass over the walls of Craforian. Just as we clear it, a huge bolt of lightning misses us by a hair. Startled, Ivora rears and drops.

  I’m free falling from fifty heads up.

  Distantly, I hear Elaine screaming for me. I can do nothing but grip onto Ivora for dear life. Another bolt wizzes by. My heart pounds and my palms sweat. It’s harder to keep my grip with wet hands, but I do the best I can. My heart plummets to the ground as it grows closer. I frantically pull back on Ivora’s horns. Unable to stomach it, I squeeze my eyes closed.

  One minute I’m falling, the next I’m not.

  I nearly sob with relief as Ivora rights herself. Just in the knick of time too, as she glides only two heads above the ground.

  I release a shaky breath. I had come so close to slamming into the ground. I was only two heads up from having my insides splattered on the rocks.

  I push those thoughts away. I’m already panicking enough. I urge Ivora higher before remembering how I got so low in the first place. A bolt nearly knocked me out of the sky. Where did it come from? And if I saw correctly, they were golden bolts.

  That thought fills me with dread.

  I frantically search the forest floor for any signs of people. Mid search, Elaine and the others descend around me. All of them are frantic, on guard.

  “Are you okay Alanna? Are you hurt?” Elaine’s shouting to me, but all I manage is a nod.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spot a figure standing behind some trees, fifty paces out. A shudder wracks my body. I wordlessly point and Elaine follows my gaze. Her expression hardens.

  “We’re going to land. Be on guard for any more surprises,” she manages to shout over the wind.

  We stop our circling in the air and angle down, dismounting as soon we as land.

  I automatically call up my energy from the hollow part of my soul, feeling the warm blaze as it washes through my body. As we face the figure now only thirty paces out, more emerge around us.

  We’re outnumbered.

  Before any words can be shared, the fight begins. Someone shoots fire at us, but just nearly misses our group. Lightning threatens to strike us, but again, it barely misses. Loud noises and screams flood my ears. Brightness overcomes my vision as electricity and flames explode at my feet. I keep moving, dodging and rolling as fast as I can.

  It’s a flurry of activity, chaos at its finest.

  My heart pounds uncontrollably, and my panic chips away at me, dulling my reaction time. Odds are against us, fifteen to eight. A body crashes next to me on the ground, and I squelch the scream building in my throat. I blindly shoot silver flames at a cloaked figure creeping closer. A scream echoes loudly above the sounds of battle, and my panic continues to rise.

  I dodge a bolt aimed for my head. Somehow, our group separated, and now I stand alone. Two hooded figures march my way.

  I battle the panic to keep my mind clear. Shoving my hands out, I warn them back. When they advance further, I blast the left with fire. His robe catches instantly. Agonizing screams ring out. The second figure stops and retreats. I allow a brief feeling of victory to overcome me.

  It was a mistake.

  A voice behind me startles me and I freeze. “Well hello, little bhria.”

  Dread overwhelms me instantly. My face pales and my heart stops.

  “I’ve missed you.”

  I whip around.

  I should’ve paid better attention. I shouldn’t have lost focus.

  There He is, the talnarin from my nightmares, the one who ruined me. So, I wasn’t mistaken earlier. It was Him threatening to tear down Craforian if I didn’t come willingly.

  Rage saturates my tongue. “What the fuck do you want?”

  He only laughs like it’s endearing. “What I’ve always wanted. You.”

  A shudder racks my frame. Repulsion turns my stomach.

  “If I go quietly, will you let them go without hurting anyone?” Somehow, I manage to spit out the words. The idea sickens me, but I would do it for them. I would further ruin myself to save them.

  Ever a dramatic one, He rubs His chin thoughtfully. With an exaggerated frown He says, “No.”

  Fury rides me hard. This sick bastard was always one to play games. I’m sick of it. Sick of Him. Sick of myself. Sick of my weaknesses. My palms burn and itch. My skin glows hotly. Without thinking, I shove my hands out. Blistering silver flames arch out.

  I think I got Him.

  The smoke clears. He deflected it. He stands there unharmed. I snap my teeth and growl low.

  “Well now, my little bhria has gotten stronger. Isn’t that wonderful?”

  I bare my teeth in response which only makes Him laugh.

  Again, I lost focus.

  Again, I made a mistake.

  Someone grabs me from behind abruptly. I startle and flail. The grip is tight but I twist. I manage to free myself but in the process, I’d moved closer to Him. He laughs manically and grabs my hair. Pulling tight, my head tilts back. I hiss in pain and narrow my eyes menacingly at the thing of my nightmares.

  He only laughs harder, His eyes shining.

  I call for my flames, but I don’t make it. Pain radiates through my head. I wince, managing to hold in the cry. The pounding in my skulls brings tears to my eyes. I squeeze them shut. The pain is searing. Overwhelming. My thoughts turn fuzzy. My body is unresponsive.

  Everything fades.



  “Find her! I want her found!” I shout to the men surrounding me.

  I march through Craforian, fury settling like a pit in my stomach.

  How dare this happen!

  My hands shake with rage and my lips are pinched into a thin line. Never before have I experienced anger this pronounced. Nothing has ever sparked my ire as much as that bastard has.

  I whip around and survey the men around me. Elaine is hunched over in the grass, head in hands. She blames herself for what happened, just as I do. But no one could have predicted this. No one could have known the bastard would dare strike here. I underestimated Him and it cost me.

  It cost me Alanna.

  Abel stands nearby, calmly giving orders. He attempted to calm my rage before leaving me but even he realized my fury was far too out of control for even him. Normally my brother can anchor me, calm me. Not this time.

  Even Ben was hurt.

  The bastards managed to get him good. A littl
e longer and they would’ve been too late to save him. He’s a good kid. Doesn’t deserve what he got and the bastards will pay because of it. I revel in the suffering I will bring them.

  But I will allow Erik that pleasure. As is his right. He will crave vengeance for his twin and I will not deny him that.

  I spit out a curse. How could I have let this happen? I should’ve arrived sooner. In fact, I never should have left. Sending Abel would have been sufficient. Then I could’ve been here and none of this would’ve happened.

  Instead, I have four dead to bury. When I arrived, bodies littered the ground outside the walls. Four belonging to us, but thankfully most belonged to the bastards who attacked. Elaine was the first to report. Her expression was broken, pained. The last time I had seen that face was when she’d lost everything.

  Just remembering causes my heart to clench painfully.

  I push is aside. It’s no time for past shit. These bastards attacked the eight of them outside the wall. The commotion was loud enough to draw the rest of the men from the infirmary. They quickly engaged and subdued the rogues, but not before we lost four and not before they took Alanna. The remaining men set out for Alanna, but the search turned up empty. They feared traveling too far without backup. Against Elaine’s orders, they retreated.

  When I arrived, I regained control of my frantic men and sent Freya to care for Benjamin and the two other men in critical care.

  I organized a search party, but it’s now been two hours with no word. I had sent all the Elites but Zeke out with groups of five to search. I had given very clear instructions to them. The men on the search party must know exactly who we are up against. I don’t need them blindsided. If they find anything, they are to report back immediately. They are not to engage unless the situation is dire. Then, they are to use their best judgement to control the situation.

  I can only hope we aren’t too late. I didn’t think He would be so daring as to attack us here. I underestimated the fool and it cost me. Deeply. My failure hangs over my head like a dark cloud. Another notch to add to my belt of shit I’ve done wrong.

  Another mess up that cost lives.

  This shouldn’t have happened and now I’m at a loss. I’m not accustomed to this feeling. It’s eating away at me. This uncertainty is killing me. Where the fuck did He take her? Where did they go? I need answers and I need them now. If one hair on her beautiful head is harmed, I will rip Him apart. Slowly. He will be screaming for mercy before I’m through.

  And He won’t get it.

  A hand grasps my shoulder and I whip around, startled. Zeke stands there with a rare solemn look on his face. He’s attached to her, too. In an uncharacteristically soft voice he says, “We’ll find her. I swear to you, I won’t stop looking until she’s back.”

  “I know we will.” I clasp his shoulder in return, my own expression haunting. “But the question is, will she still be breathing when we do?”

  To that he has no answer, none of us do.

  “I want the rogues tossed to the animals. They get no rights or burial niceties,” I bark out.

  “Very well.” He bows and moves off to follow my command.

  I’m left with my thoughts once again.

  He couldn’t have gotten far. Not with Alanna with him at least. From what Elaine saw, he knocked her out cold before disappearing with two other rogues. Carrying around dead weight like that will inhibit them.


  I pray to whatever gods are listening. Keep her alive until we arrive. I don’t know what I’ll do if she’s hurt, let alone dead.

  I hear footsteps behind me and whip around. Abel. I growl. “How did this happen? This town is fortified against attacks like this so how the fuck did this happen?”

  He shakes his head sadly. “I do not know, but I have my suspicions. We cannot speak of it here, brother.” He grips my shoulder and squeezes. “Not out in the open like this.”

  “I know.” I sigh and turn my head to the sky, rubbing my face roughly. “How are Benjamin and the others?”

  “They are holding on. Freya predicts they will pull through the night. After that, the worst will have passed.” Abel releases his grip.

  “Good. If their condition takes a turn, inform me. I’ll see what I can do.”

  He shakes his head sadly. “I have already been over there, brother. There is nothing we can do that Freya is not already doing. They are in good hands.”

  “Very well.” I cross my arms across my chest. “Abel, you need to fill in for me tomorrow.”

  His gold eyes widen. “But brother-”

  “No, Abel.” I cut him off, voice firm. “It’s not a request, it’s an order.”

  He gives me a long look before sighing. “Very well, brother.”

  Just as I’m about to respond, Mikhail comes rushing up. “We found tracks located outside a large cavern to the west. It’s a secluded cave along the mountains. He didn’t go far.”

  “Any sign of Alanna?”

  He shakes his head. “No sign of her but the tracks appear fresh. It’s about an hour out.”

  I can’t stop the nasty smirk from stretching across my face. We’ll catch the bastard and string him by his toes. “Good.” I look to Zeke standing ready. “How many Elites returned?”

  “Three, not including Mikhail.”

  “Ready the mounts.”

  “I will remain to guard the men here. I will not take any more chances.” I nod to Abel, approving of his decision. “If you do not return before the announcement, I will call for Chrome to replace me here.”

  “Very well. Stay safe, Abel.” I squeeze his shoulder.

  “As always brother.” He mirrors my move. “And you as well.” Abel moves off to attend to his duties while I make my way to the arena. Elaine is close on my heels.

  “I want to go too, Malik.” I turn abruptly, catching her off guard.

  I give her a long look, the pain in her eyes hard to ignore. “Load up. We leave now.”

  Chapter 29



  Consciousness returns slowly, and the first thing I noticed is the piercing pain in my back. The second thing I notice is the dull echoes of pain in my head. My eyes feel sewn shut, and stones or rocks or something dig into my stomach. And it’s almost as if my body is coated in some sort of liquid too. A shudder runs through me at the thought. I groan, trying to recall what happened.

  Where am I?

  I’m afraid to open my eyes. Who knows what I’ll find, or who I’ll see.

  Then it hits like an armful of boulders.

  I peel my eyes open. It takes a moment for my sight to adjust. Once it’s no longer blurry, I focus on my surroundings. Feet stand less than two paces away from my face. Braving it, I glance up. Golden eyes reflect in the dark. I flinch at the sight. Not wanting to appear interested, I look back down. That’s when I notice little puddles of liquid. I look closer and see that the liquid coating my flesh is in fact blood.

  My blood.

  I manage to contain the scream climbing up my throat. I breath slowly trying to contain the panic. It might not even be my blood, Alanna. Calm down. I repeat this mantra over and over in my head. Out of the corner of my eye, I see movement. I snap my head up to find that He moved closer. He grips something in His hand that I struggle to make out.

  Is that…

  No. No. No. It can’t be. I feel like crying. That’s why it hurts so much. That’s why there’s so much blood. My blood.

  He tore my wing.

  The bastard tore my wing from my back. And He grips it like a trophy in His hand because to Him, it probably is. The delicate silver wing is crumbled and bloody. I nearly gag as I see bits of my flesh still attached to the end.

  His nasty voice startles me. “My little bhria is finally awake.” I glance up and meet his stare. My eyes narrowed menacingly. “I was getting bored.” He mock frowns. “I was going to rip the other one off next. But you woke too soon for that.” He cocks his head to
the side inhumanly.

  That’s creepy as all Hellvian.

  “Why did you grow them?”

  “What?” I manage to stutter out.

  “Why do you have wings? You should have waited for me.” His eyes are wide and unseeing. It’s bizarre. His words don’t make sense either. I don’t understand.

  Before I can say anything, he yells abruptly. “How dare you grow these things without your master.”

  I flinch at the pure rage in his voice.

  “I had to take one.” Now His voice is soft, a quiet murmur. He starts pacing. “They aren’t mine, so I needed it gone. But it’s so pretty. Just like my little bhria. I’ll keep this one. You keep the other. We match now.” The entire time he speaks, his head is cocked and his eyes are wide. A faint smile plays on His lips.

  I stare in horror. Nothing He said makes sense. But I feel like He wants me to say something. Afraid, I say, “What?” I clear my throat and try again. “What do you want?”

  “Many things. Many things.”

  I don’t know what that means. I don’t want to know what that means. “What do you want with me?” I try again, my voice wobbling slightly.

  He smiles wide. “Oh. I want your loyalty. I want your servitude. I want your power. I want-”

  I cut him off. “You’ll get none of those things.” I can’t keep the snarl from my tone. Just as I think it will make Him blow up with anger, he merely sighs. He sighs like I’m the crazy one.

  He tuts. “How very disappointing. But I find I can be very persuasive.” He nods his head absentmindedly. “You’ll see. We have time, though not much.” Anger overcomes His face immediately. I flinch back as His hand reaches for me. He roughly grabs the metal still sitting around my neck. Angry.

  “How dare he put this on you! That bastard cousin of mine!” His scream is so primal, so savage, I unwillingly shrink away.

  My wide eyes stare unblinkingly at Him. I don’t dare move, lest he strike. Calmly and slowly I ask, “Who are you talking about?”

  He freezes. His eyes flick to me and I hold my breath. Softly He pets my face and says, “Oh. The one I saw you with. The one with golden eyes, little bhria.”


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