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Torn: The Complete Series

Page 4

by Julia Sykes

  “How do you feel about clamps?” He asked when he had finished writing.

  “Ummm… I’ve never tried them before.” She honestly didn’t know how she felt about them. The idea of them turned her on, but they did look decidedly painful.

  Lucas smiled. “Then I look forward to introducing you to them. We can always add them to the list if you don’t like them.”

  The fact that the contract could be amended was comforting, reassuring Shay that she was safe while she was with Lucas.

  He moved on. “I know that you were upset by being flogged before. Would that be a hard limit for you?”

  Shay thought for a moment. Yes, she had been terrified when Bobby had hurt her, when she couldn’t get him to stop. But Lucas had given her safe words, had impressed upon her their importance.

  “No,” she said. “That’s not a limit.” She knew that Lucas wouldn’t force her to take more than she could handle.

  Something in Lucas’ eyes darkened, and Shay felt an answering quiver in her sex. “Brave little sub,” he praised. “I’ll enjoy testing your pain tolerance.”

  Fear shot through Shay at his words, but also… anticipation. Excited anticipation. What would it be like to be spanked, to be disciplined? I might just have to misbehave in order to find out, she thought wickedly.

  Lucas’ sharp eyes caught her slight smirk. He brushed a tendril of hair back from her face, cupping her cheek in his hand as he caught her in his merciless gaze. “What was that thought, sub?”

  “Nothing,” she said hastily.

  His eyes turned hard. “I will refer you to number five on the list of rules,” he said, his tone glacial.

  The submissive will not lie to her Master.

  But Shay hadn’t gotten as far as she had in business without being able to out-think professional rivals. “Ah,” she said playfully. “But I haven’t signed yet, have I?”

  Lucas frowned at her, his expression forbidding. Shay couldn’t deny that it was intimidating, but she schooled her features into nonchalance.

  After a moment, he spoke. “So you haven’t,” he admitted, looking a bit impressed at her gumption. “But I warn you not to toy with me, Shay. You won’t like the consequences.”

  She struggled to hold his hard gaze, but her eyes dropped within moments. She gave him a shaky nod. How was it possible that he had such a strong effect on her, cutting through her defenses, bringing her submissive side to the fore with no more than a few words and a forbidding glance?

  “We should talk about protection,” he moved on abruptly, throwing me off-balance again. “I was just tested, and I’m clean. We can use condoms if we need to, but I would prefer that we didn’t.”

  “Oh.” It was little more than a croak.

  Sex. I’m going to have sex with Lucas.

  Shay knew it was silly that this was only just now striking her with such intensity, but the idea of him moving inside her, of his perfect body curling around her, made her mouth go dry.

  “Um… I’m clean, too,” she managed. She cleared her throat, forcing her voice to sound more resolute. “And I’m on the shot, so I’m good on birth control.”

  “Good,” he declared, the matter settled. “I think we have the basics covered. As I said, we can always add to the list as we go along. I must impress upon you the importance of using your safe words. I won’t stop for any other reason. ‘Stop’ and ‘ouch’ are not safe words. Do you understand?”

  “Yes,” she said softly, still looking down at her knees.

  “Then I think it’s time for you to sign, sub.”

  He proffered the pen. She hesitated, warring with herself for a moment. Could she really do this? Was she ready to give herself to someone so completely when she had almost no experience with BDSM? Some of the things they had talked about – clamps, flogging – scared her more than a little bit.

  No. She wanted this, wanted Lucas. She looked up at him, meeting his eyes when she took the pen. If she was going to dance with the devil, she at least had to look him in the eye first.

  Still, her hand shook slightly as she signed, making her signature more untidy than usual. She stared down at her name for a moment, hardly believing what she was seeing; this was so surreal. In a week she had gone from being a new submissive dipping her toe in the world of kink to signing her body and her will over entirely for a whole weekend.

  What have I gotten myself into?

  Chapter 4

  Shay walked into the plush hotel room with trepidation. Lucas hadn’t touched her for the rest of the flight, leaving her wet and wanting after discussing their contract. Instead, he had insisted that she take a sleeping pill so she wouldn’t be affected by jet lag once she got to London. Thankfully, the last of the grogginess had now left her, melting away in the wake of her mounting nervousness.

  The room was undeniably beautiful, with a four-poster bed, draped with dark red velvet curtains. The walls were a deep blue with gold fleur-de-lis interspersed along them. A lush oriental rug mirrored the color scheme, giving the whole room a sense of dark warmth. Lucas gave her a slight push at the small of her back, causing her to half-trip through the doorway, throwing her off-balance.

  He caught her around the waist, steadying her. His tight grip on her body made a tremor of pleasure ripple through her.

  “Tonight is your first test, sub,” he said, his breath hot on her neck as he whispered in her ear. “Are you ready?”

  If she wasn’t ready now, she never would be. “Yes.” Her whisper held a hint of a tremor.

  His grip on her waist tightened, his fingers digging into her flesh almost painfully. “How are you to address me, sub?” He asked, a hint of a threat in his tone.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said quickly, belatedly remembering her rules. This was going to take some getting used to.

  “I’ll excuse you this once, because you are learning,” he said. “But know that I will find ways to teach you respect if you forget again.”

  “Yes, Sir. I’m sorry, Sir.”

  “That’s better.” The softly rumbled words were colored with approval. His grip on her waist slackened, and he released her.

  “Strip,” he ordered abruptly.

  Shay hesitated, her self-consciousness returning.

  “Don’t make me ask you again, sub,” he growled low in her ear.

  Discipline. She licked her lips at the thought of it, but she wasn’t sure if she was ready to face it. So she gripped the hem of her dress and pulled it over her head with alacrity, as though if she did it quickly enough she could make up for her earlier reluctance. Her breasts sprang free as she snapped open her bra, hastily shrugging it off. Then she kicked off her sandals and bent over, pulling her panties down her legs.

  Before she could straighten, she felt a sharp smack on her ass.

  “Ow!” She exclaimed at the sudden sting, which quickly turned to a dull burning. It hadn’t hurt, exactly, but it had startled her.

  Shay tried to stand, but Lucas held a strong hand on her lower back, keeping her bent forward, her torso parallel to the floor.

  “Spread your legs and grip your ankles,” he ordered.

  Stepping out of her panties, Shay complied immediately, no thought of resistance entering her mind.

  “Stay,” he commanded simply, removing his hand from her back. Shay’s face turned crimson as she realized her vulnerable position. Her ass was flagrantly exposed.

  She could hear the sound of a bag being unzipped, of Lucas rummaging around in it. His footsteps softly padded across the carpet, approaching her again. What had he retrieved from the suitcase? She wondered nervously.

  “Grip your cheeks and spread them for me.”

  “What?” Shay asked, startled.

  There was a loud smack and an accompanying sting across her ass. Her cry gave voice to her shock, but she didn’t dare speak again; she knew that she had just broken a rule.

  “You heard me, sub,” he said dangerously. “Spread your cheeks.”

hay feared further punishment, not because she feared pain, but because she hated the idea of disappointing him. She did as he commanded, her fingers trembling and her face burning.

  Something hard pressed against her dark hole, the pressure of it demanding entrance.

  “Relax, or this will hurt. I was going to get you ready for this, to arouse you, but this is your punishment, Shay.”

  Suddenly frightened, she struggled to relax as the pressure increased, the foreign object relentlessly pressing into her. Despite her efforts, there was a growing pain as the intrusion became wider, stretching her. But at the same time, she couldn’t deny that this was incredibly erotic: the idea of being punished, corrected by Lucas.

  The sound that escaped her was somewhere between a whine and a moan, but he didn’t relent. Finally, mercifully, there was a slight popping sensation as what she now realized was a plug narrowed suddenly. The width of it ensured that it was firmly seated within her; she couldn’t remove it without help. The intrusion was uncomfortable, but not entirely unpleasant.

  Lucas’ hands gripped her shoulders, and he pulled her upright sharply. She couldn’t hold back a surprised shout as the plug shifted within her. Lucas let out a low chuckle, clearly pleased with his handiwork. He circled around her, and her wide eyes met his heated ones. He was holding something out to her: a small black thong.

  “Put it on,” he ordered.

  She took it and bent down so that she could step into it. A whimper escaped her when the plug moved as she did, a reminder of her vulnerability and Lucas’ utter control over her body. She could feel herself growing wet despite her discomfort.

  She straightened slowly, trying in vain to ignore the sensations in her ass as she shifted. Her eyes were downcast, no longer able to meet Lucas’ domineering gaze. She could see something small and black in his hand. He flicked a switch on the side of it.

  A strangled cry escaped Shay as something began buzzing against her sensitive clit. She had heard about panties like this, ones with a small vibrator concealed in the lining. Her inner muscles contracted, sending pleasurable sensations shooting though her ass. But at the same time, it made her pussy feel empty, desperate to be filled. The buzzing stopped almost as soon as it had started, and she looked up at Lucas, shocked by the sudden loss of sensation.

  “You are not allowed to come until I come,” he said simply. “On your knees, sub.”

  Her legs folded instantly, the rug cushioning the impact of her knees on the hard floor. Lucas unbuckled his belt slowly before unzipping his pants. His cock sprang free, and Shay was able to admire it for the first time. It was long and thick, the head almost purple with his arousal. She felt a flush of pleasure at learning that she affected him so strongly. She licked her lips, staring for a moment.

  “I think you know what to do, sub,” he prompted.

  Eager to please him, Shay opened for him, sucking the head into her mouth as she swirled her tongue around it. She was satisfied to hear him let out a groan of pleasure. She had always been a bit unsure of her skills in this area, but she was clearly off to a good start. Taking more of him into her mouth, she began to suck, bobbing her head back and forth as she drew in more and more of his length.

  “That’s it, girl,” he praised, his voice tight. His fingers twined in her hair on either side of her head, pulling her further onto his cock. She stroked the underside of it with her tongue as he controlled her movements. Her arousal made her thighs slick as she gave up all control to him. Soon, she was taking him so deep that she nearly gagged. She struggled to open her throat for him, to take all of him.

  Suddenly, the buzzing on her clit returned, stronger this time. She moaned against his dick, the vibrations increasing his pleasure.

  “Come with me, sub!” He half-shouted, his hot seed beginning to shoot into her mouth. She had no trouble complying, her ass contracting around the plug and her inner walls quivering around nothing as her orgasm quaked through her. The intensity of it would have frozen her in place, but Lucas continued to guide her to suck him until he had reached completion.

  She began to whimper around his softening cock as the vibrations against her over-sensitized clit became nearly unbearable. Satisfied that she had been punished thoroughly, he stopped the buzzing and withdrew his cock from her mouth.

  He smirked down at her where she remained compliantly on her knees, but the soft approval in his eyes belied the hard twist of his lips.

  “Good girl,” he praised. Taking her hands in his, he pulled her to her feet, steadying her as she stood on shaky legs.

  “Get dressed,” he instructed. “We’re going to dinner.”

  Shay stared at him for a moment, dumbfounded. “Aren’t you going to take these off?” She asked, gesturing towards the panties. She didn’t dare even ask about the other object that invaded her so intimately.

  “No,” he said with a twisted grin, folding his hands across his chest. “I was thinking about it, but now you’ve chosen to disobey me again by speaking out of turn, so you’ll have to wear them out.” He clucked his tongue at her. “Don’t the punishments just keep mounting sub? Not that I mind.”

  Shay swallowed hard and walked gingerly to her suitcase to fetch her dress for the evening.

  Shay was practically quivering in need by the time they got to the restaurant. Unlike the fancy French place he had taken her to in Charlotte, this was more informal. Lucas had said something about wanting her to experience traditional English cuisine, but she honestly couldn’t pay much attention. All she could think of was how horny the sensations of the plug were making her. Lucas hadn’t turned on the vibrator again since leaving the hotel, but the knowledge that he could do so at any time only made her clit throb harder.

  This game he was playing with her was intoxicating, manipulating her mind as well as her body. He was in complete control, and she reveled in the freedom from all responsibility. This was what she had dreamed of for years, and now she could scarcely believe that it was happening.

  But the fullness in her ass and the wetness between her thighs were reminders that this was one of the most real things she had ever experienced. Her senses had never been so heightened; she had never been so aware of her own body.

  And she had never been less concerned with what was going on around her. There was no need for concern while Lucas was in charge of her every move.

  Or so she thought, until they were seated at a secluded table in a dark corner. Lucas turned on the vibrator that was concealed within her panties, and Shay had to bite back a small yelp. In contrast, his expression remained cool, impassive.

  “Don’t you dare come, sub.” His voice was low when he spoke, but she felt as though his crass words echoed around the restaurant, calling everyone’s attention to her predicament.

  She tried to block out the sensations, to ignore them. But it was to no avail. It was all she could do to keep herself from shifting in her seat, and her legs quivered under the table.

  To her chagrin, a waiter came to their table to take their order, but the buzzing didn’t abate. She was sure that he could hear it, that he knew exactly what was going on.

  “What can I get for you?” The waiter asked politely.

  Shay couldn’t speak. If she even slightly released her tight control over her vocal cords, nothing but a moan would escape her. There was a moment of awkward silence while she struggled to keep a straight face. The waiter looked at her quizzically, as though he was concerned that she was about to have some sort of fit. Finally, Lucas deigned to rescue her.

  “She’ll have a pint of Magners and the Yorkshire pudding,” he ordered for her.

  She didn’t really know what that was, but she didn’t care. She was just relieved when the man finally walked away and the vibrations mercifully stopped. Lucas was grinning broadly, clearly suppressing a laugh.

  “I’m glad I amuse you,” Shay said acidly. “Bastard.” She couldn’t help muttering.

  Lucas’ expression hardened immediately. �
��What did you say?” He asked, a dangerous edge to his voice.

  Trepidation and a fresh wave of arousal lanced through Shay. Shit. “Nothing,” she said quickly.

  But the lines of his face remained taut, a forbidding frown fixed in place. “That’s two rules you’ve just broken, sub. I feel that I ask very little of you, seeing as you are new to this. There are only five rules, and you’re managed two transgressions in the space of ten seconds: you disrespected me, and you lied. Despite your intelligence, you clearly aren’t a quick learner. We’ll have to work on that.”

  Shit, shit, shit! God, what would he do to her? As if this punishment hadn’t been enough?

  He kept her in erotic apprehension for the rest of dinner. She could hardly eat, constantly anticipating that he would turn the torturous vibrator back on.

  He dropped his Dominant façade, striking up conversation about her building designs, but she could hardly keep up. The contrast between this engaging man and the slightly terrifying Dom who had been tormenting her all evening was disconcerting.

  It only made her hotter for him.

  Somehow, she made it through dinner.

  Her relief at getting out of the public eye gave way to nervousness as they drove back toward the hotel. By the time they entered their room, her breathing was fast and shallow, her throat dry.

  Lucas placed a strong hand around the back of her neck, squeezing slightly. Her sudden realization of her vulnerability seemed to choke out the little air she was able to draw in. He was so strong; he could easily break her if he wanted to.

  I have my safe words, I have my safe words… She repeated the mantra to herself, trying to calm her nerves.

  His thumb brushed against the nape of her neck in a soothing rhythm.

  “You’re okay, Shay,” he reassured her, his voice a low rumble in her ear. “You’re safe with me. This can stop at any time.”

  Swallowing hard, she nodded, her fears easing at the reminder that she could stop if it became too much.

  Satisfied, Lucas continued to guide her forward with his hold on the back of her neck. When they reached the sofa in the center of the room, he pressed her forward so that her body folded, her hips resting on the high back of the sofa. Her toes barely touched the floor.


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