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Torn: The Complete Series

Page 5

by Julia Sykes

  “Don’t move,” he commanded, all traces of soft concern gone from his voice.

  Shay wasn’t about to; she was determined not to disobey any of his orders.

  Out of the corner of her eye, she could see him cross the room to his suitcase. She realized for the first time that it was far too large to hold only three days’ worth of clothes. What more did he have in there? Something larger than a plug and a pair of vibrating panties, that was for sure.

  What he pulled out sent a spike of fear through her gut: a long, black crop. He said nothing as he walked behind her once again, leaving her field of vision. She tensed, ready for the first blow, frightened but also perversely curious at what it would feel like.

  But nothing came.

  Then Lucas broke the tense silence. “I could make this enjoyable, Shay, but that’s not the point. If you had been good this evening, I would have been able to show you how a little pain can be pleasurable. But you haven’t earned that. Tell me what you did wrong.”

  “I…” She began tremulously. “I was disrespectful.” She didn’t dare repeat the word “bastard.” “And I lied to you. Sir,” she added quickly.

  “That’s better,” he rumbled in approval.

  He touched the crop to her thigh, running it upward from the back of her knee to the cleft of her ass. She shivered at the soft, teasing contact, the leather tip of the crop cool on her hot skin. He pressed it between her thighs where they met her pussy.

  “Open for me,” he ordered, and she spread her legs for him.

  The crop slid between her slick folds, coming to rest on her clit. Then he began tapping the tongue of it against her sensitive bud, eliciting a moan from her. This wasn’t so bad…

  Stars exploded behind her eyes as the crop came down sharply on her clit. Her cry was loud and high. She hardly had time to absorb the pain before another blow came down on her. She squeezed her eyes against the pain, trying to compartmentalize it, but it bore down on her mercilessly. When the crop snapped down on her a third time, tears sprang to her eyes, and she let out a sob.

  She was on the verge of using her safe word, but Lucas stopped the punishing pain immediately, sensing that she had had enough. The vibrations against her clit returned suddenly as the crop disappeared. After the pain, the pleasure seemed all the more intense, a reward for her enduring her discipline. Despite what she had just experienced, the idea of Lucas disciplining her only aroused her all the more.

  She wanted to come, but she staved off her orgasm, remembering Lucas’ command. She was vaguely aware of a rustling sound behind her as his trousers dropped to the floor.

  Without any warning, Lucas drove into her in one fluid movement. The feeling of his thick cock and the plug filling her made her moan in ecstasy. And the buzzing against her clit didn’t abate. Pleasure flooded her senses as it never had before; she was riding on waves of bliss.

  “You may come, sub,” Lucas gave her permission. She didn’t think she could have held out any longer anyway. Her pussy contracted around him, the tightening of it only increasing the delectable feeling of his cock hitting her g-spot. Her orgasm went on and on as he continued to drive into her. With every thrust, Lucas collided with the plug, pushing it further into her ass in time with his thorough fucking of her pussy. And the vibrator continued buzzing almost painfully against her sensitive bud. The little aftershocks that shuddered through her quickly turned from sparks to a roaring flame as she neared her peak again.

  Thankfully, Lucas was nearing completion. “Again,” he barked out as he began to come inside of her. The conflagration within her spread from her core out to her fingertips, engulfing her in heat, although her body was shivering. She was barely aware of her strangled cry mingling with Lucas’ as the world faded away around her. Soaring on waves of bliss, Shay let the warm black oblivion embrace her.

  Chapter 5

  Shay awoke the next morning with no recollection of how she had gotten into bed. For a moment, she had no idea where she was, but then every delectable moment of the night before came back to her. She smirked to herself as she thought of all the dark, forbidden things that Lucas had done to her. And how much she had enjoyed them

  She was sore all over, both from her rough fucking and from holding so much tension in her muscles. But it only served to remind her of the evening, so she relished every little ache. Excitement fluttered in her belly as she wondered what her second day of complete submission would bring.

  Lucas’ hard body was pressed against her back, and she turned so that she was facing him, propping herself up on one elbow. He didn’t stir when she moved; his breathing remained deep and even.

  She took advantage of the moment to admire his naked body. So far, she had only felt it though his clothing, his impressive cock being the only part of his anatomy she had actually seen. He was well-muscled, but not overly so. His chest was chiseled, with a light dusting of dark hair, and his arms were powerful. She remembered his strength as he had gripped her neck the night before and shivered pleasurably. His abs were defined, and she couldn’t help running her fingers over them, marveling at their perfect form.

  Lucas let out a pleased rumbling sound at the contact, and Shay looked up to see that his eyes were open, watching her examine him.

  “Good morning, sub,” he said with a small smile.

  She returned it shyly. “Good morning, Sir,” she replied without thinking, her manners ingrained in her after her punishments the night before.

  At her words, the sheet over his hips tented as his cock began to harden.

  “God, you’re beautiful in the morning, Shay,” he said softly, almost as though he didn’t realize he was speaking aloud.

  She barely had time to flush before he was on her, his hard body pressing her into the bed and his large hands encircling her wrists, pinning them down above her head. Heat pooled low in her belly, her desire rising up in her instantly.

  Lucas lowered his lips to her breast, gently kissing her skin, circling around her areola. Shay moaned and arched up into him, practically begging him to touch her hardened peaks.

  He ignored her silent pleas, moving to her other breast and repeating his teasing torment. She squirmed beneath him, her pussy growing wet. Finally, his mouth lowered onto her nipple, catching it hard between his teeth. Shay let out a sharp cry at the little ping of pain, but he quickly released the aching peak, laving the hurt away with his tongue. Pain was replaced by bliss, pleasure shooting through her at the sudden, sharp contrast between the two sensations.

  “Are you ready for me, sub?” He asked sweetly, no hint of his harshness of the night before evident in his tone.

  “Yes, Sir,” she panted. “Please…”

  He obliged her, slowly pressing into her wet pussy. Wanting to draw him in faster, she wrapped her legs around his hips and thrust up into him. He took in a sharp breath.

  There was pleasure in his eyes, but it was clouded with disapproval. “Who is in charge of this fuck, sub?” He asked.

  “You, Sir,” she replied, immediately contrite for trying to take control.

  She whined as he pulled out of her completely, denying her. For a moment, she was worried that he wasn’t going to fuck her at all, but then he spoke.

  “Put your legs above your head.”

  Once she had complied, he grasped her ankles, pulling them towards him until her calves rested against his broad shoulders. She stilled beneath him, determined not to arch up for his cock.

  But when it touched her next, it was not at the entrance to her pussy. He was pressing against her ass, his hardness demanding entrance. Shay tensed for a moment, but then relaxed, inviting him in. Her wetness on his cock helped him ease into her. He went slowly, allowing her to get used to the size of him. There was a slight burning pain that accompanied the large intrusion, but pleasure also rippled through her as her nerve endings jumped to life.

  Lucas groaned when he was fully seated in her. “You feel so fucking good,” he ground out, clearly res
training himself from driving into her relentlessly.

  He pulled out slowly, sending delicious sparks shooting through her entire body until even her fingers were tingling. He stopped just short of pulling out completely, teasing her entrance with small thrusts. She relaxed further, until all pain left her and there was only pleasure remaining.

  “More,” she begged. “More, please, Sir.”

  With a low growl, he drove into her roughly. No longer holding back, he began to fuck her in earnest. The ravaging of her most secret area was incredibly erotic; in that moment she truly felt as though he was staking his claim over her body, declaring his ownership of it. She felt… complete release, a lightness spreading through her soul as she allowed herself to submit utterly to his desires.

  “Thank you, Sir,” she said breathlessly, hardly aware of the words coming out of her mouth.

  He grinned down at her, both pleased and predatory. “Good girl,” he said with satisfaction, reaching down to brush his thumb over her clit. “You may come, sub.”

  Her cry of delight mingled with his howl of pleasure as they came together. Her eyes rolled back in her head as he released his seed inside of her, branding her with his heat.

  He finally withdrew from her, rolling onto the bed beside her and pulling her close. They both fell into a light slumber, completely sated.

  The rest of the day passed like a surreal dream. They only had one full day to explore London, but they managed to make the most of it. By lunchtime, Shay had seen Westminster Abbey and explored the Tower of London. Lucas insisted that she get a taste of English food again since she had hardly touched her dinner the night before. Shay thought about telling him that it was all his fault, but thought better of it. He might be acting more informal with her since they were outside the bedroom, but she wasn’t about to test his tolerance for rudeness again.

  As Shay tried Yorkshire pudding again – actually tasting it this time – Lucas fired questions at her, seeming genuinely interested in her life. He seemed almost keen to keep her talking, as though he didn’t want to give her a chance to ask him anything about himself. But she did manage to get in a few questions of her own, and she was able to find out more about how he had risen from a teenage computer whiz to one of the most affluent men in the world in just a few short years.

  To her astonishment, he seemed just as impressed with her as she was with him. In this setting, she felt as though they were meeting as equals, expressing mutual respect. But then the soreness in her sex as she shifted in her seat reminded her of just how unequal they could be if Lucas decided to bring her to heel. And she found that she was thrilled by the constant threat of it, wondering if at any moment the Dom would surface.

  After lunch, Lucas told her that they had just enough time to ride on the London Eye before returning to the hotel to get ready for the evening. The Eye was like a huge Ferris wheel, only the cars were enclosed capsules that would protect them from the elements. Lucas got them a private compartment, where they sipped champagne as they rose into the air, all of London spreading out before them.

  Lucas pointed out all of the important landmarks that rose up on either side of the Thames River: Big Ben, Tower Bridge, and Parliament. And all the while, he kept his arm around her waist, holding her to him tightly. At one point, she turned into him, tipping her head back and offering her lips for the kiss that she craved so badly.

  But Lucas simply brushed her hair back from her face, murmuring: “You are so beautiful, sub.”

  She dropped her gaze, disappointed. Did he not feel the connection between them as she did? Was she foolishly tricking herself into believing that he cared, allowing her newfound love of submission to color her emotions towards him?

  He looked at her with such tenderness at times. She was so confused by his shifting moods, by the divide between the everyday Lucas and Lucas the Dom. Maybe he just needed time; they had only known each other for a few days, after all.

  That thought got her through the day, keeping her from second-guessing what she was doing here. If she thought about it too much, glumness might ruin the high that she was riding. So she tucked the issue away at the back of her mind, forcing down her concerns.

  They grabbed a quick dinner of fish and chips as they strolled back to their hotel, Lucas apologizing for not having time to take her somewhere nice.

  “What’s the hurry? Where are we going?” She asked, curious as to why they seemed to be rushing.

  Lucas grinned. “You’ll see.”

  And he would say nothing more on the matter. When she pressed him, he shot her a warning look, and she closed her mouth instantly. It seemed the Dom was resurfacing as evening fell.

  When they got back to their room, Lucas ordered her to take a shower and get ready for a night out. Shay complied, carefully taming her unruly hair into a smooth, dark curtain and applying smoky eye makeup. All the while, she couldn’t help wondering where he was taking her, but she knew better than to ask again.

  When she deemed her makeup perfect, she emerged from the bathroom in her towel, crossing the room to pull a dress from her suitcase.

  “What are you doing?” Lucas’ hard voice stopped her short, and she glanced at him nervously.

  “Getting dressed?” It came out as a question.

  He shook his head at her. “I’ve selected your outfit for tonight.” He gestured to the bed, where a red trench coat had been laid out for her.

  She walked to the bed, a sinking feeling in her stomach as a worrying thought arose in her mind.

  No. Surely not.

  Her fears were realized when she lifted the coat off the bed, finding no other garments hidden beneath it.

  “Ummm…” She said. “Where’s the rest?” She held her breath, hoping…

  Lucas eyed her levelly. “That’s it, sub. Oh, and these.” He held out a pair of strappy black heels.

  Shay hesitated. Lucas reached out with his free hand. It fisted in the towel, and he speared her in his hard gaze for the space of three heartbeats. With a savage grin, he ripped the towel from her, leaving her naked before him.

  She gasped and her nipples pebbled from the shock of cool air and sudden arousal.

  “Get dressed,” he prompted, his tone demanding immediate compliance.

  Meeting his sparking eyes, Shay saw that she had no choice. Any protests would fall on deaf ears, and unless she wanted to use a safe word, she wasn’t getting out of this.

  She couldn’t deny that her curiosity was piqued. What would it be like to go out in nothing but the coat, only she and Lucas knowing that she wore nothing underneath? She decided that the idea was thrilling.

  Steeling herself, she met Lucas’ eyes, accepting the challenge. She shrugged into the jacket as though she held no reservations about his kinky demand. She buttoned it slowly, gradually concealing her naked body. When she finally cinched the belt around her waist, it accentuated her curves in a way she knew was appealing.

  Then she took the shoes from him. She bent to fasten them, and the coat hiked up so that her ass was almost exposed. Rather than hiding it, she bent down further, trying to goad Lucas into touching her.

  He just looked down at her disapprovingly, not taking the bait. But she could see lines of strain around his eyes and mouth, betraying his lust at the sight. Despite his stern stare, she lingered there, testing his patience.

  “If you don’t stand up right this instant, you’ll walk out of this hotel wearing nothing but those shoes.”

  That snapped Shay to attention, and she straightened instantly, bowing her head submissively in an attempt to placate him, to avoid punishment. She might have ultimately enjoyed her rough fucking last night, but she wasn’t at all sure that she wanted him to pull out the crop again.

  When she was upright, he grasped her elbow, his fingers gripping her a bit more tightly than was strictly necessary.

  “Let’s go, sub,” he said without any further explanation.

  Chapter 6

  Shay wanted
to ask where they were going again, but she didn’t dare speak up lest he take it as a sign of disrespect.

  Had he been serious about making her walk out of the room naked? She wouldn’t put it past him. So she bit her tongue and allowed him to guide her out of the hotel and down to the car that was waiting for them.

  They rode through London in silence, Shay not daring to speak out of turn. She knew that he was toying with her, trying to increase her nervousness with his reticence. And damn it if it wasn’t working. His hand rested casually on her bare knee, but other than that, he made no move to touch her.

  Shay crossed her arms over her chest, choosing petulance over betraying her nervousness. She thought that she saw one corner of Lucas’ mouth quirk up when she huffed out a sigh, but it was gone as quickly as it had come.

  After twenty long minutes had passed, her pussy was thoroughly wet, and her nipples were hard. The rough cloth of the coat teased over them when she moved. She pursed her lips, determined to conceal her arousal at Lucas’ high-handed treatment, but it was no use. He smirked at her as he helped out of the car.

  They were standing in what seemed to be an alley between a row of old warehouses. The area was dimly lit and the air smelled of wet asphalt, damp from an earlier drizzle.

  Where the hell are we? Shay wondered. This definitely didn’t look like a safe place. For a moment, she wondered if Lucas planned to murder her in this secluded location, but then she saw people standing at the back door of one of the buildings. She sighed in relief as Lucas led her towards the small gathering.

  But Shay’s relief soon turned to surprise.

  The people by the door were dressed in fetish gear. One woman was wearing a latex catsuit that left nothing to the imagination, and there was a man beside her wearing a pair of tight leather pants and a black chest harness. He had a collar around his neck, and the woman was holding the end of the leash that was attached to it.


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