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Sharing Freedom

Page 6

by Harley McRide

  “”Fuck.” Easy groaned and ran a hand down his face. “We didn't want this, man. I figured when we went at her, she would turn tail and run. But no, not that little hot ass, she fell right in with us."

  "You think she could be playing us? Maybe she will be like that with the others too." Poke wasn't sure if he was ready to put a claim in. 'Cause once they put it out there, there was no going back.

  "She is ours and no one elses. But we will hold off, see if that is what she wants. Because, brother, just the taste of her set my blood pumping to my dick. I can't imagine what sinking into her pussy would feel like, other than being dangerous for either of us. We may never want to leave that spot.”

  "Well fuck, so we don't threaten the others about touching her?" Poke asked.

  "Yeah, they're never going to let us live it down. She just won't know we are giving her time to settle in and get used to how it works around here," Easy shook his head, they were fucked but he would not go down without a fight. Giving her time, when they had always went for what they wanted. Oh, how the mighty having fallen.

  “Good, so we tell them she is a probate but for us only?” Poke said.

  “Yep, those bastards can fuck off if they think they are going to touch her first,” Easy said firmly. They may not want to keep her, but they would be the first to slide between her thighs. The door open and Trick walked in with a smirk.

  “You boys ready for a real woman?” Trick teased and started to undress.

  “Fuck no, had one already.” Poke laughed. “Get Creed and Shady and have them meet us in here. We are out of Jamieson, make sure you stock this better next time.”

  Trick frowned and looked at the two men then growled and walked out the door, slamming it hard.

  Chapter Five

  “Pill, if you grab my ass one more time I am gonna have a problem,” Free said to the old biker who was staring at her ass and grinning.

  “Ahh, Free, come on,” Pill moaned. He was one of the oldest members of the club. His streaked black and silver hair made him just as sexy as the others, she thought. She knew he was retired military, because Pill liked to talk. He had introduced himself and all of the other members in the place over the last few weeks. He said she reminded him of the first woman he fell in love with.

  “Hey, Pill,” Kink yelled from across the room. “You tell her how you got your name?”

  “Fuck no,” Pill said, his face turning a little red.

  Free turned and looked at the man with a grin and said loudly so the others could hear her. “I know, he kept knocking up his old lady when she was on the pill. That’s why his hand is the closest he is gonna get to me. Besides, Grace would gut me if she caught him doing anything besides touching.”

  “You fuckers,” Pill bellowed when the guys all began hooting and hollering. “Come on, Free, Grace don’t care.”

  Freedom walked away shaking her head, she knew Pill would never do that to Grace, but he did like to touch. Over the last two weeks, it had become easier to work at Bitches. Freedom thought about quitting and going home after that first day here, but she didn’t have a choice. So in order to stay safe, she had adapted. She had joined the club as a probate, the guys all knew and so far had kept their distance. Sometimes when she walked by one, getting a little close, they smiled at her and then looked around as if someone was watching them. Not like she wanted to fuck every one of them but she was starting to get a complex, since she expected once it was announced that she was open, the demands on her would grow. Freedom had been curious about it, but she didn’t want to ask. She didn't want to draw unnecessary attention to her.

  As she approached the bar, Rock, who was on duty today, he grinned and pointed to the table where the older guys were sitting.

  “They coppin' a feel again?” Rock laughed.

  “Course they are, wouldn’t be a day unless Pill copped a feel.” Free laughed.

  “Feeling more at home around here I see, I guess being a Bitch is working out for you,” Rock said easily as he filled her order. She was waitressing early and then set to dance later. Another thing she had gotten used to, dancing for the guys. Shady and Treat had given her lessons over the last few weeks, and since she had sucked so badly the first day they trained her, they still had only allowed her to waitress until now. Tonight was the first time she was allowed back on stage.

  The only thing that had finally convinced them to let her back on the stage was the fact she had been making good money on lap dances. The local men had taken a liking to her, especially the frat boys. They had even asked when she was gonna strip, which was why she was getting a second chance.

  Freedom had also gotten a better idea of the way things were around here. Though she still didn’t know everything, Shady and the girls had explained things in more detail after they heard she was a probate. After the third time seeing people having sex in one of the back rooms, she finally stopped cringing when she saw the naked bodies.

  The Bitches were the women of the club. None of them were old ladies to any of the men, they didn’t seem to want to be either; however, they did fuck anyone they wanted and never apologized for liking it. Freedom didn’t get it, but she didn’t have to. Basically, they were female biker bitches that didn’t go to church, but still had influence. Old ladies weren’t allowed at the strip club, but she had seen them around town and been introduced. Free had been trying to fit in, but she hadn’t really had to try. When Creed told Shady that she was a probate, the woman had been ecstatic.

  “She is my Bitch in Training, so leave her alone, pretty soon she will be able to put you on your ass.” Shady laughed from behind her. Freedom turned and looked at the woman who had become her best friend in a short time, she was the leader of the Bitches, and everyone respected her, so did Freedom—even after seeing her having sex with Magnum and Creed. It had been unnerving, and she had avoided Shady for a few days because she couldn’t look her friend in the eye. But after Shady had finally told her to fucking get off her moral high horse or get the fuck out, Freedom had realized she was being a judgmental bitch.

  The only thing she had been right about was the club whores, they were exactly what they said they were, and Freedom didn’t get along with them, especially Candy. She was higher than a kite most of the time—and not on pot—she discovered when Freedom walked into the changing room one night and saw her shooting up between her toes. All the whores were using much harder stuff than just pot. Shady and the Bitches had their suspicions but couldn’t prove it. For now, it was best not to get involved in that shit.

  After becoming a probate Bitch, they wanted her to move to the compound but the empty apartments were being renovated, so Shady and the girls helped her find a small apartment closer to the club, and so far she had been able to hide, but they knew that people were looking for her. Her father had not only owed the men she had seen money, apparently he owed a few others money as well, according to Creed who explained things to her. When she had called the restaurant again to check on things, it was only to find her father was in the hospital after being beaten one night after closing, Freedom had almost gone back.

  That was until she talked to her father once again. He had been just as demanding if not more desperate, and Freedom had lost all respect for the man when he told her she needed to come back because she was going to have to help him get out of the mess. He said it would only take a few months to work off one of his debts. Freedom had cried that night. She had also found out exactly how much her father owed. She was determined to pay it back and get her life back, but on her terms, not theirs.

  The Warriors were a family, they were loyal and trustworthy, Freedom decided early on. She respected that, and even though she was curious about a few things, she also didn’t like what was going on tonight because she had heard the whispers. Candy and the club whores had been talking about something big. Shady told her that Creed and the guys were on top of it.

  “Not happening, Shade.” Freedom laughed and put the dri
nks on her tray and turned.

  She delivered the drinks and then went to the back room to get ready for her set. She had seen the tips the girls made while dancing. If she could even pull in half of it, she would be able to start her account to pay off her father’s debt.

  She heard the door open behind her but didn’t turn until her friend said, “They will be here.”

  “Who?” Freedom said with a laugh.

  “Poke and Easy, they got back from the run last night,” Shady drawled.

  It had been an ongoing battle with the two women. Shady knew what happened the night in the room when she was with the two men. Nothing big had happened since, even though she had been waiting. Shady told her the guys were just giving her time to settle in. They were so damn sexy, and their bodies were masterpieces. Every time she had seen them, she had become more attracted to them. They either ignored her or treated her like a kid though, almost patting her on the head when they greeted her.

  At one point Freedom had gotten so pissed she slapped Easy’s hand away, the man had laughed and then grabbed her and kissed her until she couldn’t breathe. Then he had turned and ignored her again. It was frustrating, especially when she saw them nod to the other Bitches to follow them into the back room.

  “So,” Freedom shrugged.

  Shady laughed and shook her head. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that.”

  Freedom put on her outfit they had helped her put together. It was a black leather short skirt and a red leather vest. She knew it looked good on her and she also knew the thong and pasties she wore under them would be popular. Damn, when had she actually thought that pasties were acceptable?

  She heard the crowd getting louder and Freedom felt like she had butterflies in her stomach. The first time she had taken to the stage, she had almost vomited before going on. This time, she felt like she was going to pass out.

  “Deep breath, hon,” Shady said and leaned back against the wall and watched her put her make-up on. “Hell, you are about ready to have a panic attack, honey.”

  “I will belong,” Freedom said with determination.

  “Come on, sista, let’s go,” Shady drawled and winked at Freedom when she rolled her eyes.

  Nike and Rain walked into the room laughing. “You are up,” Nike said. Freedom nodded and took a deep breath and followed Shady.

  The room was filled with cigarette smoke and loud music. Block everything out, she thought and walked to the steps that would lead her up to the stage.


  “Damn, my ass is dragging,” Poke said and got off his bike after they pulled into Sexy Bitches.

  “The place is fucking full. Let’s hope Trick or Treat is working. Creed said he was letting in the Diablos tonight too, we gonna see who they are looking at, little bangers have been pushing back,” Easy said. Creed had ordered the streets cleared from the wannabe bangers, like cockroaches though, they kept coming out after dark. Now they were getting bolder and staying out during the day. So they set a trap to see who would bite. They wanted them to show up on their property, so they could deal with it quick and simple.

  They had been on the road for three days, and now they were ready to party. They were late getting to Sexy Bitches, a lot of the club members were already back at the club, but Easy and Poke were ready for a night out. They looked at the cars and bikes parked in the lot and knew that a lot of the guys in the strip club were locals or tourists. That meant the rooms would be free to use. Poke clapped his hands, rubbed them together, and howled loudly.

  “Fuck yeah!” Poke yelled and they entered the club.

  Tonight’s crowd was mixed, Easy thought as he walked in and looked around. There were frat boys from the college on one table, businessmen on another, toward the back was what looked like the Diablos and then there were the Warriors. Even with half of the club at the house, they still filled two tables. Of course, the Prospects were there, which pretty much explained it.

  Prospects were guys who wanted to join the club but they needed to prove themselves. All of them had been through it, it was like a yearlong hazing. If they passed, they received their cuts.

  Both men paused, neither talking but both of them looking for the woman they had been thinking about. On the road, after a drunken night where they fucked a slut who had red hair, they admitted they both had been thinking about Freedom when they were ramming into the woman. Then they agreed never to speak about it again because both felt like they had been disloyal to her. Which was fucked up, because they wanted to believe she was a cock warmer and nothing more.

  “Beer!” Poke called to Rock who nodded and motioned with his head to go to the table.

  “Hey, douches,” Poke said to the Prospects that were sitting at the table. “Move.”

  The three guys who had been sitting jumped up and moved quickly. If they hadn’t, Poke and Easy would have beaten their asses.

  They grunted in greeting to the others who were already sitting, and then Rain was next to them, putting their beers on the table in front of them. She leaned down and whispered in between them.

  “Hey, babes, you revved up after the ride? I have a break in a few hours,” and then ran her tongue around her lips and grinned.

  “Yeah, you can suck me off,” Poke said and reached up, pulling her down to kiss. Easy grinned and watched as his friend made a promise for both of them later after they dealt with the roaches.

  The music was just starting and Easy and Poke leaned back and waited. They hoped Trick and Treat were dancing. But when Shady stepped up to their table they grinned, even better.

  They watched as she crawled up on the table to begin her routine. Damn she was fucking hot, maybe they would have a foursome later, Easy thought and finished his first glass of beer and raised his hand. It was all he had to do before another one was set in front of him. Drinking would help him fool himself, one day at time is how he was taking it. That is how he lived now, thinking tomorrow they would finally work Freedom out of their system, but it just kept getting harder to stay away from her.

  They had settled down and just relaxed for a few minutes when Creed walked over to the table and sat down and nodded to them.

  “You get it done?” he said.

  “Yeah,” Easy said. “They said next time it was going to be a double order. Which of the muther fuckers from the Diablos showed?”

  They had delivered the new guns to Cali and because of some shit happening there, they were going to have to make another run soon. Now they were ready to deal with the little pricks who were fucking with their property.

  “Maggots are fucking stupid, just put out the word we wanted a meet and greet and the fuckers showed up. Magnum said they were just bottom feeders, but one of them will carry the message back. We need to make our presence known in Cali?” Creed said and looked at him steadily.

  “Don’t know,” Easy replied and frowned. “Mailbox said he would call you. You talk to them yet?”

  Creed shook his head and then looked around and shrugged. “We will talk about it later. Waiting to see which black hole is gonna spread for them. Figure when we find out, if we make these maggots disappear, we will get our point across. Good thing you are back, need to make sure the roaches don’t fucking spread.”

  Easy looked at the small table of bangers and nodded. Stupid bastards had only brought ten into a bar full of bikers, disrespectful little shits didn’t even make it seem like they were afraid of them. That was the problem with the newbies, they didn’t know when the fuck to be afraid. Dumb fucks can make an impression if they are six feet under.

  “Graveyard has plenty of openings,” Easy snorted. They would be doing a fucking service to mankind.

  “Hey, Creed,” Poke laughed. “You hire another new sausage warmer?”

  Easy looked to the other stage and laughed. Sure enough there was a new hot little number on the stage, shit she was fucking hot, he thought as he watched her body move.

  She had her back to them and a black leath
er hat that hid her hair. Easy looked closer, he wanted to see her front cause her ass was fucking amazing and if she had tits just as good, he was going to fuck her tonight. Her hips swayed as she held onto the bar and gyrated against it. Her hips moving in a smooth motion that made his cock hard thinking of her rocking on his pole. Damn, Easy thought, looking at his friend whose mouth was open as well. Shit, she would be perfect for them. Oh yeah, finally a number that might keep him and Poke from making a mistake with Freedom.

  She spun quickly but he was looking at her tits and not her face. Damn, she was the whole package, Easy thought, then stared at her ass again as she put her back to them and once again resumed the dance. With a small jump, she climbed the pole. Her arms moving her and she moved up and down on the pole, moving her higher and higher until she was almost to the top. Then she kicked out a leg and held it out, showing them the small thin piece of material between her legs, making him want to tear it off and see if her cunt was wet.

  “Nah, that’s Free,” Creed snorted.

  “The fuck you say,” Poke whispered and leaned back and Easy sucked in a breath.

  “Yeah, the girls trained her and begged me to let her try again.” Creed laughed.

  “Fuck,” Easy grumbled and shifted.

  “Fuck, did she just do the splits upside down on the pole?” Poke whispered and Easy only nodded and watched.

  “We could be royally screwed, my friend.” Easy frowned and looked at his friend.

  "Like we weren't before," Poke whispered back, never taking his eyes off Freedom.

  Chapter Six

  Freedom just let herself go to the music, she had been nervous, but just like the girls told her. Don’t think, just dance. She did and she moved seductively as she thought about what she was going to make for dinner. It was a trick they taught her—remain detached. They offered her a joint and she had turned it down, now she was wondering if that was completely wise.


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