Book Read Free

Sharing Freedom

Page 7

by Harley McRide

  “Hey, cunt,” one of the men yelled at her. Freedom ignored him and kept dancing. She had already done three cycles around the stage.

  “Hey, cunt, you hear me…get your ass over here,” the same man called and waved money at her. She had never seen them before and she just ignored him.

  “You hear me, cunt, get over here,” the man yelled and Freedom waited for Rock to show up. He said he would be watching out for her.

  Then she felt someone’s hand on her leg and she looked down. The guy obviously was from the same group as the other one since he wore the same jacket. He was Hispanic she could tell because of his accent, as well as his dark skin. And he had a tattoo next to his eye that looked like a mole from where she was standing, and was short and stocky, nothing compared to the Warriors though. The only problem she could see was he had a knife, she opened her mouth to scream.

  “Whore, get your ass down here, we own you. Took us too long to find your skanky ass, you are going to be only spreading those legs for Ds. Old man said you ran away,” the man yelled and she paused. Shit, they were from the gang her father owed money.

  Then they were there. The Warriors were around her. Poke grabbed the man who had a hold of her leg and turned him around. She saw him throw the guy against the wall. Easy just reached up and plucked her off the table and carried her into the back while Creed and the others took care of the situation.


  Easy didn’t know what the fuck was going on, but when he had seen the asshole grab Freedom’s leg and the flash of the knife he almost lost it. Poke had seen the same thing and both men had moved before any of the other Warriors had even noticed. No one came into their club with fucking weapons. The bouncers should have fucking checked them.

  They threw men to the side as they fought to get to Freedom, fucking drunk bastards were in their way. Creed had been the next to notice and both men heard their leader yell for the Warriors to help. It only took them a second to get to her, but it was too long in Easy’s opinion. The terrified look on Freedom’s face let him know that.

  He heard the words the man had yelled, about owning her. What the hell had they been thinking inviting the Diablos to Bitches? They hadn't thought about her father owing the Diablos or them recognizing her. Nope they only thought of taking care of their own shit. Damn if anyone owned her ass, it belonged to the Warriors now. Since the Diablos now know she is here, they are going to have to keep a closer watch. He would speak to Creed about moving her into the clubhouse and out of Bob's apartment.

  “We knew they were coming, sorry, none of us knew they actually were aware you were here?” Easy said with a hard tone.

  She looked up at him with horror-filled eyes and shook her head, “Shit.”

  “Yeah, well we will take care of it, babe. Club whores who start shit generally are more trouble than they are worth around here. Here, put this on,” Easy growled and threw her a t-shirt that was laying on the bar.

  “Me? Club whore? How fucking tacky! I am a probate, you said so,” Freedom yelled. “And I started shit?” she continued and poked him in the chest. “Fuck you, Easy, I was just dancing. I didn’t notice them.”

  “You didn’t let me finish,” Easy said.

  “Yeah well fuck you, Easy, I don't want to hear you explain anything. I know how you and Poke feel about me. Fuck with someone else and keep ignoring me as you have been. I am learning to like that way,” Freedom said and folded her arms across her chest and sat down. She was getting tired of how they treated her. Enough was enough, time to move on and kick them out of her dreams.

  Before Easy could say anything else, Shady and the other girls came into the room and looked at them. Easy shrugged, went and stood by the door while the girls came over.

  “Hey, Free,” Shady said.

  “Damn it,” Freedom said warily.

  “Yeah,” Shady frowned and looked at her intently.

  “What are you doing in here?” Freedom asked.

  “Creed sent us back, told us to stay out of it until they sorted shit out.” Shady shrugged.

  Freedom looked at the girls in the room. Candy and the other club whores were relaxing on the furniture like they lived there while the Bitches looked like they wanted to go and kick some ass. Rain and Trick were arguing with Easy about that from what she could tell.

  The music in the bar played loudly, but they could still hear the fighting going on. Freedom bit her lip and wondered what she was going to do if they kicked her out.


  “That snatch is mine,” the apparent leader of the Diablos group yelled at Creed who was standing with his arms folded not seeming to feel threatened. They had gotten things under control pretty quickly, dragging the bangers up to the second level of the club so they had no witnesses. Poke had one man shoved up against a wall and was beating him senseless for calling him a pussy on the way up.

  “That bitch is one of my dancers, and a Bitch in my MC,” Creed growled. “Your fucking leader needs to get a clue.”

  “Fuck that, her dumbass old man fucking owed us first. This hood belongs to us now. Rap will take care of this shit, you old men don’t know a thing about shit,” the man yelled.

  “You come into my club, start a bunch of shit over a bitch in heat, and now are yelling at me about who was first, calling me fucking old man. Boy, my mother could fucking take your sorry ass. Fuck head, we are not in grade school. Besides, you owe me money anyway,” Creed said threateningly.

  “I don’t owe you jack shit. Ds are taking over this place,” the man yelled.

  “Not happening, shit for brains, let me tell you how this is gonna go, you are gonna run back to whoever it is that calls the shots and tell them the Warriors don’t put up with no shit, then you are gonna go to these other boys houses and tell their mamas they ain’t coming home. That is the price you are gonna pay for dealing in my town, every time I see one of you little roaches, they get sprayed,” Creed growled.

  “You are gonna die for this,” the man sneered.

  “Really? I'll get my arrangements made then, but until then, crawl back under your fucking rock and get out of my town,” Creed laughed. When he saw the man finally understand exactly what he was talking about, he leaned closer. “Don’t fuck with me, pissant.”

  “My man ain’t gonna take your shit,” the man yelled and his little friends tried to back him up by closing in behind him. They were stupider than Creed thought, he just said he was gonna kill them and they still stood in front of him, asshats.

  “Well go tell your man he don’t have a fucking choice. You fuck on Warrior land we fuck you bad,” Creed said. “Go run home to your mama, boy, feel lucky you aren’t one of them,” Creed said and pointed to the other bangers who were just now understanding their problem.

  The young gangbanger looked for a second and then stepped up to Creed. “Fuck you, this isn’t over. Take one out, ten replace him.”

  “Oh it’s over, fuckwad, go cry on your mama’s tit,” Creed said and stepped up to the young man and towered over him looking fierce. “Texas, show him the fuck out, after he gets to watch what happens to his little bitches here, then make sure he tells them what we want him to,” Creed barked to the Prospect that was standing closest to him. With a short nod, he grabbed the man and pulled him to the door. The other Prospects knew they were to help clean up the mess of bodies.

  “Now,” Creed said and stepped around the line of seven young gangbangers who were just waiting to fight their way out of the room. “You little bitches are gonna tell me exactly what I want to know.”

  They made noises of laughter and shifted like they were getting ready to fight when Creed nodded and the door opened and Pill, Poke, Magnum, Rock, Fork, Shark, and Blade stepped in the room. The little shits shook their heads and laughed pointing to the large men.

  “You old fuckers have no idea what you are dealing with. You think we are scared of a beat down? Fuck you, we know how to take a fucking punch. Beat us all you like, but it
won’t change the shit storm that is coming your way,” the Latino boy said.

  Creed and the men didn’t say a word, they stood there staring. One of the Prospects walked in carrying a plastic sheet, and when the idiots finally understood they might not be walking out of the room, they turned to see Creed and all the men with their guns drawn.

  “On your knees, ladies, and let’s see if you can help us come to a decision about how you are leaving here,” Creed said grimly.

  More Prospects came into the room and with a little convincing, the bangers were on their knees on the plastic.

  Creed laughed and went to the first man on the floor and pointed his gun at his head. “Tell me your leaders name, where he is, and why he wants Freedom so badly.”

  “Yo, asshole, we not tellin' you a fucking thing,” the idiot said.

  “Just as well,” Creed shrugged and nodded. The idiots were never gonna walk out of the room anyway, and behind the small window in the room, their friend was getting a lesson from Kink and Raven while being forced to watch his buddies being slain so he could take the message back to their leader—don’t fuck with the Warriors.

  The men stepped up with their weapons and pointed them at the idiots kneeled before them. The man Creed had pissed himself when he heard Creed cock his revolver.

  “I will give you one more chance, boy,” Creed said stonily.

  “Fuck you.” The man laughed.

  “Wait,” one of the men said. Creed raised an eyebrow to him but never let his gun fall.

  “Her old man told the boss the chick was payment for money he owed, he also said that if she dies there is a life insurance policy out that will pay him big money. The boss is the beneficiary now,” the man cried.

  “Thanks,” Creed said and nodded.

  The sounds in the room changed to metal clicking as triggers were pulled and the distinct sound of bullets as they hit there fleshy marks. In unison seven bodies hit the plastic covered floor with a bullet hole through each head.

  “Put them to rest in the graveyard, send them a fucking message,” Creed growled and turned around.

  Pill, Rock, and Magnum nodded and picked up the phone; they were going to need more hands to carry the bodies. While the others followed Creed out of the room, they needed to make sure the little shit who was going back alive would remember the message.

  “Get her in my office now,” Creed barked to Magnum who nodded and walked to the back of the club.

  Chapter Seven

  “Free, Creed wants you in his office,” Magnum said as he walked into the room.

  Waiting had been hell for Freedom as she tried to play out in her mind the different things that could be happening out in the main room. The others had ignored her pacing and got themselves drinks.

  Freedom stopped when Magnum came in and looked at the manager sharply. She hadn’t had any problems with the man; in fact, he was probably one of the few she actually talked to on a regular basis. He always asked how she was doing and if she needed anything, not like the others who ignored her.

  Easy stepped aside and nodded. Freedom watched him grin and walk over to Trick who was laying on one of the couches alone. So much for caring, she thought and walked slowly to the door with her head up. Fuck this, she thought. She did what she had to do, and she would do it again.

  Magnum followed her out and as they walked to the office on the second floor, her bravado began to wane. Shit, this sucked.

  “Go in,” Magnum said and pointed to the door and waited. Like she was going to the firing squad, Freedom hunched her shoulders and walked into the room.

  She heard the click of the door behind her and looked up. Creed was in his chair with his feet up on the desk looking relaxed; it was a trick, she knew, because if you looked at his eyes he was pissed off.

  “Free, wanna tell me why I just had a bunch of gutter punks try to tear up my club?” Creed asked softly.

  “My father gave me to them,” Freedom said slowly, no more lying, she would face it all head on from now on.

  “Wrong answer, babe, not that simple,” Creed said and leaned back in his chair and glared at her. She stiffened, it was the first time the man had really spoken to her other than to grunt and hire her. She could tell he was pissed and she wasn’t sure what was going on.

  Freedom blew out a breath and looked at the biker. “My father owed them money and apparently offered me up as collateral when he couldn’t pay,” she said slowly.

  Creed was silent for a second and then laughed loudly. “Are you fucking kidding me? These guys don’t just want you as collateral, babe. They own your ass, and your father also put a fucking price on your head with an insurance policy. How much is it?”

  Shit, what had her father done now? He stopped laughing when tears gathered in her eyes. “Wait, you were serious? You don’t know your father took a policy out on you? He gave you to them to be their fuck puppet and then kill you for him so he could get the money, now unless your cunt is made out of gold, the policy has to be for a lot more than fifty large.”

  Freedom gasped at the crude question. “I don’t…” she started.

  Creed sat back with a sigh and ran his hands over his face. “Shit, you really are stupid.”

  “No….” Freedom started again.

  “Babe, you are in serious shit, more than we thought. You have no clue what the fuck you are up against. You shoulda run and buried yourself. You are what, thirty minutes from your home? Not far enough,” Creed said. “The only thing you are lucky in is they walked over my grave and disturbed me too. So, here is how we are gonna deal with this shit. You need to make up your mind if you want us to finish this. ‘Cause if you do, then you are gonna be all in with this and I can’t guarantee anything but your safety, I need to hear you know what I am saying. You will be part of the Warriors Bitches full time and you will live at the club with us. We protect what is ours; you will go in knowing the score. You are a Bitch in the club, no more probate shit, you don’t talk to anyone about club shit, no calling your daddy and telling him to come and save you. Once you are in, no getting out. No one will force you to do anything you don’t want to do, but trust me when I say if you are in, you are gonna get fucked—a lot. That is what we do, and the Bitches like it. You will too. Unless someone claims you as their old lady, you are fair game. Unless you are on the rag, one of the guys will wander into your room. Anything goes at the club, as long as it is consensual. Shady can give you specifics but you need to make up your mind right now. You in or out. If you are in, grab your shit, I will have Easy take you back to the club, if you are out, grab your shit and get the fuck off Warriors' land, I don’t need the hassle.”

  Freedom opened and closed her mouth to answer Creed, but the man had already stood and left the room. What the hell had just happened?


  “She gonna go for it?” Magnum asked Creed as they walked back to the meeting room. It was empty, but they smelled the gunpowder in the room, and knew they had already dealt with the bangers.

  “I don’t know, and don’t care. We just started a fucking war, damn it, call the club, let them know to increase security. They will retaliate,” Creed growled and went to the bar in the corner and pulled out a bottle of JD Black Label. He opened the lid and drank it right out of the bottle. Once he had two shots, he turned to Magnum.

  “Call the Shop, see how many guns we have. May need to make a run to buy some more. Taking those to Cali put us short, and we need the fire power,” Creed said. “And find out the total amount on her head, we need to know what we are up against.”

  “Anything else?” Magnum drawled.

  "Have Fork call for church in an hour. We got a lot of shit to discuss."

  "Alright, that it?” Magnum asked on his way to the door.

  “One more thing. Get Treat up here, I need to fucking release some energy. Have her naked and spread in my office in three,” Creed said.

  “No prob,” Magnum said as Creed tipped the bottle again


  “Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck,” Freedom swore as she walked down to the changing room.

  “Hey, babe,” Poke said from the men’s bathroom doorway where he was washing his hands. Freedom grimaced when she saw the red water running down the drain. He must have hurt himself.

  “Hey,” Freedom said miserably.

  “What are you doing?” Poke asked slowly.

  “Going to pack my stuff,” Freedom answered and continued down the hallway ignoring the hoots and hollers coming from the main floor. Business as usual, she thought, my life is falling apart around me, no one cares as long as they got a pussy shot.

  “Leaving?” Poke said casually and watched her closely. He knew Creed had to have given her a few choices; it wasn’t like their leader was a complete ass.

  “I don’t know,” Freedom said.

  “What’s the problem?” Poke said curiously.

  “Let’s see, leave here with a target on my back or stay here and be on my back.” Freedom laughed.

  “What?” Poke frowned. It didn’t sound right. He wondered if Easy knew of the new ultimatum.

  “Creed said I could either leave here, or stay, upping my status from probate to become a fulltime Bitch, ready to sleep with people,” Freedom growled.

  “Hey, I don’t know what the fuck he said, but none of us would ever force you to do something you didn’t want to do. But being in a club is different from real life, babe, we are different. I won’t apologize for liking sex, a lot, but I don’t have to force anyone. Like it or not, you are in a mess. If you really want to go, I will buy you a fucking bus ticket to anywhere. But don’t get all weepy and crying about your lack of choices. I know you have a degree. I know you could have thought of something else. You could have left the first night, and never looked back but you didn’t. What does that say about you? Damn, woman, pull out the fucking stick up your ass and get on with it. We aren’t holding you prisoner,” Poke said.


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