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Sharing Freedom

Page 8

by Harley McRide

  Freedom looked at him with wide eyes. He was right, but there was something here that made her stay, she hadn’t thought about it fully before right this second. When she was running, it had been easy to blame it on her father. But after she had come here, something pulled at her, keeping her here. She felt safe here, and she genuinely liked Shady and the Bitches. They made her feel like she belonged.

  Damn it, it took a month for her to see what she had been missing. Her mom had died, but even before that, they hadn’t been a family. Her father was more worried about appearances, he had been weak, none of these guys would ever be that weak. They didn’t care what people thought, they were who they were. Fuck the rest of the world.

  “I am staying,” Freedom said and turned around, missing Poke’s grin.

  Chapter Eight

  When Easy had taken her out of the club and pointed her to the huge machine he drove, she had almost changed her mind. She had never ridden on a motorcycle before and had no idea what to do. The large man who she had barely heard utter more than three words together before just stared at her like she was an idiot when she had asked if they had a car.

  “No,” Easy had said and pulled out a helmet and gave it to her. He used a strap it to secure her bag on the back of his bike and then got on. After getting situated, he turned and looked at her and said, “Get on.”

  Freedom couldn’t tell by his blank expression if he really wanted her to, or if he wanted her to run. He didn’t look thrilled about taking her anywhere.

  She shrugged and lifted a leg over the seat and snuggled in behind him. When he grabbed her hands and pulled them around his waist after she had placed them on her legs, she had shook. The feel of him under her hands made her feel things she shouldn’t. Then the vibrations of the motorcycle, damn, she had never felt anything like this, it was drugging, the thrumb of the engine as it vibrated her clit. Freedom moved a little, she wanted to ride longer maybe she would have gotten some relief. Plus the short time she rode, she felt the freedom and wanted more, life with the Warriors was gonna be addictive.

  When they pulled up to the gate and Easy pushed in a code to get in, she should have wondered. But when they came upon the huge brightly lit fucking mansion it wasn’t what she expected. Freedom had to admit to herself, her preconceived notions were wrong. When Easy picked up her up at the club, she had expected to have a tiny little room in a run down building with rats in it like the small hovel she had rented. Her imagination was a little too out there, she thought.

  Easy pointed out to her the building, which lay behind the main house. A few houses that held families and a smaller apartment building that looked a lot like the main house only smaller. Something called the Shop, and then of course he pointed to the mine, which was further away. Freedom frowned and wondered who owned the mine.

  They entered the huge home and she stood there with her mouth open. Nope, not a traditional snooty mansion, she thought. Whereas in the movies the entryway held a nice marble floor and maybe a sweeping staircase with a chandelier hanging down, this entrance was a room the size of the entire length and width of the house. On either side of the huge room were staircases. No chandelier, instead there was track lighting, which held different colored light bulbs that lit the room, and almost sectioned it off with places that were not lit up at all. The windows were covered with heavy drapes intended to keep the sun out, and apparently, they liked the place dark because after a closer look, she saw the curtains were nailed to the floor and wall. A fucking small plane could fit in the room just fine, she thought.

  She could see the kitchen and dining area with a huge table through an archway. The kitchen held stainless steel appliances, which she had only seen in her father’s restaurant. On the same side of the room was a pool table in the front corner, it had a bar lamp hanging over it.

  The room had three separate leather sectional couches, with tons of pillows scattered around, and the hugest freaking television she had ever seen taking up one whole wall. There was a large bar, a dance floor, a stereo. Freedom blinked her eyes and saw that people were sitting in the sectionals, drinking, laughing, and wait, what? she thought as she blinked again.

  Yep, one of the guys called Kink was sitting watching a football game while a woman she had never seen before was kneeling between his legs, her head bobbing up and down as she gave him a blowjob right there, in front of everyone. She looked at the other people in the room, they weren’t paying attention to the couple at all, because some of the men had their hands down the women’s shirts, and fondling their breasts right in front of everyone. What the fuck had she gotten herself into? Freedom turned to leave but Easy grasped her arm and propelled her forward into the space.

  “You made your choice, grow up,” Easy whispered into her ear.

  Freedom struggled a little and glared up at the large man. He was being an asshole, she thought and stomped after him.

  “Cap,” Easy yelled, “gonna put Freedom in the room across from mine and Poke’s.”

  The man behind the bar turned and looked at Freedom, she recognized him from the strip club. He had come in a few times, but always sat at Rain’s table. He grinned and nodded.

  “Sure, I will mark it off,” the man called and turned. That was when she saw a board hanging behind the bar. It held a diagram with names and rooms. He saw Cap pick up a marker and write her name in. She squinted and saw there were two sides of the diagram. Hers was added to the side that said 3rd floor, where Poke, Creed, Raven, Easy, Rock, Numbers, Magnum, Fork, Shady, and now her. Ten rooms on the other side was 2nd floor and she saw three rooms that said, Whore 1, Whore 2, Whore 3, and then Nike, Rain, Kink, Chance, Shark, and Blade. There was one room open. Holy shit, this place had twenty bedrooms, she thought as she followed the large man to the side of the room and up the staircase. The next level was she saw a series of doors and that was it, the same black marble floor as was on the main floor. Not as plush as she would have expected.

  They continued up the next staircase and she felt winded, damn, she was going to have to get into shape or she would never be able to go up and down the damn stairs.

  When they reached the top floor, she gasped. It was so much different from the other floor. First off, it had carpeting, thick, lush light brown carpeting, the kind you wanted to kick off your shoes and dig your toes into.

  Second, there was a large living space in the middle of the floor; two large sectionals were in the middle facing a fireplace, and a large television on the wall. A pool table in the corner. There was also a small mini bar, and a small kitchen area. It was gorgeously decorated in masculine browns and blacks.

  The next thing she noticed was none of the rooms had doors, she blinked and looked closer, no, there were archways leading into each room. She could see people in beds from where she was standing. What the fuck? she thought and looked around. Easy was moving to a room to the left and she followed slowly before protesting.

  He led her to a corner room and threw her stuff on a tall poster bed. She looked around and saw a joining archway, and walked slowly toward it; it was a bathroom that led into the next room. She frowned and pointed.

  “Whose room is that?” she whispered.

  “Three people share a bathroom, you are sharing with Poke and I,” he said flatly and she swung her gaze to his and frowned.

  “What about Shady?” she asked.

  “What about her?” Easy shrugged.

  “Well, it would make sense to have two women share their bathroom,” she said.

  “Yeah, well Shady’s room is over there between Raven and Rock, she likes it there.” Easy shrugged. “It’s not like this is a democracy, this is your room and this is where you will stay.”

  “But,” she started and Easy sighed loudly, put a hand to his nose, and pinched it.

  “Yes?” Easy said gruffly.

  “There is no door, what about privacy?” she said slowly.

  Easy snorted and said, “No one will bother you while you are i
n your room unless you ask. We don’t have doors for one, because it is how we like it, all of us, we like to watch people fucking. It is like our own porn show. We all decided this when it was built. Everyone on this floor is part of the leadership, Creed said to put you here and so here is where you are.”

  “I am not part of the leadership,” she whispered.

  “No, you are a just a Bitch, I am pretty sure Creed just wants to make it easy to get into your pussy. He will move you when he gets sick of you, for now this is your room, get used to it,” Easy said with a hard tone, turned, and walked out of the room.

  Freedom gasped and shook her head at his retreating back. She wanted to call him a prick and yell at him, but she was a little worried about his reaction. For some reason she didn’t want to piss him off.

  “We share chores around here, but up on this floor we share them only with the people on the floor. You will go in the rotation, bathrooms, cooking, dishes, and shopping. Tomorrow Poke cooks, be ready. Get some sleep,” Easy said from the doorway.

  Freedom looked around the room. It was large, held the bed and a dresser, which was in the corner. They at least matched, she thought, the place looked like the guys had decorated it, masculine colors. Browns and blacks were neutral, she thought and moved her bags to the small walk-in closet. She moved slowly and unpacked. She could hear people coming and going in the large room, but she just kept putting her things away. She didn’t want to deal with anything.

  When she was finally done, she looked around at the room and sighed. She didn’t know what to do, the only thing she did know was that she was tired and wanted to go to bed.

  Without taking her clothes off, she kept her eyes off the doorway and crawled into bed. She turned and faced the wall so she wouldn’t have to see anything that was out in the other room. Freedom could hear murmured conversations and little noises. What was going on out there? she wondered. Were Poke and Easy having sex with someone? Shit, where had that come from? Then she thought about it.

  If she were honest, she would admit that she was jealous, since that first night she wanted them inside her. She would admit the first thing she thought of when Creed said the Warriors would want her to have sex with them was Poke and Easy.

  It may be time for her to face the fact she maybe falling for the two men with conflicting interest toward her. She would accept the knowledge she was going to have her heart broken by them at some point, she just hoped she would be able to put it back together in time.

  Chapter Nine

  The scream that tore through the morning sun was enough to send shivers down anyone spine. Freedom sat straight up in bed, a little disoriented, and fell to the floor.

  She heard men yelling and she jumped up and ran, what the hell was going on? She entered the main living area on the top floor to see all of the men struggling to get their pants on. Shady was sitting up in bed naked with Raven and Numbers dressing in her room. Freedom blushed and turned her head.

  Creed, Poke, and Easy were running down the stairs. She followed them hurriedly as the woman still screamed hysterically. As she descended, she heard more women’s voices join into the terrified chorus and as she hit the bottom floor and saw the front door wide open, she followed the people rushing to find out what was going on.

  The parking in the front of the mansion was much like last night with more vehicles; two rows of bikes and cars were in the front. Her eyes went to the group of women who were screaming and she frowned. They were pointing at something in the drive, behind one of the large trees that lined the driveway. Funny, she hadn’t noticed them last night.

  As she neared, she saw men trying to calm the women down, she could hear them telling them to go back inside, they would take care of the situation. But she saw the men’s pallor as they looked over their shoulder. Freedom kept walking, wondering what could be so bad.

  She finally got to the end of the sidewalk, turned and looked. There at the end of the driveway, blocking the entrance, was a steel pole driven into the ground. But it wasn’t the pole that was so horrific, it was the head that sat on the pole that completely shocked her.

  She stepped forward and looked, unable to take her eyes away from the grotesque sight before her. As she stepped closer, she felt the blood draining from her face and before she knew it, she was running and screaming. Not away from the sight either, but toward it.

  “Daaaadddyyyy!” she screamed loudly and sobbed.

  She felt hands grabbing her as she tried to make it to where her father’s head was posted, screaming and crying the entire time. Freedom couldn’t take her eyes off her father. The face etched in a bloody scream that would live with her for the rest of her life.

  She felt large strong arms surround her, voices talking to her, but she couldn’t stop. Her father, the man who raised her, took her to the ocean, took her to see her dying mother in the hospital, was dead. She had no one.

  She fought and struggled to get to him, for no other reason than to take him off display, but they held her. Freedom fell to the ground, and they followed her, into a heap, wrestling her fighting body as she clawed to run. They wouldn’t let her.

  The last thing she remembered was the sight of her father’s head, dripping blood and frozen in a terrified expression in front of her, before she allowed the darkness to take over, soothe her tortured heart.


  Freedom heard murmuring and she burrowed into the thick heavy covers. It was too early, she thought. She sighed and moved a little, frowning at the nice soft bed she was laying on, wait, her bed was lumpy and hard. She didn’t have thick soft covers; hers were cheap and rough.

  She opened one eye, and then another. Where was she? Moving a little, she grimaced, she hurt all over. What the hell had she done to make her this sore? She moved to the side of the bed and looked around.

  A strangled whimper escaped her lips as she recognized where she was. The memories began to flood back. Her father was dead. Tears flooded her eyes and the first sob escaped.

  “Freedom,” she heard a man say and she turned her head to see Creed and Poke standing in the doorway.

  “Tell me it was a dream,” Freedom cried and she saw the look of pity come across both of their faces. “Noooo,” she screamed and fell back onto the bed.

  She sobbed into the pillow, only seeing what her father’s face looked like the last time she saw him. Her fault, this was her fault, she thought. Maybe if she had stuck around and helped instead of running. Maybe he would still be alive.

  “Freedom,” she heard again. This time the man’s voice was harder. It was Poke, she could tell.

  Twisting and turning her head, not listening as Poke tried to calm her down. She had no idea she was talking her thoughts aloud. Blaming herself and making herself increasingly hysterical.


  “Damn it, Creed,” Poke yelled as he fought Freedom, she was twisting and turning, sobbing.

  “Here,” his leader yelled and handed him and syringe. “Valium.”

  Poke nodded and stuck her in the ass and grabbed her and held on. It took only a few minutes for her sobs and cries to fade and turn into quiet whimpers. Thank God, he thought as he looked at the woman.

  “The cops want to talk to her,” Creed said.

  “They are gonna fucking have to wait,” Poke said grimly.

  “Yeah,” Creed laughed dryly. “Tell them that.”

  Poke turned and glared at his friend and then said, “No problem, I will fucking shove it up their asses too.”

  “Brother, you can’t piss off the local cops,” Creed warned.

  “Fuck this,” Poke said. “They are gonna die.”

  Creed looked at his friend and brother, and nodded. He felt the same way. The message was loud and clear, and even if Freedom didn’t understand it right now, she would. Their lives had become tangled in this mess the moment she stepped foot into their club.

  Leaving her father’s head had been a message for all of them. For Freedom, because it
was her father and he had not paid them the money. For the Warriors, because the pike was left on their land, they had somehow gotten through their security and placed the pike in their driveway. Their message was very clear—they could get to them if they wanted.

  Right now, Easy, Fork, Raven, and Magnum were working on how they got in. The place was on lockdown until all this shit got sorted. No one in and no one out. The police had come and been allowed on the property, but after they left, they locked it down.

  Men put closed signs on the businesses, and let the locals know it was because of a death in their family. They would reopen when they were safe. The mine was closed to their workers, same reason.

  The only thing that was actually running was the Shop, which was running full force with Shady at the head. They were gathering their weapons, seeing what they needed to get. They were going to war. All of them knew it.

  “You are right, Poke,” Creed said and pointed back to Freedom. “Your job is to watch her right now though.”

  “Why the fuck am I on babysitting duty?” Poke scoffed.

  “Because someone has to be.” Creed laughed.

  “Come on, I can’t deal with all this emotion and shit,” Poke said, looking at Freedom.

  “I thought you were the prince of pussy,” Creed said.

  “If you want me to fuck her, sure, if you want me to console her, no way. I suck at that feeling shit. Her father was a dumbass, borrowed money from the wrong people and tried to give his daughter to a bunch of limpless dicks. Then he turns up dead, oh so sad,” Poke growled.

  “Try not to say that to her when she wakes up,” Creed said grimly. “Just watch her, make sure she doesn’t freak out anymore. We will have a meeting of the leadership in a couple hours, I will send Shady up to sit with while you attend.”

  “Fine, whatever,” Poke growled, watched his leader walk down the stairs, looked at the woman in the bed again, and sighed. Fuck, he hated shit like this.


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