A Gluttony Of Faith
Page 16
Something she felt sure they were both aware of.
“I thought I would find you in here” she glanced around at the shining white laboratory, Gabriel had updated it since the last time she had been here, which was admittedly during the War. Instead of cages, there stood containment tanks, and a whole variety of new scientific equipment sat on counters, holoprojector screens hung from the walls showing vital signs. Where once there had been large marble tables with drainage holes now stood slimline stainless steel examination tables. On which lay her latest experiments.
Mutilated Angels with three or five wings. Whatever Gabriel had done it hadn’t been pleasant, the faces of the corpses were twisted in agony, and they had contorted themselves into all sorts of shapes despite their constraints.
“Oh, why is that Ariel?”
“Because when things get shit you get creative. You always have. During the more difficult stages of the War was when some of your greatest creations were made.”
She paused as she thought on Ariel’s words “I guess that is true. What can I do for you?”
“I want Griffins.”
“The Council banned their use after the War and exterminated them.”
“You would never let any of your creations go extinct unless you had deemed it yourself. You will have genetic copies stashed away.”
“Naturally, but the Council has forbidden their use.”
“Fuck the Council. We’re the ones in the trenches fighting the battles. They don’t know what I have to fight. Christ, Gabriel! Hera has an army which she calls the Army of Nightmares and a more fitting name I could not think of. It is filled with her horrific creations, I need something to counter them. I just don’t have enough Angels to fight them, we are spread too thin.”
“I know your concerns, we do not have enough real power. We need more Elder Angels to battle effectively.”
“I want your creatures, they are devastating in their effectiveness.”
“Put it to the other Archs, if you can convince two more, it will go through. Uriel will probably agree with you, try Jophiel, if you can convince her then you will have the majority. But I will grant you some Griffins, though it will take some time.”
“Thank you, Gabriel.” Her worries somewhat eased she looked back at the experiments. “What are you trying to do?”
“Create Elder Angels. To win this war, we need Elder Angels. We won the last war on the strength of our numbers but we are facing our enemy with a third of our number, and now we have more enemies.”
“What have you been trying?”
Ariel would never condemn any of her experiments, she would always assist in any way she could. “So far I’ve been trying the spell that we make the Lesser Ascend. It has not proved successful. I have also tried blood infusions, and while I am close, I do not think I am close enough.”
“What about blood from Zeus or Inanna? They helped shape us to be what we are, their blood might have the missing element.”
“Ariel you are brilliant!” she hadn’t thought to use either of their blood.
She smiled, “Alternatively you could repeal Michael’s edict, that would potentially grant many Elder.”
“Convincing Michael to repeal that will take a lot of time, but we can try.”
She pushed some buttons, and her files on Griffins flashed across. She had updated all of her information to codex form. She had her hard copies stashed away in Heaven, but here in Eden, she wanted streamlined efficiency. “Any requests about your Griffins?”
“Make them shine and make them vicious but controllable.”
“Such modifications will take me some time, especially with my other tasks.”
Ariel smiled as she waved her hand “Well I have some incentive for you.” In the empty containment tanks, pink light flared as creatures appeared within them.
Gabriel stalked closer to the Gorgons and Minotaurs, time and magic had changed them quite dramatically. In another tank floated an emaciated humanoid creature, the likes of which she had never seen before. Ice coated parts of its skin and container as the temperature dropped in response to the ice. “What is that?”
“A Wendigo apparently, I do not know anything more.”
“Fascinating” she muttered as she ran her fingers across the crystalline surface, pink wisps reached out around the creature.
“There are other creatures as well, but I have been unsuccessful in obtaining them so far. Some creatures called the Elite and Forsaken remain behind the enemy lines.”
“The Elite and Forsaken? They could be anything.” She paused, “though the Forsaken sounds familiar. They might be the Wild Ones.” The screens flicked through various files until some scripts came up within the Nephilim files. A quick glance and spell told her all she needed. “They are the offspring of Nephilim but as to what they are mixed with we do not know. All that could be obtained from the captured Nephilim were that they were cursed, forsaken, oathbreakers. But as to why investigations never found out.”
“Oathbreakers? The only ones that were big on cursing oath breakers were the Fae or the Elves.”
“Angel blood mixed with either Fae or Elf blood is not a comforting thought. See what you can do about obtaining one. If we can analyse it, we can learn how to kill them.”
“I will see what I can do.”
“It has been a long time Gabriel.”
Gabriel looked at the Goddess, who was said to be the Mother of Angels, from whence they could all trace their lineages to. She had once been a very beautiful female, the most desired female in all the lands or so the legends said. But her beauty was faded, worn away from imprisonment and abuse. She had almost no Divine glow, her multi-coloured hair had no shine, it was but a whisper of the exotic spectrum it had once been. Her violet eyes were tired and weary, time had eroded even the anger and bitterness that had once burned so brightly in them. Signs of age marked her skin which hung off of her. Her breasts had sagged as had her cheeks. She was on the verge of being a crone.
“I am surprised you can tell how long it has been.”
“I was once the Queen of Heaven, its cycles and secrets have always been known to me. I know all that occurs within Heaven, little good that it does me.”
“Little indeed Inanna, or is it Ishtar? I never could remember.”
“You don’t really care Gabriel, so why should I?”
“I like this new you, it is so much more practical.”
“Necessity is the mother of invention as they say. But you would be fully aware of Humanity’s inventive nature in the absence of magic.”
“They are certainly inventive, but then even bacteria find a way to overcome all obstacles.”
“Well, they were always Gaia’s favourite creation.”
“And her days came to an end, as did yours.”
“Except both of us still live, even if it is in imprisonment. But you did not come here to discuss such matters, Gabriel, they are beneath you.”
“You always did see straight to the point.”
“A gift I suppose.” There was the faintest upturning of her lips.
“But you have many gifts, of which you passed on to your offspring.”
“For all the good it did me.”
“Well, I for one are glad of the gifts you passed on.”
“Your gifts from me are no different from any other Angel, you know full well where your gifts come from.”
“That I do, and many are unique to me.”
“But you are no longer unique in your powers. Your sister-in-law rivals your power, though she no longer lives in your shadow, so who knows what she had progressed to.”
Gabriel didn’t deign to answer, instead pulling out the syringes she had brought with her. She stuck one into Inanna’s arm, she was a brilliant copy of mortals, her Divine body had blood vessels that mimicked a mortal’s. Many older Gods had not successfully or completely mimicked mortals so. She extracted the golden blood syringe after syringe.
a watched Gabriel passively. It was a small victory that she had barbed Gabriel so, not that it would do her any good, but even a small victory was still a victory. She was curious as to why Gabriel would take her blood but then Divine blood was valuable for a great many reasons, and she was a particularly powerful Goddess. “Experimenting again Gabriel?”
“You could say that.”
“Oh don’t be shy Gabriel, the whole world knows of your brilliance. Your creations were the most sought after ever. And yet you continued to produce more. What has that brilliant, if cruel, mind of yours turned towards now?”
“Creating Angels” she smiled at Inanna’s shock. “Didn’t expect that now did you, but you will be of the greatest assistance.” She nodded towards the dozens of syringes filled with her golden blood that disappeared into pink as Gabriel left the chamber.
Not for the first time Inanna wished she could simply return to the Lifestream.
Uriel sat down on the delicate couches as Ariel poured him tea and a tray of dainties floated across to him. It always surprised him that she and Gabriel could manage to be so ladylike, so delicate, so refined. He had seen them rip things apart with weapons and spells. He had seen them at their worst. He had seen them doused in the blood of hundreds, their armour slick with gore. They held a savagery that he admired. Yet take them out of their armour and they turned into some of the most refined females he had ever known. It scared him a little that they could hide their violent natures so. It made him wonder what else they could hide.
He was so used to seeing Ariel in armour, as a warrior, it threw him off seeing her looking so feminine in silk robes and wearing makeup. She was beautiful, but he would never be so foolish as to venture there. He didn’t know what Michael saw in Gabriel, oh she was beautiful and powerful but she, like Ariel, was terrifying and unfathomable in too many ways. Yet Michael appeared to be happily married and went to bed with Gabriel willingly.
“What can I do for you, Ariel?”
“Straight to the point. I want your vote for the next Council meeting.”
“What is the vote on?”
“Repealing the edict against using Monsters to assist our armies.”
“Having issues in America?”
“You have no idea. Hera has unleashed all sorts of horrors.”
“Not unusual for her. I will give you might vote if I can have yours in return.”
“And what would that vote be for?”
“Michael’s edict against breeding.”
“Oh? Feeling the urge for mortal women again Uriel?” she hid her pleasure. This was exactly what she and Gabriel had been seeking to overturn, Uriel was ever an asset.
“We need to increase our numbers, Ariel, we have less than a third of the numbers we had when we started the War. We need more Elder, and the Nephilim are ever useful in fighting the mortal Divine.”
“I agree, Uriel, I will give you my vote. And I can guarantee Gabriel’s vote.”
“We both know how Michael will vote, and he has Azrael’s vote by proxy. Raphael usually votes the same as Michael, he is cut from the same prudish cloth.”
“Which means we must convince Jophiel if we are to win the vote.”
“Perhaps you and Gabriel could coerce her into voting with you. You know females standing together.”
She grimaced “please never say that ever again. I doubt that would encourage her. But there must be a means. Everyone has their weakness to be exploited.”
He felt a chill run down his spine at her cutting assessment. Was that how she saw everyone? What did she see in him to be exploited? The thought troubled him deeply.
Raphael opened his door at the knocking. Who would be coming to see him? And at this hour? Michael or Gabriel would have summoned him for something import. What could it be?
He was very surprised to find Jophiel on at the door. Startled he let her in. He was confused. Admittedly she was now an Arch Angel, and they now ruled Heaven and Earth together, but he had almost no knowledge of her other than what Michael had told him. She had worked in the Cherubim and was extremely competent, but that was all he knew.
She met his gaze levelly from across the coffee table, she had a strong will then. Few people met the Arch Angels’ eyes for long. Then again she was one now. “Sorry about the hour but I had several things to discuss with you, Raphael.”
“Oh? And what might they be Jophiel?”
“Upcoming votes in the Council.”
“Well if Gabriel and Michael both back it, it will pass. Their two votes plus Azrael’s proxy vote given to Michael and Ariel always supports Gabriel. You must have either Michael or Gabriel onside if you wish to win a vote.” He was surprised she didn’t already know this, he thought all of Heaven did.
“I am not the one proposing the vote. I am the one being courted for my vote.”
“Ah, the new Arch Angel with unknown loyalties. Sariel was always expected to vote as her brother did. Now we finally have four independents as opposed to the four absolutes. Perhaps the votes will take a different direction.”
“I was lead to believe that you voted as Michael did.”
She had pluck this one “yes, I usually do. We are brothers in arms and see eye to eye on many things.”
“But not everything?”
“No, not everything. He, just like Gabriel, is very set in his ways. Usually, I agree with him, but on some matters I disagree.”
“Such as?”
He raised an eyebrow “why so curious Jophiel?”
“We both know I am new to the politics of the Seven. I am merely trying to get everyone’s measure before I throw my votes in. I will not be anyone’s puppet, I am not Sariel, I will make my own decisions even if it puts me into conflict with the others.”
“You certainly don’t lack backbone Jophiel. You are as upfront as Gabriel and Ariel. Alright, I don’t agree with Michael on his ban of Gabriel’s Monsters. They were ever useful for us, and extremely destructive against the enemy. They were also widespread across the world. Her Monsters covered the globe, answering her demands. If we had even just some of those again, we could turn the war in our favour. I know Ariel is fuming at the losses she is enduring in the Americas. Uriel has also commented on how difficult it is to hunt down all the Demons of Europe.”
“Yes, Ariel has mentioned such concerns to me, I believe she plans to force a vote in the next Council.”
“Michael will oppose, and thus Azrael. Gabriel will support, she and Ariel see eye to eye on many things, and she too mourns the loss of her creations. But you might have little knowledge of her creations.”
“I have some, but not what I feel is enough to make a vote.”
“I am impressed with you Jophiel. Tell me, what else have you been sought to vote on?”
“Repealing Michael’s edict on breeding.”
“Now that I am not sure how it will swing. Michael objects strongly to promiscuous behaviour and the creation of the Nephilim. Uriel supports it, he has fathered many Nephilim and knows just how useful they can be. Azrael will support Michael, but as for Ariel and Gabriel, I do not know. They are not so strongly of the view as Michael. They supported him in the past when the Nephilim were out of control, but both are very pragmatic, they would see the use of the Nephilim. They are certainly useful in battling other Divine.”
“I must admit that I am unaware of much of the finer details of the past, and I find myself ignorant if much of the war effort.”
“Well the attack on the Ziz was a disaster, but as to the others your best bet is to ask Michael or Gabriel, they will know the full details.” He paused and she could tell he sent a summons out. “Alternatively, we could ask Nuriel, she is the best-informed person in Heaven outside of the Arch Angels.”
He summoned wine and a variety of hearty foods to the table, she found she could relax and enjoy the food far more than during the high teas with Gabriel and Ariel. She was a warrior at heart, used to the comradely of the Cherubim and less so the sudde
n high elegance expected of her. They were eating and discussing small matters when Nuriel knocked and entered.
Nuriel glanced at the scene before her, Raphael and Jophiel were sharing an intimate dinner on his leather couches. She looked unfairly elegant in her robes while Raphael looked delightfully dishevelled. For once he was not wearing his armour, but he had been from his wayward hair. He had clearly been interrupted in undressing, his tunic was half undone, forgotten about apparently but she could see his smooth olive chest.
Flashing an insincere smile, she sat down on the same couch as Jophiel, surprised to note there were a goblet and plate sitting ready for her.
“Ah Nuriel, thank you for joining us, we had some information we were seeking to obtain from you.” It was so unfair how easily he smiled, and how dashing he looked when he smiled. She pushed her feelings away.
“Well, information is my currency. What can I do for you both?”
“I was wondering about our current war effort, statistics, victories, losses, changes in faith and territory. I was also curious about similar statistics from the last war.” Jophiel confessed to her.
Jophiel was a change of pace from Ariel and Gabriel, but Nuriel wondered how long she would remain that way. All the Arch Angels had their idiosyncrasies whether good or bad. She was learning to walk carefully with Gabriel and was comfortable enough to anticipate her moods. Ariel was more difficult, but usually, she only dealt with Michael and Gabriel as the two most powerful Arch Angels.
“Anything in particular or just general?”
“General for now but specifics might come.”
Nuriel placed her codex on the coffee table and let the holoprojectors unfurl. Latent spells awoke to illuminate much of the room with extra projections. Images and files flicked through darkened pathways until she found what she was looking for. Even if they were Arch Angels, it paid to be careful and discrete.