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A Gluttony Of Faith

Page 17

by Steven Lindsay

  First to flit across the screens was Ariel’s command. Numbers of Angels and soldiers flicked up on graphs and maps. Timelines of conflicts and skirmishes and the video footage of them started to play on other screens. Raphael and Jophiel watched in horror at the Monsters that formed the Army of Nightmares. They knew Ariel had been complaining about such creatures, but their minds hadn’t absorbed what she had been saying.

  The footage played, an obese man with white-grey glowing eyes ploughing into a truck stopping it dead. More appeared out of the darkness, their glowing white-grey eyes the only lights as they ripped the truck to pieces, eating the passengers and vehicle with equal abandon. A black creature jumped out of the night sky, tackling an Angel to the ground and draining it of its lifeforce as it ripped her to shreds. Flickering shadows, heavy breathing of the person holding the camera, screams and torrents of blood. The camera sat in a puddle as hellish Fairies tore apart the victim. Emaciated grey-skinned creatures jumped over compound walls and started tearing apart and eating soldiers, ice spreading from their feet to slick the walls with frosted blood.

  There was also footage of more familiar creatures, Were and Vampires attacking Humans with abandon, freed of their civil constraints. Glowing Maenads wielding spears and guns attacking Angels with both sides draining the other of their lifeforces. Sorcerers blasting their way into cities and through armies. Ariel screaming her fury as a wall of fire lashed out at the Army, which mostly disappeared before the flames hit.

  Data flicked across the screens as Nuriel told them what had been happening and the troubles Ariel was facing. “The greatest issues appears to be the sheer number of Divine under Hera’s control. Not only does she have Gods and Greater Demons but she also has Sorcerers, Maenads, and the Elite, all of which are Divine and capable of killing Angels.”

  “But weren’t the Maenads little more than strong Humans? Hadn’t they diluted their bloodlines so extensively to hide from us that they lost much of what they had been?” Jophiel felt sure she had heard that before.

  “Yes, they diluted their blood extensively, which unfortunately allowed them to spread far and wide. Also problematic is it appears that every God has elevated them to Divine status again, and not just some as in the past but the whole species. From America and Britain to China and Egypt the Maenads are Divine once again.

  And it is not just the Maenads, there are a variety of races that have been elevated to Divine status by the Gods. Anubites in Egypt, the Fae and Atlanteans in the British Empire, Demons in the Middle East, Naga in India, sorcerers the world over. We are facing incredible challenges.”

  “And we do not have the right tools to fight them.”

  “That is not my place to say.” Nuriel rarely granted her opinion on such matters.

  “But it is mine. It is abundantly clear that we need more Divine power at our disposal.”

  “So you will vote in Ariel’s favour?” Raphael asked.

  “Yes, she more than anyone needs Divine support. The rest of us are not in the thick of it as she is, we are not dealing with all-out war. Besides we have seen how weak we are, look at the fiasco with Simurgh. We were completely routed by one Greater Demon. From what we know, Hera has three under her command. Brigid currently has one as does Ereshkigal. There are many others still at large, never mind the Gods themselves.” She turned to face Nuriel, who had sat quietly listening to all that was said and storing it away. “Please call up all you have on the Nephilim.”

  Surprised she raised an eyebrow but did what was asked. Images of the Nephilim flicked across the screens. Some had wings, most did not, but they were all taller, stronger, smarter and more beautiful than average Humans. They had bright blue or amber eyes alive with powerful magics. Their Angelic parentage was evidence in their lithe and muscular bodies as well as the grace by which they moved and the strength they portrayed. They were comparable to demigods in many ways.

  “The offspring of the Sons of Heaven and the Daughters of Man, or so mortals say. Nephilim only arise from an Angel father and Human mother. Like many Divine, children carried within a Divine womb tend to be more powerful. Human-Angel offspring birthed by Angels are raised as Angels and assume much of the power of their mothers. Usually, such Angels would mate with more powerful Angels or Gods to wash out the mortal weaknesses.

  The Nephilim were comparable to demigods, exhibiting much of the strengths, magics, and extended life though all were believed to be mortal. They were instrumental in the breeding programs of Eden and were assigned as Guardians to protect their Human descendants. However many others were fathered in passing across much of our territories resulting in wild Nephilim that often as not caused destruction. As the War progressed they proved to be very useful in fighting demigods and Monsters, for their loss was considered preferable to Angelic losses.”

  “Would I be able to get a copy of these files?”

  Nuriel touched the codex with her finger, when she pulled it away, a bright pink and orange symbol sat on her finger. She held this out to Jophiel, who took it and stuck it to her temple. Her eyes flashed as she reviewed the files. “Thank you for your help Nuriel, you have been of great assistance.”

  She knew a dismissal when she heard one. Gathering her things she smiled and nodded to the two Arch Angels, Raphael smiled, Jophiel gave a vacant nod. She was lost to her files.

  Raphael watched Nuriel leave, watching the swish of her hips as she marched out of the room. He nearly dropped his goblet when Jophiel spoke, he had thought she was miles away. “She really is rather keen on you.”


  “Nuriel. She has quite the crush on you, and you evidently have an interest in her. Whether of the same level only you know.”

  “”I don’t believe you.”

  Interesting he didn’t argue that he was interested in her. “I bet you that if you chase after her and ask her to dinner, she will say yes.”

  “She won't.”

  “She will Raphael. Go see, I dare you to.” She had turned her full attention on him, but not shifted her magic. Being given someone’s full attention, especially an Arch Angel’s when their eyes were glowing pink and orange was not comforting.

  He glanced at the door.

  “Go to her Raphael,” she said more kindly.

  “You’re wrong I know it, and I will come back to prove how wrong you are.” He marched out of the room after Nuriel. Jophiel watched him go smirking, males were so easy to manipulate.

  He glanced up and down the hall, seeing six wings disappearing around a corridor. He yelled out for her and chased after her, she appeared not to have heard. He rounded the corridor to find her stopped halfway down the corridor looking out over the vast balconies. Damn, she could move fast.

  “Nuriel?” he asked as he came to stand beside her. What was she looking at?

  She was startled to find Raphael standing next to her, she had been miles away down memory lane. She didn’t often come to this part of the palace and hadn’t ventured down this specific corridor in centuries, but it was here that she and her brothers had once played as children. Their father Apollo, like his own father had extensive apartments for all his lovers and progeny.

  “Raphael, what are you doing here?”

  “There was something I wished to ask you?”

  “Oh?” she turned to face him all professional, her codex raised, her hand waiting to search.

  He took the hovering hand away “You files can’t answer this for you.” She felt the warmth of his hands on hers, she glanced up into his eyes seeing uncertainty in them. When was the last time she had seen him looking uncertain?

  “Nuriel, would you be interested in having dinner?”

  Her eyes fluttered before she spluttered out “yes!”

  Taken aback he looked at her now beaming up at him. He honestly had not thought she would say yes. “um is there anywhere you would like to go?”

  “Israel, they have incredible food there.”

  “Alright, the
n Israel it is then.”

  She smiled at him “Say for tomorrow, assuming no disasters happen.”

  “Yes…yes tomorrow would be great. I will come and collect you tomorrow.”

  “I look forward to it.” She smiled at him as she walked away, a glance over her shoulders showed him watching her with a baffled expression. As soon as she was around the corner, she stopped to jump and dance. She was finally going on a date with Raphael. After all this time. Now she just had to hope the world didn’t go to shit tomorrow.

  Chapter 14

  Victoria looked around the city of Shadowhound in amazement. She had been flabbergasted the last time she had been here, but it had only been a passing and quick visit. This time, she had time to take in the sights of the city, as well as its inhabitants.

  The magical city floated above a lake, a delicate construction across many different levels. The natural waterfalls formed a pleasing backdrop and all the various fountains throughout the city only added to its appeal and tranquillity. Despite the people rushing about and the throngs taking their time the city felt peaceful. It appeared stress seemed to have overlooked one city in the world.

  Beautiful buildings of all styles reached up high into the air, several of a style she had never seen before stood pride of place throughout the city, decorated extensively in amethyst they flared with magical energies pouring through them. They were the Lampades’ constructions, their recent turn to architecture. What purpose those buildings served she wasn’t quite sure, homes perhaps. Lampades and their Shadowhounds were constantly entering and leaving such buildings as well as the various civil buildings.

  Lampades were Hecate’s honoured Divine servants. They were the most powerful people in the city, especially in the Goddess’ absence. But there was no cause for alarm, they were utterly loyal to their Goddess and all they did they did for her.

  New to the mix of the city was the Atlanteans milling about construction sights and barracks. Here they assisted the Lampades in all their duties, their civil engineering experience was of great assistance. Shadowhound continued to grow in its beauty and magical power. The Lampades were just as skilled at teaching magic as the Atlanteans except they were far more magically gifted. They were powerful demigoddesses in their own right. She had learned several things just from conversations with them. If it had been any other time than her honeymoon, she would have followed every Lampade she could to learn as much as possible. Even Cathair had been surprised at the things they knew.

  The Oracle particularly was an incredibly insightful woman and not just because she could see the future. Though Victoria wasn’t as impressed by that talent as everyone else seemed to be. There were a great many gaps in her visions, as she had said the future was many possibilities aligning and overlapping, again and again. Anyone that the future rested on became vague in visions because so much rested on their personal decisions and those of the people around them. Victoria and Cathair being such important figures were very difficult to see for seers, the Oracle despite her power had been unable to provide much in the way of foresight.

  But what she had seen had chilled Victoria. Her voice still echoed in her ears, that husky and inhuman voice.

  There will be great violence, blood will flow stronger than the Lifestream. Death shall reap a bloody harvest with tears in his eyes. The Forgotten will make the world tremble and curse them. Their power shall know no bounds and their vengeance will transcend all borders. Children will carry the weight of their parents, and the debts will be called in. There will be the song to stop the world as Chaos seeks to devour the Creator.

  Her words had chilled all present, even Hecate and Brigid. None had been prepared for her having visions of them all.

  The orphaned Empress will see the world in her hands, the First Heir shall hold her tight and see her through the dark times. The Prince shall hold the little Queen within his arms while his own Queen holds theirs. The emeralds shall shake and quiver, and the First Heir will shed more tears but in the end, the Heir will hold the family close.

  Another family will rise and shed their tears, but this time, even the Mother will tremble at the tears. A sinner will be redeemed and in turn, save two prisoners.

  They had fallen silent at Cassandra’s prophecy. She seemed rather perplexed as she came back into focus. She and Cathair had spent a great deal of time talking about it after they had left to walk through the botanic gardens but they had very little clue what much of it was about. They had deduced that she was the orphaned Empress, and they guessed that Brigid might be the First Heir. The rest of it could be many different people. What disturbed them the most was Chaos seeking to destroy the Creator. Was their time at an end? Would Chaos end the War by devouring the Earth? Not a comforting thought for any of them.

  For the most part, she and Cathair had pushed such thoughts away, at least temporarily for their honeymoon. They would enjoy their time in Shadowhound.

  Gabriel looked at the latest results of her experiments. Hateful eyes stared back at her, some confused. The Angels within their containment tubes were perfect specimens. Specimens that she had created herself.

  Having pulled up various spirits from the swirling cesspool that Hell had become, she had cast the spells that turned spirits into Ascended Angels. They didn’t have the support base that the other Ascended had to empower them, but the spell was easy enough to cast. She had long perfected the spell. She had needed Ascended Angels to practice on but all the Ascended Angels were well known and connected in Heaven, and while she would extend this to them once she had perfected it, she could not use any of them currently. Nor would she want to, Heaven needed all of its Angels. Even the battle fodder Lesser.

  Hell might have blown loose, but it had closed back up again. Now it was but an empty shell of what it had been yet it was still a functioning Realm of the Dead. Hell still existed, and the dead still went there. Stripped of its various spells Hell was easily accessible to her now, and its thousands of spirits were within easy reach for her.

  She had filled her lab with Ascended Angels that no one knew about, they were completely hers to use as she saw fit. Her initial experiments had failed on the Ascended, they had been twisted and fractured into horrible effigies of Angels. They had all died unable to exist within their twisted forms.

  Ariel’s comments about Inanna’s blood had set things in motion, she had extracted Inanna’s blood, her fear had been all the confirmation she had needed. Upon injecting various amounts of the blood and empowering them, she had managed to successfully turn Ascended Angels into Elder Angels. After some initial failures.

  She glanced at the bizarre creations held within their containment tubes. They might be viable for future experiments or further use. Their blackened eyes watched her with terror and hate, they were the most recognisable part of them. The rest of their bodies had been twisted and corrupted in all manner of ways, very few in the same. Except unlike her original experiments, these had settled and remained living. They were Divine, whether they were immortal was something she would find out.

  She turned her attention back to the Elder Angels held within their tubes. Her scanners and spells continued to analyse every little detail about them. They were completely passable Elder. They had six wings, of which she had dictated their colours. Most had plain white, which is what she would give any of the Ascended that were transformed to Elder in Heaven. They would be marked as being different. Inferior.

  The others she had been creative with. She had forgotten just how much enjoyment she got out of carefully and meticulously crafting every little detail in her creations. It was her form of meditation or escapism. She was distracted from the menial day to day, but at the same time her mind could disseminate every little detail she considered important. She had already turned over Ariel’s war details and concluded that Ariel was right, they needed Divine pawns, more than just the Lesser Angels, to battle and take the heat of Hera’s Divine minions. They would also need them to battle the
other Gods’ Divine minions.

  Which was why she had crafted hundreds of Griffins for Ariel, and how she had made them a mark of Heaven’s wrath and her genius. She had given them purple and pink trim to their wings, a reminder that they would only be under the command of herself and Ariel. Otherwise, they were consistent with her original creation for Zeus. A perfect blending of lion and eagle, the hindquarters were almost exclusively lion, though the tail ended not in a tuft of fur but bronze feathers. Its front was far more eagle, from its golden beak and amber eyes, to the scaly talons at the end of its forelimbs. Its fur was a golden-beige, its feathers mostly bronze, though the bottom feathers of their wings were purple and pink.

  She had crafted them from yet more spirits she had taken from Hell. She needed sentient spirits and stripping them from living mortals was a strenuous task, Hell was proving to be exceedingly useful for her. It was the least it could do after it had unleashed its entire Demonic contents onto the world. But that issue she still had much to think upon.

  She admired her handiwork, the Elder Angels only difference were their wider variety of skin colours and wing colours compared to born Elder. Wings of pink, copper, black, blue, she had experimented with all the colours. She had made rainbow wings and wings blending from one colour to another. There were red haired and black haired Angels, she had even experimented with unnatural hair colours. One Angel had pink hair and wings, her pale skin also uncommon among Elder Angels.

  Pity, that none of them, could be set free.

  She descended within herself, calling up raw power that she shifted and formed into the spells she needed. She could feel the savage spell raging against her control. Satisfied that it would do all it was intended to she fed it into the matrix of spells connecting all the Elder Angel containment tanks. Lights flashed and flared within the tanks as the spells bloomed around the victims, they looked around unperturbed at yet another spell, but their nonchalance quickly changed to terror as the spell started tearing into skin, hooking into their magical cores, pulling the breath from their lungs. She stood and watched stoically as they battered against their tanks as the life essence was slowly drained out of them.


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