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Time Stands Still (Forever and Ever #51)

Page 20

by E. L. Todd

  “It was nothing but a pleasure. You’re going to be a great father, Slade. I have no doubt of it.”

  “Not as good as you.”

  “You’re right.” He patted me on the back. “You’ll be a better one.”


  “He’s cute.” Cayson sat beside me with Ryan in his arms. “I think he’ll have your eyes.”

  “Yeah?” I glanced at Trinity. She laid in bed with her eyes closed. The room was dark because all the lights were out. She was exhausted after the long day and fought to keep her eyes open but failed.

  “But hopefully he has Trinity’s everything else,” he teased.

  Skye shifted closer to Cayson and held Cedric so he could look at Ryan. “Say hello to your cousin.”

  Cedric stared at Ryan like he’d never seen another baby before. His eyes didn’t blink.

  “You guys are going to be best friends,” Cayson said. “Just like Slade and me. No matter what happens, you always have each other.” He turned back to me. “You must be relived it wasn’t a girl after all.”

  “Actually…no.” Toward the end of Trinity’s pregnancy I actually became excited by the idea. When I saw fathers with their young daughters, it made me excited to have one of my own. I would be protective of her, but I would teach her how to be a strong woman just like my own mother.

  Cayson and Skye both stared at me in surprise.

  “I actually kinda liked the idea of having a girl…but there’s still time. Maybe the next one.”

  “Awe,” Skye whispered. “Maybe we both can have a girl the next time around. And they can be best friends too.”

  “I’d like that,” I answered.

  Cayson adjusted Ryan and held him out to me. “You probably want him back, huh? I’ve been hogging him.”

  “It’s okay.” I took Ryan back. “You’re his godfather so you can hog him now and then.”

  “I thought that was really sweet you named him after your dad,” Skye whispered. “You can tell he was really touched.”

  “My dad is the best guy I know. He’s generous, kind, and has the most selfless person I know. He took on Arsen when he didn’t have to because that’s the kind of guy he is. I’m really lucky to have him.”

  “I couldn’t agree more,” Cayson said.

  “I wanted my son to have a strong name,” I continued. “There’s no stronger name than the one my father carries.”

  “True,” Skye said.

  “So, Trinity will be here for a few days?” Cayson asked.

  “Yeah,” I answered. “The doctors want to make sure everything is alright before she goes home.”

  “Is there anything we can do?” Cayson asked. “Bring you something to eat?”

  “Nah, I’m okay,” I said. “I can go to the cafeteria if I need something.”

  “You want us to watch Ryan so you can get some sleep?” Skye asked.

  “No.” I eyed my son in my arms. “I’m not going to be getting much sleep anymore. May as well get used to it.”

  Cayson smiled. “Fatherhood suits you.”

  “I guess so. Who knew?”

  “Alright. We’re going to head home for the night,” Cayson said. “Cedric needs to get to bed. But call me if you need anything. Anything at all.”

  “I know, man.”

  Cayson clapped me on the shoulder before he stood up.

  Skye squeezed Ryan’s hand before she walked away with Cedric in her arms. They shut the door behind them and left the three of us in silence.

  Ryan was a particularly quiet baby. I didn’t know much about kids but I heard they cried a lot. This guy didn’t have much to say. He preferred to sleep all the time. I got comfortable on the couch and put my feet up. My arms cradled Ryan to my chest and I closed my eyes. He felt like a feather resting on my chest, light and soft. It was the most comfortable I’d ever been. I felt my body slip away and I was lulled into a deep sleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I woke up because the pain medication started to wear off. The numbness disappeared and I felt the discomfort down below. A little person just came out of me and my body needed serious time to recover.

  My body would probably never be the same.

  I immediately searched for Slade and my new son, and I spotted them lying together on the couch. Slade slept on his back with his arms around our son on his chest. They fit perfectly together, both of them breathing in sync.

  I smiled and forgot about the pain.

  I spent my morning watching the two of them together. Father and son, they were already bonding. Slade took to fatherhood instantly, looking after our son all night long without my supervision.

  I grabbed my phone and took a picture of them. When we went home I’d put it into a frame immediately.

  Ryan shifted his body against his father’s arms then let out a wail. He cried while his eyes remained closed, squirming against Slade’s chest.

  The serene moment was ruined.

  Slade blinked his eyes a few times before he finally woke up. He sat up with Ryan in his arms and yawned. “You’re the most annoying alarm clock I’ve ever heard.” He cradled him in his arms and looked into his face. “What do you want? Hungry? Thirsty?”

  Ryan continued to cry.

  “He must be hungry.” I hadn’t fed him since he was born.

  Slade turned to me when he realized I was awake. “Sorry, baby. Didn’t mean to wake you.”

  “I’ve been awake for a while now, actually. I was watching the two of you sleep…so cute.”

  Slade carried Ryan to the bedside and handed him over. “I don’t know why he’s crying. I’d play him some music but I don’t have my guitar.”

  “I’m sure he’s just hungry.” I shifted my gown and pulled out my breast. I gave it to Ryan and watched him automatically clamp down on it. He started to suck and it made my skin burn from the abrasive feeling of his tongue. The milk came out and Ryan opened his eyes.

  They were blue—just like Slade’s.

  “Awe,” I whispered. “He has your eyes.”

  “No way.” Slade leaned in to look. “Wow, he does.”

  “He’s going to be some handsome.”

  “Hell yeah,” he said. “He’s gonna get all the ladies, all the time.”

  I glared at him.

  “I mean, he’s going to be a nerd that never gets any action ever…” His eyes moved to my breasts and he stared at them while Ryan had breakfast.

  “You’ve seen my breasts before.”

  “Yeah, but he’s really going to town.”

  “Because he’s hungry. Don’t make this gross.”

  “I’m not. I’m just…does it hurt?”

  “A little.”

  “I wonder what it tastes like…”

  I slapped his wrist. “You’re being gross.”

  “No. Just inquisitive.”

  I massaged my breast to stimulate the flow so he could get more milk. Ryan closed his eyes as he kept sucking, content with his belly becoming full.

  “You must be hungry too. Can I get your something from the cafeteria?”

  “No thanks. Not hungry.”

  Slade gave me a frightening look.

  I was never big on eating and Slade always had a problem with that. But now he wasn’t going to stay silent about it. “I’ll eat in an hour. Right now, I want to spend time with Ryan.”

  Slade dropped his hostility. “We did a pretty good job, huh? He’s cute.”

  “He’s adorable. Perfect in every way.”

  “He’s pretty quiet. I expected him to cry all the time but he’s silent as a mouse.”

  “Must be tired. Being born is exhausting.”

  “He just slipped out. You’re the one who had to do all the work.”

  “But the air is cold and everything is loud…it’s probably a lot to go through.”

  “Maybe.” He rested his fingers against his head and felt the small strands. “Could you imagine if we had twins like my paren
ts did?”

  “We would have been fine. There’s two of us and two of them.”

  “I don’t know…both of your nipples would be raw, especially after I get my turn later.”

  I rolled my eyes. “You know we can’t have sex for a long time, Slade.”

  “But we can do other things…”

  I couldn’t even handle it if Slade touched my clit. Everything hurt so much down below. Maybe I could do things for him, but I couldn’t handle anything being done to me. “We’ll see.”

  Ryan finished breakfast then lay against my arm and closed his eyes again.

  “See?” Slade said. “He’s the quietest baby in the world.”

  “Seems that way,” I said. “Cedric cried nonstop.”

  “Because our kid is better.”

  “Oh, shut up. No one’s kid is better.”

  “I don’t know…” He stared down at our son. “He’s got killer features and he’s quiet. If there were a cute baby award it would totally go to him.”

  “You already sound like one of those annoying parents that can’t stop bragging about their kids.”

  “I’m not ashamed of that.”

  I leaned my head against the pillow and stared down at Ryan. I could look at him all day. He was the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen in my life. I couldn’t believe Slade and I made him out of the love between us. I felt like the luckiest person alive.

  “How’s the pain?” Slade ran his fingers through my hair and tried to soothe me.

  “It’s starting up again. I think I need more pain meds.”

  “I’m on it.” Slade walked out and stepped into the hallway.

  I was left alone with Ryan, and I couldn’t be happier. Just sitting there with my little boy and treasuring him was the greatest sensation I’d ever known. His presence numbed the pain and made me forget the torture I went through just to have him.

  He made everything better.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “That is one good-looking baby.” I came to Mike’s side and patted him on the shoulder. This was his first grandchild, and I understood exactly what he was feeling. The first time I held Cedric was one of the happiest days of my life.

  “He really is.” Mike stood beside near the windows. We were at Trinity and Slade’s penthouse for a birthday celebration. It was Ryan’s zeroth birthday, but it was just an excuse to get together and spend time with the new baby. There was cake, balloons, and gifts. “He looks a lot like Slade. But I see some of Trinity in him too.”

  “He’s got Preston blood. I can tell.”

  “He’s definitely the strong and silent type,” Mike said. “I haven’t heard him cry yet.”

  “Be thankful,” I said with a chuckle.

  He looked me up and down in my dark jeans and t-shirt. “You look good, man.” He pointed to his face. “Everything has cleared up pretty well.”

  “Thanks.” I’d been on bedrest for several weeks. Scarlet wouldn’t let me do anything except watch TV and eat. It was relaxing at first but now I was eager to get back on my feet. I wanted to start jogging again and hit the gym. I didn’t want to feel so lazy all the time. “I think I’m back to normal.”

  “Good for you. Scarlet has been taking good care of you.”

  “Like always.” That woman was the best nurse I could ask for—especially since she was naughty. “Having a grandchild is the coolest thing ever. I thought it would make me feel old but it makes me feel young.”

  “Yeah, I know the feeling.” He stared at Ryan in Trinity’s lap.

  “I thought that was sweet they named him after Ryan.” I hoped Mike wasn’t offended they didn’t name Ryan after him instead.

  “Me too. He’s a great guy. And Slade has always been really close to him. I think it makes perfect sense.”

  He seemed sincere about it so I didn’t press any further. “Work been okay?”

  “Pretty boring. Conrad takes care of everything.”

  “He’s ready to go on his own, you think?”

  Mike nodded. “He’s been ready for a while. That company is his. I just get in his way most of the time—or play golf.”

  “So you think it’s time for us to officially retire?”

  “Definitely. Aren’t you ready?”

  I’d been working for that company for over twenty years. It was my home away from home. It had my blood, sweat, and tears. And it had my ancestry. Mike and I grew closer to one another working there. But our time had come and gone. “Yeah, I’m ready.” I didn’t want the stress associated with that place. I did my time and now it was okay for me to enjoy my free time doing other things. If Conrad changed his mind down the road, he could always sell it.

  “What are you going to do?”

  “I don’t know. Play tennis with Scarlet. Do some traveling. Spend time with Cedric and other kids that come our way. What about you? Still want to pursue boxing?”

  “I talk to Cassandra about it and she’s cool with it.”

  Really? “I can’t say I’m not surprised.”

  “We argued about it for a while and made a compromise.”

  “What’s the compromise?”

  “If I ever get seriously hurt, I have to quit.”

  “Define serious.”

  “Broken bones, deep cuts, a concussion, stuff like that.”

  “You do know that’s bound to happen, right?” Boxing was a brutal sport. A lot of trauma happened once fighters left the ring, like brain hemorrhages. “I really think it’s a bad idea, Mike. Life is precious and it could slip way instantly. It’s not worth it.”

  “But I like it.”

  “If you were younger and had the potential to be one of the greatest fighters in the world, I would encourage you. But Mike, you’re fifty years old. You’re in great shape and look like you’re thirty, but your body isn’t the same as it used to be. Don’t put yourself at risk when you have so many more important things to live for, like the little guy sitting on the couch on the other side of the room.”

  Mike stared at Baby Ryan before he released a deep sigh. He turned his gaze back to me, his shoulders heavy with discouragement. “I guess you’re right.”

  Wow. I just changed my brother’s mind. “I think you can train and work out in the ring, but I don’t think you should compete. That’s a fair compromise.”

  “You’re right.”

  I’m glad he was seeing clearly. “There’s so much more we can do. We haven’t been fishing in years. How about we go fishing?”

  “Fishing is for old people, man.”

  “Hate to disappoint you, but we are old.”

  “Hell no,” he argued. “I still get carded.”

  “As do I but that doesn’t change the truth. We’re old men and we’re just getting older. We have our wives and kids to keep us young but we aren’t invincible.”

  He rolled his eyes. “Okay, I got it. You can shut up now.” He drifted away and grabbed a beer from the ice chest. Then he spoke to Cassandra in the corner, probably telling her he’d changed his mind about the whole thing.

  “You look like you need a refill.” Ryan handed me a beer.

  I took it and twisted the cap off. I hadn’t been drinking for the past few weeks because it interacted with my medication. But now that I was off of it I could finally have something besides water and juice. “Thanks.”

  “Isn’t it weird?” he asked.


  “I have a grandson. I already had a granddaughter but I never knew her as a baby. Now there’s an actual newborn baby around. Crazy.”

  “It is crazy. Congrats.” I clanked my beer against his.

  “It’s unbelievable. We have a little Slade running around.”

  “Yeah. But he’s cuter.”

  Ryan chuckled. “So…I hope Mike wasn’t upset over the name situation.” He probably asked me because I knew my brother better than anyone. “I’m sure it doesn’t mean Slade and Trinity respect me more than they respect him.”<
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  “He’s not upset at all.”

  “Really?” Relief was in his voice.

  “Not at all. He said he was touched by the decision.”

  Ryan took a deep breath before he drank his beer. “That’s good. I was a little worried.”

  “No need to be.”

  “Crisis averted.”

  Scarlet drifted across the room and headed my way. With her long brown hair in open curls and her swaying hips, she looked captivating like usual. But I didn’t want her anywhere near me at the moment. I knew exactly what going to pop out of her mouth before she opened it. “Do you need anything?” She eyed the beer in my hand, disapproval in her eyes. “How about some water?”

  “He’s not handicapped, Scar,” Ryan argued.

  “I’m not on medication anymore so I can have a beer.” I wasn’t giving it up for anything—not even her. “And you don’t need to wait on me all the time. I’m a hundred percent better.”


  “I should be waiting on you.” I wrapped my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into my side. “I’m back to full health and would like to be treated that way from now on. Got it?”

  Scarlet opened her mouth like she was going to argue.

  I gave her a threatening look.

  She finally folded. “Okay, Sean.”

  “Thank you.” I drank my beer and finally relaxed.

  “Wow,” Ryan said.

  “What?” I asked as I looked at him.

  “Your whole relationship has been about Scarlet putting you in your place. You finally put her in her place for once.” He chuckled when he saw the irritated look on my face. “Hey, I’m just sharing my observations.”

  “Well, don’t.” I shot him a glare.

  Cassandra walked across the room and joined our group. “Thank you so much, Sean.” She hugged my side even though I already had Scarlet on the other side.

  “Thanks for what?” I asked. “Being handsome?”

  “Thanks for talking some sense into my husband.” She pulled away and the relief was heavy in her eyes. “I was so worried about this stupid fighting nonsense, but he wouldn’t listen to me. I don’t know what you said to him, but thank you.”

  “No problem,” I said. “He’s not very bright, but I’m always here to drop some sense into him.”


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