September Ends
Page 7
“Okay, I’m going to touch you now. Spread your legs for me, baby.”
“Okay,” I whispered in lusty approval. Oh God, I was so wet now, my love and longing for him amplified by the curiosity of what he planned to do to me.
With my agreement, Pete’s right hand slipped inside me from the back. Two fingers played with me, finding their way to just the right spot. I moved my body toward him.
“Now, get down on your knees and spread your legs wider. Don’t say anything; just do what I say. Get on all four, just for me.”
Yes, I nodded again as I did what Pete instructed on the top of the conference room table.
He reached around me with his right hand and began to slowly, rhythmically rub me. One finger, a slight push, and then two. In and out. A natural rhythm that swayed and stroked in this most primal of all dances.
“Oh yes, beautiful, beautiful. Now, move your body closer against my chest. Pretend you are riding when I use my fingers. Let me in. Let me in more than you have ever let anybody inside you. Body and soul, baby.”
My back arched. I could hear every move as Pete played with me. I inched closer to him and I opened my legs wider to allow him inside. It felt naughty and it felt good, all at the same time. I wanted our first time to be sexy and romantic, but this was like spontaneous combustion. Shooting stabs of hot white fire flew throughout my aching, hungry body. I was so desperate to have him right now. All of him. My entire being seemed to sigh along with my moans and heavy breathing. I heard Pete mumble something softly about how luscious it felt all hot, velvety, wet. He was torturing me with his long, thick fingers. I was so ready to have more, ready to slide up and down, give him more. Give me more, I was completely at his mercy. He continued the dance. In and out, in and out. My confusion melted away and I lost any apprehension that was there earlier. Instead, I gave control over to him and experienced complete abandonment. I felt him stroke again, then touch softly and I could take it no more. I could only give myself over to a shimmering harmony of ecstasy as it tore through my essence, clenching and tightening with each hot spasm.
“Let it go, baby. Go ahead and let it go. You are with me now. Let this feeling take you.” Then, he did something I never expected. He continued to massage softly, slowly. I couldn’t believe how it affected me. My entire body was hungry for his touch. I could hear, sense, feel… every move as Pete pulled and pushed. Keeping perfect time, every time. Pete made me feel so alive, so sexy with this dance. We could do anything we wanted to do.
“Sweet, sweet Liz. Such a sweet surprise you are. Ummm,” he whispered, the sexual timbre in his voice triggering something inside me.
The next orgasm came like a rising heat burning between my legs. I felt my entire body throbbing in spasms that were almost violent in their intensity. Pete, feeling this, whispered again, “Let it go. Let yourself go. You need this.”
The warmth spreading over me was almost like entering a multi-hued dream state. My body had never reacted like this with a man. “Ohhh, this is sexy, come on. You need to learn to enjoy this, not fight it. Let it go, baby.”
Wave after wave hit me. Orgasm after orgasm. Pete was stroking me, stroking me, rubbing me. It was all. Everything now was perfect. “Don’t fight it, Liz. This is beautiful, baby. This is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”
I had never reacted like this before. It was as if everything inside me opened to his touch. I didn’t know my body was capable of so many feelings at one time. The waves of sensation became waves of fire that spread from between my legs into the inner core of my being. I had never loved anyone like this before. This man had me – body and soul – spirit and essence. The dance was complete.
“Pete,” was all I could say.
He removed his hands from between my legs and even took a second to rearrange my panties. I was like a rag doll—so drained from the orgasms. I lay crumpled on the table. Pete took me by the shoulders and took me into his arms.
“Oh baby, I never expected that. You enjoyed that, didn’t you?” he whispered. Then, he kissed me tenderly. It was as if every atom in my being had been ignited. Pete’s kiss. The kiss we all dream of in the dream we all dream.
“Oh, Pete, I love you.” I was breathless. This man was beautiful; he was sexy and I felt safe in his arms.
“Baby, I love you. You know I love you. You are everything I have ever wanted in a woman.” We kissed again and he pulled me even closer, tighter as if he would never let me go. I could feel his hardness pressed against his pants. I moved my right hand over it.
“Do it, baby. Unzip me.” There was a pause as we kissed again. “I know you want it. Don’t you?”
Yes, I nodded as we continued to kiss. “Me too.” He curled his right hand into my thick hair. “Let me see how much you love me. Get on your knees in front of me, baby.”
With that, I moved from my half standing, half sitting position on the table. He kissed me again, so very tender yet lustful. He took my head in his hands. “Do it for me, baby. Keep the blindfold on. It’s sexy.”
“Okay.” I sighed and knelt in front of him. I unzipped his pants and took him in my hands. It felt long and thick and hard. He held my head in his hands, my hair tightly clenched in his fists. My lips and tongue found the primal, rhythmic beat that hypnotized him into submission. I circled and danced. I heard Pete moan, seduced by the pleasure. I began to move up and down, harder with every motion. Slow, fast, hungrily, needy, greedy. My hands working to massage him. Anything to make him happy. The tension, the sensations. There were no more flirtations. I felt the movement from the base. He shivered. He groaned a low, animal-like moan of satisfaction. As if he had never felt such a deep release. One word as his world exploded. Our worlds ignited. He was an elixir. The online dreamtime was made manifest.
Our breathing slowed and his body sagged from exhaustion. He tugged my hair. “Liz. Oh, Liz. “ He removed the sash tied around my head. “Oh, honey, I’ve waited forever for you.” He took my arms, pulling me upward toward him. I knew this was my true love and the one I had waited on forever. Pete and I were twin flames.
After holding each other for what seemed an eternity, but never would’ve been long enough, we finally began to untangle ourselves from one another.
Pete sat down on one of the conference room chairs and swiveled it around, motioning for me to sit in his lap. We sat there kissing and touching each other. I undressed him. He had me remove my clothes for him in a slow, provocative tease. We made love on the conference room table. We made light conversation. I sat in his lap and we made love again, for what must’ve been at least an hour, maybe two. We talked about the passion we had just experienced. He told me more about his life and his ambitions. We talked about everything and nothing in particular. But we really didn’t make any future plans. Then his phone rang and jolted us into reality. It would be nighttime before too long.
”Baby, why don’t you go on to Atlanta? I’ll straighten up the room and make a few phone calls. Get the room ready for the meeting tomorrow. I’ll be at your place in, oh, maybe three hours. Want to order in, instead of eating out? This is not exactly the way we planned our first time, is it?” Pete was so beautiful when he smiled, those blue eyes practically sparked and smoldered.
“Yes, Pete. Of course. Sometimes spontaneous is better anyway. We are in love. You can’t plan things when you’re in love. Things just happen and nothing ever goes as planned.”
Was there a slight hesitation before Pete laughed softly? He pulled me into his arms, kissing me deeply, once again. “Oh, Liz. My beautiful Liz.” He sighed. “Get whatever you want to drink, eat, everything. I can’t wait to get to Atlanta. I want to spend the night with you more than anything I have ever wanted.”
With that kiss and our goodbyes, I left the conference room at the hotel. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful, almost cloudless early summer Georgia day. The aroma of magnolia and honeysuckle hung heavy in the warm Georgia breeze like an intoxicating perfume holding
the promise of summer. I dropped the top on the Mercedes and drove I-75 South to Atlanta. It was 5:00. Good. I would make it to Midtown around 7:00 and miss most of the rush hour traffic. I’d stop at the liquor store and pick up some wine and beer. Pete should have a choice. That would put Pete in Atlanta around 8:00 to 8:30. Perfect. We could order in and make love all night. I couldn’t believe my good fortune. I was the luckiest girl in the world. My twin flame. The key I’d been waiting for to unlock my frozen heart. Pete. I had waited for him forever. I had finally found my heart’s desire and he loved me!
Then, that little thought went through my head that said don’t get too comfortable. I really had to stop it with the negative thinking. Pete loved me. He said he loved me. We were meant to be.
The cell phone rang around 9:00. It was Pete. “Liz. Baby.” His voice was muffled. “My little boy is sick and his mom is freaking out. I’m not going to be able to make it to Atlanta tonight.”
My heart sank and broke at the same time. “Oh, Pete, is he okay?” The lights from the bars and nightclubs in Midtown began to twinkle as the sun set on the Atlanta horizon. I sat in the window, naked, the shadows from the beginning night dancing as if to protect me, my longing for him continuing. My understanding deepened.
“Yes, he’s just running a fever and his mother wants me here in case he has to go to the emergency room. Are you okay with me? Do you still love me?”
“Yes, I love you.” I could feel the chemistry between us buzzing through our phones. Love had never been like this before with my ex, Andre. Pete was my new world, my new orbit, my new gravity.
“Liz, today has been the best day of my life. I’ve never had an experience like today. Like The Poet says, hot love’s hot way. I can’t wait to see you tomorrow.” The sexy huskiness of his voice could be felt through the phone connection. “If you are online later, maybe we can connect.”
With that, we said goodbye. We would meet to finish the new software setup for his office tomorrow morning at 9:00. It wasn’t his fault that his little boy was sick. Children get sick or hurt all the time. It was something I would have to get accustomed to in my relationship with Pete. Children. Having to share him with his children, then in a few years, having to share him with our own children.
This time, that little thought went through my head and said he’s lying to you…he’s still married.
Chapter 8
There are three sides to every story. Yours, mine, and the cold hard truth.
~Scottish Proverb
September 2003
Atlanta, GA
Good morning Diary! I was soooo wrong to doubt him. Actions speak louder than words and his actions tell me he DOES love me. Time has flown this summer. Pete. Our emails, our friendship. Everything started so innocently with those business emails in May.
And then the crazy English poet. Coming alive. Sheer joy. It was almost as if the Earth stood still that day we meet in July. After that meeting, time has a new meaning. Here it is, almost the end of September, and I never imagined my life would be so very good. The numbness has gone. I feel again! All the gray has disappeared. It’s as if there is color everywhere. Love has changed my life completely. No more pills, no more sadness, hopefully no more miscarriage nightmares. Hopefully, no more nightmares. So there! The world is vibrant and alive. The world is poetic in its heartbeat. It’s alive with love. I am happier than I have been since I was a young girl. Life, love, career. It’s all there for me and better than I ever even expected. There are no disappointments this time.
My career has skyrocketed. The world is looking for MY software. Another trip to London may be in the works. If so, it will be great to run in Hyde Park again. My territory in Atlanta and the Southeast is now half of the US and Puerto Rico. Our company truly is Global Software. We have new staff in sales, tech, admin, everything has grown. I’m rarely at home anymore. Which is exactly why I’m taking off work today and attempting to get my personal life in order.
It’s difficult to imagine my life without Pete. We are separated so often, with each of us having careers. Sometimes he will meet me when I’m on the road, especially if I’m in Nashville, Birmingham, Huntsville, or Knoxville. My earlier apprehensions are over. He loves me. I’ve been to Chattanooga a few times. We’ve walked the Walnut Street Bridge a few times and watched the sunset.
He always wants to take me to the country.
Mainly, he wants to take me to his cabin on Walden’s Ridge or, as they call it, Signal Mountain. The view of the Sequatchie Valley is breathtaking. Pete loves it as much as my brother did. The valley was the sacred hunting ground of the Cherokees. Pete says the property has been in his family for generations. We visit the Laurel Waterfall and swim in the pond that’s close to the cabin. He doesn’t have electricity there, so we often sleep under the stars with the lightning bugs glowing and swirling in the dark night sky. The tree frogs and cicadas sing us a Southern Lullaby as we fall asleep in each other’s arms. We are so close to Heaven on the mountain that we can hear the sound of the shooting stars in our hearts as they streak across the dark night sky.
He tells me stories of the Cherokee Warrior Chief, Dragging Canoe, and how his spirit is said to still take care of the sacred valley. Local legend has it that Dragging Canoe’s spirit revived Johnny Cash and told him to sober up when he was hiding in Nickajack years ago. We aren’t that far from Nickajack Cave, as the crow flies. Pete thinks that’s where Johnny Cash wrote “Ring of Fire.” That’s what we’re in—our love is fiery hot. I’ve never loved this way. Pete is everything I’ve ever dreamed of my lover, my friend. It’s if I’ll think back on my life one day and it will be divided into two sections: Before Meeting Pete and After Meeting Pete.
He hasn’t called in a couple of days, but I’m not concerned. He said he had a big court case coming up, so he’s probably heavily involved in research and depositions. If I don’t hear from him today, I’ll just give him a call tomorrow just to say hello and let him know that I’m thinking of him. He may think I’m out of town, so yeah, I’ll give him a call. It will be so good to hear his voice.
After the first time we actually met in July, he backed off for a while. Guys do that. It didn’t take him long to come back to me. It’s different when a divorced man has children, too. His time is not always his own. I can understand that better now. Even last month, he didn’t call me or anything for almost two weeks. Once he explained everything, I understood it.
Today, I’m going to get caught up on a few things around this messy condo. After spending the last few days at Mom and Dad’s farm in LaFayette, it’s good to get back to my life and my stuff. Wonder why Pete never wants to go to our farm and meet my family? Wonder why I haven’t met his family yet? Oh well, those things take time and we have only known each other a few months. We’ve only been lovers for two months. Amazing. I feel as if we have known each other forever.
My stuff and my life. When you live out of a suitcase for a while, you really get behind on the domestic side of your life. I’ll just run errands, grab a coffee at Einstein’s, then go for a run in Piedmont Park later today. It’s warm for September, even by Atlanta standards. Some of the oak trees are beginning to change color, so Fall is on its way. The marigolds have been planted in the planters that line Peachtree Street in my area of Midtown. I love running in Piedmont. The trees and flowers always make a simple run an aromatic journey. The natural fragrance of the air itself is one of the many beautiful aspects of Atlanta that I am truly enamored with. That and the Atlanta skyline make life in Midtown a treat. Then, the restaurants add even more to the offering. There’s really nowhere else like it. I love Atlanta! I love life! Finally!
The hawk is circling. It’s been a long time since he’s flown by. Wonder what that means? Seems as if the last time I saw him was right after Pete and I connected. It is magnificent seeing him soar and dive. Confident, proud purposeful. A rare treat to witness in the heart of the city.
So, the day is
planned. Clean and organize, laundry, coffee, errands, run. Oh, I need to remember to pick up a dream interpretation book. My grandfather has been appearing more and more often in my dreams. He always says the same thing, “Go to London.” Then, he disappears. His appearance in my dreams has always symbolized something getting ready to change in my life, so the dreams don’t scare me.
I haven’t really shared this with Pete. Guys are funny when we start to share dreams and intuitions with them. This is a secret that will just be kept to myself and with you, Diary!
I almost have a feeling that Pete is getting ready to take me on a trip to London. Pete does keep saying that he believes there is a message for our lives in The Poet’s verses. I believe that. I live that thought. Jack O. Savage is like a crossword-setter laying clues in his words. Maybe we can catch one of The Poet’s readings live! I believe that’s what is getting ready to happen. Bet while we’re there, Pete asks me to marry him. Now that makes sense and would be why Grandfather continues to appear. He’s letting me know that when Pete asks, I should say yes and go to London.
How exciting! I’ve only been there a few times and I love to visit. To go on a romantic trip with Pete, and get to hear The Poet read would be beyond anything I could even imagine! What would I wear? I’d better get a plan together because it’s rumored online that The Poet may be making a rare appearance, reading for a charity, so this could happen so quickly! Maybe I’ll have time to stop at a couple of shops and pick up a couple of fun new outfits for the trip. Maybe even some new lingerie. Now that I know what Pete likes, I’ll get something that he really can’t resist. This trip to London is going to be blinding, as the Cockneys say. I can’t wait!
When I return this afternoon, I need to sign on and read The Poet’s Blog from a few weeks ago. It will be great to see where his thoughts are now, as he is moving away from the death of his love, Indie Shadwick. It will be nice to see how he’s coping. Maybe Pete has been online and left a message in one of our chat rooms. I’ll check it before going out, just in case.