A Home for Three [Lost in Space 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)
Page 6
PJ smiled at her. “That good, huh?”
Andrea’s face heated. “You’re teasing me.”
“Yep. You blush so nicely. I like seeing it on your face.”
“Meanie. Why don’t you call him and see if he wants to come over?”
PJ chuckled. “Good idea.”
When he called up the communications unit, Andrea scooted to the far end of the couch. She didn’t want to be in the viewing screen. Right then she felt all out of sorts and with her face all red she really didn’t want Coreg to ask what was wrong.
“Hey, Coreg. Want to come over for last meal tonight? We can visit and talk.” PJ asked when Coreg signed on.
“I would be honored to share last meal. I will come now if that would be okay.”
“Perfect. Come on over. The meal should be ready soon.” PJ signed off and shook his head at how Andrea was all squished up on the opposite end of the couch.
“You know he’s going to see you when he comes over, babe.”
“I know, but maybe my face won’t be all red and splotchy when he gets here.” Andrea jumped up and raced to her chambers to see what the damage was.
When she touched the wall to activate the mirror it was to find PJ behind her in the reflection. She whirled around and found herself in his arms.
“I don’t like for you to worry so much, Andrea. Take a deep breath and calm down. There’s nothing wrong with what you did or didn’t do. Coreg and I will work out our feelings just like the three of us will work out being together.”
“I know. I shouldn’t feel conflicted, but with him living somewhere else and you being here it feels odd. I feel like I’m cheating when I spend time with either of you alone.” Andrea drew in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “I’m trying to relax.”
“Wash your face and take a minute. I’ll let Coreg in and we’ll sit down to eat. There’s no need for all of this. I shouldn’t have said anything about being jealous. Like I said, that’s something Coreg and I have to work out between the two of us without involving you. Okay?”
She nodded. “Okay.”
PJ pulled her into a tight hug then let her go and left her chambers, the door whooshing closed behind him. Andrea stared at the door long after he’d disappeared behind it. She was making more of this than was necessary. She needed to get a hold of herself.
She splashed cold water on her face then patted it dry. She added a bit of lip gloss to her mouth then stared at herself in the mirror. Her reflection told her that she’d failed to mask the unease in her eyes. She sighed. It would have to do. They’d talk after the meal and work things out one way or another.
The sound of someone knocking on the door when she exited her room had tiny moths flitting around in her stomach once again. Coreg was here.
Chapter Seven
Coreg stood after they finished the meal. “That was delicious, Lettie. You are a very good cook. Tegrig and Honrig should be proud of you.”
“Thank you.” Lettie blushed, her pretty face turning a cute shade of pink.
“Let’s sit outside on the back patio and talk,” PJ suggested.
Immediately, Andrea’s face heated as well. Why did he have to pick the back? Did he know that was where they’d been when Coreg had brought her to climax with his mouth? Surely he wouldn’t suggest it if he had known.
“That would be nice,” Andrea said, flashing a quick smile in Coreg’s direction.
To her surprise, he winked. It drove the burning sensation in her cheeks that much hotter.
Andrea followed the two men out to the covered back patio where Coreg activated the privacy screens once more. PJ nodded and sat in a chair at the round table while Coreg held another chair for her. She sat down, puzzled at PJ’s choice of seating. Coreg took another chair and smiled at Andrea.
“How was your work today, PJ?”
“Frustrating. We’re working on one of your older harvesting machines. They were better at harvesting some of the root vegetables than what you are currently using, but getting the thing to work is taking more effort than we anticipated,” PJ told him.
“We are all very appreciative of your help with these old machines. We lost the knowledge of how to run them when our older males died. For many years, we had to harvest by hand then developed a few rudimentary machines that work faster, but not always better. Having the old ones back will be much more efficient and less work on our males.” Coreg nodded at PJ.
“Did you enjoy your day of rest?” PJ asked the man.
“Yes. I visited some friends and stopped by and spent some time with Andrea.” He smiled over at her. “I greatly enjoyed the time with her.”
Once again, moths, a little larger this time, flitted around in her stomach.
“I enjoyed your visit as well. I’m sorry I conked out on you and you had to put me to bed. I guess I was tired from working on the baby clothes.” Andrea knew her face showed her nervousness.
“I didn’t mind at all, little one,” Coreg said.
“That brings me to what we need to talk about,” PJ began.
Coreg’s face grew storm clouds. “Do not upset Andrea. I was the one who started it. I won’t have her upset over this.”
“I’m not angry and would never blame Andrea for something that was natural. It’s the fact that she does feel nervous about spending time with either of us alone that I want to talk about it. I hate that she feels pulled between us.” PJ reached over and covered her hand with his. “I merely want to discuss how we can make this easier on her.”
“I apologize. I should have known that you wouldn’t pressure her. I too, would like to make this as easy on Andrea as possible.” Coreg relaxed back in his chair once more. “What do you suggest to make this smoother for all of us?”
“Actually, Andrea suggested a possible solution,” PJ said. “She thinks we should go ahead and move in with you so that we are together more.”
Coreg’s face glowed at the suggestion. “I would welcome that, and I agree that it would help to spend more time together. There are four sleeping chambers in my pod, so there would be room for all of us, including Lettie.”
“That’s good, but I think we should plan to all sleep in the same room. We don’t have to become intimate at first, but it would make the transition into a family unit as you call it, much easier,” PJ suggested.
Andrea hadn’t thought that far ahead, but it made sense. If they shared a room, a bed, they’d progress faster into feeling more comfortable around each other. She glanced over at Coreg then at PJ.
“I would be fine with that, PJ. Andrea? What about you? Would you feel comfortable sharing the main chamber with both PJ and I?” Coreg asked.
“Yes. I’m sure it will be a bit awkward at first, but I think PJ is right that it would help us grow closer if we share a room and a bed.” Andrea smiled though she was still a little shaky concerning it.
“Coreg. I know that you and Andrea spent time together today and that you had oral sex. Andrea and I had oral sex the other night. I feel like we need to be completely honest with each other. I don’t feel that we should tell each other every time we spend time alone with her after this, but I wanted it out in the open so that Andrea would begin to become used to the idea of alone time.”
Coreg let out a long breath. “This is good. I didn’t feel guilty, but I was worried about how Andrea would feel once I returned home. We should have talked about it afterward, but she fell asleep and I didn’t want to wake her.”
“So, we’re on even ground now. Andrea, there’s no need for you to worry about spending time with either of us in the future. It’s all agreed that we’re going to do everything possible to form a family and get used to each other.”
“Okay. I’m sure I’m still going to feel a little antsy about it, but it will get better over time. When should we move in?” she asked.
“When are you next off, PJ? I will request that day as well and we can move you in together,” Coreg suggested.
; They continued talking long into the night, making plans and suggestions over how to work things out. Andrea was sure that most of what would need to be moved were her sewing machine and supplies. She smiled to herself. Instead of shoes and clothes, it would be what she enjoyed working on.
“How does that sound to you, Andrea?” PJ asked.
“Hmm? Oh, sorry. I was thinking about packing up my sewing things. What did you say?” she asked.
“How would two rotations from now work for you?” Coreg asked.
“That’s fine. I can have everything packed away by then, and still finish the baby clothes I’m working on. I still want to carry them over to Caro and Della,” she said.
“We’ll do that once we’re all moved in,” PJ said. “I’m sure Coreg would like to go with us to do that.”
“I would like us to go as a family unit,” he said.
“Then it’s settled.” PJ stood up. “Let’s call it a night. I’m beat and have a long day ahead of me tomorrow.”
“I’ll see myself out. Thank you both for agreeing to move into my pod. There will only be the two of us since I have no family sharing the space.”
“You will have a new family now,” Andrea told him, squeezing his hand as they walked back inside.
“I’m looking forward to many years with you, little one.” Coreg kissed her then walked toward the front door. “I will see you in two rotations.”
Once Coreg had left, PJ hugged Andrea close then led her to his chambers. She only hesitated a second before relaxing and joining him there.
“As much as I’d like to mess around with you, babe, I’m beat and really just want to hold you until we both fall asleep.
“That’s fine. I’m a bit beat myself. Getting all emotional had probably drained you, babe. We can make up for lost time another night.”
He pulled her into his arms and kissed her before letting her go and stripping off his clothes. Andrea did the same and slid into bed next to him. He pulled her into his arms, and within minutes, his steady breaths told her that he was asleep. Andrea smiled and snuggled next to him before falling asleep as well. Her last thought was to wonder how the three of them would manage to sleep once they were together.
* * * *
PJ and Coreg wouldn’t let Andrea lift a finger as they carried their things inside Coreg’s pod. The large dwelling contained three individual pods that each contained four sleeping chambers, a living room, and meal prep area. The front of the dwelling held a communal living space, and separate meal prep area for when they all wanted to share a meal. There were outside covered patios for each pod and the front held a communal porch that held several chairs and benches for the entire family to visit on cooler nights.
Coreg’s was the far left pod. Andrea watched as they set her sewing machine and supplies on a table Coreg had brought in just for her machine. It sat to one side in the living room of their pod. She would have plenty of room to sew and piece together her dresses without worrying that she’d drop something as before.
“Thank you so much for finding the table for me, Coreg. I appreciate it. It will make sewing much easier for me,” she told him.
“It was my pleasure to find something that would work for you. I know how much you enjoy sewing.”
“Coreg, when you have a second, I need to know where to put our clothes,” PJ called from the back of the pod.
Coreg smiled at Andrea then walked down the hallway to the main chamber.
Andrea quickly set up her machine then pulled out the dress she was working on and set it next to the machine. She arranged her supplies on one end of the table, then pulled out the twelve baby outfits she’d created, and wrapped each group of six in a swatch of cloth with ribbon to give to Della and Caro. She was super proud of the outfits, having never made anything that small before.
“Looks like you’ve just about got everything set up,” PJ said.
“It’s perfect. Is everything unloaded now?” she asked.
“Yeah. Come see the chambers and be sure we unpacked everything like you wanted.”
“You already unpacked? I was going to do that.” She jumped up and followed PJ down the hall to their new chamber.
Coreg showed her the closets. One was for her and the other one was for his and PJ’s clothes. Both were spacious enough to hold many more outfits. Coreg showed her the drawers where her footwear and underwear was held. There were two empty ones if she needed them.
“What do you think?” PJ asked.
“It’s great. There’s more room than I thought.”
“I’m pleased that you are happy with the chambers, little one.” Coreg nodded his head toward her. “Let’s take the young’s clothes over to your friends’ home.”
Andrea couldn’t help being excited to see if Della and Caro liked the outfits. She was also curious as to how the women looked now that they were pregnant. While Della might be having a normal human baby, Caro would definitely have one who was part Levassian and part human. Everyone was patiently waiting for them to give birth.
“Settle down, babe. You’re rocking the transport,” PJ said, smiling.
“No I’m not. Stop teasing me.” She popped him on the shoulder.
“It is obvious that you are excited little one. How long has it been since you’ve seen the females?” Coreg asked.
“A couple of months. They don’t go out anymore now that they’re pregnant. I miss seeing them.”
Coreg pulled the transport up to the home where both females lived. When PJ knocked on the door, Veran opened the door to them. He smiled and nodded to Coreg.
“It is good to see you, Coreg. This must be members of your family unit. Welcome to our home.” Veran backed inside and opened the door farther. “We are pleased you have come to see us.”
Sabin walked into the greeting hall and nodded. “It’s good to see you, Coreg. Introduce us to the rest of your family unit.”
“This is our female, Andrea. She’s brought gifts for your females,” Coreg began. “And this is PJ, our third.”
“We are most pleased to meet you. Do come into the pod. Caro and Della are visiting in the communal living quarters,” Sabin said.
As soon as they walked into the main room, Della and Caro squealed in excitement and jumped up the best their rounded bellies would allow. Immediately, the males rushed to help them up.
“Careful, female. You shouldn’t get so excited and rush around,” Veran said.
“Andrea. We haven’t seen you in forever. You look great,” Della said as she embraced Andrea.
Caro smiled and pressed her cheek to Andrea. “It’s so nice of you to come visit. We don’t see many people anymore. Our males keep us locked away so that nothing happens to us.”
“That is not true, Caro. We are merely worried that you will overdo things. You tend to forget that you are carrying young,” Sabin said.
“Don’t worry. We can’t forget that we have bowling balls inside of us,” Della said, shaking her head.
“We’ve brought you gifts that our Andrea has made for your young,” Coreg said.
“Sit down. The females need to sit with their feet up,” Sabin said, urging Caro and Della back toward the couches where there were two beanbag looking things in front of it.
“I can’t wait to see what you’ve made. Everyone is talking about your dresses,” Della said.
“Right now, we’re pretty comfortable in these drapes they made for us since we’re sticking out in front, but as soon as we’ve lost our weight, Della and I both want dresses made,” Caro said.
“I’d love to sew for you.” Andrea handed each of the women their packages. “Since we don’t know if you’re having a boy or girl, they’re generic in yellows and tans and oranges.”
Della and Caro pulled the ribbon off and opened the material to exclaim at the jumpers she’d made for the babies. They held each one up for the men to see, then hugged each other with tears in their eyes.
“They’re perfect, Andrea. We
’d get up and hug you, but that’s a tough thing right now. I doubt Sabin will let us,” Della said.
“I’m so glad you like them. Once the babies are born, I can make some in pink or blue for you,” Andrea told them. “They should fit for a few months at least.”
“Levassian children are said to grow quickly. Plus, they are usually nine or ten of your human pounds. We know that Caro will have such a young, but we are not sure of Della’s young right now,” Sabin told her.
“I may not have one that large since I’m human,” Caro told them. “In fact, you better hope I don’t, or you may never touch me again.”
Everyone laughed at her serious sounding threat. Andrea had a feeling that Caro wasn’t joking. The idea of delivering a nine or ten-pound baby made her wince. That would definitely not feel good. Labor was hard enough without delivering a real bowling ball.
They visited for a few more minutes, then Andrea stood, seeing that the women were tiring and told everyone that it was time to return home.
“We’ve just moved in together and I need to see that everything is in the right place.” She walked around to the couch and leaned over to hug each of the women. “I can’t wait to welcome your babies into the world.”
“Thank you so much for the baby clothes and for visiting. You must come back soon. We don’t get many visitors,” Caro said.
“I will. I’ve missed you guys.” Andrea allowed PJ and Coreg to hold her hands.
“Oh, and congratulations on your joining,” Della said. “It’s great that you’ve found another male to make a home with.”
Andrea knew she was blushing but couldn’t stop it. It seemed she was doing a lot of that lately.
“It is a joyous occasion for the three of you. May your family unit prosper and flourish,” Veran told them as he saw them out.
“Thank you, Veran. We are eager to meet the latest additions to your family unit. Wish Gressen and Kane good for us. We’re sorry we missed them,” Coreg said.
“They will be disappointed to have missed you, as well. They are gathering supplies before the last meal. Have a good trip back to your pod,” Sabin said.