A Home for Three [Lost in Space 3] (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)
Page 7
Andrea allowed PJ and Coreg to help her back into the transport. She’d had a great visit, though it had been short. She could tell that both Della and Caro were easily tired out. They only had about two months left before they delivered. Sooner according to what she’d learned about Levassians having their babies at eight months instead of nine. She wondered which of Della’s men had fathered her baby. It would be odd if Caro had hers first, then a month later Della had a human child.
From what she’d been told by Coreg, the entire city of Levastah was eager for children of any kind. They didn’t care if they were human or Levassian, or a combination of both. Andrea couldn’t help but feel relief over that since she had a fifty percent chance of having a completely human child since PJ was one of her men.
Nine or ten pounds? It made her shutter.
“What’s that look on your face?” PJ asked with a frown.
“Just thinking about going through childbirth knowing you might have a nine or ten-pound baby. That smarts,” she said, shivering again.
PJ and Coreg chuckled. Andrea glared at them.
“You can’t say anything. It’s not your body that has to carry around a bowling ball then manage to force it out. If I get pregnant and go through that, I might shoot both of you.”
Coreg winced. “I will pray that you have an easy time of your waiting. I would not want you to have pain, little one.”
“You don’t want me to kick you out of bed is what you mean,” she said, glowering.
Coreg’s face went almost white despite his silver skin tone. “You would make me leave?”
PJ laughed. “Don’t worry, Coreg. She’ll kick us both out for a few days then welcome us back once the pain is gone. Women tend to get very emotional when they’re pregnant. You’ll see.”
“You have been around women during their waiting period?” Coreg asked.
“Yeah. My sister had twins before our planet began to go south. Talk about crazy. My brother-in-law never knew when he was going to be hugged and kissed, or have things thrown at him when he returned from working each day,” PJ told him.
Coreg winced. “I wouldn’t want to upset her and have things thrown at me.”
“That’s just it. You don’t even have to do anything. Pregnant women’s hormones go haywire and they go off over nothing.” PJ squeezed Andrea’s hand when she tried to pull it free. “He needs to know how women get during their pregnancy, babe. It’s only fair.”
“We aren’t all crazy when that happens,” she said.
“You’ve never been pregnant before. Don’t make promises you can’t keep, babe.” PJ leaned over and kissed her.
“I will be very careful around you when you become with young, little one. I don’t wish to upset you.” Coreg took one hand and kissed the back of it.
Andrea sighed and shook her head. Once they started having sex, it was a very real possibility she’d end up pregnant sooner rather than later. Coreg hadn’t had sex in forever or maybe even never at all. That hit her hard. The poor man had been celibate all his life as far as she knew. That was difficult to imagine when people from Earth had sex fairly often, even when they weren’t married. What would it be like to have sex with a virgin?
Chapter Eight
“We’re just going to sleep together tonight, babe. There’s no need to be this nervous,” PJ told her.
“I know, but it feels weird. I don’t know why, except that there will be three of us in one bed.”
“There would have been three of us if we’d made it to the other planet, Andrea. You were always going to have two men in bed with you at one time.”
Coreg was in the cleaning unit. Andrea had already finished, and PJ was going to use it after Coreg was finished. It had finally sunk in that she was going to be sleeping with two men. One of which was an alien whom she’d only met a few weeks ago.
“I know. I know. I can’t help feeling a little nervous. This is all new to me regardless of what was going to happen anyway. It’s still different.”
“Is it because I am not human, little one?” Coreg stepped out of the cleansing unit with a towel wrapped around his lower body.
“Damn.” She sighed and plopped down on the bed wearing an overly large T-shirt. “Yes and no. I don’t know. I think I’m just nervous of sleeping with a man period.”
“I do not want you to be upset, Andrea. I can sleep in one of the other rooms if you prefer. There is plenty of time to try sleeping together. It doesn’t have to happen right now if you are not ready,” Coreg said.
“But I want us to be together. I’m just antsy.” Andrea wrung her hands.
“Antsy? I’m not familiar with that word.” Coreg looked at PJ.
“It means that she’s nervous and can’t be still,” PJ supplied.
“Ah, I see,” Coreg said.
“Why don’t you get into bed, Andrea and we’ll get in on either side of you once I get out of the shower? Will that work?” PJ asked.
“Um, yeah. Okay.” Andrea stood and walked around to the side of the bed and climbed up. She sank into the mattress and pulled the covers up to her neck.
PJ chuckled. “I’ll be right back, babe.”
Coreg walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. “I do not like you to be so upset, little one. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather us sleep in different chambers for a while?”
“I’m sure. I just need to relax. I’ve let this eat at me all day and shouldn’t have.”
“Andrea, just lie back and do not think about it for now. PJ will be out soon. Try to go on to sleep, little one.”
Andrea sighed and tried to relax. She closed her eyes but didn’t feel the slightest bit sleepy now. Why couldn’t she get past this?
I want both of them, so why am I being so weird about this? I should be excited to finally have them both with me.
Coreg shifted on the bed next to her. Her eyes flew open at the movement only to see that Coreg had just moved an inch and hadn’t laid down next to her. She sighed and turned to look at him.
“Are you really okay with sharing me with PJ, Coreg?”
“I am. It’s more than I could have asked for, little one.” He turned a little more to face her. “Think about it. Before you crashed on our world, we faced extinction and no future to speak of. Now, I have the chance to make a family with a female I adore. It only gets better that I like the other male in our relationship.”
“I’m just worried that you and PJ will start to resent each other. I don’t want that. I don’t want to worry that somewhere down the line one of you will get dissatisfied and feel jealous or something.”
“There’s no guarantee that won’t happen, but I don’t foresee it. Here, there is no dissolving a family unit, or at least there wasn’t before the scourge. I understand that on your Earth, you had divorce which did this. On our world, we work things out and avoid such situations. It will be the same with us, Andrea. You will see.”
“I hope you’re right. It would kill something inside of me if something came between us,” Andrea said.
“If PJ and I have any issues, we will solve them between us. You will never feel that you have to deal with our problems. That is not the way of Levassians. A female is never pulled into a male’s disagreements.”
“There won’t be about us.”
“I want us all to be happy with this.”
“We will be. Trust me, little one.”
* * * *
PJ walked out of the cleansing chamber to find Andrea talking with Coreg. She looked worried or maybe anxious was a better word.
I don’t like seeing her so worried and nervous. Did we push her too much by expecting us to sleep together the first night we’re at Coreg’s home?
He hoped not. He wanted them to be a family and part of that was sleeping together. By sleeping in separate rooms, they’d only be putting off the inevitable.
PJ liked Coreg. He was a good man and seemed totally devoted to Andrea. He couldn’t ask for a better partner.
The fact that they’d hit it off so quickly was even better than the planned relationship they’d had with Landon. She and Landon hadn’t clicked like she had with Coreg. He couldn’t ask for a better situation.
Now all he had to do was alleviate whatever fears Andrea still had about their relationship. He was completely on board with the threesome, or family unit as Coreg called it. All they needed to do was move toward the sex and everything would work out. He knew that making love would seal them closer than any marriage vows ever would.
Coreg stood up when PJ walked in. “We were just talking.”
“Don’t get up. We’re going to bed anyway. It’s late and I think we all need some rest,” PJ said.
Andrea made sure she was directly in the middle and lay there as if moving would call out some monster to eat her. PJ hated seeing her so stiff and uncomfortable looking. He sighed then sit on the edge of the bed before stretching out.
“Andrea, relax. You’re wound tighter than a pocket watch. Nothing is going to happen. We’re just going to sleep. You’ll never fall asleep that way.”
“I’ve never slept in the same bed with two men before. I don’t know what to do. I’m afraid if I move I’ll touch one of you.”
“There’s nothing wrong with touching one of us. In fact,” PJ said. “We’re going to turn on our sides and scoot in close so that we’re comfortable. You know, spoon together.”
“What is spooning?” Coreg asked.
“Turn on your sides facing me.”
Andrea and Coreg turned over so that Andrea was facing him and Coreg was facing Andrea’s back.
“Now scoot closer. Andrea, you know what spooning is. Give me your arm over my side. Coreg, you scoot up behind Andrea and wrap your arm over her waist. Relax, both of you and we’ll all get some sleep.”
He could feel Andrea’s stiff body behind him. As time went by, she slowly relaxed, and after about twenty minutes he could tell she’d finally fallen asleep.
“She’s asleep now, Coreg. You can relax as well and get some rest.”
“I don’t like that our Andrea is so worried about this. Isn’t there anything we can do to make this easier for her? Is she upset over having two men in a relationship?” Coreg whispered.
“No. She’s just nervous about it. She knew she’d have two men in her life since we left Earth. That’s not it. I think it is that she’s not sure that you and I can agree over sharing her. I’ve tried to assure her that we’re good with this, but it hasn’t helped.”
“I have also told her this.”
“It will take time and experience.”
“Experience?” Coreg asked.
“Seeing for herself that we won’t fight over her.”
“That is not how it is among my kind. We don’t fight over things. We calmly talk them out and if we can’t settle it, we go to the council and accept their decision.”
PJ smiled to himself. “I don’t think we will need to go that far. We just have to agree that any dispute between us never involves Andrea. She shouldn’t have to know that we are fighting over anything, even if it doesn’t involve her.”
“I agree. That is best.” Coreg shifted behind Andrea. “This spooning is nice. I like it, but having her ass near my cock is not helping me relax to go to sleep.”
PJ chuckled. “Believe me. I’m in the same boat. My dick’s so hard I could use it as a hammer.”
“You use your male part as a hammer? Doesn’t that hurt?” Coreg asked.
“It’s just a metaphor. I wouldn’t really do that, but that’s how hard my cock feels.” PJ couldn’t stop the smile that spread over his face.
Living with Coreg would be amusing at times and comfortable at others. He truly hoped they didn’t argue over anything, much less Andrea. He thought they would see eye to eye on most things. It was why he thought Coreg was a good match for him and Andrea.
“Are you good with the three of us, PJ? I know that Andrea surprised you when she wanted to introduce us. I pushed into her life by agreeing to go for her sewing machine.”
“As long as Andrea is happy and you don’t hurt her, I’m fine. Remember, we were already going to be in a threesome before we crashed, and since then, the council has stated that all family units would contain two men whether they are Levassians or humans. I’m impressed they didn’t insist that at least one of you had to be in every relationship.”
“They are happy as long as there are young in our lives once more. We’ve missed females, but also we’ve missed having young growing up here. We are all excited about the coming births from Caro and Della,” Coreg said.
“I can tell. Everyone has been talking about it at work every day. They are really excited about it. They tell me that there have been all sorts of celebrations planned for them. Some have even created things for them like baby beds and highchairs.”
Coreg’s soft laugh behind Andrea barely reached PJ’s ears. “Yes, I’ve heard that both women have more than they need for the upcoming births. I’m very proud of our Andrea for creating the tiny baby clothes. Our males have not been able to sew anything quite that small as of yet. They are working at it though, as there will need to be many outfits and even Andrea will not be able to keep up.”
“She’s so happy with her sewing. I appreciate that you took that chance and got it for her. It was dangerous for you, I know,” PJ said.
“I had a soldier with my group. We were fine. I think we need to make more trips to the crashed ship and extract everything we can from it. I plan to discuss this with the council soon. There are many things the females would like to have that are not available here.”
“Like what? What have you heard that they miss?”
“Those odd contractions that they wear beneath their clothes for one.”
PJ laughed. “Bras. I for one would like that you don’t find those.”
“Why not?”
“Because they hide their breasts and limit the access we have to them.”
“Ah, I see.”
“That’s me being a man, but they do provide some support for them. If you find them, I’d bring them back.” PJ sighed. “What else have they asked for? I haven’t heard anything.”
“More of their clothes, personal items they were taking with them to the new planet. I don’t know the details, only that they’ve asked for them.”
PJ thought about it. “I think that’s a good idea. It would go a long way to making them feel more at home here if they had some of their personal items to remind them of their past. You know, loved ones they left behind. I’m sure Andrea associates good memories with her sewing machine and being able to make things.”
“That is what I thought. I will approach the council members tomorrow concerning this. I can truthfully tell them that it has made a difference in Andrea’s happiness. They will attach a great amount of importance to making the females happy.”
“You’re a good man, um, male, Coreg. I’m ashamed to say that human men don’t often put a lot of importance to making a woman happy. They just want them to be satisfied so that there’s no drama in their lives and they still get sex.”
“That is a dishonorable way to live. I am not surprised that your kind had this divorce I’ve heard of. If both parties in a relationship seek only to make the other one happy, there’s no need for it.”
“You’re right, Coreg. You’re right.”
Chapter Nine
“You’re doing what?” Andrea dropped the dress she’d been working on and stood up. “Why you?”
“Because I wish to help, little one. Finding that sewing machine made you happy. I want to help make all of you happy and it was my idea,” Coreg said.
“It’s dangerous. I should never have put you in that position. I’m ashamed of it now.”
“Don’t, Andrea. I was very happy to provide you with something that made you so happy. The males going with me are just as excited that they can bring this to all the females here. We should have organized it sooner, but thoug
ht you would be happy without all of it.”
“I am, we are, Coreg. I’m scared something might happen to you. Let the others go. You’ve already been.”
Coreg cupped Andrea’s cheek with one hand. “I know most about where all the personal items stored in the holds of the ship are, so they don’t waste time on other items. Those we can obtain another day. Once I show them the differences, I won’t need to return and can leave it to the others.”
“Please, Coreg. Don’t go. I’m going to be so worried about you.”
“Little one. I will be fine. There are several soldiers going with us plus eight other strong males. We will be fine. I will come here as soon as we are back and leave the unloading to them. I promise.”
“Oh, Coreg. The fact that you want to help makes me proud, but I’m still worried about you going.”
“I will back before dark. We will leave at dawn so that we have plenty of time to get there, load up, and return.”
“Does PJ know about this?” she asked.
“Yes, he knows and will be staying home with you while I’m gone. He is of the same mind that it is needed in order to give the other females here a sense of comfort. We’ve talked about this already.”
“See. That is what I’ve been afraid of. The two of you ganging up on me,” Andrea said, snapping her hands on her hips.
Coreg’s eyebrows shot up and his mouth widened into an O. “No, Andrea. We would never as you say, gang up on you. I truly didn’t realize you would be so upset over this. That is why PJ is going to stay home with you, so you won’t feel alone while I am gone. Plus, Lettie will be here.”
“She spends some of her time with Tegrig and Honrig now. I’m glad you at least thought to have PJ stay with me. Otherwise I would have made myself sick worrying. I’m still going to be nervous until you get home.”
Andrea realized that she felt like Coreg’s house felt that way now. They’d developed a family unit and were getting used to each other being around all the time. Still, they hadn’t had sex and that bothered her. She wanted to take it to the next step, but wasn’t sure if she was ready for it. Once they had sex, made love, everything would be set in concrete. Deep down she knew that was crazy to think that way, but there it was.