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The Beginning of Us

Page 9

by Corona, Brandy Jeffus

  I picked Luke up and we headed to the beach, where the senior football guys had built a bonfire. It was the one night of the year where the Seabrook Police Department would look the other day. Our town worshipped football and they treated their players like kings, especially the senior ones.

  There were a few skanky girls that I stayed away from, but it was mostly guys. I ended up drinking too much and collapsed in a beach chair, in a daze.

  Luke came up next to me. “Hey dude, Raegan just texted me, she said Teegan's been trying to get hold of you.”

  “Oh shit,” I slurred. I got out my phone and looked at the screen. I had two missed calls and five messages blinking at me.

  I dialed Teegan's number and listened as the ringing seemed to go on forever. I wondered if she was asleep, I had no idea what time it was.

  “Hello?” Teegan's greeting was clipped.

  “Hey baby.” I said, trying to sound sober. My head was spinning, actually the whole world was, and for a moment I thought I was gonna hurl.

  “Are you drunk?” she asked quietly.

  “Um, yup. Tad bit. Told you I was gonna have fun tonight. Don't worry though, I ain't cheatin’ on you baby.” I burped, and cringed for doing so on the phone. Luke, who I forgot was standing next to me, laughed.

  “Jax, I know that. The only reason I called and text was just to tell you I missed you and that Raegan and I may have found something.”

  “Mm that's great baby, I miss you too.”

  “Alright, well I'll let you go.”

  “You sure you don't wanna come down here and get nasty at the beach?”

  Teegan sighed, “Nope. Sure don't. Talk to you later Jax.”

  The fact that she was trying to get off the phone made me mad. Everything I had been through, she should be cool with the fact that I needed a break. A chance to unwind and be carefree and get sloppy drunk.

  “Whatever then Teeg. You sound mad. Just remember, we're not married yet darlin',” I sneered into the phone, the anger turning white hot throughout my body.

  As soon as the words came out, I knew I messed up.

  “What did you just say?” Teegan demanded.

  “Nothing, just forget it baby. I'm just pissed off.” However angry I was didn't mean I wanted Teegan to dump my ass. She had become a part of me. I glanced up at Luke who had wandered a few feet away and I dropped my voice down to a whisper, “I've just been having these dreams Teegan. Of us fighting. They're makin’ me so mad.”

  She took a deep breath and her voice softened. “I’m sorry Jax. You still don't have the right to say shit like that to me. If I'm making you so angry, then we can just split up.”

  Oh hell. Screw this. “What-ever-er Teegan. Don't gotta be such a bitch.” I hung up my phone and tossed it angrily on the ground.

  I stood up and found another beer, determined to drink myself into oblivion.



  The whole night I couldn't sleep. I had no idea what was to happen next. Raegan tried her best to comfort me as I threw my phone across the room, sobbing.

  “I'm gonna lose him again, Raegan. I really am. I shouldn't have told him,” I cried.

  “No, no, girl. You did exactly the right thing. He's just drunk right now. And that's okay. We're all teenagers still. Just give him a couple days and make him miss you. He'll come crawlin’ back like a little lost puppy,” she said, handing me tissues and smoothing my hair.

  Even though my tears had dried, I lay awake, sharing Raegan's bed. Her back was turned toward me, her snores coming steady and soft.

  The part about his dreams made me sad. After I confessed everything, he had told me about the ones that he kept having. They were different every time. But they were from our future life together. Things I had lived through with him. And now he was at the part where we had started unravelling. And it broke my heart.



  I woke up, my back stiff and my head pounding. I was in the back of my pick up, no blanket, no pallet, just lying on the bare bed.

  My conversation with Teegan played back and terror filled my chest. I screwed up everything. I called her a bitch, which I had never done. In the last few months, we hadn't had any major fights.

  I had a lot of making up to do. And Teegan made me work for it. She wouldn't answer my calls or texts for two days. I sent flowers, and cards and pretty much anything else I thought she would like.

  I wasn't about to lose her like my future-self did.

  Finally, the Tuesday after the party she finally opened the door. She looked beautiful, more beautiful than usual. She wore a pink sundress, her blonde hair in a usual braid. I wanted to draw her close to me, kiss every inch of her awesome body.

  “Hey,” I said instead, nervousness coursing through me.

  “Hi,” she muttered. Her gaze was sad, her brown eyes a little darker than normal.

  We stood there for a few moments and then I confessed, “I've missed you Teegan.” My heart hurt by the realization of how much I meant those words. Her chest heaved hard and she hurried into my arms. My lips were over hers in seconds, and her tongue shoved into my mouth. I put my arms around her hips and lifted her up.

  Her hands held my face, her fingertips in my hair. It felt so good to hold her in my arms once more.

  “Inside,” she demanded breathlessly and I obeyed.

  “I'm so sorry baby. I really am. Please don't leave me ‘cause I'm such a freaking idiot.” I pleaded. I had no qualms about groveling at her feet; she was my everything.

  “You're a freaking jerk, and a shit head, and an asshole,” she said, her kisses trailing down my neck.

  “I know, I know.”

  “And I love you, so very much," she concluded. I squeezed her closer, her chest so close to mine that I could hear her heart thudding against her skin.

  “I love you too, baby.”

  She leaned back, her brown eyes full of need, “Then you need to show me.”

  “With pleasure.” I smirked and then headed off to her room, to show her how sorry I really was. And how thankful that she was still mine.

  Chapter Fifteen


  After we showered together, we made our way to my dad's study. Our make-up sex had been sweet and slow. Jax had apologized over and over and finally I told him to stop, because I forgave him days ago. I had missed him and it was nice to see just how much he had missed me.

  “You wanna go to the beach? We haven't been there together yet.” Jax said, sitting on my bean bag while I sat in a chair above him.

  “Yeah, it is pretty outside. But I'm not gonna get 'nasty' with you there, just FYI,” I teased. Jax groaned and laughed.

  “I'm pretty stupid when I'm drunk. Horny too. I really missed you that night.”

  I put my finger over his lips, “I was teasing. I don't want to bring it up. Come on and help me pick out a swimsuit and we can go.”

  Ten minutes later, after having Jax 'help' me change into a red striped tankini, we loaded into his truck. The beach was about 20 minutes away, and I snuggled up to Jax while he took off.

  I had dozed off, my head on Jax's shoulder, the radio playing softly while he had the windows down. It was such a gorgeous day.

  “Oh shit. Shit!” Jax's voice was laced with fear. I sat up, confused and looked up at him. His face had lost all color.

  “Teegan! Put your seatbelt-” he yelled at me but was cut off, as the truck made impact with something else. We tumbled over and over, I felt my head crack as I flew into the windshield.

  And then, darkness.



  Intense pain radiated throughout my entire body. The smell of burnt tires and gasoline filled my nose and made me gag.

  "Teegan, Teegan! Thank God! You're alive. Baby, are you okay?" Jax's face loomed in front of me, but his voice seemed so far away. I felt my head being lifted and I turned and saw his blue swim shorts. Jax's body was cradled over me, supporting me. He w
as sobbing, his tears falling onto my face, cooling my skin where they made contact.

  "Jax? What happened?"

  "Baby, we were in a car accident. Teeg, I love you. I'm so sorry. I never saw that car."

  I swallowed the huge lump that had formed in my throat. I was dizzy and felt something else as well. A feeling like I was holding on for dear life, but the pull to leave was too strong. I wasn't going to make it.

  "Jax, I've loved you from the beginning," I whispered, struggling to form the words. His face was being erased right in front of my eyes, black quickly covering my sight.

  "No. No! Dammit Teegan! Baby please stay. Please." His face twisted into a sad grimace.

  And then the world became completely black.


  Teegan - June 2030

  The only thing I could see were my eyelashes letting in little slivers of light. Opening them was a struggle, as if I were drugged and unable to function. I opened my cracked, dry lips, my tongue lying thick on my palate.

  "Oh my God, she's opening her eyes," a male voice announced.

  "Teegan? Teegan, baby wake up." The voice belonged to Jax, his deep voice piercing my heart and jolting me awake.

  My eyelids cooperated and Jax's face was in front of mine. Just like it had been in the accident.

  Only it was adult Jax, the man he had grown into.

  "Jaxon?" I slurred.

  "Oh my God, you're awake. Oh my God. Oh my God," he reiterated. I felt his thumb rub over my face and I tried to smile.

  "Where am I?"

  "You've been in a coma for three months, Teeg.” He took a deep breath. “Baby, I've been so worried. I'm so sorry, so sorry for everything." Jax's eyes glistened with tears and it tugged at my heart. "Do you need anything baby?"

  I nodded and whispered, "I really have to pee." Jax smiled, his beautiful lips curving up and those dimples that I loved showed.

  Doctors and nurses came in and there was so much movement and talking. All I wanted to do was close my eyes and ignore it. There was such a feeling of loss that swept over me. It was so disorienting to be back into my adult self. It was tragic that my teenage experiences were gone.

  Nothing but a dream? Something in my mind came up with while my body was put in limbo. The idea was depressing because it had felt so real. So entirely real.

  My mom visited the next day. She was so overcome with emotion that she couldn't even speak. All she did was cry and kiss my forehead. The pain of not having my dad around was reopened. It became a fresh loss that stung my being. Even my brother Axel and Jax's sister Roxy were there. Everyone had paused their lives to help Jax take care of Josie.

  Jax must have noticed I was getting agitated because he ushered mom out and asked the doctor and nurses if I could just rest. He softly closed the door behind everyone.

  "'Darlin', I know waking up like this is hard. I can tell by the look on your face. It's gonna be okay. Everything will be fine. I promise." He sat gingerly on my bed and held my hand. "I love you, Teegan."

  "I love you too, Jax. When can I see Josie? "

  He bit his lip. "Soon baby. Your mom will probably bring her tonight. She's been so worried, but so brave Teeg. Such a trooper.” He paused. “I have to tell you something. If I don't get this off my chest it going to make me go crazy.

  The heart monitor soft and steady beeps started increasing. I took a deep breath and asked, "Is it about the divorce?

  Confusion marked his face, "What? No. No Teegan. No, baby. I'm sorry about that night. I truly am. But that's not what I wanted to tell you."


  He shook his head, "Teegan, I'm gonna sound crazy, but I had some really strange dreams almost while you've been in here. They feel so real to me. I call them dreams, but really they were like memories. Things that I don't have any recollection of, but felt like they've happened."

  Happiness flooded me. "Like?"

  "Like I have memories of us together as teenagers, Teeg. In high school, even though I know we didn't attend the same school. Or even lived in the same damn town. But they are so damn real." He shook his head and scoffed at himself. "So damn real," he repeated.

  I nodded and let the tears flow, breathing a heavy sigh of relief, "Jax you're not crazy. Did we go to a barn party? Went to prom together?"

  Jax's eyes went wide, his color paling slightly. He stared at me for seconds that felt like hours. "How did you know?" he finally whispered.

  "Because that's where I was, while I was here. I was there with you as teenagers. I can't really explain it. I really can't."

  Jax squeezed my hand, "I can't either. The memories would come to me at random, but they were always chronological, always following in order right after the other. And I just remember having such a strong love for you. Like I would do anything and everything for you, to keep you. And we were good, Teegan. All the reasons why I fell in love with you magnified when I wasn't remembering." He reached over and wiped my tears away. "I love you Teegan and I haven't stopped. It's not over. It'll never be over.”

  "Ditto," I whispered. "Now, please kiss me." Jax smirked and leaned down and obeyed. We kissed for a long time, my body rejoicing at the taste of his lips once again.

  “And when I get you home,” he whispered, his dimples popping out, “I'm going to make love to you just like we did when we were teenagers.” His husky voice sent shivers down my spine and I kissed him again.

  A knock at the door broke us apart. And all I saw was red hair peeking in the door.

  My heart quickened and Jax looked up. "Oh, hi," he greeted nonchalantly.

  "Hello! I heard sleeping beauty was up. Hi honey, my name is-"

  "Raegan," I interrupted her. Surprise crossed her face and Jax's.

  "Yes. I've been your nurses – well, one of them while you were asleep. I'm glad to finally meet you." She held out her hand, her nails painted lavender purple.

  “You have no idea how glad I am to see you,” I stated, elation flooding my entire body. That one missing link was finally answered.



  It's been three years since I traveled back in time. That's what I call it anyway. Because while it may not be technically correct, it's what best describes my experience. Jax and I haven't told anyone. It's been our secret.

  A secret that saved our marriage and brought us closer together. He's told me his dreams, the ones I lived through. We've looked up numerous websites trying to get a true explanation of what we went through.

  We don't, and probably will never, have the answers we need to understand what happened. We finally gave up trying to figure things out. The doctors couldn’t even tell us what caused the coma.

  But we both agree, that is was our second chance. The second chance we needed to make a new beginning.

  Other Titles by the Author

  Love, Kinsey


  Sneak Peak

  Masquerade by Robyn M. Pierce

  Coming: March 4, 2014


  The party was in full swing, and Chastity and Marie were near the thrones, giggling their little hearts out. Marie's boyfriend was nowhere to be found, but Lazarus was on the dance floor, with none other than Felicia.

  The two were having what looked like a light conversation, and my friend threw her head back in a laugh after Lazarus said something. So Felicia had managed to at least make friends with the prince. "Well, I'll be damned," I murmured to myself, unable to take my eyes off them.

  "You already are, are you not?" a teasing voice asked from behind me. I turned around quickly and bared my fangs at whoever had sneaked up on me. Chastity took a step back, hands raised. Her eyes were wide in surprise, and I immediately retracted my fangs, giving her an apologetic look.

  "Sorry," I mumbled. "I think I’m just a little bit on edge tonight," I lied. I just didn’t like or appreciate someone sneaking up on me, even if it led to having a flirty conversation with someone who I was slowly manipulating into liking m

  She shrugged one shoulder. "I react the same way when people catch me off guard," she admitted.

  ‘I bet you do,' I thought, eyeing her closely.

  The dress she wore looked like she couldn’t possibly be concealing anything of use beneath the fabric, but knowing Chastity – and knowing she had passed whatever test there was in order to become one of Lazarus's dogs – I thought her to be a bit more thrifty than I would be in regards to hiding weapons in a tight gown.

  Suddenly, I realized she’d spoken when she approached me so silently. "What did you say when you walked up behind me?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at her. All I remembered was a distinctly teasing tone and a giggle.

  The girl before me flushed a pretty red and turned her gaze elsewhere. "Well, you said 'I'll be damned.' I said that you already are, are you not?" She chuckled and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. She looked at me as though I were an idiot. "Because you are a vampire," she said, enunciating each word as though she was talking to a child.

  I scowled at her and rolled my eyes. "Very funny. Maybe I would have understood it quicker if you had chosen a more sophisticated or fun type of vampire joke," I said, grinning. She narrowed her eyes at me and stuck her tongue out. "My, how very grown up of us, Chastity!" I said, using the voice that I reserved for babies and pets.

  Chastity punched me in the chest and began to walk away, but I reached my hand out to grab her arm before she could slip away. "Not so fast," I rasped; the woman could hit hard. "You owe me a dance for that little bit of rudeness."

  She suddenly looked slightly scared, and angled her body away from mine as she, I assumed, thought about it. She sent me a glance, biting down on her lower lip, and then sighed. "I suppose one dance won’t kill me," she said, and I released her arm, straightening up.

  "Good choice," I said, rubbing the spot where she punched me. I led her out onto the dance floor and set my hands on her waist; the song was a very slow one, and it couldn’t have come at a better time. She, being so short, couldn’t put her arms around my neck without having to stand on the tips of her toes, so she settled for setting them on my upper arms. I pulled her in close to me and she hesitantly rested her head on my chest.


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