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STEEL: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 1)

Page 30

by Wilder, Chiah

  He watched her as she sat on the couch, her hair tumbling down her back as her cute butt wiggled until she settled down on the cushion. As they spoke, he turned his eyes back to his son. He was amazed at how beautiful he was: hair as dark as midnight and skin the color of moonlight. Chenoa would’ve loved to have had a brother to boss around. He chuckled softly as he caressed Aiden’s cheek with his fingertip. He walked over to his mother and placed his son in her outstretched arms. As they talked, his phone buzzed and he went outside.

  “What’s up, Paco?”

  “Just touching base with you. Did you want Goldie to help Muerto run the pool hall? Goldie keeps saying you want him at Lust, but I thought you said you wanted him at Balls and Holes.”

  “No. I want Crow to help Muerto at the pool hall. Goldie’s got his hands full at the bike repair shop. There’s no way I’m putting him in charge over at Lust. He’s fucking horny for Fiona.”

  Paco laughed. “I thought he had a boner for someone at Lust. He kept denying it.”

  “He would. He’d best keep away from her. I don’t wanna have to kick his ass.”

  The club was adamant that the women employees were off limits to the brothers. Steel figured that the brothers had their pick of the club girls, the hang-arounds, and the citizens who liked the excitement of being in an outlaw’s bed; they didn’t need to sniff around the women who worked at the club’s businesses. Most of the time it worked out, but occasionally he’d have to set a brother straight. It seemed like he’d have to have a talk with Goldie.

  “You coming by to shoot some pool and toss back some tequila?”

  “Not tonight. We’re taking my mom out to dinner. I’ll see you at church tomorrow. I heard that another strip bar is opening up. I want to find out who owns it. If my information is correct, Jimmy Delarosa is gonna run it. I want to know who’s putting the money into it.”

  “I’ll have Crow check it out. He’s the computer geek.”

  “Sounds good. Anything else?”

  “Is Breanna gonna take over the fundraiser we have at the fall rally for abused kids? Shannon was asking since she’s done it for the last six years.”

  Steel quirked his lips. “Yeah, she is. Shannon’s gotta understand that Breanna is the head of everything now. She’s been Rooster’s old lady long enough to know what the pecking order is. I’m the goddamn president, so Breanna is the number one old lady. If she has a gripe, tell her to talk to me about it. I don’t want to hear that she’s giving my woman a hard time.”

  “I’ll tell Rooster. That’ll do it. Later, brother,” Paco said.

  Steel slid his phone into his pocket and walked back inside. His mother was still holding Aiden, and Breanna sat next to her, a huge smile filling up her face. “You ready to get some food?” They nodded, their gazes never leaving Aiden’s face. “Then let’s go.” He’d planned on taking them to a new steak house which had opened in the valley. It was Saturday night. A couple of years ago, he’d have spent it at the club, drinking hard and fucking harder, but that night, he’d planned on taking his family out to dinner, and then he and Breanna would put Aiden to bed and make love.

  And he didn’t want it any other way.

  * * *

  Later that night, he sat against the headboard, his bare arms crossed behind his head. Breanna hugged him tightly around his waist, her hair covering his chest like a blanket. Moonlight spilled into their bedroom, and from the uncovered window, he could see the sprinkle of glittering stars in the dark sky.

  Aiden rested peacefully in his crib in the alcove in their room. Once Aiden moved to his own room, Breanna planned to use the alcove as a sitting area complete with bookcases. They had moved into their new home six months after Breanna had healed from the injuries she’d sustained that horrible night. She’d insisted on a huge master bedroom with an alcove and fireplace, and during the wintry nights, Steel loved holding her close as the glow from the crackling fire made her hair and body shimmer gold.

  “Is Shannon or Sam giving you a hard time? They’ve been the only two old ladies since I started the club twelve years ago.”

  She kissed his belly softly. “They definitely don’t like giving up the throne to me, but I can handle it. Even though they’re not happy I’m onboard, they respect me. I’ll say that it’s become easier as time has gone on. They’re getting used to the idea. When are some of the other guys going to get hitched? I mean like Paco or Muerto?”

  Steel busted out laughing, then turned quickly to make sure he hadn’t woken up Aiden. “I can’t see either of those guys having old ladies,” he said in a low voice.

  “Could you have seen yourself as having one?” She craned her neck and he locked his gaze with hers.

  He shook his head. “Back then… no way. Now I can’t imagine my life without you or Aiden.” He pulled her up closer to his face and bent down to kiss her deeply, his hand grazing the side of her exposed breast. “When I hold you close, I burn raw… deep down inside. I love you so much.” He pressed her flush against him, his fingers threading through her hair.

  “I’m so happy we gave each other a chance. I spent so many years hating bikers and being angry at them all because of my dad. As I got to know you, I realized that being a biker wasn’t the reason my dad was mean, unfaithful, and uncaring. That was just the way he was. He wasn’t a good person. You’ve helped me to let my anger go. A big piece was missing from my life, and now I’m complete. You and Aiden make me whole. I love you more than I could ever tell you in words.” She nuzzled her face against his neck. “I’m looking forward to working on the fundraiser for the charity, Bikers Against Child Abuse. It’s up my alley.”

  “Do you miss working?”

  She shook her head. “Not at all. I couldn’t stand to leave Aiden with someone else. I’m happy I can stay home and be with him.”

  “And when you’re ready, we’re gonna have to give him some siblings. Maybe a sister or two.” He sighed and looked at the stars. Among them, there was one that shone brighter than the others, and he liked to think it was Chenoa. He still missed her so much; he always would, but he found comfort in knowing she was free from her demons. His little girl—his sunshine—was looking down and smiling at him and her new brother.

  “I know you miss her, but she’s always going to be a part of you. Aiden will know about his sister. We’ll both make sure of that,” she said softly as she rubbed his shoulder.

  “I know.” He kissed the top of her head. “Have you heard from Nicholas lately?”

  She shook her head. “Not in a long time.”

  He kissed her hair. “I know how hard it’s for you not knowing where he is.”

  She gripped his shoulder. “I have to let it go. It is what it is,” her voice hitched, and he held her tight.

  Then Aiden’s high-pitched cry bounced off the walls. “He’s right on time,” Breanna said as she looked over her shoulder. “I fed him three hours ago.” She wiped her eyes and pulled away from Steel.

  “Do you need any help?” he asked as he sat up straighter.

  “Unless you got boobs that have milk, I have to do this alone.” She bent down and picked up her robe from the floor and threw it on as she padded over to the crib.

  He watched her pick up their son and kiss him on the head. She went over to the rocking chair near the window, opened her robe slightly, supported the back of Aiden’s head with her hand, and brought him close to her breast. Steel smiled; he loved watching her and their son bond in such an intimate way.

  After forty minutes, Breanna placed Aiden in his crib, and then climbed back into bed. She yawned and pulled the covers over her shoulders. He tugged her to him and cocooned her in his arms as she fell asleep. He kissed her temple softly. “You’ll always be my passion,” he whispered under his breath.

  Staring at the star-filled sky, he felt his eyelids grow heavy. The trees shook as the wind weaved through them, their chaotic branches swaying in a hypnotic dance. Breanna sighed and licked her lips, and he
held her tighter as sleep overtook him.

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  Notes from Chiah

  As always, I have a team behind me making sure I shine and continue on my writing journey. It is their support, encouragement, and dedication that pushes me further in my writing journey. And then, it is my wonderful readers who have supported me, laughed, cried, and understood how these outlaw men live and love in their dark and gritty world. Without you—the readers—an author’s words are just letters on a page. The emotions you take away from the words breathe life into the story.

  Thank you to my amazing Personal Assistant Amanda Faulkner. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I value your suggestions and opinions, and my world is so much saner with you in it. You keep the non-writing part of my indie publishing world running smoothly. I so appreciate it. You are always ready to jump in and fix everything when I’m pulling my hair out. You are so cheerful, and when I hear your bubbling voice, it instantly uplifts me. So happy YOU are on my team!

  Thank you to my editor, Kristin, for all your insightful edits, excitement with my new series, Night Rebels MC, and encouragement during the writing and editing process. I truly value your editorial eyes and suggestions as well as the time you spend. You’re the best!

  Thank you to my wonderful beta readers, Kolleen, Jessica, and Mandy. Your enthusiasm and suggestions for Steel: Night Rebels MC were spot on and helped me to put out a stronger, cleaner novel. Your insight and attention to detail was awesome.

  Thank you to the bloggers for your support in reading my book, sharing it, reviewing it, and getting my name out there. I so appreciate all your efforts. You all are so invaluable. I hope you know that. Without you, the indie author would be lost.

  Thank you ARC readers you have helped make all my books so much stronger. I appreciate the effort and time you put in to reading, reviewing, and getting the word out about the books. I don’t know what I’d do without you. I feel so lucky to have you behind me.

  Thank you to Carrie from Cheeky Covers. We were on such a tight timeline with this book because we had to work around the schedules of our model and photographer, but you pulled it off, girl. You are amazing! I can always count on you. You are the calm to my storm. You totally rock, and I love your artistic vision.

  Thank you to my proofreader, Daryl, whose last set of eyes before the last once over I do, is invaluable. I appreciate the time and attention to detail you always give to my books.

  Thank you to Ena and Amanda with Enticing Journeys Promotions who have helped garner attention for and visibility to the Night Rebels MC series. Couldn’t do it without you! Also a big thank you to Book Club Gone Wrong Blog who is hosting and promoting Steel. Totally indebted to you.

  Thank you to Dan Pearson for being such an awesome model. I appreciate your flexibility and work in making the cover rock.

  Thank you to Al Gonzalez for taking such a great pose. Your photography skills are what made the cover stand out. A fantastic shoot.

  Thank you to the readers who continue to support me and read my books. Without you, none of this would be possible. I appreciate your comments and reviews on my books, and I’m dedicated to giving you the best story that I can. I’m always thrilled when you enjoy a book as much as I have in writing it. You definitely make the hours of typing on the computer and the frustrations that come with the territory of writing books so worth it. You make it possible for writers to write because without you reading the books, we wouldn’t exist. Thank you, thank you! ♥

  Steel: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Book 1)

  Dear Readers,

  Thank you for reading my book. I hope you enjoyed the first book in my new Night Rebels MC series as much as I enjoyed writing Steel and Breanna’s story. This gritty and rough motorcycle club has a lot more to say, so I hope you will look for the upcoming books in the series. Romance makes life so much more colorful, and a rough, sexy bad boy makes life a whole lot more interesting.

  If you enjoyed the book, please consider leaving a review on Amazon. I read all of them and appreciate the time taken out of busy schedules to do that.

  I love hearing from my fans, so if you have any comments or questions, please email me at or visit my facebook page.

  To hear of new releases, special sales, free short stories, and ARC opportunities, please sign up for my Newsletter at

  Happy Reading,



  Book 2 in the Night Rebels MC Series

  (Release: April 23, 2017)

  Muerto is six feet of rugged, muscular danger. Secretary of the Night Rebels MC, this hot-headed biker talks with his fists then asks questions. He exudes sexiness and untamed masculinity and the women can’t get enough of him. With his dark good looks, wicked tats, and sizzling lover reputation, he doesn’t have to chase a woman. He never has.

  He enjoys the easiness of the club girls, the variety of the hang-arounds, and the drama of the citizen women when they fight over him. But one thing is for sure… his heart doesn’t belong to any of them. And he likes that just fine.

  The brotherhood is where his loyalty lies. Everything after that is secondary. He’d fight to the death to defend a brother, and kill without blinking an eye if anyone disrespected him or his brothers. He’s a Night Rebel through and through.

  Then she comes into the pool hall the club owns. The black-haired woman in the tight jeans and high heels has the audacity to hustle on his watch. And when he confronts her, she gives him an attitude.

  She’s smart-mouthed, beautiful, and too sexy for her own good. And she doesn’t want him.

  The more she stays away from him, the more he wants to pursue her.

  He tells himself it’s for the challenge, but he can’t get her out of his mind.

  All he wants to do is take her in his arms and devour her.

  All he wants to do is claim her as his.

  Raven Harris knows the good-looking outlaw is trouble the minute she sees him. He’s the type of man to sweep a woman off her feet then drop her on her butt when he grows bored. No way does she need any of that in her life.

  Mending from a broken heart from the betrayal of a man who’d been the love of her life, she’s content with her cat and her artwork. She doesn’t need a man complicating her life.

  And the tatted biker is all kinds of complicated.

  The only problem is each time she looks at him, her body tingles and he sets her world on fire.

  But something’s not right. She has the creepy feeling that someone is watching her from the shadows. Someone has targeted her and is waiting to make a move.

  Can she trust Muerto enough to let him into her life? Can Muerto open his heart to her before it’s too late?

  This is the second book in the Night Rebels MC Romance series. This is Muerto’s story. It is a standalone. This book contains violence, sexual assault (not graphic), strong language, and steamy/graphic sexual scenes. It describes the life and actions of an outlaw motorcycle club. If any of these issues offend you, please do not read the book. HEA. No cliffhangers! The book is intended for readers over the age of 18.



  (Release: April 23, 2017)

  Note: This short excerpt is a ROUGH DRAFT. I am still writing the story about this bad boy. It has only been self-edited in a rudimentary way. I share it with you to give you a bit of an insight into Muerto.

  Chapter One

  Muerto leaned against the bar admiring the way the woman’s ass moved as she bent down low to take a shot at a ball near the left pocket on the pool table. He was surprised she could even be
nd in her tight as sin jeans, and her top inched up just enough to expose a glimpse of skin.

  “She’s got a nice ass,” Crow said behind him.

  “She’s a looker, that’s for fuckin’ sure.” Muerto raised his beer bottle to his lips, his eyes never leaving her tight curves.

  “She’s damn hot, but she doesn’t know much about the game.” Crow laughed. “She was in the other night and she lost her ass. Last night she did a little better, but she’s got a long way to go.”

  “Most of the guys in here don’t play so hot, except for Willy and Gator. I’m sure the guys are playing with her just to get a peek at her tits when she bends over. Hell, I’ll play a game with her for that chance.” Muerto pushed off the counter and went behind the bar. “How was business the last couple of nights?”

  “Steady,” Crow said.

  Balls and Holes was the pool hall owned by the Night Rebels MC. It was a classic, dark and smoky players’ hall not one of the upscale billiard rooms with loud music and video games. It was one of the last of the old-school pool halls, refusing to be muscled out by the new chic ones that had been sprouting around the county and Durango—the large neighboring city.

  The pool hall had chalk-covered floors and high-backed wooden chairs against the walls so spectators could watch the game. There were six green felt pool tables at the center of the room, and an old jukebox in the corner. The place was dark with low ceilings, and the smoke from cigarettes and weed curled around the players. No one seemed to care about the law forbidding smoking in public places. They came there to play pool and watch people play as they threw back some beers. It was the gathering hole in its most basic form.

  Muerto, Crow and Army ran the place, making sure the bar was stocked and the fights didn’t get out of hand. The bar had a large selection of beers and hard liquor, and for friends and long-time customers, the brothers would pull out bottles of Jack Daniels No. 27 Gold and Gran Patrón Platinum. Pretzels, peanuts, and popcorn were the only food served.


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