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STEEL: Night Rebels Motorcycle Club (Night Rebels MC Romance Book 1)

Page 31

by Wilder, Chiah

  “Is Zach working tonight?” Crow asked. Zach was the only citizen bartender in the place. They’d hired him about six months ago and so far the twenty-eight-year-old was working out nicely. With his fit body, he was an asset when they needed another hand to throw out an unruly group.

  “Nah. He wanted the night off. I knew you and I could handle it tonight.” Muerto placed the glasses he’d washed on a towel to dry.

  “Two more Jacks and a couple of vodkas on the rocks. Boy, am I beat,” Jaime said as she rubbed her neck.

  “You need some help with that?” Crow smiled.

  Jaime shook her head and turned to Muerto. “You want me to wash the rest of the glasses? That’s not really man’s work.”

  “Thanks, but I got it.” He placed her drink order on the tray and watched her as she swayed her hips. She was one of two waitresses at the joint, and her jeans fit nicely around her body, but she was nothing like the blacked-haired cutie who had just lost the game.

  “That’s the way it rolls, baby. Look at it this way—you’re doing better than you did the last two nights.” A stocky man in his late twenties with a crew cut said while he swooped up the bills on the side of the pool table.

  “You got me. I’m done,” her dark, sultry voice washed over Muerto like velvet. He straightened up and gazed at her; she piqued his interest.

  “Why don’t you play another game with my buddy?” another stocky man with short hair said, placing an arm around the woman’s opponent. “What do ya say, Cory?”

  Cory nodded. “If you want, I’ll play another game with you. Maybe you’ll get lucky like you did earlier.”

  The slender woman glanced at the wall clock. “I don’t know. How much you betting?”

  “A hundred bucks?”

  She whistled. “That’s a lot of money. What about fifty?”

  Cory grinned. “You’re on.”

  Muerto turned away. “I’d sure like to squeeze my hand down her jeans and see how soft her pussy is,” he said to Crow.

  “I’ll be right behind you, dude.” Crow picked up a box and walked out of the bar. “I’m gonna go over our inventory. If you need me, give me a holler.”

  Muerto nodded and watched as Jaime approached the bar. When he’d hired her the year before, he thought she was good-looking with her shoulder-length brown hair and eyes and curvy body. But he knew she was off limits since she worked for the club. The Night Rebels never mixed pleasure with business, not even at their strip bar, Lust. He suspected she had a small crush on him, but it didn’t surprise him; most women had crushes on him. The other waitress, Brandy, was always flirting with him and brushing against him whenever she had to come behind the bar. He knew he could have both of them and probably at the same time, but they were the club’s employees.

  Six feet of hard muscle turned a lot of women’s heads. Add dark, thick hair, a strong jaw, full lips, and intense black eyes and women practically drooled when they saw him. And he loved the attention he got from them. Unlike most of the brothers, he enjoyed going out with citizens, relishing the drama that would ensue when a woman found out he was fucking another one. Whenever that happened, they’d turn on each other instead of him, and he loved that they fought over him, it made his blood boil. But when they got too possessive and started talking about relationships and marriage, he disappeared into the arms and pussies of the club girls who knew the score.

  The only downside to angering so many citizen women was that he was constantly changing his phone number, and that pissed off his brothers, especially Steel, big time. He figured it was a small price to pay for the challenge of pursing a woman and getting her into his bed. The club girls were too easy, and they were always available. There wasn’t any drama there except for the usual chick stuff, but they knew they were at the club for all the brothers alike, and that’s what they wanted as well.

  What he liked in being with a citizen was that she was his alone, and she was totally centered on him until he grew bored and moved on. When he’d go to the biker rallies the club had a couple of times a year in the San Juan Valley, he’d have a bevy of women glaring at him, wanting to tear him to pieces. He’d just wink at them and go his own way, scouting for another woman to conquer. And there was always a good supply of enamored, willing women to seduce.

  The pretty chick with the cue stick was someone he’d love to seduce. Her ebony hair swayed as she twisted her sexy body to make the shots. He’d love to yank a fistful of her long hair as he slammed his cock into her from behind.

  “Muerto? Did you fill my order?” Jamie asked as she placed the tray on the bar.

  “What? Sorry. I don’t know what the fuck’s wrong with me.” He grabbed several beer bottles from the refrigerated shelves and popped them open. I got my mind on her. She’s so damn hot. He placed the beer bottles and three shots of Jack on the tray. “There you go.”

  “Thanks.” She threw him a warm smile and headed over to the pool table where the woman was playing the game.

  “I won,” she said as she clapped her hands gleefully.

  “See, you got lucky,” Cory said as he took the beer from Jaime. “You wanna up the bet to a hundred bucks?”

  Muerto jerked his chin at Army and Goldie as they walked in. He placed two shots of Jack Daniels No. 27 Gold on the bar. “I thought you guys were at Lust,” Muerto said as the two brothers sat down on the barstools.

  “We were, but there wasn’t anything much going on there. Tuesday nights are pretty slow.” Goldie finished his shot. “Fuck that’s good.”

  “Only the best for the brothers,” Muerto said as he poured him another one. “Fiona wasn’t dancing tonight?”

  “What difference would that make? I went there to check out the women and have a few beers with the brothers.” Goldie threw back his shot.

  “Fuck that. You went for Fiona. We all know you have a boner for her,” Army swung around on the barstool. He whistled softly. “Talk about having a boner… check out the chick with the tight pants and luscious ass.”

  Anger pricked at Muerto’s skin. “Cool it, dudes. She’s a customer.”

  Army looked over his shoulder. “And why do we give a shit about that? You’ve fucked a few customers.”

  “I mean, she’s a regular.” Why the fuck am I saying this lame shit? “We kinda got a new policy in here where we don’t mess with the women customers.”

  “When did you get that policy ’cause you didn’t have it last week when you were fuckin’ that blonde in the storeroom.”

  “Just leave it and her the fuck alone.” Fire began to burn in Muerto’s veins as he scowled at Army.

  Goldie laughed. “I think what he’s sayin’ is that he wants to fuck her, so stay back.”

  Before he could reply, Crow came out and the brothers began talking about their favorite thing—Harleys. After a couple of hours of making drinks, bullshiting with the brothers, and washing what felt like his hundredth glass, loud voices pulled him away from the conversation with Goldie and Army. He looked over at the table with the hot chick and saw that a large group had formed near it.

  “Watch the bar,” he said to Goldie. “I wanna see what’s going on.” He took a few steps toward the table and saw the black-haired beauty’s steely eyes as she aimed her cue stick before taking her shot. She aced the ball in the pocket, then she went around the table, balls rolling every which way, but all of them landing in the side pockets.

  He quirked his lips, and as he watched her, he admired her amazing grace and accuracy as she shot down the cocky bastard who, by the looks of it, bet a wad of bills on the game. When she landed the last ball, she calmly picked up the money, counted it, and tucked it in her front pocket, although he didn’t know how it fit in her skin tight jeans. She’s got fuckin’ nerves of steel.

  “You hustled me, bitch!” Cory yelled.

  She looked coolly at him. “You’ve never lost to a woman before, have you? I won the game fair and square.”

  “Bullshit.” He glanced arou
nd the area at the men perched up on the high-backed chairs. “Am I right? You all saw it. This bitch conned me.” The only ones in agreement were the player’s friends. The other men stared placidly at him.

  “Take it like a man, Cory,” she said. “Next time you may be the winner and have someone accusing you. There’s always a winner and a loser in every game.” She shrugged on her leather jacket, guzzled the last of her beer, and walked away.

  Cory jumped in front of her, his face bloated and red. “I want my money back, you fucking bitch.” He grabbed her tightly around her arms.

  Ready to intervene, Muerto laughed when she kicked Cory in the shin. When he raised his hand to punch her, Muerto rushed over and grabbed it in mid-air. “Hitting chicks isn’t allowed,” his voice was hard and gravelly.

  “Do you allow stealing? The bitch hustled me. She’s a goddamn pool shark.”

  Her throaty laugh fell over Muerto, and he liked that it made his dick twitch. It occurred to him that ever since he’d spotted her rounded ass in her jeans, his dick had been on high alert.

  “You must’ve spent the weekend watching old movies. ‘Pool shark,’ what a joke.” She zipped up her leather jacket.

  “I’ve been watching you two play for the past few hours. I didn’t notice anything. You play a good game, but she played better. You shouldn’t bet what you can’t afford to lose. Better luck next time, buddy. Go to the bar and have one on me,” Muerto said.

  Cory’s nostrils flared, and he glanced at Muerto then back at his friends. One of them came over to him and clasped his shoulder. “Let’s get another drink then go find some food.”

  Reluctantly he started to walk away. “This ain’t over yet, bitch. Let’s get outta this shithole.” He marched away, his two friends in tow.

  “Some guys just can’t handle losing to a woman. Pathetic.” She slung her large purse over her shoulder and headed to the door.

  “Not so fast, sweetheart.” Muerto cut her off and she bumped into him.

  “What the hell?” She rubbed her head.

  “We both know you hustled him.” He held his hand up. “Don’t fuckin’ deny it. You’re good. I didn’t even see you slip your own cue ball in the game or out of it, but I bet if I dig in that purse of yours I’d find it.”

  She glowered at him.

  “Even though you can wear a pair of jeans better than any woman I’ve seen, I don’t want you back in here hustling. If you didn’t have tits and curves, my fists would already be beating your ass.”

  She raised her chin defiantly. “You can’t prove shit.”

  He laughed. “You better wait a while and have a beer. Pretty sure they’re waiting for you outside. I’ll walk you to your car when I get done sorting out the receipts. The beer’s on me.”

  “I don’t need you to play the fuckin’ white knight. I can take care of myself.” Her gaze went to the glass doors.

  “Suit yourself.” He spun around and walked to the bar. When she slinked on one of the barstools, a smile tugged at his lips. “What kind of beer do you want?”

  “Give me a shot of Tequila with a twist of lime.” She placed her shoulder bag on the stool next to her.

  “A Tequila girl. You’re full of surprises, sweetheart.”

  “What the fuck does that mean? And stop calling me ‘sweetheart.’ I’m no man’s sweetheart.” She propped her elbows on the counter and rested her chin in her hands.

  “I believe that. Here you go.” He placed the shot in front of her. “Let me tell you something, sweetheart. You’re a shark in a sea of fish, but you keep it up, and someone’s gonna run a knife right through you. Alina’s a small town, and you’re playing in dangerous waters.” Her flashing eyes shot daggers at him. He chuckled and held his hands up. “Just sayin’, that all.”

  “I thought the customer was supposed to ask the bartender for advice.” She drank her shot. “Save your sage wisdom for someone who wants it.” She twirled around on the stool, her back facing him.

  “You want another?” He poured her one before she answered. “You from around here?”

  She looked over her shoulder. “No.” She curled her fingers around the glass.

  “Where’re you from?”

  “Everywhere. My pop and I moved around a lot.”

  “Muerto, I need three shots of Tequila and six Coors and two gin and tonics,” Jaime said as she half sat on the barstool next to the pool hustler.

  “Sure thing.” Muerto turned around and grabbed the beers then made the gin and tonics. “The guys tipping good tonight?”

  “Pretty much, but those three guys stiffed me. I think they were gonna tip me but they got pissed at her,” she pointed to the woman seated next to her, “for winning the game.”

  The woman swiveled until she was facing Jaime. “You blaming me for you getting stiffed?”

  “What? No. Not at all. They could’ve tipped me as they drank. I loved that you put that big mouth in his place. He’s always in here bragging about how great he is. He thinks he can beat anybody. Well… you showed him.” Jamie giggled.

  When the woman smiled, Muerto’s dick jumped. He studied her face: nicely arched eyebrows, thick black lashes, a thin silver ring in her nose, and beautiful eyes. He’d never seen eyes like hers before. They were gray, not unremarkable gray like that of concrete or stone. They were the gray of the ocean an instant before dawn’s first rays hit the water. And when she’d glanced his way, they’d ensnared him. She turned away quickly, and he was pretty sure he pique her interest as much as she did his. He imagined that she was a woman who wouldn’t put up with any crap from a man; a feisty woman who’d give a man a real run before she tore up the sheets with him.

  She turned back around, as if sensing that he was still staring at her. “Do you want something?” A frown deepened on her forehead, and her eyes looked silver like a well-sharpened knife blade.

  “Depends on what you’re willing to give me.” He leaned forward so his face was a scant few inches from hers. The scent of leather, smoke and spice wisped around him.

  She jumped off the stool and grabbed her shoulder bag. “Absolutely nothing. Thanks for the shots.” She headed to the door.

  It would serve her right if I let her go out alone. “I’ll be right back,” he muttered to Crow. Army and Crow whistled as he rushed out after her. In two long strides he caught up to her.

  “You don’t have to babysit me.”

  “I know. I just don’t want something happening to a customer on my watch.”

  “Oh,” she said.

  She sounds disappointed. Maybe I got a chance of scoring after all. They walked to the parking lot, her heel clacked against the pavement. “Which car is yours?”

  “The Impala.” She pointed to a black car in the far corner of the lot.

  As they approached it, Muerto saw two shadows in his peripheral view. He stopped and turned. “You dudes want something?” He clenched his fists in anticipation.

  Cory and his friend cleared their throats. “I lost a key around here,” Cory said as he dropped down to his knees and patted the asphalt.

  “I think I found it,” his friend said. “It was in my pocket all along.” He laughed and Cory joined him as Muerto stood alert with narrowing eyes and clenched fists. “We’re good, dude. Later.” Cory and his buddy walked away.

  “Thanks,” she whispered to him.

  “For what?” Muerto asked.

  She nodded her head toward the two men disappearing into the night. “For that. I owe you.” She slipped her hand in her purse and took out a keychain. The lights went on in her car when she opened the door.

  “Yeah, I’d say you owe me. What about dinner tomorrow night?”

  “I’m busy. I’ll stop by again and we can figure it out.”

  He came up to her and pressed his body against hers, the scent from her perfume enveloping him. “You can pay me back now.”

  “In a parking lot? I don’t think so.” She placed her hands on his shoulders and pushed him
back then slipped into the driver’s seat. “Anyway, you only helped me out of a potentially sticky encounter, you didn’t resurrect me. Maybe dinner, but that’s being generous.”

  He shrugged nonchalantly, but a fire was building inside him. He wasn’t used to women telling him no or giving him attitude. “You can come back, but if I see you hustling again, I’ll throw you out on your sweet ass, and that’s a promise.”

  “I wouldn’t expect anything less from you.” She simulated a kiss with her full, pouty lips and then closed the car door. All he could think about were her lips around his cock and his hand on her perfectly rounded ass spanking all the sass out of her.

  After the red taillights of her car faded, he stood for a long time looking into the darkness. There was something about the smart-mouthed, tough, hustling woman that drew him, and it surprised the hell out of him. He always drew the women in, and he didn’t know what to make of it.

  He slowly headed back to the pool hall.

  Other Books by Chiah Wilder

  Insurgent MC Series:

  Hawk’s Property: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 1

  Jax’s Dilemma: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 2

  Chas’s Fervor: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 3

  Axe’s Fall: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 4

  Banger’s Ride: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 5

  Jerry’s Passion: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 6

  Throttle’s Seduction: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 7

  Rock’s Redemption: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 8

  An Insurgent’s Wedding: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Book 9

  Insurgents MC Romance Series: Insurgents Motorcycle Club Box Set (Books 1 – 4)

  Find all my books at:

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