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Forever Young (The Forever Land Chronicles)

Page 20

by Sawyer Bennett

  I watched as Sarah emerged from the shadows behind Davis. She had a sword in her hand and she seemed to glide up behind Davis. I screamed for him to turn around but it was too late. Sarah raised her blade and brought it across in a vicious swipe, taking Davis' head clean from his body. I screamed again, so loudly, that Jimmy, Payton and their daimons all momentarily stopped battling to look toward me.

  Tears filled my eyes as I watched Davis' body drop to the floor, his head rolling several feet away. And then he was consumed by the same white light that took the daimons away. Except this time it glowed brighter than normal, then it flared to a super brilliance that caused me to wince in pain while trying to look at it. The glow then shrunk inward and I could faintly see the outline of Davis' body, bathed in an incandescent light. The pale aura hovered over Davis, almost lovingly, and then it burst outward into a million tiny sparkles that rained down around us. When the tiny lights faded, Davis was gone.

  Chapter 25

  Anger such as I have never known coursed through me. I didn't think twice but flew toward Sarah, my battle axe poised. She didn't wait for me, and took to the air as well. We met in middle, both of our weapons connecting with a resounding clang. I felt the reverberations from the impact all the way in my teeth, and we both fell to the ground. I sprang up as quickly as I could and aimed a kick at Sarah's face while she was still on her hands and knees. My boot caught her under the jaw and her head snapped back...unfortunately not hard enough to break her neck.

  I flared my magic and prepared to let loose with a ball of fire but Sarah was more resilient that I gave her credit for. I had not even charged up my mojo fully when she sprung at me, snarling and spitting blood from her mouth. She caught me in the stomach with her shoulder and rammed me backward into the wall.

  The impact knocked my axe from my hand and my head cracked against the bricks. I immediately felt a warm rush of blood running down my neck. My head was spinning but I was able to bring my hands up. Clasping them together, I brought them down hard in the middle of her spine, causing her to stagger backward from me.

  "Give it up, Charlie," Sarah taunted me. Foamy blood sprayed from her mouth with every word she uttered. "You cannot hope to best me."

  I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly. "Maybe not, but I bet I can give you a heck of a butt whoopin' before it's all said and done."

  Sarah grinned at me with evil intent. "Like your buddy, Davis, did? It was so easy, Charlie. My sword cut through his neck like it was butter."

  Her barb hit the mark and my vision turned red. I made a split second decision. I didn't go for my axe but rather lunged at Sarah. I had the insane need running through my head to beat her to a pulp for what she did to Davis. My unexpected charge caught her in the chest and we went crashing to the floor. We rolled over...once...twice... but somehow she ended up on top of me. And worse yet, she had a dagger in her hand.

  Straddling my hips, Sarah brought the dagger down toward my heart in one swift move. I was able to get my hands up just in time, grasping her wrists. The dagger stopped just inches from my chest and thus we were engaged in a battle of strength. She was leaning every bit of her weight onto her weapon and I was pushing against it, trying to keep the sharp tip from piercing my heart.

  Both of our arms were shaking from our efforts but my strength was quickly ebbing. The point came closer and closer to me and in a moment of clarity, I knew I would not be able to stop her from stabbing me. She had leverage and gravity on her side. With a burst of adrenaline, I jerked my entire body to the side, hoping to get my heart out of range of her killing blow. The dagger came down and entered my chest. White, hot pain burst through me. I couldn't stop the scream that tore out of my mouth such was the agony I felt.

  My vision started to wink and I thought I might pass out when I suddenly realized she missed my heart. I knew she missed my heart, because...well...I was still alive and very much feeling the blaze of liquid fire in my chest. Sarah realized she missed her mark too and pulled the dagger out with a quick jerk. I hissed from the pain but immediately poised my arms to defend another downward thrust from her.

  I looked at Sarah. Her eyes were practically bulging from her head and were glazed as if she had a fever. She had blood running down her chin and she was breathing heavily. She looked utterly maniacal and with hardly any strength left to defend another blow from her, I started to prepare myself that this could be the end.

  Sarah raised the dagger high over her head with both hands. She smiled at me, her teeth stained with her own blood. Before she could bring the dagger down, something came hurtling at her from the side and knocked her from atop my body.

  I couldn't move my body but I was able to turn my head to the side. It was Caiden. My very own hero. He wasted no time and hit Sarah with some type of spell that wrapped a cocoon of light around her. Her body immediately went lax and her eyes closed. She slumped to the floor, completely unconscious but the light stayed glued to her body.

  Caiden didn't spare her another glance but turned and sprinted back to me. I struggled to sit up as he knelt down beside me. He held my shoulders down.

  "Easy there, tiger. Or didn't you know you have a stab wound in your chest?" His words were said in jest but his voice was shaky and I could hear the worry.

  I continued to struggle against him. "We need to help Payton...Jimmy..."

  Caiden held me in place. "They're both fine. All the daimons are dead."

  "Are you sure?" My voice must have sounded panicked because Caiden released his grip on my shoulders and moved to the side. I was able to see Jimmy, who was holding Payton to his chest while she cried. All the daimons were gone, supposedly dead and removed by the Great Lady.

  I laid back, relieved, but that lasted only a few moments. I turned my head in the opposite direction and I could see Sarah lying on the floor.

  "What about her?"

  "She's not going anywhere." His voice was cold and merciless. "Although I should kill her on the spot for what she just did to you."

  "And Davis," I added sadly.

  Tears welled up in my eyes and Caiden gathered me in his arms. He pressed his lips to the top of my head and whispered words of comfort, although I really had no clue what he was saying. I pushed my face into his chest and clung to him, my grief over Davis' death threatening to overwhelm me. I fought to prevent the tears from actually spilling because I knew if they did, I would never be able to stop.

  I heard footsteps approaching and I lifted my face. Jimmy and Payton were standing there. I saw the grief over Davis mirrored in Payton's eyes and she gave me a tortured look.

  Jimmy looked at Caiden and asked, "Is she okay?"

  Caiden nodded but the look he gave Jimmy was furious. "No thanks to you. What in the hell were you doing here with Sarah and those daimons?"

  Jimmy sighed and raked his hand through his hair. "I thought I was helping to protect Charlie."

  "How in the hell could you be protecting Charlie? You came with a daimon horde."

  "It's a long I'm sure the Alliance will want to hear so I'll only be repeating it once. But just know that I never would have harmed Charlie. Ever!"

  I pushed back from Caiden and looked at Jimmy. "What's so special about me? You don't even know me."

  Jimmy's face was pinched tight but there was a hint of sadness in his eyes. "I do know you, Charlie. You see...I'm your father."

  Chapter 26

  I was lying on my couch in my dorm, staring at the ceiling. I had woken up a few hours ago, the stab wound in my chest neatly healed. Caiden had patched me up and was at my side when I had gone to sleep. He was gone when I had awoken.

  I had entertained the thought of going down to breakfast, but I didn't want to see anyone. I knew my friends would be worried about me but I also know they would hear through the rumor mill what had happened. And I just wasn't ready to answer any questions about last night.

  Whenever I thought of Davis, I could see Sarah's sword connecting with his neck. I
could see, with such clarity, that brief moment of surprise when he realized what had happened, and then he was no more. I wasn't the best of friends with Davis but he was more of a friend to me than anyone I had ever had in the First Dimension. He was also my compatriot. His death was weighing on me heavily. I was bitter that all of my training had not taught me to accept death as a consequence of our work. Worse was the guilt I was carrying. Had Davis not been on my team, he'd be alive and well. Had I never come to Semper Terra, Davis would be sitting at breakfast now with his friends, laughing and joking.

  I wasn't sure that I could handle this life. I was so naïve and shallow as to think that this life would be free of heartache and grief. I had been so consumed with Caiden, with magic, with fighting, that I never stopped to think that I could lose friends. That other's lives would be dependent on me. It was a terrible responsibility to bear, and I was now doubting that I had the chops to see this fight through to the end.

  And then there was dad. The thought of him being my father felt like I'd swallowed cold ashes. I didn't get a chance to question him after his big reveal as Caiden wanted to get me back to Semper Terra because of my injury. And now? Now I wasn't sure I wanted to talk to him. If he even was my dad, why had he given me up? What was so wrong with me that he would abandon me?

  No! I couldn't even think in those terms. He gave me to two wonderful people and I was far better off without him. What kind of life would an immortal mobster have been able to give me anyway? And I had done well enough without him in my life. I certainly didn't need him now.

  A knock on my door broke my reverie but I ignored it. I didn't want to see or talk to anyone.

  But the knocking continued and then I heard, "Come on, Charlie. Open up." It was Caiden.

  I sighed and stood up from the couch. I was still wearing my pajamas and my hair, I'm sure, was an ungodly mess. I didn't care though. Nothing seemed to matter except that Davis was dead and I wasn't. Jimmy was my dad but the parents I knew and loved were gone forever.

  Opening the door, I turned my back on Caiden and shuffled back to the couch. I laid back down and resumed staring at the ceiling.

  After several moments, Caiden asked, "How are you feeling?"

  I shrugged my shoulders in response but didn't offer anything else. I heard Caiden walk toward me and then he was sitting on the couch, near my hips. I had to scoot over to make some room for him, but I never took my eyes off the ceiling.

  Reaching out, Caiden lightly grasped my jaw and turned my face to his, forcing me to look at him. When I met the sympathy in his gaze, I could feel the tears well up.

  "Let me guess," he said gently. "You're grieving over Davis. You feel guilty that he's dead. And you're pissed as hell at Jimmy. Am I close?"

  "What are you? A mind reader?"

  My voice quavered and I was on the verge of giving into a full-fledged meltdown. I wanted to look back up to the ceiling but Caiden didn't release my jaw. Instead, he rubbed his thumb soothingly across it.

  "It's okay to have those feelings, Charlie."

  I couldn't help the bitterness in my voice. "I know, Dr. Gallagher. I've had enough therapy to write a book."

  I jerked my face out of his grasp and resumed my staring contest with the ceiling. I heard him sigh as he stood up and walked away.

  I heard him open my refrigerator and my ears perked up when he said, "The Elders have talked to both Sarah and Jimmy. We know what they were up to...if you're interested."

  "I'm listening," I responded dully.

  "Nope. I'm not going to tell you a thing until you get your butt up off that couch. Come sit in the kitchen and have some coffee."

  I blew out an exasperated breath but I got up from the couch. I glared at him as I walked into the kitchen. He puttered around making coffee and I took a seat at my kitchen table. When it was finished, he brought two cups to the table and sat down. I picked my cup up and took a small sip. was very good.

  "So...tell me what Sarah was up to. I figured out on my own that she didn't want to kill me so she could get her claws into you."

  Caiden gave a smile at that. "No. Her plot was far more sinister. Besides, two women fighting over me require bathing suits and a mud pit."

  I didn't break a smile but his charm was certainly threatening to destroy my bad mood.

  "Okay. Clearly that wasn't as funny as it sounded in my head. So, what do you want to know about first? Sarah or Jimmy?"

  "Definitely Sarah. I don't know if I'm ready to tackle Jimmy."

  "Well, Bashir and a few Elders questioned her extensively. And they also talked to Jimmy. Apparently Sarah approached Jimmy a few weeks ago and inquired about hiring some daimon body guards for some work she needed done in the First Dimension."

  "When we were on our date? That was why they were at Café Syreni together?"

  Caiden nodded and took a sip of his coffee.

  "Yeah. She was vague with him at first as to why she wanted to hire the daimons. He thought it was just her wanting to take advantage of some of his more nefarious connections. But he continued to push at her and she eventually told him that you were her target. Of course, Jimmy claims that once he knew you were involved, he volunteered to help her with whatever she was planning to do so he could figure out her plan and stop it."

  "So he says. For all we know, he really did want me dead."

  Caiden shook his head. "I don't think so, Charlie. I think his intentions were true. And you know, coming from me, that means a lot. Your dad is not my favorite person in the world."

  "Don't call him my dad," I snapped. "He's nothing more than a sperm donor."

  Caiden looked at me thoughtfully but didn't say anything. Several moments of silence passed and it was driving me crazy that he was silent.

  "What? You think I should just accept him as my father? That I should forgive him for abandoning me? You think I should forgive him for my parents' death?"

  "Your parents' death?" Caiden asked with surprise.

  "Yes. My parents are dead because of him. Had he not given me up for adoption, they would be alive. Because they would not have had me to protect. They could have gotten away...or something." I knew the logic was tenuous but I was so angry at Jimmy that I wanted to pin every wrong in the world on him.

  "Don't you think that's a little unfair," Caiden chided.

  It was. Unfair. I knew it, but I couldn't stop those dark thoughts.

  "Forget about it. You wouldn't understand. Let's get back to Sarah. Did you ever figure out why she wanted to kill me?"

  Caiden's face grew very serious and my stomach clenched. "Do you remember Nerissa telling you that you would be our deliverance?"

  "She called me a Savior in my dream," I murmured.

  "Well, apparently there is a prophecy. Bashir can tell you about it in detail." Caiden's face was grim. I didn't want to hear anymore but he pressed on. "It predicts that a very powerful daimon will arise and bring a horde of evil to Semper Terra's door. They intend to take Semper Terra so that they can harness its immortality and magic. They intend to use that power to rule the First Dimension. And...apparently there is a Savior that will step forth and deliver us all."

  My jaw dropped open. "And I'm that Savior?"

  "According to the Elders' interpretation of the prophecy. Bashir is waiting to talk to you about it. It appears Sarah was in this daimon's employment but she wouldn't give us any details. We're still working on her. We can only assume she and her employer knew of this prophecy which is why she tried to kill you."

  I couldn't grasp this. It was too much. How could I be a Savior when it seemed death followed me around? I didn't want the weight of a world—literally—on my shoulders. I wasn't cut out for it.

  "I can't do this," I said with a small voice.

  Caiden looked at me with care and understanding...and maybe a little pity. I cast my eyes down to the floor. I couldn't bear to have him look at me when I was so weak. He got up from his chai
r and came over to me. He pulled me up and wrapped his arms around me in a hug.

  "Hey now. None of that. You can do this Charlie. I promise you."

  I put my face in his chest and shook my head in denial.

  "I don't want it," I said miserably.

  Caiden pulled back and with his hand under my chin, tipped my face up so I was looking into his beautiful eyes. "Charlie. You are the most capable woman I know. You can do anything you set your mind to. Right're feeling small. And that's okay. But I promise you, I won't let you go through this on your own. I'll be by your side the entire way."

  I looked into his eyes and I saw them brimming with confidence. I felt the strength of his arms around me, and my heart lightened just a bit from his promise.

  "'ll stand by me, huh?" A tiny smile curved my lips upward. "Even when I'm ready to throw my arms up in surrender?"

  Caiden snorted and kissed me on the tip of my nose. "As if you know the meaning of the word 'surrender'".

  I smiled at that statement and lifted my lips to his in invitation. He took my offer and swept me away in a kiss that left me tingling all the way to my toes. With Caiden by my side, maybe I could stand strong enough to see this through to the end.


  Three days later, the entire school gathered on the beach for Davis' memorial. His parents were there and as I watched them cling to each other in their grief, it reminded me of the mother and father I had so long ago lost.

  On the fringes of the crowd, I saw Jimmy standing there by himself. And I was then reminded of a father I had seemed to gain. I still had not talked to him although he had sent a message through Ben to come see him aboard the Jolly Roger whenever I wanted. I wasn't ready to cross that bridge yet.

  The last few days had been somber at the school. The rest of the students continued on with their training and would be undergoing their field trials week after next. Payton and I had been notified by Huron that we would not be required to undergo our individual field trials since we each had battled daimons in a one-on-one capacity.


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