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Rafael's Woman

Page 8

by Fiona Murphy

  Even limp he was so thick she could not take all of him into her mouth. It was frustrating, she frowned as she sat back on her knees and studied him. She knew there were women who could take someone as large and thick as him deeper into their mouths and she was determined to be able to take all of him.

  A low chuckle came from above her. She looked up to see Rafael shaking his head at her. “That was an extremely satisfying and gut-wrenching experience and all you can think of is what you were not able to achieve.”

  He reached down, drawing her up until she was back on her feet. “How do you know? And gut-wrenching sounds bad, was it not good?”

  Easing down he lifted her in his arms and her arms went around his neck, she felt weightless in his arms. She couldn’t believe he didn’t even strain as he held her and he was smiling down at her. “Your every thought flutters across your face. Gut-wrenching is bad for me because you cared only for my pleasure. One so young and inexperienced and I gave you no pleasure.”

  Setting her down on her bed, he sat at the edge and his regret was clear. Afraid he’d leave or think again too much, Carrie sat up and went on her knees. Pushing his suit jacket off, she licked at the skin of his neck. A thrill shot through her at his shudder in reaction. Her hands went to the row of buttons on his shirt. “Rafael, what I did gave me a very large amount of pleasure. So much pleasure, I was very close to having an orgasm from doing it.”

  Carrie managed to get most of his buttons before he turned and pressed her down into the bed with his body. His body was a work of art and she could see clearly how he had managed to pick her up without the slightest intake of air. Muscles curved and flexed under the lightly hairy chest as fine as the silk of his skin. She had thought the expression was a six pack so how did it look like eight hard curved knotting of muscles over his stomach. The feel of him pressing into her was making her drip from need, her body was on overload from need to press harder against him until she melted completely into him. His mouth at her throat, licking and sucking at the hollow where her heartbeat pounded was the only thing that stirred her senses. “I don’t have any protection, mi dulce.”

  It took several minutes to work out he had even spoken. All she knew was the word protection. The words were pulled out of her and she knew she sounded drunk, because she was off the feel of him against her. “I do, bedside table. I need you.”

  Pulling away, he got up and closed the door. Carrie wanted to scream and start throwing things, how in the world could he get up and walk away from her. He looked regretful, she didn’t care and she needed this man and it was clear as day he wanted her to. Everything Bethany said came rushing back over what he was scared of getting into and so she could maybe understand why he was trying to stop them from going further. His shirt was open and his trousers were hanging on his hips open but hiding him from her. Running a hand through his hair, he looked down at her and shook his head. “Carrie, this can’t happen. You deserve better than I am able to give you. I do not want a long-term relationship and a woman like you deserves better than even that. I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have let you do what you did knowing all of that.”

  Laughter bubbled up out of her, relief had it come out easier than if she had forced it. Gone was the feeling of guilt, she wasn’t playing a game to have him, if she were it would be called chicken. He wanted her as badly as she wanted him and if she had to say something she didn’t mean, for now, then she’d do whatever the hell it took to get him, “Rafael, I’m not asking you to make an honest woman of me. I’m not looking for a relationship. I think you jumped way too many steps ahead. I’ve been a virgin because I’ve been busy raising two twin boys. I’m going to be busy for several more years. I’m not looking to make my life any more complicated than it already is. For many years I was overweight, I still think I am but it makes me feel good knowing you don’t think so, that somehow I turn you. Before, I was too self-conscious about my body and positive the only thing a man wanted was sex on their terms.” He looked doubtful but his eyes roamed over her body with heat. She decided to turn up the pressure. The nightgown was off in one easy movement and she was naked on her knees at the edge of the bed. “Just your nights, Rafael it’s all I want. I’m not asking for you to skip any more meetings for me or wine and dine me in the evening. I just want you in my bed at night, my bed, not yours. If you want to stay the whole night and be gone by the time the boys wake up then fine. If you want to leave once we’re both satisfied then I’m happy with that too.”

  His eyes were practically devouring her. It made her so wet she couldn’t take it anymore. Settling back onto the bed, her hand went down between her spread legs and she touched herself with a sigh. Ever since the first night she had moved in, the thought of Rafael in the same building had her touching herself. Night after night she had reached orgasm imagining Rafael slipping into her bed, touching her, inside her. Now he was here, and hearing his breathing become heavy as he watched drove her on.

  Chapter Eight

  Rafael felt like he was in a dream. He wondered if it would end just like all the ones he had of Carrie where he would wake up aching and alone. Then he took a deep breath and knew it was no dream. Even from a few feet away he could smell the hot heat of her pussy as she touched herself. Until this moment he thought he’d never seen anything so erotic as Carrie on her knees with her lips around his cock. Now, watching the pleasure dance over her beautiful face as her fingers played inside her, his cock was so hard he was sure if he touched it that it would break. This witch was the one bringing him to his knees.

  For a moment he clung to his sanity, this wasn’t the way his visit with her was supposed to go. He had planned to yell and threaten her into taking care of herself, then stomp up to his condo and spend another restless night. Now she was telling him that he didn’t have to. She was telling he could spend the night with her and she expected, wanted nothing more from him than sex. Rafael desperately wanted to believe it but the words rang false from the Carrie he believed he knew. She had said them as if they were a taunt and he wasn’t sure if it was because she wanted to reassure him or herself. Her soft little moans of her impending release pushed him to believe it was herself. Carrie had never had a lover before but it was clear she had pleased herself often. Rafael could now believe once she finally had a man who made it clear he could be trusted and would please her that she was reaching out for what she could get. It didn’t matter if deep in her eyes, he had seen the truth.

  Javier had told him, Carrie was his, all he had to do was reach out for her. Finally, he moved to do just that.

  Pushing off his pants he came down on the bed, catching her hand in his wrist he sucked the long, elegant fingers into his mouth. Licking with long strokes she tasted as sweet as she smelled. Her eyes were wide and her other hand moved to stroke his chest, he grabbed her hand before she could touch him. He needed to taste her completely, she had done enough touching. Moving down her body, his cock twitched in angry need at the sight of her pussy slick with her juices. Light blond curls tried to hide her from him but she was swollen and bright pink as if begging for attention. Licking the seam of her lips the taste of her exploded even more vibrantly on his tongue than she had from her fingers. Sweet and heady the taste of her clung to his tongue, it wasn’t enough. He wanted to know every inch of her and what made her gasp and moan the loudest. The need to make her lose her mind as thoroughly as she had sent him over the edge when she had him in her mouth was pushing him on. Slowly, his tongue roamed over the wet, tender flesh while ignoring the one thing he knew she wanted him to touch the most. Hearing her nearly sobbing for him filled him with a deep primal satisfaction.

  When at last her words were barely intelligible he pressed two fingers inside her. Damn it, she was so tight his cock grew harder at the thought of being inside her. Relief filled him, there was no longer a barrier but it was clear her body wasn’t going to take him easily. With that knowledge he knew he wasn’t nearly done.

  Slowly, gently,
he eased another finger inside her. Carrie’s hips rose up to meet the new feeling, inviting more even as her pussy tightened against his entry. Setting an easy tempo he pumped in and out of her. Her moans grew so loud he hoped her brothers slept deeply but he couldn’t bring himself to quiet her. The sound of her enjoyment fed his desire, then she moaned how much she wanted his cock. Fuck, hearing the word on her lips had his cock twitching painfully. Carrie was no shy little virgin, she knew what she wanted and she was asking for it, begging for it. He began pumping faster, she gasped his name and he loved the sound of his name, just like that, coming out of her. She was almost there, his tongue swept over the swollen pearl of her clitoris to send her over the edge. Sucking hard, the scream above him ran down his spine as he felt her shake in orgasm.

  Her eyes closed, he watched as she fought for breath. Satisfaction filled him to know it had been so good for her because he knew he wouldn’t be able to last for long inside her. Opening the table she had motioned to he found the condoms. His cock was deeply grateful she had the protection but his conscious was pissed she had been the one to be prepared. He should have been the one to see to her care. Tearing open the condom, he rolled it on and felt her eyes on him. She was staring intently as he rolled the condom on and the longing he saw in her star bright blue eyes had his cock straining as if she were touching it all over again.

  Moving onto his hands on each side of her head, he settled into the open cradle of her legs and allowed his cock to lay against the length of her slit. She moaned as her hips rocked up to take him inside her. His own hips moved down but kept her trapped, the need to taste and learn the rest of her delectable body was strong. His tongue traced the shell of her delicate ear. She shivered when he tugged the soft skin of the tip and sucked. His mouth made a slow journey down the side of her neck that had her gasping his name. Tasting the column of her throat, her breath came out of her in little moans and when he gave into the need to kiss her they both shook.

  Her mouth was seeking and hungry, her soft tongue wrapped around his own and he couldn’t give enough. Deeper, he took the kiss until she fought for breath, still he didn’t let her go, wanting his breath to be the only thing she breathed. At last, he tore his mouth away. Now he could take his time with her succulent, swollen breasts that had taunted him from the very first day.

  “Rafael,” It was a whisper of pleading.

  He shook his head as his tongue out lined the dusky pink of her areola while ignoring the tight pouting nipple. “Not yet, your breasts have kept me hard for hours through the night. The first day I felt like such a bastard, you were crying in my arms because I had made you cry. Yet all I could think about was the feeling of your soft, full breasts against me. Beautiful, so responsive,” Covering the peaked, hard nipple he sucked gently at first, then harder. A keening little cry escaped her told him what he needed to know and he tugged lightly at the swollen nipple. Another cry followed and she clutched at him, pressing deeper into his mouth. When he applied more pressure she went wild. Her hips were frantically rocking against him as she begged for more.

  Letting her nipple fall from his mouth, he turned his attention to her other breast. It took only minutes before she was pleading, nearly inconsolable and he loved it. His little virgin was a tigress in bed, her nails shredding his back as his mouth sucked her nipple deep inside, flicking at the tip. The smell of her floated up to him and her frantic pleas made it clear she was close again to the edge of climax and this time he wanted to be inside her when she came.

  Pushing up and away her cry of panic was cut off as she felt him run his cock along the wet slit of her pussy. Please, she moaned, her legs went wider for him. Slowly, he eased inside her and his jaw went hard at how hot and tight she felt around him. On his knees between her legs, he fought the need to push hard and fast deep inside her. Closing his eyes against the sight of her pussy lips clinging around him, he was only a few inches inside her and she was so damn tight around his cock. Fuck, hard or slow, he didn’t know. He’d never had a virgin before, all he knew was he didn’t want to hurt her.

  Carrie captured the edge of the shirt he still wore and yanked him down. “Fuck me hard and fast, Rafael. I’m begging you.”

  The words were a whispered demand against his lips. He didn’t dare deny what he wanted so badly. Thrusting deep until he was completely inside her, she moaned his name and he went still, fearful he had hurt her. Pulling up, fear iced his veins until he saw her face. She was glowing, so gorgeous in her pleasure he could feel his cock thicken inside her. She did too, her eyes dilated and she moaned his name. Then she almost killed him when the muscles of her already tight pussy clenched around him.

  His control lost he pumped hard and fast just like she begged him to. In seconds, her little whimpers and groans were all she had left. There were no more words, for either of them. He was beginning to hit his climax, his whole body tight with the need to hold off until she was there first and then he heard her crying in his ear. Relief filled him as her body clutched tighter to him and he allowed himself to follow her and fall completely shattered to the edge of the world.

  Still trembling with his release, he immediately rolled to the side of her, not trusting himself to not collapse on her. She moaned her discontent so he pulled her close. They were both out of breath. They were both suffering from deep shaking from the aftershocks. He had never had a climax like it before and it scared the shit out of him. Pulling away, he rolled off the bed and when she questioned him said only the condom. His steps weren’t steady as he entered the bathroom and he got rid of the condom. He washed his hands and threw water on his face. Hands shaking, he wiped his face as wondered what the hell just happened. Since his first sexual experience at sixteen there had been more women than he felt comfortable listing. Not once had it ever been like he just experienced. Not just his reaction to her but Carrie’s own demands, enjoyment and reveling of their lovemaking. Many of the women had performed as if they were in a bad porn, others had simply performed. Carrie had given herself completely up to every feeling, taste, and touch and demanded the same from him. Running his hand through his hair he swore, he knew this would happen. He needed to get out of here, now.

  Going back into the bedroom he found Carrie under the covers with his pants and underwear folded neatly at the bottom of the bed.

  “Can you make sure to grab your tie and jacket from the living room? Don’t forget to turn off the lights when you leave, thanks.” Her voice was one of boredom. She then rolled over and seemed as if she was going to sleep.

  Her casual dismissal of him, burned more than the scratches on his back. He remembered her telling him how she simply wanted his nights and he would need to be gone before the twins were up in the morning. Fuck that, yanking off his shirt, he went to the bed and pulled the covers back. Anger spun hard to see her back in the nightgown. Catching it at the neck, he swore as he tore it in half from her body. “Mi dulce, I do believe you said the night and I’m going to tell you right now the night has just begun.”

  The hunger in her eyes made him hard all over again. Moving closer, she reached for his cock but he grabbed her wrist and forced her back into the bed. Her head went back and she became soft in his grasp, compliant. Instead of satisfying him, her willingness to allow him to have his way made him hotter for her.

  Grasping both wrists he held her them above her head. She sighed and rocked her hips in invitation for more. “How damn it, does a virgin have the moves of a high priced whore?” His jaw was so tight the words barely escaped.

  A flush heated her cheeks and she bit down into the pouting bottom lip he had sucked hard on only minutes ago. The sight of her obvious shame had him feeling like an asshole.

  “Don’t! It wasn’t an insult it was a question I need to know the answer to. I’m so fucking hungry and greedy for your body I fear I’ll hurt you without meaning to.” Licking at her swollen bottom lip, he sucked lightly. Attempting to soothe the pain he caused her, he watched her eyes di
late and felt her shake beneath him. “Tell me, Carrie, while I can still think straight.”

  Pride glittered like diamonds. “I like to read. The romances popular now are graphic so when I’ve touched myself as I’ve read them, it’s you I wanted and imagined doing those things with. Then there’s a part of me that was angry with you for trying so badly to push me away. I hated how you remained so cold and in control so there was a part of me trying to make you lose control.”

  Hearing her say it, that she wanted to make him lose control had him wanting her to find out just much she could take. Yet as he felt the softness of her pressing against him, he knew he didn’t dare, at least not tonight. There was a bone-deep satisfaction running through him, to hear her say how she touched herself as she fantasized about them together. It didn’t surprise him but he liked her honesty. “So absolutely no one has been inside you? No one has shown you just what can happen when you make a man lose control?” He taunted her.

  Shaking her head, she didn’t look abashed, simply pressed against him in further invitation.

  Frustration built as he looked down at her, she had no idea how badly he wanted to savage her and he would, very soon. The scent of her began flooding his senses again and he let everything but his need for her go. Right now she was soft and wet against him and nothing else mattered but enjoying her luscious body. Letting her wrists go, he pushed up and moved down her. Finding her so wet she was overflowing down to the round curves of her ass had his breath coming out him in a hiss. From the moment she had turned around to walk away from him, he had wanted her ass in his hands. He’d stroked his cock as he imagined the soft flesh give way to his strokes. The dream of her was nowhere as good as the reality. Her skin was silk as he caressed and squeezed, molding and digging his fingers into her flesh.


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