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Rafael's Woman

Page 9

by Fiona Murphy

  Opening her pussy for his mouth, he sucked deeply on the juices telling him how badly she wanted him. His tongue couldn’t get enough of her, deeper, he dove into her with each stroke, the taste of her made him hungrier for more. Moving her legs over his shoulders, she whimpered as it allowed him deeper access into her pussy. He didn’t want give up the grip he had on her ass. As his hand came back from pulling her leg over his shoulder, he skimmed the crack of her ass and she gasped in reaction. His cock went so hard his jaw locked to keep a groan in. Had she really liked it or was it his tongue working her pussy, he wondered. Slowly, he ran a finger over the crack of her ass and lightly slipped inside the cheeks but didn’t press inside her. Carrie shuddered in reaction and he gave into desire and slipped a finger into her tight little hole. Her body didn’t give way easily but she was so tight because she was clenching in the same way her pussy tightened around his cock with pleasure.

  “No, Rafael, please.” The words came out of her in ragged, breathy, little moan.

  Going still, he fought for control. “What do you want, mi dulce?”

  Her hands tightened in his hair. “I don’t want your finger there,” A sigh of agony escaped him, until she finished. “I want your cock inside me. Please, I want your cock, not your fingers inside me.” Yet, even as she said the words, she rocked against his finger to take him deeper inside.

  Carrie’s earthy uninhibited response was unlike anything he had ever encountered before, it thrilled the hell out of him. Despite her pleading he knew he wanted her to come on his tongue. As badly as he wanted to be buried inside her ass he knew it was too soon. He also didn’t have the lubricant he would need to ensure her pleasure. Pulling out of her, he coated his finger with her juices and began to steadily move in and out of her tight ass. Her gasps urged him on and his tongue moved in while his fingers moved out, setting a fierce tempo that had her quickly coming on his mouth.

  She went limp and he could hear her gasping for air. Getting up, he rounded the bed to grab a condom. Rolling the condom on, he got back into bed and settled in behind her. Still limp, she moaned his name as pulled her into his arms. The way she melted into his arms as he eased her half onto him, her back against his chest made his whole body harder. Her trust in him was as arousing as her response. Stamping down the urge to invade her as urgently as he dared, he forced himself to enter her slowly, only a few inches at a time. Slowly, he rocked his hips in and out once he was only half-way inside her.

  Her hands went over his hands as they roamed over her full, heavy breasts. Knowing he wasn’t going as deep as he could, she tried to push back but he wouldn’t allow her to take him deeper. She had told him that she wanted him to lose control, this was a lesson in how good control could feel, for the both of them. Eyes tight he pressed a few inches deeper and she moaned her happiness. Her pussy clutching at him in time with his strokes out, sent his mouth to her neck and he sucked the skin hard and deep. Keeping control of the tempo, still not burying himself deep inside her, sweat began to bead on his chest.

  Her whimpering was becoming louder, her hands were grabbing at him to get him to move faster and deeper. Rafael refused her efforts, his hands tight on her hips maintained his own tempo, going only so deep. Carrie became frantic, trying to push back onto him. In retaliation to her attempts, he bit deeply into her neck and sucked hard at the skin in his mouth. Her reaction was to clutch at him tighter from inside her body as she cried out his name.

  Carrie’s passionate response to his rough handling pushed him over the edge. He began pounding into her as deep and roughly as he could while they were both on their side. She gave herself completely to him, limp and allowing him to control her body utterly. Deeper he drove himself inside and he felt her orgasm overtake her as she shuddered and quaked hard on his cock. Now that she hit her peak he lost himself in her, until finally he hit his own climax.

  Chapter Nine

  Carrie vaguely heard Rafael’s groan of her name as he swelled inside her before he emptied into the condom. Floating in her own little world of euphoria she felt every tiny movement of him inside her and cherished it. With a sigh she waited, expecting another quick escape as he had done the first time. When a full minute passed, she was pleased when he went still inside her and simply held her close. After a few minutes, he pulled away, tensing up she heard him go into the bathroom and could hear him washing up. Trying not to fall asleep so she could send him off with a fake smile and reassurance she expected nothing more from him. It surprised her when she felt the bed shift and he pulled her into his arms. He was doing the last thing she thought he would do and she wasn’t sure what to do.

  His breath in her ear made her shiver, “Go to sleep, Carrie.”

  She melted back into him but her mind wouldn’t shut off. She was an idiot, she had no idea how she was going to keep him from figuring out she was in love with him when he read her so clearly. Could he feel something for her, maybe even just a little? He had been so tender, then hungry with her. She didn’t care what people said, there was a difference between love and sex and Carrie was pretty damn sure he had made love to her. It wasn’t because it was what she wanted to believe, it was because of how dazed and confused he had looked when he’d stumbled away from her the first time. Rafael had run scarred from what happened between them, she wasn’t sure of everything where Rafael was concerned but she was pretty sure he was extremely sexually experienced. If he hadn’t known what hit him when he pulled out of her then it was safe he had never experienced it before. It gave her hope for their future.

  In the moments after he’d stumbled into the bathroom she had wanted curl into a ball and cry her eyes out. Instead she had forced the tears back and pulled her nightgown back on. Then she folded his shirt and pants and laid them at the end of the bed. She couldn’t make a liar of herself, she had to keep pretending. If she could get him to believe her tonight, then maybe she could get him to keep coming back. Getting back under the covers, had been necessary to draw them almost over her head so he wouldn’t see her fighting tears. She had been proud of the casual words she had tossed at him as she knew he would be trying to let her down easily as he tried to get out of the room.

  When he’d torn the covers from her tight grip and looked down at her with anger and desire stamped on his face she had wanted to jump for joy. He hadn’t liked her words or her shrugging off what they shared. A little shiver went down her back as she remembered him tearing the nightgown from her, she must be a freak because it had instantly made her wet all over again for him. He didn’t know it yet and maybe it would take a little while before he admitted it but he loved her. The way he’d made love to her for what had felt like hours when she felt him wanting to lose himself in her was all the confirmation she needed.

  His arms tightened around her and his lips caressed the bite mark she knew she would find on her neck tomorrow. She didn’t mind, she loved knowing she had been able to make him lose control. It had also shockingly made her wet, she had no idea she had such deep down tendencies. She was also sure it was because she knew it was what Rafael needed. The pressure he was under had to be immense and from what Javier had told her he only let himself go in the gym. It was how she knew he needed a deeper release, to lose control in one safe place. He had a body so hard it could cut diamonds, if she could give him a deeper release then she would do so gladly. Whatever he needed, she wanted to give it to him because she knew he would always take care of her, as he had from the beginning.

  “Carrie, if you don’t go to sleep now I’m going to take you again. I know you weren’t sore before but I’m quite sure you are now.”

  Blushing, she snuggled closer to him because he was right. She was sore, Rafael was so large and thick and his slow, long lovemaking had her sweetly sore. It didn’t hurt, she just knew she would still feel him tomorrow. If he took her again it would hurt. With a sigh of pleasure she gave into the darkness and was asleep in minutes.

  When her alarm went off she was alone. S
he tried not let it bother her, it was what she had told him she wanted. Then she went in to take a shower, a sticky note was on the mirror. They littered the apartment as she left notes for the boys and vice versa. It was simple and to the point, tonight ten thirty. There was no signature, no greeting, it could have been a demand. For now, it was enough, he was coming back tonight. Then she took in her reflection, damn she was going to need some heavy make up to cover up the bite mark and she didn’t have any. Turning on the shower she rushed through getting ready, the water was washing him away but not the memory. Her body began tingling with the memories of his touch as her hands ran over her body the night came back in flash after flash. By the time she got out of the shower she was on a slow boil need for Rafael again.

  Drying her hair, she remembered she had a black scarf that had come with the suit she had bought for interviews. She hadn’t done anything with it because she wasn’t girly enough to know what to do with a scarf but she was going to learn today. As she was dressing and stepping into heels she heard her phone chime. Expecting it to be Bethany her stomach flipped to see Rafael had entered his contact information in her phone and the text was him. It was as to point as his note had been, are you feeling okay?

  A curse slipped out as she wiped a tear away. Taking a deep breath, she searched for something as simple and to the point as his question. He didn’t want to know she felt achy but as if she had experienced the best night of her life. She couldn’t reply she was even more in love with him for the question. So her reply was as simple as she could make it, I feel good, see you tonight.

  There was no reply. She spent the next two hours wondering if she had been too abrupt. Then she got a text from Javier at lunch. His text was much longer, they had a quick back and forth exchange where Javier made it clear his brother was at once extremely satisfied but also extremely stressed. He teased her about what she was doing to his brother and thanked her for it. When he called her sis a lump appeared in her throat and she had a hard time swallowing. Stop it, Carrie, just be cool. It was a mantra she repeated again and again as she urged the twins into bed a little earlier than normal.

  The change in them from the same time two weeks ago was so deep and thorough she knew she would have never thought they were the same two boys. They didn’t even look the same. Eliot had always been a sandy blond with a thin build and light complexion and a smattering of freckles. Now he was almost as broad as Riley had been but Riley was growing even broader. Eliot’s hair was a lighter blond from the sun, while his complexion darkened and freckles multiplied even though he swore he applied sunscreen three times a day. Riley’s dark hair had grown darker and he was building muscle, which Carrie hadn’t thought was possible so quickly. Riley was also trying to grow out a mustache and shockingly it was coming in. It felt like overnight they were becoming the teenagers they had long called themselves. They were more polite, thoughtful and even made dinner when she couldn’t. The real change was they also picked up around the house without being asked. Before the arguments had been long and loud for them to do so much as throw out the trash without her telling them multiple times.

  Even their habits began to change. When they were home they weren’t always playing video games as long had been the only thing they thought of. They were just as often talking about their day to her over a television show they all watched together. Now when she worked nights they didn’t complain as they had when she worked evenings at the restaurant. She had no idea Rafael had taken them to lunch the first day and scared the crap out of them by laying down the law where she was concerned. A severe tongue lashing at their arrogance and taking her for granted to the point of her losing so much weight had made them grateful when he dropped them back off at the construction site and had them hoping they never saw the man again. So when Carrie had announced they would be moving into his building and she was going to be working for him, they had known there was no way they could get away with at least faking appreciation and respect for their sister. Then over the course of the week as they worked with men who had been blunt about life, they had seen how lucky they were for not just Carrie but that anyone was willing to take them in and care about them. Over the course of the week it wasn’t faking and they had grown to really appreciate their sister not just for what she was doing for them but had already done.

  Although they were surprised by her urging them to bed a half hour earlier than normal it had been a really hot and long day and they were more than willing to head to bed early.

  Carrie paced the living room, ignoring the ereader she had feigned interest in when she told the twins she was just going to read for a while before bed. It usually took them at least a half hour to fall asleep. Although if their day had been especially tiring sometimes they were dead to the world after only minutes. She didn’t want to change for Rafael until she was sure they were asleep. No matter what happened, she knew she didn’t want them to know about her and Rafael until the last possible moment. They were very ambivalent about him, they talked as if they hated him but in the same breath they would make an observation about what a good boss he was. Right now she wasn’t going to let herself think about any further than the day and hope for the best down the road. Until she had a clear sign from Rafael if he saw them as long term she didn’t want the twins to know about them.

  Giving in to her nerves, she went and took a shower to get ready for Rafael. After applying lotion she braided her hair, it had been a knotted mess this morning and she’d rather not spend ten minutes brushing it out tomorrow. Once the lotion had dried she slipped into her robe, glad it was a silky black and not see through. Checking the clock she had twenty minutes but didn’t dare wait in her room, not sure if he would knock or text her to let her know he was coming down.

  At exactly ten thirty he knocked and she was quick to open the door. He was in jeans and a plain black tee shirt and he looked sexy as sin. Locking the door she didn’t dare look at him as she turned to her room. Following her, he didn’t say anything but when he closed the door to her room it was with a thump. The noise made her jump.

  “Rafael! Please be quiet, I don’t want the twins to know you’re here. I take it you were up before them this morning?”

  Watching him toss the tee shirt at the edge of the bed she knew he didn’t like her words when he went still and his eyes went dark. “I was up before them and gone. Why are you so paranoid about them knowing I’m here?”

  “Because, they don’t think they like you. They do, they just don’t know it because it’s respect and they don’t have much experience with that. Also, I don’t want them to think I’m some kind of slut because this is just sex. I want them to have more respect for the women in their future and it’s a little hypocritical to say one thing and do something different.” Now he looked pissed. Carrie didn’t want to fight with him but she thought she was playing her part well. Deciding to end the argument before it began, she untied the knot of her robe and let it fall to the floor. When he saw she was naked he closed his mouth and pulled her to him. Her hands roamed, wanting to know more of the feel of his skin.

  “I don’t like the way you end a discussion.” He grabbed her wrists and held them still but didn’t move.

  Smiling, she didn’t want to be a broken record but wanted to make it clear if he wanted things to change then he would have to be the one to change it. “I don’t see what the problem is. This is about sex, why shouldn’t I use sex to end what’s not really a discussion but rather a statement of fact.” Moving closer, she licked up the middle of his chest and was rewarded with him hissing her name out.

  “You are not a slut, I don’t want to hear you say things like that.”

  Sucking lightly on the small patch of skin she let go and smiled up at him, “But Rafael, when it comes to you, I am a slut and I kind of like it. Isn’t it slutty I just think of you and it makes me wet and I want you to bend me over and fuck me hard and fast? I know I’m a slut for your cock, I loved the feel of it in my mouth and
I want to learn how to take it all the way down, I even liked the taste of your come. Isn’t it a little slutty I can hardly wait to go on birth control because I want to feel your come inside me and know I have a part of you inside me even when you aren’t there.”

  Rafael moved so quickly it was a blur, one moment she was standing and the next she was on the bed with him growling low in his chest. Carrie could feel the vibration down to her pussy and it made her so wet she knew he could smell her. “You have a dirty fucking mouth and it makes me fucking hard for you. You want to be my slut, Carrie?”

  “Yes, please, I want to taste you all over. Last night I was dying to touch your body the way you did mine, please Rafael?” She knew she wasn’t really helping him make the decision as she couldn’t stop her legs from going around his waist and rocking against his hard cock straining the jeans he still wore. Her body was aching for him to be inside her but she also wanted to taste him the way he had her.

  With a groan he rolled off of her and his hands went to his jeans. When she realized why his hands weren’t on her any longer she went on her knees to help him. Dragging his boxers down with his jeans her mouth became as wet as her pussy at the longing to have him back inside her mouth. Without the fear he would stop and he was laying back and allowing her to touch him, Carrie wasn’t going to waste a moment. Her pussy clenched as her hands skimmed over his long legs, he was so tall she loved being able to kneel over him and look down at him. His thighs were thick with muscle and rippled below her touch as she traced her tongue over him where she touched. Running a finger over his hips she came close to his thick cock but didn’t touch. She didn’t dare because she knew she would be lost in him if she did. The taste of his skin was addictive and she didn’t fight the longing to alternately lick and suck at the soft skin trembling beneath her touch.


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