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King (Grit Chapter Book 2)

Page 8

by Jenika Snow

  “You need to calm down, Clara. You were hurt, and you also need to rest,” Vicky said.

  “I’m so scared.”

  King grabbed her hand. “What are you afraid of?”

  “Being hurt, being left behind. The moment you start to love someone, it takes you, changes you and when you lose that person, you’re never the same. I don’t want to lose myself because I’m madly in love with you. I’ve lost people before. I can’t handle losing anyone else.”

  She loved him. Clara fucking loved him.

  “Oh Clara,” Vicky said, tears spilling down her cheeks.

  “I love you so much, King.”

  His heart swelled with the fact this woman was his, that she was willing to give him a chance. “I love you too, baby.” Fuck, now he was getting all emotional.

  “I love you, King. I don’t know what you did, and I wish I could hate, because that would make things so much easier. But I can’t. I love you so damn much, and it scares me. I’m not some young plaything. What if another woman comes along and excites you more than I do?”

  He laughed and shook his head. Cupping her cheeks gently, mindful of her wounds, he smiled at the love of his fucking life. “You’re a crazy woman if you think there is anyone else I could ever want. You’re all I want, Clara. Do you think I’m not scared? I’m part of an MC. My life is not easy, and you deserve so much better than me, someone that isn’t a criminal and a motherfucker.” He leaned down to kiss her lips. “I fucking love you, and seeing you get hit by that car has put a lot of shit in perspective for me. I can’t lose you.”

  “I love you,” she said, again, crying and smiling at the same time.

  “I love you too.”

  Pressing a kiss to her lips, King tried to be gentle.

  “Okay, can we step back and give the doctor some room?” the nurse said from behind him, and he moved away, smiling at Clara.

  Squeezing her hand, King smiled. “I’m just stepping out. We’ll talk more as soon as the doctor leaves.”

  He stepped out, staring at her through the window as the doctor started to talk to her. His heart was racing. With how long it had taken her to wake up, he was starting to think she never would.

  “I’ve never seen her cry like that,” Vicky said. “It was kind of scary.” She gave a little chuckle. “She’s awake, and she’s not going anywhere.”

  “Do you really think I’d have let her leave?” King asked.

  “She can be stubborn.”

  “Babe, you’ve not been paying attention to King. He’s worse than stubborn. He can be a big old pain in the ass,” Payne said.

  She chuckled, and he glanced back to see her resting a head on Payne’s chest. “Thank you for staying with me.”

  “Always, Vicky,” Payne said.

  Staring back in the room, King looked at Clara as she nodded and talked with the doctor. Minutes passed, and he was finally able to go in.

  Taking a seat on the bed, he took her hand once again.

  “So I hurt myself, broke my leg in two places, my arm is broken, and I left some skin on the tarmac. Oh I also have a concussion. All in all, I’m peachy.” She looked worried. “I have no insurance—”

  “Don’t worry about the medical bills. We can handle them.”

  “I don’t want to do that.”

  “Babe, you’re my old lady.” Fuck that sounds and feels incredible. “It doesn’t matter anymore what you want or don’t want. It’s what you’re going to get. You’re mine.”

  “Wow, you’re very bossy,” she said, but she was smiling broadly. “Note to self, human versus car, car wins, hands down.”

  Vicky chuckled. “We’re going to get some coffee and give you time to talk.”

  Clara nodded, smiling. “I’m sorry—”

  “Stop with all the sorry comments, babe. You’re alive, and you love me. Life is good.”

  King laughed as Clara glared. “Fine, I’m not saying sorry to you again.”

  “You just did.” Vicky winked, and he watched the couple leave.

  “They’re getting along better,” Clara said.

  “Vicky’s stronger than you give her credit for.”

  “Yeah. I came to Grit to get myself together, and if anything, I’ve just made life hard. I’m not normally like this.”

  “What? Running away?”

  “Talking about my feelings, getting to like a guy to the point that I want to stay. What did you do to me, King?”

  “I made you fall in love with me, and you know what, over the years I’m going to make you hate me, make you wonder why the hell you stayed, but late at night when I’m deep inside you, or holding you, you’re going to know it’s because I love you more than any man could ever love you.”

  Tears filled her eyes, and her lip quivered. “God, what is happening to me?”

  “I think deep down in that heart of yours that you tried to turn to ice, is a very sweet, very loving woman, who is afraid. You don’t have to be afraid with me, Clara. Now, you’re going to be coming home soon, and I’m going to be the one to take care of you. I don’t want to hear any complaints from you. You’ll do as you’re told. Otherwise when you’re well, I will put you over my knee and spank you for all those wrongdoings. Now, is that understood?”

  “Yes, King.”

  Chapter Twenty

  One month later

  It had been four weeks since Clara was released from the hospital, and she still had this damn cast on her leg. She’d just gotten the cast on her arm taken off, as her fracture had healed nicely. But she hated that she couldn’t do the things she normally did and was reliant on others to help her.

  Looking out the window she saw King and Payne outside working on their Harleys. She’d moved in with King when she’d left the hospital. At first she thought it would be temporary, because truth was she liked being on her own. But being with King in the same house, having him take care of her, and him basically saying she wasn’t leaving, felt really good.

  It was a nice spring day, the sun was shining, and she was happy—like really happy. She supposed she could have had some drama in her life with an ex, maybe even a crazy stalker. But the truth was she’d been so reluctant about letting herself love King because she was afraid. Yeah, that was the big climax of the story of her life. She was weak and scared, afraid of being in love and giving herself to him, but then shit going downhill and her losing him. That was why she lived the way she did, was a rolling stone, and just lived life to the fullest. If she didn’t settle down and let herself be happy and in love, she wouldn’t be hurt. It seemed at the time like the safe and smart route to take, but the truth was she’d been lonely, so damn lonely.

  Being with King these last few weeks had been the happiest Clara had ever been. She’d always thought she would love traveling, being alone, and changing her life at the drop of a pin. But she realized how much she’d been missing since being in Grit with King.

  God, I love that man so damn much.

  “You doing okay?”

  The sound of Vicky behind her had Clara turning. She nodded. She smiled at her friend. The woman that had been with her through thick and thin. They’d been through so much in this life, but it was only the beginning.

  “I’m good. Just thinking.”

  Vicky looked past Clara out the window, and Clara saw the pain flash across her best friend’s face. During the last four weeks something had shifted, changed between Vicky and Payne, and not in a good way. But when Clara had first asked her friend about what was wrong, Vicky had closed up pretty tight. Whatever was happening between her and Payne was deep, and Clara understood that if Vicky wanted to talk about it, she would confide. Until then Clara would give her friend some space.

  “You know I’m here for you,” Clara said and moved over to Vicky. Well, she hobbled on the crutches.

  Vicky nodded but didn’t say anything as she started making sandwiches. “I’m probably going to head out after this. I have some things to do.”

; Clara knew what that meant: she didn’t want to spend time here since Payne was hanging out.

  “I can make Payne leave, Vicky. You don’t have to leave because of him.”

  Vicky shook her head. “Thanks, but I really do have some things to do.”

  Clara stared at her friend, wondering what was going through her head right now.

  Another twenty minutes and Vicky was saying goodbye. Clara stared out the window and watched her friend leave. Vicky kept her head lowered, purposefully not looking at the guys, and Clara’s heart hurt for her friend. She wished she knew what in the hell she was going through so she could help her. But, if this life taught her anything, it was she needed to step back and let people live their own lives the way they wanted. If Vicky wanted to talk, she knew Clara would be here. She’d always be here.

  Vicky’s heart was thundering, her palms were sweating, and she was scared as hell.

  She looked down at her hands and twisted her fingers together in her lap. What in the hell was she going to do if this was really her fate? Shifting on the table she sat on, the paper gown she had on crinkled.

  What in the hell am I going to do?

  There was a knock on the door a second before it was opened.

  “Vicky?” the woman in the white lab coat said. She looked down at a file and then glanced at Vicky again, smiling.

  “Yes,” Vicky said, her throat tight, her mouth dry.

  “How are you doing?” the doctor asked.

  Vicky shrugged, thought about lying, but figured she’d just be honest. “I’m scared as hell.”

  The doctor gave her a sympathetic smile. “That’s normal.” She set the file down and pulled over a machine that had been pushed against the wall. “So you’re here for verification?”

  Vicky nodded. “Yes. I took three tests at home but wanted to make sure.”

  The doctor nodded and started working on the machine. Vicky stared at the screen that was currently black.

  “Go ahead and lie fully back. The test we ran came back positive, but because you’ve said you have a history of miscarriages?” The doctor glanced at her, and Vicky nodded.

  “Just one, when I was in high school. I was very early along.”

  “We’ll just make sure things are okay, so we’ll do an internal exam.”

  For the next few moments Vicky watched the doctor get the machine ready, and once the internal exam was underway she felt her heart seize as she saw that black screen light up.

  The doctor turned the screen more toward Vicky and smiled. “There’s your baby. You’re about five weeks’ gestation.”

  Vicky couldn’t speak, couldn’t even think as she looked at that little bean-shaped thing on the screen. That was her baby, hers and Payne’s baby.

  God, how in the hell was she going to get through this alone? She sure as hell wasn’t going to bring this up to him, not since he’d completely shut her out for unknown reasons over the last few weeks.

  No, Vicky was doing this alone, but she knew she could do it. She could handle anything.

  I hope.


  “What are you doing?” Clara asked.

  “Well, we can’t have sex yet, but I think you need some light relief.” King spread her thighs open, and she gasped as his tongue found her pussy. “So sweet and so tasty.”

  “Why are you torturing me?” she asked, gasping as he flicked his tongue across her clit.

  She loved his touch, and since getting out of the hospital, King had kept his distance. He’d been driving her insane with need, and now she couldn’t handle anymore.

  “Fly to Vegas with me,” he said.

  “Um, why?”

  “To get married.”

  “Can’t you wait?” She cried out as he thrust two fingers inside her. “Oh God, you’re not playing fair.”

  “You promised to be my wife, but you won’t just fly out and marry me.”

  “Damn you!”

  “Agree, or else I will spend the rest of the day torturing you until you do.”

  He sucked her clit into his mouth, and she couldn’t believe that he was using oral as a way to make her agree to fly to Vegas.

  She tried to thrust her pelvis up to make him give her an orgasm. He held her hip in one hand, while with his other, he fucked his fingers inside her.

  “Come on, baby, come for me, if you can.”

  “You bastard!”

  She couldn’t fight this. There was no way she could hold out.

  “Yes, I’ll go to Vegas with you. I promise.”

  King made her come, and she screamed his name, loving every second of her orgasm as it washed over her.

  When he was finished, he moved up, licking his lips. “I already have the tickets.”

  “What am I going to with you?” she asked.

  “Marry me and love me.”

  “I suppose I can handle that.”

  The End

  Out Now


  I wasn’t going to have her running from me about anything short of the truth. Yes, I’d fucked a great deal of the bitches from our school, but they had used me as much as I’d used them. It was a done deal between us all. I’d stopped fucking anyone since Charlotte, and I saw she wanted to believe me. There was a spark of doubt in her eyes, and I got it. I’d never been perfect, and before Charlotte, I’d have fucked five girls at that party, and still gone home with a different girl.

  My dad hadn’t been that strict growing up, and he wasn’t now. He’d asked me to take Charlotte into consideration before bringing bitches home to screw. To be honest, he just didn’t want to have to deal with her mother bitching at him. It was different for girls compared to boys. My father had even agreed that Charlotte wasn’t allowed to bring boys home.

  That was okay; there was a guy right here, right now, and he was already home, and she could do whatever the hell she wanted to do with him.

  “You feel that, baby?” I asked, pushing my aching cock against her stomach.

  She moaned and that turned me on even more.

  “I want to fuck you so damn bad, and don’t worry. I know it’s your first time, and I’ll be careful.”

  “What about our parents?” she asked, growling a little.

  I smiled. “Who gives a fuck what they think? You and I both know we’re not related. I’ve never once thought of you as my sister. Do you see me as your brother?”


  “Then we’ve got nothing to lose. We’re not breaking any fucking laws here, baby. They didn’t think about us long enough to give a shit when they got married. Why should we give a shit now?”

  When I’d found out that my father’s latest piece of ass came with a kid, and not only was he fucking this one, he wanted to marry her, I’d been pissed. The moment I discovered my new sister would be Charlotte, I’d been so damned angry. She was the one girl at school I’d wanted and refused to approach. Lame, I know but that’s the way it is.

  She was the one girl I believed I couldn’t have, the good girl, and then she was in my house, using my shower, and looking so fucking good all the time. I’d never taken the time to get to know her. Charlotte was simply one girl in my year, and that was all I knew about her.

  I moved away from her, and removed my shirt so that she could get a good fucking look at what she would be turning down if she decided not to fuck me. Throwing the shirt aside, I cup her cheek and run my thumb across her bottom lip.

  “Are you going to turn me down, baby? Your pussy is so damn wet; I can promise you, you’ll love every single thing I do to you.”

  “What are you going to do?” she asked, licking those lips.

  My cock was in fucking pain at being restrained in my jeans. I didn’t like it.

  “I’m going to get you naked and lay you on the edge of my bed.” I leaned in and sucked her bottom lip into my mouth.

  She gasped, arching up toward my touch.

  “Then I’m going to lick your creamy cunt until you come
all over my face.” I smiled as she pressed a little closer to me.

  I take a step back and loop my finger within her belt loops. “Are you going to get naked for me, baby? Are you going to play with me?”



  Fuck, yes, I wanted to play. I wanted to get naked and have his mouth between my thighs. I’d never been with a guy before; Derek was the first guy who’d ever made me feel like this. I was so turned on that my pussy was slick and need consumed me.

  He tugged me closer to him. “Take your clothes off.”

  Swallowing the lump in my throat, I stared into his normally cold eyes and was shocked by the heat inside them. He was enflamed, aroused, and all because of me. I should have been afraid and run from him, but I couldn’t move away. He had hypnotized me to the spot. I tugged my shirt off and wriggled out of my jeans at the same time he rid himself of his jeans, my mouth going dry at the sight of that. He was huge. I mean, really big. Painfully big.

  How was he even going to fit inside me?

  I wasn’t a small girl, but that thing wasn’t normal.

  He wrapped his hand around it and started pumping up and down the shaft. Pre-cum leaked out of the tip, slickening up his dick.

  “You’re not naked yet, Charlotte,” he said.

  Glancing down, I saw I had yet to remove my bra and panties. Reaching behind me, I unhooked the catch of my bra, and it sprang off my large breasts. Yes, I’d been blessed or cursed, whichever way you looked at it, with large boobs.

  I pressed the bra against my body as the reality of our situation invaded once again. He’d been with so many girls; I was going to pale in comparison.

  Suddenly, his hands were in front of me, capturing my wrists, and peeling my arms away from my body.

  “You don’t need to hide from me, baby.” He pressed a sweet, tender kiss to my lips and proceeded to remove my bra and panties. Derek wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me in closer to him. I took a deep breath as he surrounded me.

  He moved me toward the edge of the bed, and I half expected him to throw me to the bed and pounce, but he didn’t.


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