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Aries: Swinging into Spring

Page 8

by Sèphera Girón

  “Do you think they’re embarrassed?” Sid asked.

  “Maggie, embarrassed?” Toni laughed as Maggie gave her coat to the coat-check girl. Maggie wore a very tight, blue corset with silver piping and a tiny, silver skirt. Her’ breasts spilled over the top, and her height made her waist seductively waspish. Thigh-high stiletto boots gave her a pirate or Renaissance fortune-teller look. “She’s never been embarrassed in her life. And Weldon’s one hell of a guy to put up with her.”

  Sid nodded. “She’s hot,” he said. “She’s hot and a handful. I’ve seen her around for years and often wondered how Weldon has managed to hold her attention so long.”

  “Well, he is cute and attentive,” Toni said. “And maybe he’s just stable enough that she can count on him but just adventurous enough that she doesn’t get bored. I mean, he’s here with her now and they haven’t been going out for that long. Only since December.”

  “So, do you want to dance?” he asked as “‘Closer”‘ by Nine Inch Nails throbbed through the speakers.

  “Love to,” Toni said.

  They hit the dance floor and gyrated to the pounding, seductive beat. While they danced, Maggie and Weldon returned and joined them. Nearly all the patrons in the club had gathered on the dance floor, grinding their pelvises’ against each other to the old techno song. Toni stared into Sid’s eyes, remembering how well he had fucked her earlier. A slight smile curled Sid’s lips as he sang along to the lyrics.

  A warm glow spread through Toni’s groin, and she was ready to fuck him all over again, but instead had to settle for grinding her crotch on his thigh as they danced. Maggie and Weldon were also happily grinding on each other. Maggie’s hands were in the air, and she reminded Toni of a wild, red-haired Irish Gypsy.

  The song faded, blending into a Rihanna song, and they all kept moving. Maggie writhed in front of Toni, and they rubbed each other’s breasts to the joy of their dates. Sid and Weldon joined them again, and the foursome flirted and gyrated. All around them, couples danced and talked and laughed.

  Over on one of the couches by the dance floor, a woman kneeled before a man, her head buried in his lap. Toni admired the round apple shape of the woman’s nearly naked ass as it swayed back and forth. A tiny pink G-string spread along her hips. Toni watched the scene for a few moments, then returned her attention to other activities around the room. Mostly people were talking, standing very close, laughing, hands cupping buttocks and stroking broad shoulders.

  After they had worked up a sweat, Sid begged to sit down.

  “Can we stop, just for a bit?”

  “Of course,” Toni said. “As long as we can go again when we’re ready.”

  “Sure thing.” Sid felt his pockets. “I could really use a smoke.”

  Toni cocked her head. “You don’t usually smoke.”

  “I’m a casual smoker. And right now, I’m a bit, you know, unsure, so I’d like to have a smoke.”

  “Sure, we can go out for one,” Toni agreed.

  They weaved through the dance floor and through the rooms and hallways until they found their lockers.

  “We’re just going out for a smoke,” Toni told the attendant.

  “No worries,” the bored girl reading a newspaper said.

  On the way back through the club, Toni laughed. “Wow, imagine being bored at a swinger’s club.”

  “Funny, huh?” he asked.

  “Well, she won’t be bored later, that’s for sure,” Toni said. “Once it gets about midnight, people head to the back rooms like lemmings.”

  They went out of the club and into a side alley where other people from the club were lounging with cigarettes. Sid pulled out a smoke and lit it, then offered one to Toni. She waved him away.

  “I try really hard not to smoke cigarettes these days.”

  “I know, so do I. but I’m having one now.”

  Toni wasn’t surprised to see Maggie and Weldon walking into the alley. Weldon swaggered awkwardly, also appearing uneasy. Maggie lit a cigarette and looked around at the small group of people as Weldon stared moodily out into the street.

  “Everyone is so friendly here,” Maggie said as she blew out her smoke quickly and took another puff. “I think I’ve made about ten new friends already.”

  “Well, of course,” Toni said. “Everyone wants to get laid and you’re a young, pretty woman with a young, handsome man on your arm.”

  “Hear that?” Maggie said to Weldon. “Toni thinks you’re handsome.”

  Weldon turned around and looked at his friends. “I’m sorry, I thought I saw… I mean, never mind,” he stammered. His face brightened. “So, I’m handsome, huh? Well, what do you know?”

  “I should have come here long ago. My vanity is loving it.” Maggie beamed.

  A couple standing beside them piped up.

  “I’m Violet,” the woman said, extending her hand.

  “I’m Norm,” the man said.

  “Nice to meet you.” Toni held out her hand, and they shook it one by one.

  The woman had stunningly violet eyes, and Toni suspected they were the result of contact lenses. She didn’t think anyone in the world had eyes that looked like that. Her long, black hair was trapped inside the collar of her coat. Her man was tall, broad-chested and had a ready grin. He also had a strong jaw and wide forehead and short, black hair, the sort of look Toni was normally attracted to. But Lucy had told Toni she had to let go of what she thought she liked so she could embrace the idea of other types of men.

  Violet pulled her long, black coat tightly around herself and Toni saw she wore fishnets as well. The other couples in the alleyway had finished their cigarettes and headed back into the club, muttering about the weather.

  “Do you guys want to smoke a joint?” Violet asked pulling out a thin, violet cigarette from her cigarette pack. Toni and Sid nodded without hesitation.

  “Sure thing,” Maggie said. “Gotta love the ganja.”

  Violet lit it and passed it around. The joint didn’t last long with all the people hauling on it, but Toni was able to enjoy a mild, grape-flavored glow all the same. Pot always gave her an immediate kinship with other people.

  “Are you ready to go back in?” Toni asked Sid. “I’m freezing.”

  “I’m ready,” Violet said.

  * * *

  Toni stood with Sid at the edge of the bar, watching the people on the dance floor. There were far few people dancing than before as a steady stream of people continued toward the back rooms. The energy was electric as couples watched each other, flirted with each other and with a nod, picked up purses and headed silently toward the lockers.

  Toni thought about the writhing bodies sprawled and linked across the sea of mattresses. The moans and groans filling the air mixed with the slapping of flesh against flesh as more people joined the pleasure zone. She ached to go back.

  Violet leaned over toward Toni and kissed her lightly on the lips. “What are you thinking about?”

  Toni laughed. “I’m thinking all sorts of things.”

  “Anything you’d like to share?” Violet asked coyly.

  “I’d like to share all sorts of things,” Toni flirted, tilting her head so her bob covered half her face.

  “Did you know Venus went direct the other day?” Violet asked Toni as she ran her fingers down the front of Toni’s shirt.

  “Yes, I did, indeed,” Toni said.

  “Have you found when the moon is in Aquarius that you take more risks than you normally do?” Violet took Toni’s hand and gently kissed her fingers.

  “As an Aries, I’m often adventurous. I don’t need the moon in Aquarius to tempt me,” Toni said.

  Violet nodded, kissing the tips of Toni’s index fingers. She stroked them, then let them go. “Do you ever cast spells?” she asked, staring into Toni’s eyes as if she were trying to read her mind. Toni shrugged and kept her mind open. Open mind, open heart. She had nothing to hide from this woman.

  “Sure, why not? Everyone does,”
Toni said. “At least in this town.”

  Violet nodded. “Lovely Hermana. We can find so much here. Magic, sex, decadence... look at all these hungry people. Why here? In this cold, damp town? Why not in Miami or New York?”

  “There’s something here. It’s in the land, the stars, the tilt of the axis... I don’t know.”

  “Like Sedona, perhaps,” Violet said. “There’s a weird energy in Sedona.”

  “Have you been there?” Toni asked.

  “Yes. Norm and I went on a few retreats for various new-agey things. Past-life regression, meditation, tai chi, colonics, swinging, hedonism, nudism, you name it, we tried it. Now we’re here, in Hermana, hoping to experience the differences and the similarities between the two towns. In the energy, that is.”

  “I’d love to go to Sedona sometime. Next time there’s a retreat, let me know,” Toni said.

  “I will,” Violet said. “Would you like to join Norm and I in a sex spell tonight? You and your friends?” she asked, running her hands along Toni’s neck.

  “I think we’d all be up for that.” Toni nodded. “I’d have to ask them, but I don’t know why not.”

  “Then it’s settled.” Violet kissed Toni on the lips. “You all will come back to our place for a sex-wish spell.”

  The yearning in Toni was overwhelming as Violet pressed her breasts against hers. Toni’s mind swam with thoughts of the ultimate orgy. Every one of them was alluring, and the sex would be so hot. A spell to heighten the moment would be a dream come true.

  Sid appeared with a beer for Toni. She broke her kiss with Violet and turned to kiss him.

  “Violet and I were just discussing something very interesting,” Toni teased.

  “It sure looked like something all right.” Sid winked.

  Toni put her hand on his’ shoulder. “Do you find Violet attractive?” she asked, staring seductively at Violet, who pushed out her chest.

  “Who wouldn’t find Violet attractive?” Sid asked.

  “Do you want to go back to her place? With Weldon and Maggie?” Toni asked.

  Sid nodded. “Of course,” he said. “Whatever you want.”

  “We’re going to cast a spell. A sex spell. Are you up for it?”

  Sid laughed and put her hand on his crotch. “How up do you think I am?” he asked rubbing against her fingers.

  She squeezed him firmly and kissed him on the lips roughly. “I think that we’re going to have some dirty, nasty fun tonight.” She grinned.

  “Oh, most definitely,” Violet purred as she nuzzled Toni’s neck.

  Norm returned from the bathroom and brought Violet a fresh wine spritzer. She drank it deeply and stared intensely at Norm.

  “They have agreed,” she said softly.

  Norm’s face brightened and he put his arms around Toni and Sid.

  “We’re going to have the best time. Venus is direct again and the moon is in Aquarius.”

  “Hey, I’m Aquarius,” Sid said.

  “It’s your time to shine, big boy.” Norm grinned. His eyes sparkled in the strobe lights blinking on the dance floor.

  “I’m shining,” Sid sang as he bopped in time to the music.

  Toni looked over to the dance floor. “I guess we should ask them.”

  “No hurry,” Violet said. “We have all the time in the world.”

  “Then let’s go dance with them,” Sid said as he pulled Toni to the dance floor.

  They joined Maggie and Weldon, who were gyrating to Britney Spears’s latest hit.

  Toni danced over toward Maggie and ground her hip into hers. “What do you think of Violet and Norma?” Toni asked.

  Maggie waved her hands in the air. “They’re hot,” she shouted. “Whoa.”

  “I think so too,” Toni said. “They want all of us to go party at their house.”

  Maggie clapped her hands and pumped them in the air. “Sounds like a plan. You go, girl,” she called out. Weldon looked over at Maggie with a puzzled look. “Party at Violet’s house, honey,” she said. “You know you wanna.”

  Weldon blushed and continued to dance. “You brought me here,” he said. “I’m happy with just you.”

  “And I, you.” Maggie kissed him on the lips. “But you know Violet’s hot. You said that last time we came here and you saw her.”

  “I did?” Weldon asked.

  The song ended and the foursome stopped dancing. They made their way to the edge of the dance floor.

  “Come with me,” Toni said. “To the hall where it’s quiet.”

  They went over to the bathroom hallway and huddled.

  “It’s going to be swinging, yes, okay?” Toni said. “They’re hard-core, so you’re in or you’re out.”

  Maggie looked at Weldon. He was staring intensely at something a few feet in front of him.

  “Weldon?” Maggie asked.

  Weldon nodded. “Hell yeah,” he said, turning his focus back toward his friends. Maggie frowned and opened her mouth to speak but refrained from doing so.

  “But there’s more,” Toni said.

  “Well, spit it out,” Sid said. “She’s trying to say...”

  “I’m trying to say,” Toni said, “that they want to do a spell. A ceremony. A ritual, whatever.”

  “For what?” Maggie asked.

  “The ultimate sexual experience,” Toni said.

  The group stared at each other expectantly, and with a huge sigh of relief, they burst into hugs and laughter.

  “Sounds good to me,” Weldon said. “As long as we don’t have to sacrifice small animals. I hate that.”

  “Shush,” Maggie said, elbowing him in the chest. “Sometimes you go too far.”

  “Just saying,” Weldon pouted.

  “Anyway, be ready. Be prepared for anything. You know how it is,” Toni warned.

  “I’m prepared to have some fabulous sex with some fantastic people,” Sid said, putting his arms around the group.

  “How can we not have great sex? Look at how hot we all are,” Maggie cheered.

  Chapter Seven

  Be careful what you wish ’cause you just might get it.

  Toni, Sid, Maggie, Weldon, Violet and Norm sat naked in a circle on the floor of Violet and Norm’s apartment. holding hands and in complete stillness. Many candles had been lit, and the heady scent of incense filled the air. Toni’s heart raced as she listened to Violet invoke the energies of the universe into the room. Toni concentrated on the blood pulsing through her body, the pounding surge spreading into her loins.

  Energy flowed through the couples, gathering strength as it rippled from one set of hands and into another. Violet turned to Norm and kissed him fully on the mouth. Maggie turned to Weldon and Toni turned to Sid. The sounds of lips meeting and parting, smacking and tasting filled the room. Toni noticed Weldon pulling away from Maggie and looking worriedly toward the ceiling. He whispered something to her and she looked up.

  “What is it?” Toni asked.

  “It’s nothing,” Maggie said firmly, breaking the circle to pull Weldon’s face back toward her.

  “Shouldn’t we tell them?” Weldon asked.

  Maggie covered his mouth with hers. “Shhh, honey.”

  Violet and Norm kissed passionately, clearly oblivious to the whispering around them. Their hands searched each other, Norm’s fingers pulling at Violet’s nipples. Violet’s breath was heavy as she moaned under Norm’s touch. Toni saw that Norm’s cock was firm and quite an impressive firm at that. She reached over and Norm sighed as Toni’s fingers wrapped around it.

  “Oh, yes,” Norm muttered around Violet’s lips. “Stroke me.”

  Toni pulled on Norm’s cock while Sid slid his fingers into Toni’s moist pussy. They pushed in deeply, hooking into her G-spot and rubbing firmly against it.

  “Mmmm,” Toni moaned. She shifted so she was able to take Norm’s cock into her mouth. She leaned on her hands and knees, and Sid was able to push his fingers in deeper and easier.

  Maggie and Weldon kisse
d again, and Maggie held Weldon’s cock. The air in the room grew thicker as their arousal grew stronger.

  Violet lay back, taking Weldon’s hand and placing it firmly on her pussy. Weldon looked over at Maggie, who nodded. Maggie leaned over to take Weldon’s cock in her mouth as his fingers explored Violet’s slippery hole.

  Hands stroked flesh as mouths found cocks and pussies. The candles leaped and sputtered, and the curled remains of the blackened spell they had burned lay in a bowl in the center of the room. Smells of incense and sweat grew pungent as anticipation grew.

  Toni thought about the urgency on Violet’s face as she recited the ancient words. She had called upon many forces that evening, and Toni kept watching to see if anything would happen. Even in circles at Lucy’s, the women only called in a minimum of activity.

  Once activity, in whatever form it chose to take, was present, human life was merely an annoyance that needed to be removed.

  Toni hoped the only forces arriving that night would be ones who wanted to fuck, to have fun, to play, not to discard them or something worse. So far, she hadn’t sensed anything unusual, but that was normal for her. Even Weldon could pick up otherworldly vibes long before Toni could.

  She pushed aside her niggling thoughts and opened her heart and mind to enjoy the sensations on her body.

  Condom wrappers crackled as they were opened. Tongues lapped urgently, and before long, Toni gasped as Norm entered her. She spread her legs, lying back on the floor as he held her hips. He ground his dick into her, his dark eyes locking on hers. Sid kneeled over her and suckled on her breasts. Violet perched on her hands and knees as Maggie’s tongue worked magic between her legs. Weldon kneeled above Maggie and pushed his cock into her.

  “Oh, yes,” “Maggie sighed. “That’s so good.”

  Weldon pumped into her, his eyes still gazing worriedly at something in the air that Toni couldn’t see. Toni wondered what he could see but then closed her eyes as she enjoyed the light pinching Violet was employing on her nipples.


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