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Aries: Swinging into Spring

Page 9

by Sèphera Girón

  Norm pulled out and nodded to Sid.

  Sid lay back on some pillows, stroking his condom-wrapped cock with lube. Toni straddled him and slowly positioned herself until his cock was in her ass. She sighed as she easily raised and lowered herself on it.

  “Oh, yes,” she moaned. “I love how you feel in my ass.” She sighed.

  Norm pushed her back a bit so that he was crouched in front of her. Slowly he pushed his cock into her pussy. It was tight from all the pressure in her asshole. He leaned up over her, filling her to the hilt. Toni’s breath hitched as the two enormous cocks penetrated her. She looked over at Maggie, who was kissing Violet.

  The candle flames leaped and jumped, flickering high and then low again. More mouths, more hands, more tongues crawled and searched and penetrated her. Misty shapes took form in the room, and Toni knew more people were present than the six. Every part of her flesh was being stroked and licked, more attention being given to her than she could possibly be receiving from her human counterparts. She writhed under the unseen hands, letting Norm lift her legs higher as he pumped deeper into her.

  Toni’s mind swam as her nerves quivered and tingled, faster and livelier in the most exquisite pleasure she’d ever experienced. The real men inside her and the phantoms pleasuring her from head to toe guided her toward ecstasy.

  Maggie pulled Weldon’s cock out of her and forced Violet to suck on it. Then she directed Weldon to fuck Violet. Weldon hesitated, but at the pleading look on Maggie’s face, he crawled between Violet’s legs and pushed into her. Toni watched as Violet wrapped her legs around Weldon’s back, enjoying the view of his tight, firm buttocks pushing into Violet at a rapid pace.

  All around them, sighs and moans grew in intensity. Maggie was surrounded by mist and was revelling in the unseen caresses. She threw her head back and moaned loudly, quivering as an orgasm surged through her. Toni watched as Maggie, eyes tightly shut, succumbed to her pleasure, gasping for air but ready for more.

  “Keep going,” Maggie commanded the spirits. They swirled around her in an embrace, stroking and probing, filling her up in every way possible. She was lost in the moans of another round of new beginnings.

  The air was thick as the energy rose with the exuberant vibrations of ultimate sensation.

  Toni closed her eyes as she concentrated on her own pleasure. She didn’t know how she was still fucking, why her ass and pussy didn’t ache, why she kept riding wave after wave of pleasure with no sign of stopping.

  Teeth nibbled up and down her body. Hands tightened around her neck. The bottoms of her feet were burning. Her nipples were pulled and tweaked. Streaks appeared along her arms and her flesh there felt as if hot wax had been dripped on it. So many sensations were making her delirious with pleasure as the cocks continued to steadily slam into her.

  Violet cried out. Toni looked over to see her’ face growing redder, her eyes bulging with terror. Violet seemed to be looking at something as she clawed at her throat. Toni glanced around, trying to see what Violet saw but there was nothing there.

  “Ben, stop it!” Weldon cried. Where there had been nothing above Violet, a huge black cloud formed. It rolled and Toni was transfixed, as were Sid and Norm. The cloud whirled around the room, creating sudden wind. The hair on Toni’s arms stood on end. She pushed Sid away from her as she tried to go over to Violet.

  Violet was thrashing around, as if being slapped by unseen hands. The wind was stronger, the candles sputtered out and papers and books flew everywhere. Weldon was frozen to the spot, his face twisted in anguish as he struggled to push against the spirits.

  Maggie put her hands over her ears and screamed. “Stop it,” she shouted. “Stop it. Go back, Ben.”

  Maggie was lifted into the air and thrown against the wall. She cried out as she fell to the floor. Toni ran over to her.

  “What’s going on?” Toni cried out.

  “These spirits. They’ve called bad spirits. This can’t happen,” Maggie sobbed.

  Violet shrieked as she was flung across the room. Sid was thrown after her, and a volley of vases and statues smashed after them.

  “How can we put them back?” Toni asked.

  “I don’t know. We have to send them back the way we brought them.”

  A veil had been torn between worlds and more ethereal mists poured into the room. Even Toni glimpsed humanoid shapes through the formless puffs.

  The ghosts shrieked and wailed. The room was packed with them now. A voluptuous ghost wrapped herself around Sid, stroking him with long, tendril-like fingers. He succumbed to her touches as if he hadn’t just been pitched across the room by one of her buddies. More ghosts wrapped around Sid’s legs and erection, and Toni knew he had been hypnotized into the pleasure zone.

  Norm was being ravaged by a pack of ghosts. Men and women alike were touching him, prodding him, licking him with impossibly long tongues, groping him with claws that ended in long, sharp points. He cried, reaching out toward Toni with fear in his bulging eyes.

  “Help me, they’re tearing me apart,” he cried. His flesh strained and sharp lines of blood zigzagged across it. Toni looked over at Violet and saw that she too was suffering the same fate. Her howls of fear were deafening as her flesh was torn from her.

  Maggie tried to hug Weldon, but he was screaming at the creatures.

  “Get out of here. You’re not wanted,” he cried. “I call upon the four corners of the earth to send you back.”

  The feeding frenzy grew as more creatures poured forth to join the feasting on Norm and Violet. Toni grabbed Sid’s hand and Maggie’s, snapping them from their reveries.

  “We have to create a cone of power to send them back. Come on,” she cried. “We have the moon and Venus energy.”

  “Weldon, get over here,” Maggie shouted. Weldon saw them waiting for him and quickly took Maggie’s and Toni’s hands. Toni’s fingers burned as Weldon wrapped his around hers. As their energy flew through them, Toni’s senses heightened. She could really see the ghosts now. What had been murky patches of swirling fog were now full-blown demons. She gasped as she watched angry faces gloat and feed on her new friends. She closed her eyes, pushing the images away.

  “We call upon our Goddess, the Moon, and the loving energies of the people in this coven to release the spirits back to their own dimension. Show them the way. Guide them to their own world,” Maggie prayed.

  Howls and shrieks rose in retaliation, but slowly, the ruckus died down.

  The spirits listened. Or rather, something caught their attention. Perhaps there was an even tastier feast somewhere else, for they cocked their heads and one by one, loped toward the center of the circle formed by the friends. As they leaped toward the center, they disappeared as if they had fallen through a hole. When the last one was gone, Toni breathed a sigh of relief. Maggie gave her an angry look.

  “We ask that the spirit motherfather close this portal so the demons will not venture forth into this place again. We call upon the four elements to seal the path between worlds. We call upon the Watchers and our Angels to protect us from any more of their kind.”

  Weldon looked worriedly into the air.

  “They’re not all gone,” he whispered.

  “What do you mean?” Maggie asked.

  “I still see one,” Weldon moaned, casting furtive glances toward the ceiling.

  “I see something. But it’s not a demon,” Maggie said. Toni looked where they were looking. So did Sid.

  “I see nothing,” Sid said. “But I sure saw those other fuckers. Jesus!”

  “What do we do about the last one?” Weldon asked.

  “We call upon the spirit motherfather to guide this last soul to wherever it is he’s supposed to be,” Maggie said, looking at Weldon.

  He shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not,” he said. “It’s not a spirit. He’s not a spirit.”

  “Oh,” Maggie said with a nod. “Right.”

  “What is it?” Toni asked.

  “Never mind,” M
aggie said firmly. “Let’s finish this. Quick.”

  “Okay,” Toni said.

  “Thank you for coming to our aid, spirit motherfather. Thank you, four elements. Thank you, Goddess of the Moon, and Goddess of Venus. We thank our Watchers and our Angels. Blessed Be,” Maggie said.

  “Blessed Be,” the other three chorused.

  Maggie dropped their hands and ran over to Violet. She knelt down beside her and reached for her but then pulled her hand back. The sight of the slaughtered woman was obviously too much for her to bear. Violet didn’t look as though she could have survived the attack.

  Maggie looked over at Toni, who was checking Norm. Toni shook her head sadly.

  “Now what?” Weldon wrung his hands. “It’s murder.”

  “I know,” Toni said. “Murder. How the hell do we explain things even I barely saw and I was right here?”

  “I don’t know,” Maggie said. “Do we call the police or what?”

  Sid paced around the room, rubbing his hands together nervously. “If we call the police, we’re suspects. How the hell do we prove we didn’t do it?”

  “Maybe they videotaped it,” Maggie said.

  Weldon looked at her curiously. “Why on earth would you think that?”

  “Come on, you look at porn. Wouldn’t our little ritual and orgy look great on some kink site? Amateur porn. Violet and Norm get a bucket of cash and we don’t even know we’re porn stars until we accidently click on a link one day.”

  “You’re fucked up,” Toni said. “Who thinks like that?”

  “Come on, Toni.” Maggie put her hands on her hips. “You do a lot of weird shit. Hasn’t anyone tried to videotape you before?”

  “Sure, I’ve been asked, but I always say no.”

  “And who’s to say there’s no hidden camera all set up somewhere anyway?” Maggie said as she pawed through the bookcases. Toni shrugged and helped her go through pictures and vases and books and bazillion knickknacks like Chinese statues representing signs of the Chinese zodiac. Weldon examined the coffee tables and even searched the phone. He wiped the phone with a tissue once he’d finished with it.

  After a while, they all sat down except Sid, who continued to pace.

  “So what do we do? We can’t call the cops. We’re fucked. They don’t listen. I’ve had enough brushes with the law to know that I don’t want to bring them here on my own accord,” Sid said.

  “I hear you.” Toni nodded. “No cops.”

  Maggie and Weldon nodded, and Weldon shrugged.

  “Can’t explain it to anyone. Can’t try,” he said.

  “So now what?” Sid asked. “What about them? Do we run like hell and leave them here? Should we bury them? Pose them?”

  “God, Sid, you’re making me nuts,” Maggie said, massaging her temples.

  “Sorry, just think too fast sometimes,” he said, pacing faster.

  “Do you have to do that?” Weldon said. “All that walking is making me dizzy.”

  “Boy, I’m just one of those assholes that gets on everyone’s nerves,” Sid said.

  “Please, you’re fine. Just sit and let’s think,” Maggie said, waving her hand toward an empty spot on the couch.

  Toni looked over at the bodies and began crying. “I can’t believe this is happening,” she sobbed. “All we wanted was to have some fun, some pleasure, and now this.”

  “I know,” Maggie said.

  “What the hell are we going to do?” Toni cried. Her mind raced, faster than Sid’s she thought, but none of her ideas made sense.

  Then it came to her as a face floated up to the surface of her unconscious.

  “We need to see Lucy,” Toni said, grabbing Maggie’s hands. “Lucy will know what to do.”

  “Yes, we’ll go see Lucy.” Maggie nodded.

  “Lucy?” Sid asked, rising up. “Whoa, now. I don’t think we should be involving anyone else in this.”

  “No, it’s okay,” Weldon said, putting a hand on Sid’s shoulder to lower him back into the chair. “Lucy can help. That’s what she does.”

  Sid grabbed a nearby wineglass that still had some wine in it and tossed the liquid down his throat. He slammed the glass down.

  “She a witch?” he asked, reaching for the bottle on the coffee table in front of him. He poured himself a glass of wine. He held the bottle out to the others. With a sigh, everyone found a glass, and he filled them.

  “Yes,” Maggie said after she took a long sip of red wine. “She’s a witch. The most important witch in Hermana. She’ll help us and she won’t tell a soul.”

  “We’re her coven. We’re safe,” Toni said, looping an arm around Sid’s. “Lucy will fix everything.”

  “Wouldn’t it be grand if she did?” Maggie asked. “Make it all better.”

  “And in the meantime?” Sid asked. “Like, right now. What about them? We can’t leave them like that. It’s not right.”

  “I wonder if we should take them to Lucy’s,” Toni said.

  “No,” Maggie said. “It’s too much work to do that. Too complicated. We have to wrap them up in case someone comes by or something.”

  “And clean up the blood,” Sid said. “Can’t leave all that blood.”

  “I’ll go look for sheets or something,” Toni said.

  She walked down the hall as if in a dream, searching for a linen closet. She opened several doors until she found what she was looking for. There was no end of black cloth in the closet, and she imagined there were enough black tablecloths and doilies to run a rather large psychic fair. She dug further and found old burgundy curtains and several brown, queen-sized bed sheets. She pulled out the sheets and curtains and returned to the living room. Maggie and Weldon were hovering over Violet’s body while Sid paced in circles on the carpet.

  “I can’t do this,” Sid said. “I can’t even look. I just want to puke.”

  “You don’t have to look,” Toni said. “We can deal with it.”

  Sid stood staring at her. “I’m sorry. I just can’t.” He looked down at himself, as if realizing for the first time that he was naked. He covered his limp penis with his hands and went to find his clothes. Toni and Maggie helped Weldon roll Violet into the drapes as Sid put on his coat. His face was pale, and he had tears in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” Sid said and left. The others stared after the closed door in stunned silence.

  “I hope no one sees him go,” Maggie said.

  “Should I go get him?” Toni asked.

  “For what? Then you’ll cause a scene, and then for sure there will be suspicions later on. Let him go,” Maggie said.

  Toni went over to the couch and poured herself another glass of wine. “Damn, that guy is moody. Never seen anything like it.”

  “He is quite the character,” “Maggie said, wiping her hands on her thighs.

  “Do you think Lucy can bring them back?” Toni asked.

  “That’s what I’m banking on,” Maggie said. “Otherwise, well, we’re fucked. And God, it’s shitty.”

  “Was it the best orgy of your life? Before the bad shit happened?” Toni asked.

  Maggie got up to retrieve her purse. She came back and took out her cigarette pack. She offered one to Toni and Weldon. Once Maggie had lit her cigarette, she leaned back in a chair.

  “Best orgy of my life?” she mused. “You know, it’s funny about humans, and now I guess demons too. You can be having the best damn time of your life, but there’s always someone getting pissed off somewhere. Like in swinging, there’s always going to be someone who isn’t as into it as everyone else. I’ve had fantastic orgasms at orgies, even tonight. But something always happens to sour the memory.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll get over the memories of tonight,” Toni said. “I had an amazing time, fucking everyone, and even those things at first. Their touch was so unlike anything I’d ever felt before.”

  “Now don’t you be dreaming about sleeping with demons,” Maggie said.

  “No, I’m not so
foolish. Been there, done that,” she joked. The others stared at her, clearly not in the mood to laugh. “But I wonder if Violet and Norm had called them before. Maybe they had a good time with them all and wanted to share them with us. Maybe the demons got pissed at being called yet again.”

  Weldon shook his head. “Nope,” he said, drawing deeply on his cigarette. He stared off into space, not qualifying his statement.

  Toni looked over at Norm.

  “I guess we should go deal with him now,” she sighed as she stood up. Maggie and Weldon followed her. Norm was heavier and harder to maneuver, but they eventually had him all rolled up.

  “Where should we put them?” Maggie asked.

  Weldon looked around the room. “Maybe we should put them in the kitchen. I don’t know.”

  Maggie shook her head. “That’s stupid. If anyone came in, they’d wonder what the hell a bunch of rolled-up material is doing in the kitchen. No, the bedroom is the place.”

  “We can pile the bed sheets on top like they were going to do their laundry,” Toni said.

  “Perfect,” Weldon said.

  They dragged the bodies from the living room into the bedroom and piled all the dirty clothes and bedding they could find on top. When they were done, Maggie stood back.

  “Okay, they should be safe there until we figure out what to do,” she said.

  “I hope so,” Weldon said.

  “Now, let’s go out the back way and get home.” Maggie said.

  They tiptoed down the back alley and parted ways in the lane. Toni ran as fast and as quietly as she could through the darkened streets.

  Chapter Eight

  Crazy Uranus energies can muddle your thinking.

  Toni’s shift at the bar came far too early. When she burst awake from her sound sleep, she instinctively checked the phone for messages. There weren’t any. She didn’t know if that was good or bad. She knew better than to think Maggie would want to see Lucy first thing in the morning. Maggie was as bad about sleeping in as Toni was; they were both night owls. No matter what traumas had occurred the night before, Toni had to get through a full functional day at the bar. Beauty sleep was beauty sleep, and Toni needed it to bring in tips.


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