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Saving Us

Page 10

by Heather D'Agostino

  Chapter 14


  After spending an hour playing with Zeb in the park, Cole and I made our way back to the clinic. He insisted that I call him when I was ready to leave¸ and he made sure that Jo kept an eye on me. I know all he’s trying to do is keep me safe; however, I can’t help but begin to feel smothered. Richard has always been around, and I’ve never changed my ways because of it. Yes, I’ve been afraid, but that’s never stopped me. I honestly don’t know why he picked now to come out of the woodwork. Other than being with Cole, nothing’s changed for me in years. I’ve lived in the same apartment, gone to the same church for meetings, shopped at the same stores, and gone to the same coffee shop. Cole is the only new piece to the puzzle.

  I spent most of the afternoon thinking about this and came to the conclusion that Richard must have been watching me for years. I left him so long ago, but I guess he never left me. He stayed in the background until Cole made an appearance, and then he inserted himself back into my life. Stabbing Cole was bad enough, but the idea that he’s willing to go to such lengths as threatening Cole’s sister is sickening.

  “I’m outta here,” I called down the hall toward my boss, Hannah’s office as I turned off the lights in mine.

  “Ok,” she leaned out the door and waved. “You can take all the time you need,” she smiled. “I know you’ve got a lot going on right now.”

  I furrowed my brow, “Huh?”

  “You’re boyfriend stopped me in the parking lot when I came back from lunch. Don’t be so independent, Maddie. Let us help you. I can handle the office for as long as you need,” she watched me for a minute and then tipped her head to the side like she was waiting for me to concede.

  “Thanks,” I sighed as I shifted on my feet. “Most people don’t understand.”

  “I’m not most people,” she grinned. “I may be your boss, but I’m also your friend.”

  “You’re right,” I smiled at her. “Thanks again. I’m going to take Zeb with me today. Cole wants to adopt him. I want to make sure that he knows what having a dog in his apartment is going to be like.”

  Hannah laughed and tipped her head back, “Have fun.”

  “I’m counting on it,” I laughed, too.


  “Here we are,” Cole grinned down at Zeb as he scratched him behind the ears. “What’dya think buddy?”

  “I can’t believe you did all this today,” I gasped as I looked around. In the corner of the living room, a large dog bed was pushed against the wall. A pile of rubber toys sat in the middle of it, and over in the kitchen were two dishes. One for food, and one for water.

  “It’s not much,” he shrugged. “I wanted him to like it here.”

  “He will,” I grinned before raising up on my tiptoes and kissing his cheek.

  “What about you?” Cole’s eyes drifted toward my mouth before raising to make eye contact. “Do you like it here?”

  I swallowed the knot that had formed in my throat, “Of course.”

  He nodded silently before stepping farther into the room. “Make yourself comfy. Ang will be home later, but I’ve got dinner going for us.”

  I moved over to the couch, and Zeb followed me, his nails clicking on the hardwood floors. As soon as I sat, he lowered his hindquarters right beside me, and placed his head in my lap.

  “It’s ok buddy,” I petted his head. “This is a nice place.”

  Cole watched us with rapt attention, and I turned to glance in his direction. “He came from an abusive home from what we’ve been able to tell. It might take a while for him to warm up to being here.”

  “It’s fine,” Cole answered softly. “I’m used to working hard to get someone to trust me. It’s nothing new,” he smiled at me. I knew he was talking about all the times he’d tried to convince me to trust him, and how many times I’d challenged him. Cole was persistent, I’d give him that.

  “Come here, boy,” he patted his thigh as he moved over to where the food bowls were sitting. “Are you hungry?” He dumped a large amount of food in the aluminum bowl before washing his hands and moving the plates he’d been preparing for us to the table.

  When I got up, Zeb followed me and curled up by my feet as we ate. He didn’t touch the food in his bowl, but he nuzzled my feet under the table letting me know he was there. Cole gave me a concerned look, but then shrugged and began eating.

  “Give him time. This is new,” I reached over and patted Cole’s hand. “I’m sure he’ll be driving you crazy in a few days.

  “How long until he can live here?” Cole mused as he stuffed a forkful of potatoes into his mouth.

  I grinned and placed my hands in my lap, “Well, normally we keep an animal for four weeks after it’s adopted, but since I’ve been the one taking care of Zeb and we know his history, you can keep him now if you want.” I waited to watch Cole’s reaction, and when the smile broke out across his face, I knew Zeb wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

  “Really?” he grinned like a little boy.

  “Yeah,” I nodded vigorously. “He’s yours starting now if you’re sure you want him.”

  “Of course, I want him. I’ve wanted a dog since I was little. My dad didn’t, so we never had one,” his smile dropped momentarily, but he forced it back in place. “Wait until Ang gets here. She’s gonna be so excited.”

  I giggled at his enthusiasm before looking under the table where Zeb was currently licking my foot. “You hear that buddy? You’re going live here now.” Zeb’s ears perked up before he sighed and settled back down.

  “I can tell he’s thrilled,” Cole rolled his eyes and chuckled.

  “I’m telling you,” I grinned. “Just wait.”

  We finished our dinner rather quickly, and even though I wanted to go back to my place, Cole convinced me to stay. I’d left some things at his place the last time I stayed overnight, and he’d washed them and given me a drawer, so I didn’t really have an argument left.

  “I can’t believe you did this,” I pointed to where a set of scrubs along with a bra and a pair panties were folded in the drawer.

  “I was hoping you’d be here again one day,” he murmured as he wrapped his arms around me from behind.

  “Hoping or planning?” I leaned into him and relaxed.

  “A little of both, I think,” he placed a kiss to the side of my neck as his hands trailed down to my hips.

  As I began to relax deeper into him, the front door to his apartment slammed open causing us to jump. “Cole?” Wes’s voice rang out at the same time as, “Colton Matthew Walker! Where the hell are you?”

  “Shit!” he hissed. I looked up at him just in time to see his eyes pinch closed. “My sister’s home.”

  “Would you calm down?” Wes was half laughing half begging.

  “No! No, I won’t calm down. Why the hell are you following me?” Ang’s voice shrieked.

  “Jesus woman, relax,” Wes chuckled.

  “Cole? Cole!” We could hear her feet stomping down the hall, and Cole yanked open his door just as she lifted her fist to pound on it. “Why the fuck is he hanging out at my place of employment?” she glared up at Cole as she pointed in Wes’s direction, and as I stared at her from behind him I couldn’t believe that that much fire was coming from such a small person.

  Angela’s fists were balled as she stood there glaring at Wes. She looked like she was ready to spit nails. Wes was a few feet behind her laughing silently.

  “Calm down,” Cole placed his hand on her shoulder, and the tension that had been in Angela’s shoulders melted away. She turned her head, and smiled at me before looking back at him and frowning.

  “Nice to see you, again,” she continued to watch Cole as she talked to me.

  “You, too,” I laughed, unable to hold it in any longer. I couldn’t help it; I was curious as to how he planned to diffuse this situation and her anger.

  Cole scowled at me before turning Angela by the shoulders, and walking her back to the living ro
om. “Sit down,” he pointed to the couch. When Angela didn’t move, he sighed, “Please?” She rolled her eyes before flopping down on the soft cushions. “I need to tell you something, and I want you to listen.” Angela started to open her mouth, but Cole cut her off. “I mean it, Ang, listen!”

  She lifted her hand and waved it as she conceded before narrowing her eyes at Wes who had now moved to sit on the other end of the couch.

  “Maddie’s ex, the guy who stabbed me, is a real piece of shit. We go to court next week, but he’s out on bond right now,” Cole reached for me, and I lowered myself onto the arm rest of the chair he was sitting in. “Anyway, he’s been threatening us to try and get to her,” Cole paused for minute, and Angela’s face twisted in confusion. “We ran into him today,” Cole took a deep breath and blew it out. “Now, he is threatening you.”

  “I can take care of myself,” Angela sprang to her feet. “He is not going to follow me around for a week,” she pointed at Wes.

  “Yes,” Cole nodded and stood to face his sister, “he is. This is not a choice Ang. His threats are specific, and I need you to be safe, and Wes can protect you.”

  “So you say,” she rolled her eyes and glared at Wes again.

  “Listen here, Angel,” Wes placed his elbows on his knees before lowering his head in his hands and running his fingers through his hair. “Following you around doesn’t exactly sound like heaven to me either, but your brother is my best friend and I’m going to do it because he asked me to.”

  “I’m not your Angel. Don’t call me that,” she scowled before turning to storm down the hall to the spare bedroom. “I’m going to watch a movie,” she yelled back. “Maddie can join me if she wants, but the rest of you aren’t invited,” she slammed the door causing the whole wall to shake.

  “What the hell did you say to her?” Cole glared at Wes after Angela locked herself in the bedroom.

  “Nothing, man,” Wes chuckled. “I may have mentioned a few things to a customer she was flirting with,” he snickered.

  I watched both of them as I tried to decide if I should go after Angela and watch a movie, or stay with the guys?

  “Dude,” Cole groaned. “I’ve got enough going on here. Don’t piss off my sister.”

  “But it’s so much fun,” Wes smirked. “I’ve got to stop by the gym before going home if I’m babysitting again tomorrow. Tell Angel I’ll pick her up before her shift,” he winked at me before standing and making his way to the door.

  “She’s gonna murder you if you keep calling her that,” Cole warned.

  “Nothing any other woman hasn’t tried to do,” Wes shrugged.

  “This is my sister,” Cole glared as his voice lowered. “She’s not any other woman. Don’t treat her like one.”

  “Easy brother,” Wes clasped Cole’s shoulder as they stood at the door talking. “I’m just teasing her,” he shook his head.

  “She’s been though a lot this past month. Trying to start over is not going to be easy, and then add a baby to the mix…” Cole trailed off as Wes’s face paled.

  “Baby?” he murmured.

  “Yeah,” Cole’s brow dipped. “She’s pregnant...”

  Wes squeezed his eyes shut. “Fuck, this changes everything,” he mumbled.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Cole’s head jerked back.

  “Nothing, man. Go spend time with your woman; I’ll see you tomorrow. Tell Ang I’m sorry, and I will try to not be such a jackass.”

  “Later, man,” Cole stepped back to close the door as Wes left. “Let’s watch some TV and relax,” he turned back to where I’d moved to the couch, rounded the end only to find Zeb snuggled up beside me. “What is this?” he joked as he flopped back in the chair. “Now I have to share you with him?” he slowly shook his head.

  “Are you jealous?” I teased.

  “Fuck yeah, I’m jealous. I wanna be the one pressed up against those curves, not him,” he motioned toward Zeb. “You better enjoy that now buddy,” he reached over and petted Zeb’s head, “because when we go to bed, you are sleeping on the floor.”

  Zeb lifted his head slightly to look in Cole’s direction before snuggling back up to me and releasing a contented sigh.

  I smiled down at him, and then giggled as I watched Cole pout. I could get used to this. Laying here each night with the man I love, a dog that can’t seem to get enough of me, friendly banter with friends, and feeling safe and wanted. I was getting a taste of what a future with Cole could be like, and now I feared that I would never want to leave. Cole was giving me everything I ever dreamed of.

  Chapter 15


  Over the course of the next several days, Cole and I were inseparable. He followed me around, not letting me out of his sight, just like he’d said he would. At first, I resisted. Richard had done the same thing when we were in college. I hadn’t known he was keeping tabs on me in the beginning. He just seemed to be everywhere I was. I’d come out of the library and he’d be there standing on the steps. I’d leave the dorm, and he’d be leaning against the side of the building. He’d show up in the dining hall, or be waiting outside the various jobs I held over the years. The longer we were together, the worse it got. He always had a reason though, and I thought it was because he cared, not because he wanted to control me.

  While I tolerated the constant surveillance, Angela was a completely different story. She came home almost every day in a bad mood. She grumbled about work, but if either Cole or I brought up anything about Wes or the gym, she went into a tirade. Cole had finally learned his lesson when she slapped him last week. I don’t know what started it, but when I came in the door, Cole was leaning over the sink holding the side of his face and Angela was in her room slamming drawers or something to create as much noise as possible.

  It’s been five days since that happened, and as much as I’m loving the protective side of my boyfriend, I’m glad to know that after this week it’ll come to an end. Today is the day. We’re getting ready in the next hour to go to the courthouse. We’re meeting the DA, and I’m going to testify about Richard’s behavior. I’m not really looking forward to this, but I know if I want this fear to end, it’s what has to be done.

  Cole doesn’t know everything, and I think that’s what scares me the most. I worry that when he knows it all, it’ll change things. He’ll see me differently, and I’ll become this breakable woman again instead of the strong one he’s helped to create.

  Standing in front of the mirror in Cole’s room, I stare at my reflection. I don’t look different, but I feel different. I feel like the woman I was five years ago. The one who feared for her life. The one who waited for her boyfriend to leave for work so she could escape. Thinking about the past puts me back there, and as I take one final deep breath, I pray that this time, I’ll come back in one piece. Cole deserves it and so do I.


  “You ready for this?” Cole asked as he laces our fingers together. We’re standing on the steps of the courthouse waiting on the District Attorney. We were early today, and I’ve been picking at my nails for the last ten minutes.

  “Yes,” I leaned into him. “I just want to get this over with and move on.”

  “Me, too,” he leaned down and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.

  “Isn’t this cozy?” Richard’s voice sounds from behind me and causes me to stiffen. When I turned around, he’s standing there beside his lawyer. They are both dressed in charcoal gray suits. Richard is wearing a blue tie, while his lawyer’s is red. “You better watch out, Madison,” he leered at me. “It’s dangerous to be so close to a killer.”

  I could feel the tension in Cole’s body as we stood there, and I reached up with my other hand and cupped his cheek, “Don’t listen to him.”

  Cole nodded, and led me into the building just as the DA came jogging up the steps. “Mr. Walker, Miss Kennedy,” Sebastian Kingston lifted his hand to stop us. “May I have word?” he motioned toward the right of the door an
d Cole led us in that direction.

  “Are you ready for this?” His stern expression dropped and a soft smile replaced it. Cole and I had both met with Mr. Kingston multiple times, and I’d unloaded my long sordid story last week. He’d assured me that if I told the court what I’d lived through and about Richard harassing me over the past two months, he was sure the State would win. Richard had attacked Cole, not the other way around. He couldn’t rationalize his behavior after the fact as self-defense. And all three of us knew that Richard hadn’t finished with his attacks.

  I sighed as I tipped my head back and stared at the ceiling. “I just want all of this to be over. I’m tired of him always being there, ruining whatever happiness I’ve found. I’m tired of being afraid, and I’m tired of him thinking that he owns me.”

  “Hold on to the anger,” Sebastian smiled as he motioned for us to have a seat in several plush chairs outside the courtroom we’d be entering soon. “You’re going to need it in there. You’ll be first like we discussed yesterday,” he shuffled some folders in his lap after removing them from the briefcase he’d been carrying. “Once they’ve heard your side of the story, I honestly don’t think they’re going to pursue it any further. I’ve known Josh since law school. If he thinks he’s going to win this, he’s crazy,” Sebastian eyed Richard and his lawyer across the foyer.

  We sat for some time waiting for our turn. Sebastian had left us when he entered the courtroom to start the proceedings. Cole and I sat as he soothed my nerves. I’d been tapping my foot for who knows how long, and he’d been shifting in his seat every few minutes. The only plus to the entire situation was that Richard wasn’t out there with us. Since he was the defendant, he had to stay at the defense’s bench.


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