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Gotta Love Dragons : MM Paranormal Romance Mpreg (Fated Book 2)

Page 5

by Aeryn Jaden

  “Oh really? Do tell.”

  He got a half-hearted slap on his chest for his seductive tone and he took that as permission to start nibbling on that soft alabaster skin peeking from under Ryuu’s pajamas’ collar.

  “Focus! On…Oh, do that again. You know I love it when you bite my ears. Hey! You brother! My-mine…”

  “Later. Nothing we can do about it now. They need to figure it out on their own.”

  They didn’t talk later either. Their mouths were busy doing other things.

  * * * *

  “Is he your mate?”

  Gataro’s liquid eyes made something squeeze in his chest and Rei really wanted for a second there to be someone else, someone that could lie and spare the kappa’s feelings. But he wasn’t and he just nodded and continued to stand there like a dumb pile of rock, not even pretending any longer that he was watching TV instead of staring at the incredible being nestled next to him, well, more like almost on him.

  “He’s powerful. Strong. He’ll make a good mate. Protect you.”

  Shit. Dammit all. He hated how defeated Gataro sounded.

  “I don’t need anybody to protect me.”

  “You think you don’t. And maybe you’re right when it come to humans. We’re not humans and we come with a different set of dangers.”


  What was he supposed to say to that? Gataro was right. Rei was not used to feeling helpless.

  “You’re an incredible being, Gataro. Bloody hell, you need a damn name already.”

  These last few days while they tried to come up with a plan to fight a goddess and her army had been interesting. Especially when concerning Gataro. Not being bound by his sworn oats had done wonders for the guy. He smiled now, hesitantly usually, as if he didn’t know if he was allowed. Carelessly and full of joy when around Rei. It was doing something to Rei’s heart, something that made it beat stronger and his chest feel tight. Like the sound of his muffled giggles were doing it now.

  “I have a name, silly. You just never asked what I wanted to be called.”

  “Oh? Do I need to tickle it out of you, hellion?”

  He was learning things, things that made Gataro less of an oddity he’d took home and more special, human, dear. Like how ticklish he was and how he couldn’t stand sweets in general but give him anything with fruits or anything salty and he moaned like- Err, making Rei really uncomfortable. He started to stretch his hand and reach those sensitive ribs, now not to protruding anymore as Gataro was eating well constantly.

  “No, no, no, no. I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you! It’s Johnny, Johnny! Keep those hands away, they’re lethal.”

  Rei froze for a second there, his hands really were lethal but Gatar- Johnny was laughing at him, eyes sparkling, hands outstretched to ward him off and Rei just huffed in mock-annoyance.

  “Fine. Your loss, I’ll have you know lots of people beg to have these hands on them.”

  He coughed fast to cover his sudden embarrassment and why was Johnny looking at him like that?

  “Johnny huh? That’s unusual for someone of Japanese descent. And you were born like two hundred years ago, no?”

  “I named myself. I wasn’t always a slave to him. At one point after my real father banished me from the pond, I lived a human life. I wanted to be a mangaka, you know, a cartoonist? I loved the Johnny Bravo show. He seemed so brave and always bounced up. I wanted that for myself. It’s a fitting name for this second chance at life.”

  Johnny’s eyes had lost their previous shine and now seemed dull. He’d turned his face back to the TV and Rei hated that the mood had soured, that he’d reminded Johnny of how this was temporary and they still had to find a permanent solution to free him from his own grandfather. He’d told them the story of how Kitagawa had used his only daughter to create Johnny, without her consent, and how his kappa father had fled with him in the pond, giving some of his power to Kitakawa in exchange for his son. Rei didn’t know what had happened between Johnny and his father but apparently they weren’t on speaking terms and with the new information just now, Rei guessed it had happened sometimes during the last fifty years and that was how Kitagawa had caught Johnny unaware. After all the man should have been dead long time ago and seemed well versed in getting his way. Rei knew he was in over his head. In more than one way, he thought while studying the man beside him. Childlike stature, innocent but weary face and those eyes that shined up at Rei every time they saw him. He couldn’t find it in him to care that this was dangerous.

  “It’s a good name. It suits you.”

  He got a shy smile and a furtive look and that was all he needed to know they were all right and he could relax. Rei stretched his arm on the back of the couch again and Johnny nestled back under it, closer. Ugly couch, brown, big and soft. He’d fallen asleep on it in this exact position every night this last week. And also like clockwork, every night around this hour he pretended to close his eyes and not see the hulking figure watching them from the doorway. Or how Johnny tensed and sighed before relaxing into Rei once again.

  He didn’t know what to do. This was much more complicated that he’d thought. He didn’t like complicated. But complications sure seemed to like Rei.

  * * * *

  Python must be a glutton for punishment. Masochist for sure. Why did he do this to himself? Oh yeah, right. Because the man was his mate and he practically would die without the guy. He just… He didn’t want to get Rei that way. He didn’t want his mate to accept him because he pitied Python and from the way he acted with the small kappa, that would be the only reason Rei would give him the time of the day. So he watched. Watched his mate cuddle another man and laugh and be happy. In the end it wasn’t so bad and Python even smiled a couple of times. The kappa- Johnny, apparently- he wasn’t so bad. He will be good to Python’s mate. He obviously gave Rei something Python could never give, his softness and resilient innocence mesmerizing to watch. He didn’t know how himself and Rei were supposed to fit when they were so similar in so many ways. Both stubborn, both needing to be in control and act, move, do. Both thinking they knew the better way. No, this was better. Python was sure he couldn’t make Rei smile like he was smiling now at Johnny. Maybe that’s why he’d been denied his mate for so long and had screwed everything so badly. He simply wasn’t meant to have what his brother had.

  He quietly slipped in the hallway, guiding his steps by the light of the crystals infused by his brother with magic glowing feebly to light his way. He could feel the protective spells in the air around him as the crystals scattered their glow everywhere. Ingenious, but his brother had always been clever and talented that way. His caves were probably the most secure place Python had ever seen or imagined to exist. Even with him, Johnny and the arrival of mysterious Arun. He’d noticed all the walls had a least one of those crystals encrusted, keeping watch. Troy’s magic was strong and Python knew his brother was just getting stronger now with the support of a mate and their hatchlings, but to create almost sentient crystals that judged and delivered punishment to anyone intending to do harm? Yeah, that was an entire other level.

  “I thought I’ll find you here. Roaming in the dark and feeling sorry for yourself.”


  Dying meant that Python needed light to see where he was going. That his sense of smell and hearing was almost human by now. That he was becoming human before he would eventually die in a very human way. Accelerated old age would do that to anybody. He hopped on a leg, cursing a blue streak as pain traveled through his body from his bruised toe. He’d hit a stone from the floor’s natural marble pavement. He didn’t think his brother would just drop it and accept the excuse that he’d been distracted. Especially as Python had been avoiding being alone with Troy and continuing that conversation when he’d confessed how he, Python, was dying. Alas, Trojan could be worse than a hellhound and everyone knew those could sniff you out from the end of the world.



  “So eloquent.”

  “Go away, Trojan.”

  Trojan did the opposite and for a moment Python almost backed away and fled. He could barely see his brother but he could see his eyes glowing gold in the darkness, squinted in annoyance. Yeah, he was pissed alright.

  “Tried that, didn’t seem to work that well. Now, don’t make me tie you down just so I can get some answers.”

  “I don’t suppose you can get pissed off at me again and forget all this sudden need to talk?”

  “Ryuu said to sort it out or I’m sleeping on the couch. The couch is already occupied as you just saw.”

  “Shit. You saw me.”

  “Stalking you mate from the shadows? Yeah, well. I guess I can understand feeling a bit off when your mate is cuddling with another. Come, my workshop is just around the corner, we can talk there.”

  Troy’s workshop changed place every couple of hours, the maze of caves reorganizing themselves and responding only to Troy, his mate and their hatchlings. The rest of them needed to touch one for the crystals and ask nicely to be led where they wanted to go. Python was a little envious but mostly happy that Ryuu and the little ones were obviously safe.

  They turned the corner, Python’s hand trailing the wall so he didn’t just hit one of them face first and there it was, Trojan’s workshop- bright as the day and lightened with countless magicked crystals. It didn’t have a door per see, it was a stone wall and his brother just stepped through. Huh, a false wall then. Nice. The interior was sparse in furnishings and cluttered with glass cases holding different items more or less dangerous. Some were Troy’s own projects, some items he was safeguarding like that blasted Hideo sword. He noticed the sword was back but the case open. Troy just sighed at his frown.

  “The sword chose him, Python. He’s been deemed worthy, who am I to disagree? Beside, he’ll be safer with it when he’s stumbling on all types of supernaturals out there in the world. Now that he’s been exposed to us, all types of energies will be drawn to him.”


  “You need more words in your vocabulary.”

  “I find that word pretty all-encompassing. Suits me fine.”

  He mused at a pretty chair, all gleaming wood and nice carvings. He was leery to touch anything here but he was also tired. His legs were kinda shaking and for the last couple of days his head had been throbbing with pain constantly.

  “Wouldn’t recommend that one. Better take the one by the desk.”

  “I don’t think I want to know.”

  “Probably not. Now stop stalling.”

  Troy flicked his fingers and another comfortable looking armchair if slightly ugly looking, appeared out of nowhere. Python shuddered.

  “Now you’re just bragging. And freaking me out.”

  “I got better. Being anchored helps. Mating is a powerful thing. You could do it too if you set your mind to it. I don’t know why you insist on underestimating yourself Python, we’re exactly the same- hatched from the same egg remember?”

  “Yeah, no. I was never good with energy manipulation, magick or whatever it’s called these days. I lack focus.”

  “Yes, you do.”

  Troy frowned and studied Python too closely for his liking.

  “You always did, didn’t you? I wonder now.”

  “Shit. You’re too smart for your own good.”

  He averted his eyes and wished there was a window here or something to look at and seem preoccupied. Hide somewhat. Jump from it.

  “Why is that? Why are you so erratic and scattered? Always have been?”

  “Shut up and stop asking. As if you don’t have already the answer.”

  Python sighed and faced his brother’s calm gaze head on. The light here was stronger than any of the other rooms but at the same time it seemed warm and calming. The magicked items around them gleamed on their own and Python wondered if being human would be so bad. Will he even be human for long enough to see how it felt? Considering that part of that bloody curse was that all his years will catch up with him once his time was up.

  “Mama was with egg when Pravati took her eye. With us.”


  He couldn’t decide if Tory was surprised or not, not that it mattered now. He appreciated the thoughtful look on his face, knowing his brother was trying to figure out how to fix things that had happened ages ago. Unfixable things.

  “Her curse hit us. I don’t know how it affected me but you-”

  “It didn’t reach you. I-”

  He stopped and closed his eyes. He’d been the first one, the first one to gain awareness while still unhatched. Troy… Python had tried his best.

  “I curled around you. It didn’t reach you, I made sure.”

  “You dumb fuck.”

  Startled, Python raised his eyes just in time to see his brother’s eyes flash their fury straight back at him.

  “Did you ever think that maybe if we’d shared this it wouldn’t have hit so hard? That if you had told me sooner, I may have been able to do something, prevent it from going so far?”

  Err, no he hadn’t. In his defense, Python had been still in embryo stage when he’d instinctively acted to protect his brother.


  “Sometimes I just want to strangle you until you go blue. Blue would look very good on you.”

  “I think I want to sit father away from you right now.”

  They glared at each other and Troy was the first one to cave, lips twitching before smirking fully.

  “I missed you, fucker.”

  “Is that a compliment or an insult?”

  Troy flicked his fingers again and a table with some glasses and snacks appeared at Python’s left. His hands trembled as he reached for some grapes. They did that more and more these days. He couldn’t bear the worried gaze his brother had on him.

  “It’s getting worse, isn’t it? I’m guessing the curse was meant to strip Mama of her power, of her immortality. You’re becoming human.”

  “It’s not so bad” Troy just raised his eyebrows at him and Python rolled his eyes.

  “Okay, it sucks. I don’t have anything against humans but mortality is just not for me-”

  “Ha! Would be weird if you had misgivings about humans considering your mate is 100% human. And stop bullshitting me.”

  Python dropped the grapes and latched onto the armchair, willing himself to calm down and not jump up and pace. Wouldn’t be the first time him and his brother had solved their arguments with an old fashioned brawl. Right now though, he was quite sure he’ll get his ass handed to him and he didn’t need that humiliation on top of everything else.

  “Hey. I just want to help. Talk with me. It’s about time, don’t you think? ”

  Yes, it was.

  So Python talked and laid his soul bare before his brother. If anybody could help him, it was Trojan. If only to make Python feel better for a moment, feel as if he had family again and he wasn’t a total screw-up. By the time he finished the whole sordid tale of his life and its mistakes, he was out of breath and slightly nauseous. He didn’t know if that was from finally getting everything out in the light or because he was getting weaker and out of time.

  “So this Parvati visited you and bragged about it. When you were just thirty human years. Are you sure she said it exactly like that? That you needed to procreate and blend your energies with your mate’s if you’re to beat this? Well, before bragging that she’ll make sure you stood no chance. ”

  “Among all the bullshit, yes. Not that it does any good. I would never submit Rei to what happened to Ryuu. So, no biting, no blending of energies.”

  Troy’s eyes narrowed and Python watched in silence as his brother smirked and laughed to himself.

  “Just a thought, mind you but what if you were the one to carry eventual hatchlings? Offsprings are born from the parents energies merged together. And what if your mate’s energy is actually your mates’ energies?”

  “She screwed up, Python. Parvati screwed up. We’re half dragons, not to mention that Mama is a badass on her own and we’re her sons. Dragons can carry offspring, no matter the sex of the dragon. They can mate by exchanging any kind of fluid carrying their essence. They also usually mate in triads.”

  Becoming human had its perks, few and far in between. Like not being bothered anymore by all the sounds and smells or not feeling the cold as strongly as he used to (no, he got to feel pain instead of feeling cold almost all the time, lucky him). Fainting from a combination of shock and exhaustion was definitely not one of those perks.

  Chapter Four

  Ryuu was a former human. Some days he missed it, most days he marveled at what he’d become. On days like this he just was, knowing he was exactly what and where he was supposed to be. He wished everyone could feel like this at least once in their lives, be it short, ephemeral human lives or long, exciting and solitary quasi-eternal ones. He especially wished it for his brother. That made him only more determined to make sure his stubborn big bro didn’t mess things up for himself by being his regular charming obnoxious self.

  He’d tried setting them up by giving them tasks that required them to be in the same room for more than five seconds. Yeah, they’ve been in the same room. In awkward silence. Not one word. It didn’t help that Gatar- Johnny was literary Rei’s shadow. Ryuu liked the guy, he really did but. But he wanted his brother alive for a long long time. He wanted him happy and mated and no doubt Johnny and Rei practically sizzled when they touched, it just wasn’t enough. The sad truth was that the innocent, bright eyed kappa was not meant for Rei. Python for once in his life, if Ryuu was to believe the stories, was not pushing and just glowered every time he saw Rei with Johnny. That was so not a trait he’d ever thought to see in Python, patience and self-sacrifice. After all, the guy had doused Ryuu with his poisonous pheromones in his attempt to steal him from Troy. ‘Pushy’ should have been his middle name, except apparently not. ‘Cuz for sure he wasn’t being pushy now, when it needed done.


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