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Gotta Love Dragons : MM Paranormal Romance Mpreg (Fated Book 2)

Page 6

by Aeryn Jaden

  Ryuu then thought about involving his mother-in-law, but really, Manasa was way too scary for him even now when little old him could spit acid and had provided grandsons for her. Anyway, he doubted Manasa didn’t know exactly what was happening with her sons every minute of the day. He really wanted to not believe that but had been proved wrong on several really embarrassing and compromising occasions.

  The solution was really simple. Johnny was a really nice guy. Ryuu just needed to explain how things were and why Python was not trying to get his mate. He knew the kappa will back down. Ugh, Ryuu really didn’t want to be doing this. He really liked the guy and from what he knew about him, he’d been dealt a rough hand in life. His smile practically lit the room with its childlike newfound joy and Ryuu could see he’d not had a lot of reasons to be happy or laugh until now. He didn’t want to hurt him or for him to go away, Ryuu wasn’t cruel. Ryuu just wanted his brother happy and alive. To stay alive for centuries to come. Rei mating with Python would accomplish that, will give Rei the same life span nagas had, which were pretty much immortal.

  “Stay out of it, sweet”, Troy had said and after a displeased frown and pout from Ryuu, he’d ended up apologizing for most of the previous night. Probably for the abrupt tone, Ryuu knew that, but he chose to believe that he’d rescinded his warning too among all the apologies. Yes, he didn’t know everything happening between the Johnny, Rei and Python but how much did he needed to know? Python and Rei were mates. Ryuu was maybe a bit blinded by his desire to have his only remaining family beside him in this new, scary world he was now part of.

  He found Johnny for once alone, absently watching the TV while his left hand slowly doodled something on a notepad. So maybe Ryuu had engineered it so he caught Johnny alone by sending Rei with Python to do some shopping for him. Heavy shopping, that required naga strength to carry. He frowned, remembering how Python had seemed pale and slightly shaky on his legs. He’d put that on being nervous but something was telling him it was much more than that. He wondered if supernaturals could get the flu or something.

  He was stalling. Ryuu really didn’t want to have this conversation. Just then Johnny looked up, a bright smile, his mouth half open on a word. His smile dimmed as soon he saw that it wasn’t Rei and he closed his mouth without saying anything. He still smiled and that only served to make Ryuu feel even worse.

  “Hey! Johnny.”

  Yeah, that wasn’t suspicious at all. Johnny’s suddenly wary expression said it all.


  He hesitantly sat next to the kappa and for a minute just pretended to watch whatever was running on TV. Johnny was much more straightforward. He carefully placed his notebook on the side table, pen on top, hands almost shaking but not quite. Ryuu saw this, saw how he quickly had shut the notebook on the insanely realistic portrait of his brother and his heart thudded harshly in his chest.

  “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You want me to leave.”

  “What? No!”

  The kappa sighed, shoulders dropped, his expression a picture of dejection.

  “I know I’m in the way. You have kids, young ones. Rei already has a mate, one without my complicating background. I’m just in the way. My grandfather is looking for me. He’d do anything to get me back. He needs a kappa to survive and they’re not a lot of us left, even half ones as pathetic as me. It’s dangerous to help me.”

  Ryuu shuddered and closed his eyes. Johnny had hesitantly opened up about his experiences with his grandfather. Torture more like it. Apparently he didn’t have the same body or powers as a full blooded kappa and in his case it was his tears that were magical not any water that full-blooded kappas apparently carried in a sunken depression on top of his head. That was what sustained Kitagawa’s unnatural long life. Ryuu didn’t want to know how inventive the methods to produce those tears had been.

  “I like you, Johnny. I don’t want you hurt. This thing with Rei will hurt you, will hurt Rei, will hurt everybody. I don’t want my brother to die. Staying unmated to Python, staying human- I don’t want him to die, you know?”

  The fact that Johnny just nodded in acquiescence, eyes dull and empty just made him feel worse.

  “I’m not a child, Ryuu. I don’t really need other people protecting me or deciding things for me. I know. You’re right. I knew from the beginning, I just- I missed being happy, you know? I’ve forgotten how it could be. I’m sorry. I hoped that I was right this time, that I could have it all.”

  “Oh hell.”

  Ryuu was going to cry. He was going to ruin his makeup, make a fool of himself and blubber all over Johnny. He straightened his spine and turned to the subdued kappa. Johnny looked as if he was already not here anymore. Already gone, unhappy and so alone.

  “You’re not going anywhere, Johnny. I like you. I want you here. And just to tell you a secret- I wish it was you, that you were Rei’s mate. Python is alright, more now than before mind you but-”


  He was messing this up, he could see that the kappa was not listening anymore. Johnny was trying on a brave fake smile for Ryuu’ sake and Ryuu wanted to erase all this conversation and just mind his own business, let them sort themselves. He wondered if he’d done a mistake and something burrowed deep in his bones and screamed at him how wrong it all was, how he’d screwed things up. He was new at this supernatural thing but his instincts had always been strong.

  “NO. No. You don’t go anywhere, alright? Shit, this is a mistake. Johnny-”

  “Can I go to my room now? I think I want to sleep for a bit.”

  Another brave smile and Johnny got up. To Ryuu’s surprise his eyes were soft and calm and he leaned down in his space, hugging Ryuu tight with wiry, pale arms.

  “Don’t worry, everything will be alright. Fate is not to be trifled with, young naga. And I like you too, alright?”

  Ryuu nodded too chocked up to say anything and silently watched Johnny’s retreating back navigate toward the doorway where the usually soft white light crystals shone a weak pale red. He wondered if those sentient crystals recognized emotions in the air and what did red meant. And why did everything felt so final.

  What had he done?

  * * * *

  Python had been hopeful when his brother had mentioned that dragons had often two mates. Hopeful and a bit scared, but mostly hopeful. Maybe this time he could get it right. Goes to show that even after all this time he’d not learned his lesson. Nevertheless, he still needed to try and try he did. Try to get Rei’s attention, try to get the man alone so he could explain some things. He could not approach Johnny, not with how protective Rei was about the kappa. That didn’t mean he could not observe things, watch their interactions and wish, fervently wish that he wasn’t on the outside, shunned. It wasn’t really him, to just watch and quietly accept whatever was thrown his way. Python had always been a fighter. He’d always known he needed to fight for what he really wanted and grab it with both hands. As his- let’s call it ‘expiration date’- approached, he’d become even more ruthless and determined. See case- almost killing his brother’s mate. So yeah, that approach hadn’t gone so well for him, and Rei, though human, was the equivalent of a shifter alpha or in human terms, a dominant, take-charge man. Python had no clue how that will mesh with his own dominant side but he suspected that was where Johnny came in. It wasn’t that Python needed to always be in charge, controlling everything and from what he’d noticed, Rei was pretty laidback too. Truthful, everyone sometimes needs to just be and let someone else handle everything- not that he’d ever had someone whom he’d trusted enough to just let go with like that.

  Huh, if he really thought about it it all made perfect sense, the way him, Rei and Johnny would ideally fit together. If he ever got it right. His two mates were both gorgeous, in and out, he’d be the luckiest man to have them in his life. The way Rei cared for Johnny and how the little kappa returned that in a thousand small gestures and shy smiles…yeah, he wanted that
. Craved it. Time be dammed, he needed to get this right and he could care less about curses or turning mortal. It had been enlightening when he’d thought that for the first time. It was only then that he’d realized how wrong he’d gone about things until finally face to face with his real mate. Mates?

  He had Ryuu to thank for his current opportunity. Ryuu, the most unlikely ally. He’d managed to push Rei into going with Python into town for some shopping. Unbelievable. Python usually had no use for human transportation so they ended up taking Trojan’s jeep. Surprisingly, Rei didn’t have a car of his own either.

  “How come you don’t have a car? I thought all humans have one.”

  Python winced in reaction to the condescending look thrown his way. What? It was a legit question.

  “All humans don’t have a car. Besides, I travel too much and I don’t have a base town. I guess I should think about getting one, now that Ryuu is here.”

  The last was said in an absentminded fashion and seemed to suggest that Rei wanted to stick around. Python barely contained his relief and studiously pulled at his seatbelt. Damnation! How did these worked?

  “Really, dude?”

  “Shut up.”

  Rei snorted and Python mock frowned, barely swallowing his smile at seeing Rei finally a bit more relaxed in his presence. He froze, mouth half opened to say something when his mate leaned and did his seatbelt for him in sharp, precise moves. Rei stopped mid retreat and Python could see his mate’s eyes meet his as if they were in a slow-motion movie.

  “What is that smell? Perfume?”

  “Shit. Err. Natural?”

  Rei snorted in his face again. Python sighed. It was good that at least he amused his mate. Better than being ignored.

  “You asking or telling?”

  “Just drive, will you?”

  “Testy, testy. I thought for sure you’ll take advantage of this opportunity and plead your case.”

  Python turned his face to the window, cheeks pink and heart in his throat. That was precisely what he’d planned to do. Until he’d discovered how tongue tied he was in front of his very upfront mate.

  “Are you blushing? Oh. My. God! You totally are!”

  “AM. Not.”

  “Are too! I didn’t know you guys could do that!”

  “Shut up.” Python mumbled and decisively turned to watch the scenery. It was raining. He’ll just watch the drops on the glass and wait for his ears to stop burning

  “Come on, now. No need to be shy!”

  “Nobody ever accused me of that. How far is that store again?”

  Rei’s hair was growing a bit longer, brushing his shoulders now with his every twist and turn of head. It was distracting and maddening. Python longed to touch and feel for himself if it was really as soft as it looked. Raven feathers. His clothes were utilitarian, almost army standard, and they fit his mate like a glove. Python knew Rei still did the occasional job for the government, though he’d heard Ryuu mention that the ops were much rarer than when the two brothers had reunited the first time. He’d also heard Rei say something about completely retiring, but that would be almost impossible for a man as active and loyal as Rei. Python was indeed blessed with an extraordinary mate.

  “Hey now. Don’t you think you got a bit carried away there? We’ve barely exchanged words until now. Cool your jets.”

  “Gods! I said that outloud.”

  Rei’s eye flittered from the road to quickly observe Python’s dismayed expression.

  “You sure did. I’ll let it pass this time and pretend it didn’t happen, alright? So tell me something about yourself.”

  “Huh?” He’d barely had the time to take a deep breath to prepare for a lengthy and panicked explanation. Rei’s casual dismissal was good, wasn’t it? At least he wasn’t mad a Python and his lack of filter. Right. Too bad it didn’t feel like that.

  “Eloquent. I get the feeling that you’re either a bit slow or just plain terrified. Of little old me?”

  “You’re really a shit, aren’t you?”

  His throat closed in sudden panic, thinking he’d pushed a bit too far. Python was usually really straightforward. His brutal honesty had earned him more than one enemy. He just didn’t have the patience for all the dancing around and pussyfooting, though he could be good at it if needed. To his surprise, Rei let a sudden bark of laughter, as if he was surprised too at his amusement. After another quick look in Python’s direction, a subtle tension that Python had not even known was there left his mate’s face and Rei’s fingers relaxed on the steering wheel, his shoulders dropped a bit and his legs stopped shuffling in barely suppressed agitation.

  “Well, that definitely didn’t take long for you to realize. I think I feel offended.”

  That smirk should be considered a lethal weapon. Python’s eyes skittered away, his sudden flush due to other causes this time. Like, the sudden tightening of his pants. He really hated human clothes, preferring most of the time his true form and being naked to covering his body in scratchy, bad smelling fake skins. Now, for the first time he could see the usefulness of being covered. He almost groaned when Rei threw a longer look his way, his pupils a bit dilated, his expression dazed under all his smirking. Shit, shit, shit. Python’s pheromones were drugging his mate and not helping at all. Python really wanted to talk to the guy. Explain, maybe try to fix some of his mistakes before all this happened. He didn’t like thinking he was forcing his mate to accept him just because they were so perfectly matched on a chemical level that they actually could go crazy with lust. Shit. They needed out of this metal cage right this instant.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Doing? Me-? …nothing. Nothing at all. Are we there yet?”

  “You didn’t just say that! That explains so much about you, dude.”

  Python quickly figured out the window and the button to roll it down and hummed his relief. There, that should help.

  “What does explain?”

  “You’re actually a kid. You never grew up. Spoiled, reckless, impatient kid. For sure explains a lot about the mess you did when you tried to steal my brother from your brother.”

  Shit. Maybe he should roll the window back up. Suddenly, he really didn’t want to carry any conversation and crazy lust sounded better and better with every second.

  “I’m guessing this smell thing right now is another harebrained scheme of yours to get what you want. Too bad, it’ll probably work on anyone else but me. You see, I suffered an injury a long time ago. It makes it much more difficult for me to smell things therefore I’m guessing the effect your pheromones is greatly lessened.”

  Rei turned to him with a shark like smile on his face. Python was still and afraid to move. He felt like prey and Rei’s expression told him he was right to feel like that. He noticed that they were stopped only when his mate broke the stare contest and climbed out of the car leaving behind a breathless, shaken Python to figure out his own seatbelt and hurry after him in the human store. It took a while. He had to remember to breathe first.

  Shopping didn’t take long as Ryuu had obviously just wanted them out of the house together and the list they had only said to buy a bed and sheets. The guy had been obvious enough to dare write that they should make sure to test the mattress. Python really wanted to test the mattress with Rei but it didn’t seem to be even a remote possibility. His human mate had been civil, friendly even, considering his previous attitude, but nothing had hinted that the human was ready to give them a chance or that he wanted this to go to the next level, whichever that would be. Python was lost.

  And so so clueless.

  While he’d agonized on how to behave and how to make Rei see he wasn’t the complete douche he really actually was, Rei had watched. And observed. The conclusions had been most surprising for the human.

  He’d seen the cautious way Python held himself when talking to him, when interacting with others. The guy behaved like a beaten animal, way beyond that, he behaved like a man that expected the
worst and with a flash of insight, Rei realized that maybe Python had reasons for behaving like that in his presence. If mated pairs were supposed to be all sugary like his brother and Troy, then yeah, Rei could almost be accused of maltreating his mate. But Rei was human, it didn’t work the same for him. He didn’t feel what Troy obviously felt, what his brother was feeling now that he was a member of the supernatural sect too. No, like all humans when it came to love or whatever, Rei needed time to feel that strongly if he ever would. He was starting to understand that it wasn’t just reactions to pheromones for these guys, it was something hardwired in them, the need to love and care for their mates. And didn’t that just made him feel like shit. Ryuu had tried to explain, had cornered Rei once or twice to speak with him about the differences between humans and…them. Had Rei listened? No, sir, Rei knew everything he needed. Unless he didn’t, as he was just figuring out. Shit. He’d never been cruel- no, that was a lie; but he’d never been cruel unnecessary. Also, it wasn’t that he didn’t feel anything towards his so-called mate. Python was a very attractive male, physically. He wondered if he’ll be also an interesting man if Rei allowed himself to get to know the guy. He could bet he’d be.

  Now. What about Johnny? Johnny…was more complicated. Johnny was already starting to make a place in his heart and that would have been great if not for all this mating problem. And now Rei was seeing that them, him and Python, could really work given time and patience. A lot of patience, from both of them. And didn’t that suck? He’s gone some thirty years without any emotional entanglements and now he had an entire web of them holding him captive.

  The bed, they took with them right then, knowing that delivery to the house could be tricky with Troy guarding it like Cerberus. Rei was frankly surprised that the guy had not gone nuts having so many trespassing his den when his mate, Rei’s brother, had just had given birth not to long ago. Wow, that was still weird to think about. Maybe it was just werewolves that went crazy protective and nagas were more on the mellow side of the spectrum. Rei knew from a former army brother that when his mate had given birth, the guy had been so overbearing that his mate had called the base to ask that he was reassigned on a different continent. Obviously, without mentioning the werewolf part, the military didn’t know or at least that branch of the military hadn’t. Rei had been Mike’s buddy for five years and they’d saved each other’s lives more than once, things just happened on the field and secrets didn’t stay secret for long. He should have a word with the guy, ask more about this mating thing. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust his brother but- hormones, man! HORMONES. Ryuu had enough on his plate right now and Rei wanted a more objective opinion from a born supernatural. He’d give Mike a call when he got home.


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