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Gotta Love Dragons : MM Paranormal Romance Mpreg (Fated Book 2)

Page 9

by Aeryn Jaden

  “You’re not going to tell me, are you? If I hadn’t heard you speaking before I could swear you are mute. Maybe you have selective mutism, activates only when it serves you.”

  “Maybe so. Don’t fret too much, beauty, you’ll get wrinkles.”

  “What! The nerve! Gods don’t get wrinkles! You saw any wrinkles?”

  Hermaphroditus produced a hand mirror from an invisible pocket on his painted on lace and leather black jeans. The simple white muscle shirt looked butch on him, showing his upper body musculature, and yes, the god was packed. Those frilly jeans looked positively decadent. Arun watched him fuss over appearance in the mirror, not listening to the continuous chatter. He’d noticed that with Hermaphroditus the less you listened and the more you observed the better to get to know the god’s true meanings and intentions. The guy was young, comparatively speaking, but a fox in disguise. Take now, for example. Hermaphroditus was ostentatiously fussing over his appearance, while taking a moment to regroup and observe Arun, most likely thinking how to better approach him to get what he wanted. Little did he know that Arun was starting to believe that the god simple had to ask and mean it for Arun to move mountains for him. What a scary thought.

  “I like the way you dress. It suits you.”

  Surprise and astonishment looked even better on Hermaphroditus. That open-mouthed expression was giving Arun ideas. Something that he guessed was more than obvious considering his own pants were peculiarly tented suddenly. Hermaphroditus blinked in a frenzy, started to say something a couple of times before a most fetching blush extended on his alabaster skin. Arun was charmed. Hermaphroditus was obviously less than thrilled to feel so wrong footed. The guy made the quickest turnabout and just vanished without another word, leaving Arun more determined than ever. He was having more of that. Arun will get that willy, feisty god where he wanted him if it killed Arun. And where he wanted him was beneath Arun moaning and thrashing on his cock.

  “Now, that is one way of shutting him up.”

  Jumping in surprise was so beneath Arun. These godlings, Trojan and Python, will be a force to be reckoned with after they developed all their powers. Arun was not one to be easily taken by surprise, lusty thoughts or not.

  “You have interesting friends.”

  Trojan smirked at him and Arun nodded in acquiescence. He knew he wasn’t one to talk.

  “You’ll have a hard time with Diti.”

  Arun barely abstained from laughing. Diti really fit Hermaphroditus better than his longer, more serious name.

  “I’m counting on it. You about to ask me or beat around the bush some more?”

  Trojan mockingly lifted one of his eyebrows in response. The naga didn’t seem to be bothered that Arun was ordering him around in his own house. Arun wondered if the naga maybe could see past his glamour to what Arun really was. Sometimes it seemed that he could.

  “I don’t need to ask you about things that don’t concern me.”

  That answered if Trojan could tell Arun was something more.

  “I’m not questioning your wisdom or power. But you’ll better not underestimate mine either.”

  Huh. These godlings… They had such potential.

  “Understood. Regardless, I’m going to tell you what you need to know. I’m kinda invested now to see all this charade ending well.”

  “Diti. He’s more than a lay, isn’t he?”

  “Hermaphroditus is not in question here. Nor is my involvement with him. Your brother though… He needs Johnny. For more than mating. He needs to bond with Johnny, bite him, ingest his blood or more of his water if he ever wants to regain his immortality. His tears saved him the other day but for now Python is barely more than human, a very sick one at that. They need to bond, spiritually. Rei should do the same, with both of his mates. But after Python bonds with Johnny. It’ll help him if he does it like this, help his magick come back faster.”

  “Shit. What if they bonded already? What if Rei was his first bonded?”

  Arun sighed and watched Trojan’s face darken with worry. He knew for a fact that was not the case but some things he just couldn’t betray. Too much was at stake for him to make a wrong move this late in the game. They needed to figure things on their own.

  “Time will tell, I guess. For now, let Johnny care for him. This is the most awkward mating I ever witnessed, I swear. They need to bond already and stop with all this drama. All three of them.”

  “I hear you.”

  Trojan smile was a bit bittersweet and Arun held his silence. He knew the naga’s own mating hadn’t been drama-free but that was to be expected. For strong beings as these two brothers, strong mates were required to keep them centered and balanced. For now though, there was only one thing Arun could do.

  “Let’s go to your workshop. I want to show you some techniques that could maybe interest you. And we could also try to see where Rei has run to. Just until things quiet down here.”

  Trojan’s eyes were too speculative for Arun’s liking but that was to be expected. After all, Arun would have been disappointed if the naga hadn’t sensed that magick was involved in Rei’s sudden departure the other night, right after he’d delivered the wounded Python to his brother.

  “This should be interesting.”

  “You’re going to be a lot of trouble, won’t you, godling?”, Arun jested.

  “I’ll for sure try my best.”

  * * * *

  Why had Johnny thought Python was worth knowing? He must have been delusional. For the last couple of days, the naga had done nothing more but sleep, snarl and be a grumpy bastard. Johnny had tried to understand why Python was behaving like this, he really did, but that didn’t make it easier to keep calm when the naga yelled at Johnny, who was only trying to help. Like with the soup right now. This was the last straw, Johnny had had it. He was no one’s doormat and wearing soup was not on his five things to-do list, like ever. He took a deep breath otherwise he’d just start yelling back at Python. The guy was finally silent and still but it was too little, too late.


  “Save it. You know what? I must be a masochist to keep coming back after the first time you lost your temper. Or does it say abuse to your liking on my forehead? Screw you. Screw all this shit. I’m not staying-”

  “Please. Please, Johnny.”

  Python’s voice had lost all its bark and was barely audible in the empty room. Johnny had tried at first to bring some color in the guestroom but his efforts had been unappreciated and disposed off. The flowers thrown to the trash can, the colorful pillows he’d found in town when he’d went shopping for the first time in forever- yeah, those had found a place crumpled on the floor, in a dark corner.

  “Please what, Python ? Why continue this? You don’t want me here. You most likely resent me even. And I get it, Rei-”

  “That’s just it, you don’t get it. You don’t understand.”

  Oh, hell no. Johnny was sick of excuses.

  “I’m not stupid! Only because I’ve let you-”

  “You’re my mate. Johnny, you’re my mate too. You and Rei. So just…please. Please let me explain.”

  Johnny was not expecting that. At all. His butt hit the mattress, next to Python’s hip, with a quiet thud. His eyes mapped the naga’s face, looking for anything deceiving or cruel in those tired eyes but found nothing. That scared him more than a life of slavery to his oaths. Because if this was true, if this was real…Johnny was in deep trouble. Way over his head. Giddy too. He’d been right! His hopes were not just foolish dreams, those were real!

  “I have an over inflated ego, anybody can tell you that. And too much pride for my own good. These last days, I was just acting up because-”

  “You’re my mate? I have a mate? Like really, for true?”

  Python averted his face as he unsuccessfully tried to hide the bashful flush of his cheeks. Johnny was a little charmed. And a lot dizzy.

  “Technically nagas have fated companions but basically is the same
things as mates so-”

  “I’m yours. Me and Rei. I get to have the two of you forever.”

  Python’s eyes jumped astonished to Johnny’s shock-still expression. Johnny knew how that had sounded but he couldn’t care less. Here was everything he’d ever wanted, offered to him on a silver platter. For damn sure he’ll grab it with both hands and fight to keep it and make it happen.

  “Yes. M-mine. If I didn't ruin everything already.”

  “You didn't have what to ruin.”

  The naga’s face fell at Johnny’s clear and cut pronouncement. Johnny could see how his words could be misinterpreted but he’d wanted to know the naga cared and if he was to judge by Python’s forlorn expression, he sure did care, a lot at that. Maybe that was wrong of him, he’d just had enough of others stepping all over his feelings.

  “We’ve not even started yet, so what to ruin? We could though.”

  Johnny awkwardly got to his feet and maybe shuffled a bit, undecided and feeling suddenly shy and vulnerable. He still somewhat squeezed out the rest, eyes downcast and a blasted blush warming his face.

  “We could try. We could start something and see how it is. I’ve always dreamt of having a mate. Well, I guess I get...Two?”


  Well, that kind of excitement deserved a smile and a quick peek at Python’s equally flushed face. The naga was smiling so widely that Johnny couldn't help but smile goofily back at him. Fortunately somebody knocked on the door or they would have probably stayed like that until it all got awkward.

  “Hey, I heard Python’s feeling better? Someone wants to see their favorite uncle.”

  Ryuu didn't wait for an answer and just barged in, freezing one step in as he took in their flushed faces and embarrassed expressions. His jovial smile just got bigger and the kidlets started laughing and making happy gurgling sounds in his arms, most likely feeling their papa’s mood.

  “I thought your brother was their favorite uncle,” Python asked almost fearful and Johnny quickly turned to him to see why was that. The naga’s expression was blank, not betraying any emotion but somehow Johnny knew what was hidden behind. The guy wanted what Ryuu was offering him, wanted a family and obviously regretted all his past screw-ups. It didn't mean that everything was suddenly perfectly fine, but it was more than enough for a fresh start and Ryuu seemed to agree if his next move was to judge by. He came and deposited both his little ones next to their still recuperating uncle and stepped back with a satisfied smile.

  “Now that you are here and feeling better I think it's time for you to catch up with your uncle duties. So both of you are on babywatch for the next couple of hours. Enjoy!”

  “Hey, but I’m not-”

  “Bye Johnny, don’t come looking for us if you don't want to see unspeakable things happening. I got me a hot date to-ni-te, la la la...”

  Johnny closed his mouth and he and Python both blinked fast at the again closed, door.

  “Did I just become an uncle?”

  “Don’t question what Ryuu does or says. It’s better for your mental health in the end,” Python replied fondly and Johnny found out that he didn't really like that soft amused look on Python’s face when directed at someone else.

  “You ever regret him not being your mate? I heard them talking, I kinda know what happened. Plus what Rei said-”

  “No. It never was about Ryuu for me, though he is amazing. It was. I just.”

  “You needed to find your mate. Because of the curse.”

  Johnny was smart. Johnny was also tired of being underestimated by other all the time. He rolled his eyes at his mate’s – oh my god, he had a mate!- astonished expression.

  “Come on! You don't really think that was difficult to figure out! I’m surprised your brother didn't know about it, especially considering he handles magick and magical beasts on a common basis. Yeah, his little babysitting business is not that well hidden either. ”

  Python snapped his mouth shut again. Johnny did have a point, he’d been fairly obvious now that he looked back. To be truthful, it had hurt, that his twin had paid so little attention to him that he’d not noticed something so big about Python. And Python had been prideful and stubborn too, he’d chosen to not reach for help when he knew for sure his mother and brother would have moved skies for him. His mother had known though, Python was quite sure of it.

  “I’m right, aren't I? It sounds like a curse cast on you when you were still not born-”

  “Hatched. Me and Troy hatched from the same egg.”

  Johnny’ eyes got big and he looked Python up and down mapping his big and strong body even now, half-human and half-dead.

  “Your mother is an amazing woman.”

  “You have one twisted mind.”

  They smiled at each other and relaxed, feeling the connection between them buzzing with awareness and harmony. Python liked that his smaller mate could keep its own and banter with him on equal standing, not cowering in his presence or being all solicitous. Part of his bad mood was his perceived image of Johnny and frankly, the angry disappointment he’d felt at seeing the younger man not fight back at Python’s tantrums, almost as if he was scared of speaking his mind.

  The kidlets chose that moment to coo at their uncles and the boy, faster that Python thought possible, started climbing him and demanding attention from the adults in the room. The girl had been suspiciously quiet and Johnny gave a loud shout before he caught her as she tried to peek over the edge of the mattress. He could already see who was the most dangerous creature in this room, and that for sure wasn't the wide-eyed adult naga being overpowered by cooing babies making a playground out of his chest. The laugh couldn't be stifled anymore and Python threw him a mock affronted look.

  “Sorry! You just look too cute like that!”

  Had he just said that? They both averted their eyes while their new blushes subsided a bit. Python seemed a big gloom again and Johnny let him be, hoping the naga will choose to open up and tell him what was on his mind.

  “I had sex with Rei. While we were in town. It just. He’s really attractive and he’s my mate and it happened. And then there was your grandfather and he had that knife and I couldn't let anything happen to Rei. And you. I saw you, and you were finally okay. You were going to be okay and you were so nice and I just wanted-”

  “Python. Breathe.”

  Python stopped and just listened to Johnny moving around as the kappa set up some toys on the warm floor for the two curious kids. Ryuu had come prepared with a bag for them and Python wondered if they were supposed to keep the kids for a week or something, considering that bag was huge and overflowing. Johnny kept his silence and didn't mind Python or react to his confession. He needed a moment to organize his thoughts and make sure he won't just say something to make it better. It was too important for him to just forgive and forget. In the end, was there anything to forgive? Johnny had wanted Rei too. He’d have had sex with the man in a heartbeat. Weren’t they all mates? Why did this have to be so difficult?

  “I knew the moment he brought you back. I could smell it on you two. Kappas have exceptional noses, you know. Even defective half-breeds like me.”

  “Don’t call yourself that.”

  “It is what I am”, mildly replied Johnny. The kids were busy chewing on some soft toys and he didn't have any excuse to avoid turning towards Python and face this, whatever it was. It felt important, as if this discussion will define something vital in their lives and Johnny wasn't stupid. He needed to remind himself sometimes that he wasn't stupid, too many people had said the opposite to him. The circumstances of his birth had mostly ceased to bother him and he even felt grateful sometimes that he wasn't full- blooded kappa. Kappas weren’t gay after all, that just didn't exist in their society. Johnny was most definitely gay, having two male mates just reaffirmed that louder than ever.

  “I don't like it when you speak badly of yourself.”

  Johnny smiled sadly at Python, wanting really badly to kiss
the guy right about then. He was sweet. He could bet the naga won’t believe him if he told him that.

  “Yeah, it’s a bad habit. Thank you.”

  Python shrugged and Johnny dared come closer, his anxious heartbeat slowing down as he took in the features of his mate. He got to have this. If only he dared. Did it really have to be difficult?

  “I don't care that you slept together. I don't know why I should care. Maybe I’m just weird but I’m thinking… I want both of you, why should I be jealous that you two also want each other? As long as you want me too-”

  “I do!”

  “Well, that was enthusiastic.”

  He smiled at Python, quite enjoying the flustered look on the other’s man face. The kids babbled on the floor and they both turned in quiet companionship towards them for a moment. It felt relaxing.

  “I’m glad you are my mate, Johnny. Rei...I like him, I want him. I’ll love him. But. We’re ...probably too alike in some ways to click perfectly. You calm me, I need that. He challenges me, I need that too. We kinda fit, don’t we?”

  Johnny could do nothing else but nod. He could see how they fit together, now that they acknowledged each other and the possibilities. He wondered what Rei would think about it but then again Rei was not here, wasn't he? The human had chosen to leave the moment things got though. He wasn't bitter about it, he didn't have the right when Python was so accepting. What he did have were some choice words for their other mate.


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