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Gotta Love Dragons : MM Paranormal Romance Mpreg (Fated Book 2)

Page 10

by Aeryn Jaden

  Mate. Mates. He had mates. Johnny smiled and cooed at the baby trying to climb his leg.

  * * * *

  Being near one of his mates and wanted by him was a novel experience for Python. Sure, he’d felt wanted with Rei too, after all the sex between them had proved that more than enough. His cock still twitched only thinking about them together and a familiar heath curled in his belly when he remembered how he had felt when Rei moved in and out of him.

  This was something else thought. Being with Johnny felt warm and comfortable. He desired his mate, no less than he desired Rei, his other mate. It was just different. Not rushed, not fiery and consuming, but more soothing and relaxing. Like easing into something he’d always needed and missed having. He needed both of them, he could feel it. Python could see a future with them three together and in a spark of insight he could recognize how Johnny will be the glue between them. Python and Rei were too alike, too dominant on their own to make it as a couple, they needed their gentle and sweet Johnny to temper them. Not to say that Johnny was a doormat, Python had found out the hard way how much his smaller mate resented having his opinions and feelings overlooked. After their talk, Johnny had clearly stated his unhappiness with Python and his behavior and established some ground rules in case Python ever felt the need to just be a grouch and retreat behind his surliness again. Python was delighted. He knew he was kind of a moron relationship-wise and Johnny was making it much easier for him to not make blunders and screw up. He missed Rei every day but he was at the same time grateful for the time he had with Johnny alone. He’d felt jealous and excluded from Johnny’s and Rei’s lives from the moment he’d met his gorgeous mates. Stupid, considering they weren't an established couple or any kind of couple. None of them. Rei and Johnny had just seemed to be so in sync and thank gods, now Python could build that too.

  Both of them still missed Rei even if they kept silent about it. They still hurried to answer the door every time someone knocked- fortunately it had happened only once during the last week so things weren't too awkward.

  They ended up babysitting for a couple nights in a row, wanting to help Trojan and Ryuu finally get some time for themselves. Python felt lighter with every smile his twin nephews directed at him not to mention that having Ryuu not be tense and distrustful around him finally mended some more of his and Troy’s relationship.

  Tonight Ryuu had just taken the twins for their bedtime, rushing to get out of the communal room as if there was a fire somewhere and it left Johnny and Python alone for the first time since their talk. Python looked helplessly at his mate and shrugged, confusion plain on both of their faces.

  “Didn't they beg us two hours ago to watch the kids for tonight? Something about planning a romantic dinner for two - Oh.”

  Both realized what this was at the same time as their eyes landed on the discreet table set on the side, candles flickering cheerily as the crystals that usually provided light in the caves were curiously emitting only a weak glow and -surprise, surprise- they sang quietly a slow, wordless blues.

  “Yeah, oh. Apparently the romantic dinner awaits. Us.”

  Johnny shuffled his feet, indecision on his face and Python felt panic rise in his throat, muffling any words he could say to make his mate stay. He really was a moron. Why hadn't Python thought to do something like this before? Johnny deserved wooing, he deserved the best. He rushed to Johnny’s side, hand outstretched and felt his heart jump when Johnny smiled shyly at him and let himself be pulled closer to Python, further in the dim room.

  “I am a kappa, you know. My sense of smell is quite developed and right now, Python, you need to relax a bit and stop stressing. I’m not going anywhere. I’m right where I want to be.”

  Johnny smiled in that perfect way of his and Python’s heart lurched in his chest, feeling as if it cracked a bit more to make space inside for this wonderful man and all his warming smiles.

  “Did I ever tell you how glad I was to find out you were my mate too? It was the most awesome thing ever. You are the most perfect gift life ever gave me.”

  “Lol. You are such a sap, Py.”

  Python scrunched his nose and mock growled. He liked to see how Johnny’s eyes glowed when he heard Python growl. He didn’t need a developed sense of smell to know that the sound did it for Johnny. Python maybe took advantage of that knowledge as often as he could.

  “It’s like you’re calling me pie when you say my name like that, you hellion.”

  “Uh-huh. I know.”

  They both laughed and took a seat at the table. The food was perfect, though a bit unnecessary considering they didn't even know what they were eating for how little they were paying attention to anything else but each other.

  “I can guess who came up with this.”

  Python pretended to let a long suffering sigh and Johnny smirked at him. The kappa knew him too well and could probably see how touched Python was that his brother-in-law had gone to all this trouble for him after all that had happened between them.

  “My brother -in -law is such a… human.”

  They smiled fondly at that.

  “Best type of human at that.”

  “No, the best type is standing in front of me right now.”

  Johnny gulped some water, hiding an unexpected flush.

  “Flatterer. And half-human. I can still kick your ass if you go grouchy on me again.”

  Python suddenly found the last bites on his plate very interesting. He heard Johnny’ sigh not long after the quiet started to become uncomfortable. They both knew that out of them two, right now Python was the weakest. Weaker that a human even, strength-wise. Emotionally too maybe, humans were just so resilient one couldn't help but admire them.

  “Are you going to pout or tell me what’s messing with your head?”

  Johnny’s hand was warm and anchored Python enough that he pulled himself from the dark road he was going down on and made him aware of his surroundings again. He got scared at how easy it was for him to get lost in his head like that.

  “I think I’m sick.”

  He felt ashamed when Johnny paled and almost jumped out of his chair before Python shushed him and silently begged with his eyes for Johnny to just listen for now.

  “You’re not… Physically ill, are you?”

  Python shook his head, panic clawing again at his insides. This time he pushed through it and choked the words that need to be said, out.

  “I don’t know if it’s because of the curse or just because I feel so fucking helpless in this weak body. I feel as if I’m not myself. Sometimes it’s like I’m not even here, not in control of my own actions and body. It scares me and being scared just makes it worse. Everyone thinks that I’m the reckless one, fearless, that my life had been one big adventure after another and… The truth is, this is nothing new. I always felt anxious and a bit scared, I was just... ”

  “You were doing stupid reckless things to prove yourself that you’re still in control, still strong. That you could control your fear.”

  Johnny’s hushed voice stabbed him straight to the core of his insecurities and Python fought with his instinct to flee. This was his mate. Johnny deserved to know what he was being saddled with. He slowly nodded his answer.

  “I already knew. Developed sense of smell, remember?”

  Their eyes held, Johnny’s orbs glowing with affection and tenderness. It got easier after that. And Python forgot to panic at every word he said. The fear that he will screw up everything didn't miraculously leave him but for the first time it was in the background and not ruling him. Johnny’ smiles got brighter with every moment they joked and laughed.

  “I think we should probably get some rest.”

  They had ended up watching some movies after finishing with the meal and ran out of light conversation. More for having an excuse to cuddle close together than for actual interest in what they were watching. Python thought that the couch was too long as it was; if it had been shorter he could have had Johnn
y on his lap maybe. He yawned again and frowned displeased. Python didn't want this evening to end. He also wanted Rei to come back already. Before his mood could tank again at feeling so tired and weak, Johnny got up and pulled Python with him.

  “I don't need any rest. Nagas don't need a lot of sleep.”

  They both knew Python was lying through his teeth and that he needed to rest more than a human child nowadays. Healing the knife wound had taken most of his remaining energy and part of the curse he had on him was that his body was not producing new energy to replenish him. Meaning he was indeed weaker that a human.

  “I’d call bullshit but I want to spare your pride and prevent grouchy you for making a comeback.”

  Python rolled his eyes, amused in spite of himself.

  “You just did, you pest.”

  “Yeah, well. I didn't think I’ll have to convince you to come to bed. I mean I thought you’d like the idea of going to bed early. With your mate.”

  Johnny threw him a sly look and left Python standing there like a moron as he watched his mate quickly take off. He may be dense but even Python wasn't that dense. He’d have disregarded the innuendo if not for the nervousness the younger man had shown in the shaking of his hands and the trembling of his voice. Python was out of the room and in hot pursuit before Johnny even took the corner, breathless laughter trailing behind to better guide Python.

  * * * *

  Johnny knew he was in over his head. He may have been over two hundred years old but when it came to sexual experience, well he could count those on the fingers of one hand. Being practically a slave for the last thirty years hadn't lead to a lot of leisure time so most of those experiences had been with kappa females when he’d been living with his father in the pond. There may have been a human boy too, he’d had to sneak out and visit him in the village. Those stolen moments had featured in many of Johnny’s dreams.

  He wasn't a virgin. Just really close to being one. Johnny wondered if having not had sex for more than one hundred years could make him a virgin again. His heart almost jumped out of his chest as he heard Python quickly run toward his own bedroom, where Johnny had chosen to run to and wait for his mate. He wanted this with Python and with a sigh realized that he was being silly. The naga had been nothing but nice and attentive, he’d know how to guide Johnny without making him feel bad. His traitor heart beat faster at the thought that Rei should have been here with them. He banished all negativity and turned to watch Python half-run in the bedroom, face flushed and hair disarray, his pupils wide and a stunned fixed look on his face. Johnny did that to him. He relaxed in the pillows and his nerves melted just like that.

  “Took you long enough.”

  “Had to unfreeze my brain first. That was sneaky of you.”

  Python practically prowled the room, eyes predatory, focused on every small move Johnny made. It made it harder to breathe, harder to ignore the heat in those eyes burning trails on the skin they focused on. Harder… in general.

  “Sneaky would have been to just start without you and not wait for you to find me. Like this.”

  His hand had been slowly heading south and he teasingly flipped the elastic band of his briefs before slowly pulling the zipper down and parting the material over his barely covered erection. He resisted the temptation to really take matters in his own hands and crooked a finger at Python, demanding the naga got closer. Johnny really needed help out of these jeans before his lower body blood flow was completely constricted. He got why Ryuu had insisted on these particular jeans but still. Not very practical if Johnny wanted to ever have kids or ever walk straight again.

  “How did you get into those? They look painted on.”

  Not that Python seemed to mind that if his hungry eyes were to judge by.

  “You think you can lend me a hand here? If I keep them on for longer things will start going numb down there.”

  Python let loose a surprisingly deep, carefree laugh and Johnny smiled back at him, ass shimming up and down in an attempt to get the damn jeans at least under his ass. His balls felt squished.

  “I can see that. I kinda enjoy seeing you do that for now.”

  The asshole leaned on his hands, body poised on top of Johnny but away and continued to watch him squirm, eyes twinkling with amusement. Johnny squinted at his mate in mock affront, probably not fooling anyone considering the sight of Python relaxed and happy had just liquefied his internal organs. Err, that was kind of a gross image.

  “You’d enjoy more seeing me do this without clothes on. And with you on top of me. Preferably in me too.”

  He went beetroot red in an instant. Python wasn't doing any better, mouth ajar and breathing harshly. Shit, had he just said that?

  “Yeah. You’re a genius, Johnny. A fucking gorgeous, sexy, genius. God, you make me go crazy. Naked. Please.”

  Desperate hands made quick work of both their clothes. Jeans, shirts and socks landed all over the place and Johnny thought he saw his briefs hanging from the bedside lamp. He hoped he’d just imagined that. He didn't have time to feel embarrassed or remember his previous nervousness. He didn't have time to prepare and over think what was happening. It all came in a rush, making the world spin around him with the realization that this was it. He was claiming and being claimed by his mate. Breathing just got harder once hands got to touch skin and mouths mapped each other’s body in reverent caresses. Python dropped his body on Johnny’s, blanketing his smaller body and all that skin touching made them lose focus and most likely short circuited Johnny’s brain. He’d expected it to be fast and dirty. Wouldn't have minded it at all if it went that way. He got slow caresses and consuming kisses instead, Python keeping his eyes open and focused on Johnny as his hands slowly drove the kappa insane with desire. He found it cliché but true nonetheless to say that he’d never felt this way. It was not the mindless desire, the rush to reach the finish line he’d expected. It was a banked fire, slowly burning him from the inside and making space for all these feelings he didn't dare name. Johnny was terrified and delighted. He was desperate to have and keep this moment forever and he clutched at Python’s back, nails digging in and holding the other man close, closer still. Python breath rushed out, tickling the side of his neck and Johnny arched his neck sideways, making room for Python to nibble and kiss the sensitive skin there.

  “What do you like? How do you want this?”

  Johnny moaned and arched as Python started to nibble on his puffy sensitive nipples and it took some effort to feel coherent enough to answer.

  “You. Gods. You. Want you. Python.”

  He had more to say. Johnny could say how he felt like this was where he was supposed to have been all this time, in Python’s arms. It felt true but too early still. It wasn't the time; a part of them was still missing. Johnny could also tell him how his heart went crazy every time Python or Rei just looked in his direction. True but probably scary for the still gun-shy naga. Johnny knew Python had needed a mate desperately, first out of loneliness or maybe because of the curse, it hadn’t mattered at first. It had felt good to be needed. Johnny had thought he will have to wait to be also wanted. Johnny had thought Python was getting there slowly and every soft look and awestruck caress the naga had bestowed on him during these last days just proved it. He’d waited what seemed an eternity to be free of his grandfather, his master torturer. Johnny knew he could wait much more to have everything he’d ever wished for. Acceptance. A family. Love. Even whith his entire being longing for the two gorgeous guys meant to be his, he’ll wait knowing it was worth it. To be here now with Python and see the way the naga practically worshiped his body was close to bringing Johnny to tears. Oh, how he’d wanted this. To feel like this. Cherished.

  “Hey. You alright? I lost you there for a second.”

  “Not going anywhere.”

  The blinding smile Python gave him helped calm down his thoughts and he reached up to kiss his gorgeous guy. He managed to clash their teeth on the first try, bump their noses o
n the second and had a good laugh about their clumsiness on the third. It felt natural, like coming home when their lips finally touched and their arms swung around, binding them closer. Johnny sighed and Python smiled, lips against his neck. They didn't feel any urgency to up the game and felt quite satisfied with the slow burn, the tender exploring of one another for the first time. The way Python looked at him, his hands slowly gliding on Johnny’s body and the sweet smiles he kept on throwing his way like he still couldn’t believe either that he got Johnny- everything was perfect.

  “I wanted you like this since the first moment I saw you. Never thought I’ll get to have you.”

  Johnny gasped in the wet, decadent kiss and moaned when he felt those talented fingers inching towards his southern parts. He craved.

  “I wanted you too. I even talked with Rei about you.”

  “You did?”

  “Noooo! Don't stop! We were getting to the good part!”

  Python chuckled, honest to God, chuckled and pecked Johnny on his pouting lips. Mmmm, sweet. Still, he was so turned on he couldn't appreciate the gesture properly.

  “Slow down, imp. We have time. Lately I’ve been feeling better and better. I think just being near you and connecting with my mate is making me better.”

  Err. Right. THAT.

  “Johnny? What is it?”

  “I may have given you some of my water.”

  “What’s that?”

  Python’s confused expression was hilarious combined with their mutual nakedness. Or maybe that was only hysterical laughter on Johnny’s part. How do you explain something so important, sacred even?

  “Full-blooded kappa have like a small depression on the middle of their head. When they go on land, they carry a liquid there, their water. It’s not generally known, and even less known that the liquid is not pure water, is like a mixture of our pure essence, our magick? I’m only half-kappa but I still get to have the Water. It has certain properties. Healing. Err, giving or restoring immortality?”


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