The Last Time Traveler
Page 26
“So, Azure,” Morgan said after taking a moment to brace himself. “I don't suppose you'd like to dance?”
“Actually, I would,” she replied.
“Oh crap!” he exclaimed. “I just remembered! I don't know how to dance!”
“That's not a big deal, Morgan,” she replied with a smile.
“Yes it is!” he disagreed. “I mean, I would gladly carve my own heart out at this very table ten minutes from now in order to know how to dance at this very moment!”
“I meant,” she replied, shaking her head, “I think I can teach you.”
“I taught you to shoot didn't I?”
“Well, yeah,” he replied. “I guess you did at that.”
“And then you taught me to shoot.”
“So,” she said with a coy smile. “It's my turn anyway.”
“I can see that,” he said, standing up and taking her by the hand.
He helped her from her seat and the couple strolled to the dance floor taking up a position near their friends.
“Now,” she said, “you take one of my hands, and put your other hand in the small of my back.”
“Well,” he observed, sliding his hand into position, “I really like dancing so far.”
“I'm sure you do,” she smiled.
After an hour so he was actually doing fairly well. And it was very obvious, even to Morgan, that Azure really was enjoying herself. That alone was enough to keep him happy for the evening, if not for the rest of his life.
“You know, Morgan,” she said, as they danced slowly together cheek to cheek. “You saved my life again the other day.”
“I suppose so,” he agreed.
“And you haven't bragged about it even a little,” she continued.
“Nothing to brag about,” he replied. “Anyone who knew you would risk their life to save yours. It's as simple as that.”
“Maybe,” she said, drawing back to gaze into his eyes, “but that's not really my point.”
“Then what is,” he smiled, a slight blush on his face.
“That I owe you one,” she replied.
“You don't owe me...” he began.
His thought was interrupted by her warm lips being pressed against his. And this time she certainly didn't seem to be in such a rush to get it over with. There were really several reasons for this, but the main one was the fact that she wasn't just counting off the seconds until she could justifiably slap his teeth out. As the moments of paradise ticked off through Morgan's mind, he finally understood why Robert had almost collapsed when he had kissed Cleo. There was something truly epic about suddenly, and unexpectedly, satiated desires. He felt his own knees weakening as she pulled slowly away.
“Now we're even,” she smiled, before once again resuming their dance.
She laid her head on his chest and took a deep breath. This encouraged the young man enough to speak.
“I don't suppose,” he said softly, “I could get another one on credit.”
“No,” she giggled, before gently nudging him with her shoulder. “Well, not tonight, anyway.”
“Are you just being nice or should I be encouraged?”
“Well, I'm a very nice girl,” she pointed-out. “But you should definitely be encouraged. You've certainly gotten from nowhere to somewhere, Morgan.”
“I'm glad,” he replied, taking a deep breath and trying to determine whether or not he was actually just dreaming.
“I am too,” she admitted. “I honestly did wish you luck, even when I didn't think you had the slightest chance.”
“What changed that?” he asked, sincerely curious.
“A few things,” she explained. “Obviously the big one was saving my life twice.”
“But there really is more,” she continued. “I mean, you're clearly an idiot, but I think you really do have a good heart. For instance, it's obvious that you talked to Rob for Cleo.”
“How did you know that?”
“It was just a matter of me not being an idiot,” she replied.
“Oh yeah...”
“Well,” she sighed, blushing a slightly purplish hue, “that suit looks good on you, and your hair's not such a mess, and you smell really, really good tonight. I mean, I know that stuff doesn't really matter, but it's nice just the same. I know you like the way I look, but there's more you like about me than just that, right?”
“There is,” he replied, somewhat surprised that he was telling the truth, “There really honestly is. You're a genuinely good person. Did you know you had tears in your eyes when you helped save your people's home world?”
“I know,” she said. “I remember now, remember?”
“Oh yeah,” he replied. “Well, my point is that anyone that can feel that strongly about people they've never met... Well, they're special. And that makes you special.”
“Thank you,” she said, pulling back to look at him, a wide smile on her face. “Oh, and one last thing: I really like cinnamon, so that's a genuine plus.”
“Anytime you want another taste...”
“I'll let you know,” she interrupted, before laying her head back on his chest and continuing the dance.
The two couples actually decided to spend the rest of the evening dancing. Robert felt safe in the crowd and Cleo felt happy in his arms. Azure was enjoying the dancing itself as well as smelling Morgan basically non-stop throughout the night. And Morgan was so happy about what was going on that he was pretty sure something in the restaurant had activated that second hand weed smoke again and that this was all just another trip...
They finally dragged themselves home in the early hours of the morning. As they stood just outside the girls' rooms they all agreed they needed to do something like this again real soon. And with thoughts of just what that something might be they all quickly fell asleep.
Chapter 14: You Maniacs
“Permission to leave the ship, sir?” Morgan said stepping onto the bridge.
“Morgan, what are you...” Robert chuckled, spinning his seat around to face young man. “Morgan... What have you done to Azure?”
“I've rewound her to thirteen,” the young man replied.
“Okay...” the traveler replied, his brows knitted. “And how did you do that?”
“Doc helped.”
“Okay... Why did you do that?”
“If it wasn't for a good reason Doc wouldn't have let me do it,” Morgan pointed-out.
“I agree,” Robert nodded. “But the question still stands: why did you do that?”
“So I could live my fantasy,” Azure explained. “Morgan thought of it last night after our date.”
“So you're going to buy a monster truck?” the traveler asked.
“Don't be goofy, Rob,” Morgan replied.
“Well then...”
“Oh right,” the young man interrupted. “There's a monster truck park on the island. I looked it up on the future internet early this morning.”
“Really?” Robert asked before adding, “And we don't call it the future internet here in the future, Morgan.”
“Got ya,” the young man nodded. “And, yes, really. They even let you crush cars.”
“Indeed,” Morgan replied confidently. “Of course, it ain't free. I'm going to need an advance or some of that play money of yours.”
“I never said it was counterfeit,” the traveler pointed-out. “And you two are going alone?”
“We don't need a chaperon, Rob,” Morgan asserted.
“That's a fair point.”
“And she's thirteen.”
“That's a better point.”
“And Doc's coming with us.”
“That's the best point,” Robert agreed. “But what with Azure being a kid and you not needing a chaperon, why is Doc going?”
“He just likes monster truc
ks,” Morgan explained.
“Is that going to be your word for the day?”
“Maybe...” the traveler admitted, pulling a wad of bills from his pocket and handing it to the young man. “Anyways, since you've already put so much effort into this you can go. But seriously, bro, we got to get back to work this afternoon. Oh, and don't go nuts. And bring me back my change.”
“I know,” Morgan replied. “I ain't gonna blow all your... cash, I guess... on a second date.”
“This isn't a date, Morgan,” Azure corrected.
“I mean, I'm thirteen,” she continued. “Well obviously I'm not really, but you know what I mean.”
“I do,” the young man agreed. “And I really meant outing. Just think of me as your older brother.”
“Ugh!” she exclaimed. “No! That's awful!”
“Oh yeah...” he said thoughtfully. “I see what you mean. Especially since last night...”
“Ugh!” she interrupted. “Shut up, Morgan! You're making it worse. Are you trying to kill this for me?”
“No!” Morgan replied. “Not at all. Forget I said that! I've already spent hours getting all this ready for you. Today is all about you and we're going to go enjoy crushing cars. You as a young teenage girl, I as you're older brother's best friend who you secretly have a desperate crush on!”
“Wow...” she replied. “I think you actually managed to make my fantasy even better... Could you put on more of that cologne?”
“Yes...” he sighed hanging his head. “Rob?”
“Sure,” the traveler chuckled. “Help yourself.”
“Oh, and Morgan,” Robert added. “The next time we're here we'll get you your own. I just don't have time to deal with it today.”
“I would sincerely appreciate that,” Morgan admitted.
Just minutes later the heavily cologned young man was escorting his imaginary best friend's little sister... if you see what I mean... down the gangway, followed closely by Doc. For hours on end each of the three companions enjoyed a fantasy all their own. Doc had honestly always wanted to crush a car, he'd just never told anybody because it seemed beneath his dignity somehow. Azure was having almost the time of her life as an underage monster truck driver flying around a dirt track by the side of the older guy she had a serious crush on. And Morgan, well, believe it not, he had always wanted to do something for a woman that didn't involve any syrups, creams, or oils. He'd just never told anybody because it seemed beneath his dignity somehow...
The three made their way back to the ship fairly exhausted, but very contented. The first thing they did, of course, was get Azure back to the right age. This restored a few important checks on Morgan's love list that had gone missing for a few hours. And that made the young man feel very good as they were part of some other fantasies he hoped one day in the distant future to experience.
With the entire crew back on board Rob fired up the engines and pointed the ship toward their next destination.
“So,” Morgan said, sliding into a seat as soon as the ship was underway. “I been thinking about the underwear elastic.”
“Doesn’t surprise me,” the traveler admitted.
“No, I mean about the underwear elastic factor.”
“We’ve got to start calling it something else.”
“Maybe…” the young man replied, “but my point is: that bear could have found something else to eat.”
“What bear?” Robert asked.
“That bear that tried to kill us.”
“Oh…” the traveler chuckled, “that bear. What about it?”
“You didn’t need to feed it my clone,” Morgan pointed-out.
“Yeah, I know.”
“Well then why did you go to all the effort?”
“I thought it was funny,” Robert confessed. “A man’s got to have hobbies, Morgan.”
“I see where you’re coming from,” the young man replied.
“You're hobby seems to be going well, by the way,” the traveler observed.
“Your pursuit of Azure.”
“Oh,” the young man replied. “Yeah! It actually is! She kissed me again you know.”
“I saw,” Robert nodded. “Congratulations.”
“Thanks! It was the best... however many seconds it was... I lost count... of my entire life.”
“I'm sure!”
“She definitely used her tongue a little last night.”
“That's great, Morgan,” Robert replied, “but I think we may be straying into the realm of too much information at this point.”
“I got ya,” the young man nodded. “Gentlemen don't kiss and tell, that kind of thing.”
“Well... Gentlemen don't get descriptive about just how much tongue they did or did not get.”
“Right. Anyways, it was great. I taste like cinnamon, you know?”
“Your gum tastes like cinnamon,” Robert corrected. “So be sure to keep chewing.”
“Be prepared...”
“I'm beginning to believe that myself,” the traveler chuckled.
“So...” Morgan said, rotating his seat back and forth. “You didn't kiss Cleo last night...”
“No... No, I didn't.”
“Didn't you want to?”
“You know, Morgan,” Robert replied, turning his seat toward the young man, “for a guy that constantly asks insightful questions, that's possibly the stupidest thing you've ever asked me.”
“Then why didn't you?”
“Because, Morgan,” the traveler replied, a tone of defensive annoyance clearly in his voice, “I can't just kiss her. If my lips touch hers I'll end up going completely nuts. And then who knows what might happen... Nothing good... You can't jam holes in the dike if you're not ready for the flood...”
“Well, I was looking forward to it,” Morgan admitted. “It would have made the evening complete.”
“My kissing Cleo would have made the evening complete for you?”
“No...” Morgan replied shaking his head. “My shooting you with the tranq-gun would have.”
“Oh,” the traveler laughed. “Yeah, I guess I can see that. Especially after the cologne thing...”
“All joking aside,” the young man replied thoughtfully, “I think you should try kissing her again at some point.”
“You what?”
“Seriously, bro, you should be able to kiss your not-exactly-a-fiancé once a week or so without being complete overcome by uncontrollable passion.”
“It's not just me!”
“Oh, I know,” Morgan replied. “I'm talking about both of you. I mean, honestly, Rob, a man that's a million years old, or whatever you are, ought to have a little more self-control.”
“Well, I'm not a million years old to start with.”
“How old are you?”
“I don't remember,” Robert confessed. “However, physically I'm twenty-five. And I have all the everything that comes with that. When you couple that with the fact that I'm completely in love with Cleo and the fact that she's literally my biologically perfect mate, you can see how resisting temptation takes a bit of doing.”
“Sure,” the young man replied, “but you could build up a tolerance.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean,” Morgan continued, gazing directly into his best friend's eyes, “like building up an immunity to poison. You take small doses until your body gets used to it.”
“I don't know...” Robert sighed. “I mean, I do see what you're saying, but it sounds risky.”
“Well, I'll tell ya this, Rob: had I been out on a date with my dream man I would have wanted a kiss goodnight at the end of it. I mean, I guess I would... I sure don't feel nothing like that for ya, but I'm fairly certain Cleo does.”
“You make a point,” the traveler replied, gazing out into non-space. “But I'm doing it as much for her as I am for me.”
�In my opinion, brother, you need to work on your close sailing edge dancing a bit more. I mean, last night was the perfect opportunity and you didn't even make the attempt. We were in the middle of a huge crowd and I was all prepped to stop you if anything went too far. I wouldn't have even shot you if you'd've just a little tongue kissed her...”
“Yeah...” Robert sighed. “You're right again, man... It's just, I try not to think about what I'm missing. Ya know?”
“Sure,” Morgan replied. “Well... No, actually, I don't. I work hard to think about every possible detail of what I'm missing. But I guess I can see why you wouldn't want to do that...”
“Okay,” the traveler said with a tone of definite resolve. “I'm going to kiss her again.”
“Good man!”
“Right,” Robert nodded. “But don't rush me! I've got to work up to this man. And I've got to put a limit on it somehow.”
“What about like a once a week thing?”
“I don't know... Scheduling a kiss seems weird...”
“Well, don't schedule the kiss then. Schedule a date or something.”
“What exactly are you suggesting?” the traveler asked.
“What I'm saying,” the young man explained, “is that we try to get a weekly double date or something going on. Then, at the end of each date, you kiss her. If you go nuts, I shoot you. Everybody wins.”
“I guess I can see that actually... I mean, really Morgan, that is a pretty good idea.”
“Thank you, thank you. And honestly I wouldn't mind if you went nuts every week. I think I could get used to shooting you on a fairly regular basis. Especially as long as that cologne thing is going on...”
“Thanks, man.”
“No problem! In fact, the more I think about it, the more I'm looking forward to shooting you!”
“No, moron,” the traveler chuckled. “I mean, thanks for the talk. You really are insightful at times, man.”
“Glad to be of help.”
Mere minutes after this soul-searching conversation the entire crew was once again gathered around the conference table.
“Go ahead and say it, Rob,” Morgan said, dropping into the seat beside Azure.
“What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean.”
“No, I don't.”
“You want me to say it?” Morgan asked.