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Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda

Page 10

by Joseph Farrell

  Dr. Robert Becker comments that “Such a device has obvious applications in covert operations designed to driver a target crazy with ‘voices’ or deliver undetectable instructions to a programmed assassin.” In other words, we now have, at the push of a button, the technology either to inflict an electronic gaslight — or to create a true Manchurian Candidate. Indeed, the former capability could effectively disguise the latter. Who will listen to the victims, when electronically induced hallucinations they recount exactly parallel the classical signals of paranoid schizophrenia and/or temporal lobe epilepsy?143

  In other words, all the technologies are now in place to induce in a human target, via microwave radiation of particular frequencies, all of the characteristic features of religious revelations: dazzling light displays, unusual sounds, music, and even voices communicating in real words.

  Yet it does not stop there, for these technologies, combined with the “soft” technique of hypnosis, produced even more startling results:Perhaps the most ominous revelations, however, concern the mysterious work of J.F. Schapitz, who in 1974 filed a plan to explore the interaction of radio frequencies and hypnosis. He proposed the following:

  “In this investigation it will be shown that the spoken word of the hypnotist may be conveyed by modulated electro-magnetic energy directly into the subconscious parts of the human brain — i.e., without employing any technical devices for receiving or transcoding the messages and without the person exposed to such influence having a chance to control the information input consciously.”

  He outlined an experiment, innocent in its immediate effects yet chilling in its implications, whereby subjects would be implanted with the subconscious suggestion to leave the lab and buy a particular item; this action would be triggered by a certain cue word or action. Schapitz felt certain that the subjects would rationalize the behavior — in other words, the subject would seize upon any excuse, however thin, to chalk his actions to the working of free will...

  Schapitz’s work was funded by the Department of Defense. Despite FOIA requests, the results have never been publicly revealed.144

  In other words, in addition to having all the “technologies of revelation inducement,” if Schapitz’s experiments were successful — and their continued classification suggests that they were — then those technologies could also be used to induce certain actions in response to those “revelations.” All of these techniques’ and technologies’ effects, it was further discovered, could be amplified by the presence of an implant in the victim.145

  c. Electronic Dissolution of Memory: Missing Time, and Missing History

  As previously noted, one of the major problems that early mind manipulation research encountered was the “disposal” problem, i.e., how would the perpetrators of the experiments keep the experiments secret? One way, of course, was to simply have the participants murdered, but the other way, erasure of certain parts of their memory, was a more efficient “method” and one which, if means for doing so could be developed, would have its own benefits in the arsenal of mind manipulation. The goal was “EDOM,” or “Electronic Dissolution of Memory.” It is accomplished by nothing more complicated than the “blockage of synaptic transmission in certain areas of the brain,”146 similar to what happens in an ordinary stroke. The effect, again, can be produced by electromagnetic “jamming” of the signals of neural pathways, with the result that there is an “erasure of memory from consciousness” in “certain areas of the brain.”147 The result is “missing memory,” which, if one looks at it a different way, is nothing but the abductees’ “missing time” phenomenon, for by erasing memory, one is erasing time, and by erasing time — if performed on a large enough group of people, one is perforce erasing history.148

  Without certain memories, a person’s — or a group of persons’ — context for interpreting events and making decisions will inevitably change, so memory erasure can also be viewed as a means of social manipulation for the purpose of producing a certain class of actions. Again, the obvious implications for the putative “technologies of revelation” is rather obvious.

  But there is another possibility that such electromagnetic mind manipulation might have, and within the context of the possibility of truly planetbusting weapons, it is a frightening one, for one must ask: would a normal, sane person press a button and blow up a planet, à la George Lucas’ celebrated “Death Star” in his epic movie Star Wars? Probably not. What is required is no longer a “normal soldier,” but an insane one:There have always been recruits for even the most hazardous duties; what need of hypnosis?

  The need, in fact, is absolute.

  The modern battlefield has little place for the traditional soldier. Advanced weaponry requires an increasing level of technical sophistication, which in turn requires a cool-headed operator. But the all-too-human combatant — though capable of extraordinary acts of courage under the most stressful conditions imaginable — does not possess inexhaustible reserves of sang-froid.... As Richard Gabriel, the excellent historian of the role of psychiatry in warfare, writes:

  “Modern warfare has become so lethal and so intense that only the already insane can endure it....”


  According to Gabriel, the military intends to meet this challenge by creating “the chemical soldier,” a designer-drugged zombie in fighting man’s uniform...149

  But there may be no need for drugs at all, but merely the requisite electromagnetic field or “template” over a given region with a given target group of “soldiers,” for we have already seen the ability of this technology to produce emotional states and actions otherwise not normally experienced by an ordinary person, which would include the ability to induce “insane rages” for no reason. Why use drugs, which will leave traces — evidence — in the body, when electro-magnetic waves will do the same trick, and produce no detectable traces?

  d. “Abductions” and “Revelations:” A Common Method

  Strangely enough, there is more than just a passing similarity between the “alien abduction” experience and religious revelations, for as Cannon notes, many of those who have been victims of the abduction experience — and let’s be honest, they are victims — “have been directed to join certain religious/ philosophical sects.”150 I strongly urge abduction researchers to examine closely any small “occult” groups an abductee might join. For example, one familiar leader of the UFO fringe — aman well-known for his espousal of the doctrine of “love and light” — is Virgil Armstrong, a close personal friend of General John Singlaub, the notorious Iran-Contra player, who recently headed the neo-fascist World Anti-Communist League. Armstrong, who also happens to be an ex-Green Beret and former CIA operative, figured into my inquiry in an interesting fashion: An abductee of my acquaintance was told — by her “entities,” naturally — to seek out this UFO spokesman and join his “sky-watch” activities, which, my source alleges, included a mass channeling session intended to send debilitating “negative” vibrations to Constantine Chernenko, then the leader of the Soviet Union.151

  With the tenuous connection of all this bizarre and goofy activity to the World Anti-Communist League, headquartered in Taiwan at that time, the historical circle closes on the place that modern mind manipulation investigation began in earnest — Nazi Germany — as Cannon’s descriptions of the organization as “Neo-Fascist” is truer than he perhaps guessed, for the organization is now well-known to have been one of the havens of postwar Nazi activity, ostensibly in behest of its American “masters.”152

  Well might Cannon note the connection between mind manipulation, abductions, and cultic activity, for the data of two of them — mind manipulation and abductions — overlap: “If we could chart these phenomena on a Venn diagram, we would see a surprisingly large intersection between the two circles of information.”153 In other words, there are too many overlapping data points for the parallels between them to be entirely coincidental; the mind manipulation thesis, he notes,

  explains the
reports of abductee intracerebral implants (particularly reports involving nosebleeds), unusual scars, “telepathic” communication (i.e., externally induced intracerebral voices) concurrent with or following the abduction encounter, allegations that some abductees hear unusual sound effects (similar to those created by the hemi-synch and cognate devices), haywire electronic devices in abductee homes, personality shifts, “training films,” manipulation of religious imagery, and missing time.154

  This same methodology — comparison of detailed data points between the mind manipulation technologies and the details of “religious revelations” — will inform the final section of this chapter.

  4. The Beat Frequency of the Brain

  “The brain,” notes Cannon, “has a ‘beat’ of its own.”155 This fact was discovered by the German psychiatrist Hans Berger in 1924. Berger observedtwo distinct frequencies: alpha (8–13 cycles per second), associated with a relaxed, alert state, and beta (14–30 cycles per second), produced during states of agitation and intense mental concentration. Later, other rhythms were noted, which are particularly important for our present purposes: theta (4–7 cycles per second), a hypnogogic state, and delta (.5 to 3.5 cycles per second), generally found in sleeping subjects.156

  These publicly available facts became the basis for a whole new “industry” beginning in the late 1970s and into the early 1980s, as clever inventors devised machines like the “hemi-synch,” a headphone-like device that produced “slightly different frequencies in each ear” which the brain would then calculate the difference between, resulting in a kind of “beat frequency” to which it would then entrain itself. In other words, “the subject’s [electro-encephalogram] would slow down or [speed] up to keep pace with its electronic running partner.”157

  This idea of a beat frequency may seem odd or even unimportant, but it is in fact one of the crucial operational principles of so-called “scalar electromagnetics,” and a word or two more of explanation is thus worthwhile here. The whole basis of this type of phenomenon is interferometry and the establish- ment of a “beat frequency” as a kind of template for action. And the way to establish that “beat frequency template” is precisely to interfere, or blend, two or more signals of different frequencies on a region. The difference between all these interfered or blended frequencies then sets up a “standing wave” that is based on the beat frequency. One may think of the simple — though clumsy — analogy of taking a handful of pebbles of different sizes and throwing them into the calm surface of a pond. Each pebble will produce a wave pattern as it strikes the surface, and those patterns will cross and blend, establishing a momentary pattern on the surface that would represent the standing wave of the beat frequency. It is this pattern or template that the brain entrains itself to, and this point will become crucial in later sections of this chapter.

  5. The Beat Frequency, and Out-of-the-Body Experiences

  Oddly enough, one of the claims made for some of the “brain machines” that became popular during the late 1970s and early 1980s was that they could also “induce ‘Out-of-Body Experiences,’ in which the percipient mentally ‘travels’ to another location while his body remains at rest. This rapidly-developing technology has spawned a technological equivalent to the drug culture...”158 The apologetic implication for the possible existence of such technologies in ancient times is rather obvious, for such technologies could induce people to believe they have visited “heaven,” whether “in the body or not,” as the apostle Paul said.159

  6. The Remote Induction of Trances, Emotions, Specific Information, and Remote “Telepathy”

  As work progressed on the technologies of mind manipulation, it was soon discovered — via techniques such as the establishment of “beat frequencies” in a target brain or brains — that emotional states, including deep hypnogogic states, could be remotely induced without actual electrodes or implants having to be present in the brain itself. This technique was called RHIC, or “Remote Hypnotic Intracerebral Control.”160 The phenomenon was first reported by L.L. Vasilev of the University of Leningrad in the early 1930s.161 Thus, by producing beat frequencies in synch with the alpha, beta, theta or delta states of the brain’s natural functioning, the brain would naturally entrain itself to that beat frequency, and experience the corresponding emotional state. Thus, a subject could be made open to the possibility of remote suggestion by entraining a beat frequency in the theta cycle range and then beaming “voices” and instructions to the subject, since the same technology could be used, as we have seen, to induce a subject to hear actual “voices” in his brain.162

  There was yet another possibility that emerged from all this as well, and that was remote electromagnetic telepathy, or reading a target’s mind or emotional states by “deciphering the brain’s magnetic waves.” The project was under way since 1973 at the Advanced Projects Research Agency (ARPA).163

  7. Electromagnetic Alteration of DNA

  Beyond all these suggestive and disturbing possibilities and implications for the remote electromagnetic manipulation of the mind, however, there is one more, and that is the ability of prolonged exposure to electromagnetic fields to alter the very characteristics of human DNA itself. While not strictly germane to the subject being discussed here, it is worth noting that researcher Paul Brodeur maintains unequivocally that since the 1960s “the government and the military have systematically suppressed information about the genetic effects of microwaves in human beings and covered up a number of potentially embarrassing situations in which such effects have been observed.”164 Among the effects observed were the long-term permanent damage caused by chromosomal breaks, breaks that in turn were induced by prolonged exposure to such fields.165

  8. Section Summary

  At the end of this excursion into modern mind manipulation techniques and technologies, what do we have? A short review reveals the apologetic implications for the accounts alleged of special revelations in ancient times if such a technology is assumed to have existed and to have been used in ancient times, for by relatively simple means, the modern techniques and technologies can remotely induce:

  1. Emotional states of all sorts, from euphoria, anger, hypnogogic suggestibility, trance, and so on;

  2. Actual perception of “visions” and “voices” with specific information or instruction;

  3. Post-hypnotic suggestibility;

  4. Out-of-body experiences;

  5. Induction of false memories, “missing time” (and thus, missing history ), and false interpretive contexts.

  The only question now is, is there any evidence that such technologies, howsoever “primitive,” might have existed in ancient times? And if there existed an “elite” or “elites with agendas” to manipulate mankind into the earliest stages of civilization as was argued in the previous chapter, is there any evidence to suggest that these technologies were employed to manipulate the most socially cohesive force in human history, religion itself?

  The answer, sadly, is yes.


  In seeking to answer the question of whether or not such mind manipulation technologies existed and that they were used in ancient times to manipulate religion itself as a socially cohesive force, our attention must be focused, once again, on “texts,” with the understanding that, in a certain sense, monuments and structures themselves are “texts” to be understood and properly decoded by the requisite physics and engineering principles. Additionally, of course, we shall have to contend with actual written texts and what they portend in this regard.

  In a previous book — Babylon’s Banksters: The Alchemy of Deep Physics, High Finance, and Ancient Religion — I argued for the existence of a globallyextended financial elite that had attached itself to the temples and priesthoods of antiquity for the purpose of installing a financial monopoly over the private issuance of monetized debt, and for the purpose of manipulating the bullion policies of various
empires. As a consequence of this conclusion, I also argued that such manipulation would have required — then as now — asecure means of rapid communication between vast distances. That, in turn, would have required the existence of a hidden technology, or, at the minimum, a technology that was not genuinely appreciated as such by modern interpreters.166

  Fortunately, I did not have to look long nor far to find an engineer who had tackled precisely this problem, and who had made an amazing discovery, namely, the technology was the ancient temples themselves, and moreover, that technology was a scalar electromagnetic technology, in short, a radio technology.167 The engineer was a German professor of engineering, Prof. Dr. Konstantin Meyl, and his research was nothing less than stunning and sweeping in its implications. How else, he asked, could one make sense of some statements in classical texts that Roman Empire functionaries in distant regions of the Empire would “send to the Emperor” for instructions, and receive an answer at the latest the following night?168 Meyl’s answer is simply that there was a technology in play: religious temples.


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