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Genes, Giants, Monsters, and Men: The Surviving Elites of the Cosmic War and Their Hidden Agenda

Page 11

by Joseph Farrell

  Meyl states the case that ancient temples were actually sophisticated radio transmitters by posing the classic “engineer’s optimalization problem”:Let’s to some extent proceed from the knowledge of textbook physics currently present in high frequency engineering and give a welltrained engineer the following task, which he should solve systematically and like an engineer. He should build a transmitter with maximum range at minimum transmitting power, thus a classic of optimization. Doing so, the material expenditure doesn’t play a role!

  After mature deliberation the engineer will hit upon it that only one solution exists. He decides on a telegraphy transmitter at the long wave end of the shortwave band, at f=3 MHz, which corresponds to a wavelength of l=100m. There less than 1 Watt transmitting power is enough for radio communication once around the earth….

  And he optimizes further. Next the engineer remembers that at high frequencies, e.g. for microwave radiators, not cables but waveguides are used, since these make possible a considerably better degree of effectiveness. In the case of the waveguide the stray fields are reduced by alignment and concentration of the fields in the inside of the conductor. In the case of antennas, however, the fields scatter to the outside and cause considerable stray losses. He draws the conclusion that his transmitter should be built as a tuned cavity and not as an antenna!

  As a result the engineer puts a building without windows in the countryside with the enormous dimensions of 50 m length (=l/2) and 25 m (=l/4) respectively 12.5 mm (=l/8) width. The height he calculates according to the Golden Proportion to increase the scalar wave part. Those approximately are the dimensions of the Cella without windows of Greek temples.

  For the operation of such a transmitter in antiquity apparently the noise power of the cosmic radiation was sufficient, which arrived at the earth starting from the sun and the planets. By increasing the floor space also the collected field energy and the transmitting power could be increased, so that also from the perspective of the power supply, the temple with the largest possible wavelength at the same time promised the largest transmitting power, so at least in antiquity.

  Our engineer further determines that he will switch the carrier frequency on and off at a predetermined clock pulse. Thus he decides for radiotelegraphy. The advantage of this technique is a maximum of the increase of the reception range. For that the signals at the transmitter have to be coded and at the receiver again deciphered. By means of the encryption of the contents these are accessible only to the “insiders,” who know the code; prerequisite for the emerging of hermeticism and eventually a question of power!169

  With these insights in hand, Meyl examined various ancient temples, and calculated the resonant frequencies of the structures themselves, under the understanding that the structure itself was the waveguide.

  The results — while I did not comment on them in Babylon’s Banksters — were astounding, and here it is necessary to comment on them, because they are directly germane to the thesis being examined here, namely that these temples might also have functioned not only as transmitters and receivers for microwaves, but as mind manipulation environments. For the Temple of Zeus at Olympia, for example, Meyl calculated the frequency of the building to be 5 megahertz (MHz).170 For the temple of Athena, it was 7.5 MHz.171 For the Temple of Apollo at Corinth, 9 MHz.172 For the Temple of Venus and Roma, 6.8 MHz.173

  Why are these results so interesting? Because if one understands the laws of harmonics, they are all harmonics of the alpha and theta wave states of the brain! A “harmonic” is simply a multiple of a number, and thus, the Temple of Zeus, resonant to 5 MHz, is six orders of magnitude, that is, one million times more than 5 cycles per second, which is within the theta stage of brain wave activity, that stage associated with a hypnogogic state.174 For the Temple of Athena, resonant to 7.5 MHz, this would be a resonance at six orders of magnitude greater, exactly halfway between the alpha state of the brain, at 8–13 cycles, a state associated with a relaxed and alert state, and the theta state, again from 4–7 cycles per second. For the Temple of Apollo at 9 MHz, again the resonance is to the alpha state of the brain, and for the Temple of Venus and Roma, the theta state!

  To put it succinctly, in those cases examined by Meyl, not only are we dealing with microwave transmitters and receivers, but with structures that appear to have been deliberately designed to induce alpha or theta, or both states of mind, states of “relaxed alertness,” or a “hypnogogic” state, or a state of mind somewhere between the two! The same technology, based on pulsed radio waves, was also engineered to produce various emotional states for anyone inside the structures!

  So, in answer to the question of whether such technology existed, and whether it was ever deployed to manipulate the mental and emotional environment, our answer must be a tentative “yes.” But was that technology ever used in more overt ways and displays to manipulate the minds of men? Was it ever used to mold an entire religious consciousness?

  To answer that question, we must turn to the texts themselves, and to the provocative analysis of the husband and wife team of British researchers Christian and Barbara Joy O’Brien, and to the very disturbing questions for religious apologetics that they raise.


  With the existence of such admittedly primitive but nonetheless effective technologies in ancient times, an existence tied quite directly to the temples — for the technology was the temples — the speculative possibility arises that famous (or depending on one’s lights, infamous) revelations were the products of some sort of technological manipulation by an elite. One need only recall that all that was required to produce “out of the body experiences,” in the case of some “mind machines,” was an interference of two waves of different frequency to produce beat frequencies in a brain that would produce a requisite emotional-physiological state. In view of “the techniques and technologies of special revelation,” these potentialities, while highly speculative to be sure, do open the doors to apologetical difficulties posed by famous instances of “special revelation,” such as Paul’s “vision” of Christ on the road to Damascus, or Daniel’s and Joseph’s roles in the Old Testament interpreting dreams for their masters: were they dreams they themselves induced and subsequently “interpreted”? As noted in my book Babylon’s Banksters, the presence of a shadowy financial elite within the precincts of the ancient temple, an elite moreover ready and willing to manipulate religion to its own ends, raises the apologetical and interpretive bar substantially, especially if one entertains the possibility that something of a lost technology and technique of mind manipulation were preserved by that elite.

  But one need not only turn to technological speculations to perceive the enormous difficulties posed by mind manipulation in the context of religion, for as was previously observed, these constitute but one half of the total picture, the other half being the techniques of mind manipulation. And here, according to British researchers Christian O’Brien and his wife Barbara Joy, one need go no further than the Yahweh, or Jehovah, of the first five books of the Old Testament to see the use both of technologies and techniques for the total enslavement of a people, and their turning from normal moral constraints to a willingness to commit wholesale slaughter on behalf of their “divine master,” Yahweh.

  This is not to say that the O’Briens themselves view Yahweh’s technological displays and his behavior toward the Israelites as a manifestation of such technologies and techniques. In fact, they nowhere mention “mind control” or “mind manipulation” in connection with their examination of Yahweh’s character and behavior. Nonetheless, it is a disturbing possibility fraught with apologetical implications that clearly emerges from their examination, so it will be reviewed carefully here.

  Before reviewing the O’Briens’ examination of Yahweh’s character and behavior, however, it is worth pausing to take note of the assumptions and the basic methodology that form th
e context of their interpretation. There are four basic assumptions and methods driving their interpretation of the Yahweh of the Torah, and particularly, of the book of Exodus:1. There is an ancient elite manipulating the events of human history and religion operating behind the scenes. This elite is connected to and composed of members of the “Anunnaki,” a race of “shining ones” whom the O’Briens view as the genetic “cousins” of modern-day Homo sapiens sapiens, and indeed, whom they view as having genetically manipulated the latter species into existence. Some of that elite rebelled and broke ranks with the rest, interfering in human affairs in a proscribed fashion. For the O’Briens, the Yahweh of the first five books of the Old Testament is precisely one such individual rebelling, fallen, “shining one.”

  2. The Shining Ones, representing an advanced, genetically related race to mankind, also possessed an advanced technology which, in Yahweh’s case, they believe was used to cow and coerce the Israelites into unhesitating, unquestioning obedience to Yahweh and his plans for conquest.

  3. In their examination of the character, behavior, and actions of Yahweh in the Torah, the O’Briens subject him to an unhesitating and thoroughly critical examination based on normal standards of human decency and morality, and find him thoroughly wanting in compassion, love, and exhibiting classical symptoms of paranoia, schizophrenia, and a genocidal blood and war lust comparable to a Stalin or a Hitler.

  4. In their examination, the O’Briens make it clear that they believe the name “Yahweh” itself might be a titular usage, similar to “the Lord Mayor of London,” a usage that is not therefore a proper name, but the name of a position within a hierarchy that different occupants fill at different times, thus accounting — in the O’Briens’ minds — for the vast changes of character and behavior from the Yahweh of the Torah to the Yahweh of, for example, prophets such as Isaiah. It is best to cite their own words here:This Yahweh was only one of the leaders of the Shining Ones. The fact that he was always defined as ‘Leader’ — whether he was taking part in the establishment of the Garden in Eden; pretending to make Abraham sacrifice his eldest son on a woodpile; handing a Code of Laws to Hammurabi; militarily training the Israelites for the conquest of Canaan; or sacrificing the Jewish remnants to the cruel ravages of Babylon — has led to much confusion.

  The participant in all these activities was not a single entity.175

  Our review of the O’Briens’ examination of Yahweh will concentrate on these four areas. In order to demonstrate the close comparison of some of Yahweh’s behavior toward the Israelites and that of various mind manipulation techniques, that review will of necessity have to be as comprehensive as possible.

  1. Yahweh as One of the Shining Ones

  As a representative of the “Shining Ones” whom the O’Briens believe to have been a genetically related race to mankind, and indeed, its ultimate genetic engineers, the assumption that Yahweh is a representative of that race — and therefore not God or “a god” in any sense — is therefore a study that would yield considerable information about that race. As they put it:From a detailed study of this Yahweh, we ought to be able to formulate our ideas on the true characteristics of the Shining Ones — their physical attributes, their temperaments, their technological attainments, and the nature of their relationships with the humans with whom they lived and worked — in much greater depth than we have been able to achieve hitherto.176

  That, however, did not come without a caveat, for the character of Yahweh — if indeed he was one of the Shining Ones to begin with — was hardly typical of them as a group:And yet, we have an uneasy feeling about this Yahweh, and must enter a caveat — he may not have been typical of his race. He was bellicose and vindictive, and appears to have been determined to conquer the peoples of the Middle East by force.177

  This reading of Yahweh as a vindictive, bellicose conqueror is the characteristic that most identifies him as one of the rebelling Shining Ones, a characteristic that will be examined more closely in the second part of this book.

  So odd, so unusual is Yahweh’s behavior when compared to the rest of the Shining Ones that the O’Briens question whether he — and they — are in fact genetically related to humanity at all. “This study of Yahweh may help us to solve the perplexing and disturbing question of whether” he even “belonged to our genus — perhaps Homo sapiens sapiens sapiens — or some other genus with which we are not familiar.”178

  2. A Genetic Agenda?

  For the O’Briens, the answer to that question is a tentative “yes, the character of Yahweh belongs to a related genus,” for as they point out, Yahweh appears to have some sort of hidden genetic agenda with respect to the ancient Hebrews, an agenda that is never quite fully revealed, nor one that is ever quite fully concealed either:...before we discuss the enigma [of Yahweh] proper, it must be stressed that the building of the Hebrew nation was achieved by a deliberate process of selection which stretched back to Noah. His family was selected for survival after the Flood; and Terah’s family was selected from the Semitic peoples of Ur; and out of it Abraham was chosen, over his brothers, for reasons that we can only guess at. Possibly they were genetic; but another aspect may have been that Sarah, Abraham’s wife, was barren — and this may have given the opportunity for another remarkable genetic opportunity.179

  Later on, of course, another selection was made with Jacob over Esau, this time, note the O’Briens, “by a somewhat underhanded manoeuvre,”180 referring to Jacob playing a trick on his father Isaac, and receiving Esau’s blessing in his place.181

  All this, to the O’Briens, is suggestive of a hidden genetic agenda:The purity of the strain, which Yahweh required, continued to be carefully monitored. He was determined that the line through the Patriarchs from Abraham should continue as he wished it — and he was looking quite a long way into the future. Five hundred years were to pass before he was satisfied that he had achieved the Nation that he wanted.182

  The implication — even though they do not spell it out in so many words — is clear, for if Yahweh was intent upon conquest, as they believe, then one possible reason for the constant genetic manipulation might be to create a leader-caste with the requisite warrior characteristics. That there are other possibilities for this hidden genetic agenda will be explored in the second part of this book.

  3. Yahweh’s “Pillar of Fire:” The Technological Component

  Central to their thesis that Yahweh, far from being “God” or “a god,” is a real physical, humanoid creature is the pillar of fire, the technology by which and from which he leads, and intimidates, the Hebrews.We are told that he led them from inside an airborne ‘pillar of cloud’ by day, which became a ‘pillar of fire’ by night. And here it must be stressed that, after dark, ‘fire’ and ‘light’ became synonymous terms because, as we emphasized in the case of Enoch, there was no other light than that made by fire which the chronicler could conceive as illumination, either for the interior of a house, after dark, or for the interior of an airborne object. It is also recorded that the pillar of fire lighted their path by night, which suggests that it was a large, very bright object that spread its light over an extensive area.

  (Ex. 13:21) “The Lord went before them in a pillar of cloud by day to guide them along the way and a pillar of fire by night, that they might travel day and night.”

  At this point it is essential to clarify the issue of the ‘pillar’ because it is a focal point in any attempt to access the level of technology available to the Shining Ones. We must also consider another quotation, slightly out of chronological order:

  (Ex. 14:24) “At the morning watch, the Lord looked down upon the Egyptian army from a pillar of fire and cloud, and threw the Egyptian army into a panic.”

  There is a gratifying consistency about this short passage because, in the half-light of the morning watch, the airborne object might be expected to show both its daylight form and the light from its source of illumination.

  It is essential to this study that we, al
so, should be consistent by treating the evidence provided by the various chroniclers realistically. If they are lying, or indulging in fantasy, absurdities would very soon show up. But neither the Kharsag epics, nor Enoch, nor the Biblical accounts, nor the Atra-Hasis, has dealt in absurdities — only in apparent anachronisms.

  But since all four have consistently described to us a level of technological achievement for the Shining Ones, equal to, or in advance of, our own — we should now accept that they were an advanced race, and cease to be surprised at the wonders which they display.

  In the case of the ‘pillar of cloud,’ the chronicler, who was possibly Moses, was describing a phenomenon outside his normal range of experience, just as Enoch was doing at the House of the Most High, but our experience is not so restricted, and we should have a better chance of identifying the object than Moses had.183

  Note the statement from Exodus italicized in the previous quotation, that Yahweh guided the Hebrews “that they might travel day and night,” for this will become a clue, as we shall see, nor only to a technology, but to the techniques in play.

  4. The Threats Begin: The Carrot, the Stick, and Other Techniques


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