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Love With a Scandalous Lord

Page 5

by Lorraine Heath

  “Do you read, Miss Westland? he asked, fighting to keep the formality in the dining room, when he had an irrational urge to lean toward her and ask what he could bestow upon her that would keep the smile gracing her face.

  “Oh, yes, I love to read.

  “Perhaps you would be so kind as to honor us with a reading following dinner?

  Her eyes lit up as though hed just offered her a chest filled with diamonds, emeralds, and rubies.

  “Id like to read aloud very much, she said.

  “Splendid. It has been some years since my mother read to us in the library during the evening. I rather miss it.

  “I suppose Papa missed it as well once he moved to Texas. He always reads to us after supper.

  “Grayson was never included in our little family gathering, he said.

  She jerked back slightly as though hed slapped her. He didnt know why he felt a need to talk bluntly, to reveal the ugly side of his family.

  “I hope youll forgive me if I speak frankly, but Im having a difficult time seeing your mother as anything except cruel.

  Her outburst intrigued him, not only because it seemed out of place when she was clearly mortified each time her mother spoke her mind, but because it caused him to realize that her mother might not have been the only one willing to go to battle for Grayson this afternoon or now. He found himself wondering what it would take for Lydia to jump to his defense, and just as quickly he dismissed the fanciful thought. If he had learned one thing over the years it was that he was not prone to receiving loyalty from ladies of quality. And for good reason.

  “With the exception of your stepfather, my entire family is cruel.

  “I dont believe you are, she said.

  “Trust me. I can be most unpleasant when the mood strikes.

  “I dont recall you having unpleasant moods when you were younger, Grayson said.

  “We all change.

  Blast it ! He didnt know what had prompted him to say that or why he felt he needed to behave irascibly. If he didnt want to dine with these people, he need not have invited them to join him.

  “I suppose since your father is ill, youll have to miss the Season, Lydia said softly, as though testing his mood.

  “The season? Hed rather been enjoying the milder weather of late. May was upon them. What was there to miss?

  She nodded quickly. “In London. The balls

  “Ah, yes, the Season. Even if his father were not ill, he doubted he would be welcomed into any homes. The gentlemen might not know who he was, but many of the ladies would recognize him, and none would risk a careless word or an intimate gaze that might reveal theyd spent time alone in his company. “Yes, I fear Ill miss it this year.

  And every year hence.

  “Lauren suspects this Season will be her last, she said.


  “My cousin. Mamas niece. The Earl of Ravenleighs stepdaughter.

  “Ah, yes. The task of unraveling the intricate weaving of these families was certain to give him a headache. He shifted his attention to Grayson. “Ravenleighs brother was one of your mates, was he not?

  “Kit still is, as a matter of fact. Now he represents the law in Texas.

  “Who would have thought such incorrigible young men would do so well? What of Bainbridge?

  “Harry owns a saloon, a pub, so to speak. He provided the whiskey I sent you.

  “Youre indeed fortunate to have such good friends. He lifted his glass for another sip of wine, suddenly acutely aware that should Grayson ask after his friends, he would have to readily admit he had none.

  He couldnt prevent his gaze from wandering back to Miss Westland. She sat with her head bowed as though shed been duly chastised. It occurred to him that shed been attempting to engage him in conversation, and hed shifted the dialogue away from her to Grayson.

  If he put her in his bed, he could communicate with her throughout the night. He was less skilled at dinner conversation.

  “Miss Westland, you were saying that your cousin expected this Season to be her last, he prompted.

  She gave him the loveliest of smiles, obviously pleased hed paid the slightest bit of attention to her.

  “Yes, my lord. She hopes to settle on a gentleman very soon. She leaned toward him and whispered conspiratorially, “Shes very near to being considered unmarriageable.

  “Lydia! her mother said sternly.

  “Well, she is, Mama. Shes twenty-three. She looked to him for affirmation. “Dont you think if she doesnt choose someone soon, she may lose all hope of choosing anyone at all?

  “I should think if she is half as charming as you, her age will matter not at all. Any man will consider himself most fortunate to be the beneficiary of her affections.

  He saw the shallow rising and lowering of her chest as she fought not to be flustered by his flattery. Much could be said for the modestly low cut of her gown.

  “Youre very kind to say so, my lord.

  He almost reminded her that he wasnt kind, only the words had been kind, but the warm pleasure in her eyes was as intoxicating as his wine.

  “I suppose I have my moments.

  And he needed to ensure he had fewer of them. Miss Westland looking at him as she now was could lure him into forgetting his past mistakes, and in so doing, bring harm to them both.

  Lydia sat in the library, mystified. The walls were at least two stories high with a landing along two of them, halfway between the floor and ceiling. A staircase spiraled to the landing. On the second level, a ladder with wheels provided access to the shelves near the ceiling.

  And books. She remembered the thrill shed experienced the first night her stepfather had shared his single book Ivanhoe . And here an incredible number of leather-bound books lined the shelves.

  An immense desk stood at one end of the room. A sitting area occupied the area in front of the huge fireplace that dominated the lower portion of one wall.

  She imagined all the nights when the residents of the manor curled up in a chair before a cozy fire and selected readings to their hearts content. The abundance of good fortune visited upon these people was overwhelming.

  Yet in spite of all the finery and possessions that surrounded them, she had yet to see the Marquess offer even a hint of a smile. He sat in a chair across from her, while her parents shared the sofa beside her chair. The Marquess looked dreadfully bored while he listened to her stepfather explaining various aspects of his cattle venture.

  Lydia heard the click of the door opening behind her but refused to turn around, to give any indication her curiosity was piqued. A true lady did not exhibit vulgar curiosity.

  The Marquess simply raised his hand and motioned for someone to enter, barely taking his gaze from her stepfather. He hadnt glanced at Lydia since theyd entered the room. Feeling plain and uninteresting, she wished shed never agreed to spend the evening in his company.

  She became aware of several quiet footsteps and a hushed whisper. She glanced over her shoulder to see half a dozen young servants surrounding her brother and sister. In her surprise, she blurted, “What are you doing here?

  “ They said we were supposed to come, Sabrina answered, pointing her finger toward the servants.

  “I must apologize, Miss Westland. When I asked if you would read, I neglected to clarify that my servants would be joining us, the Marquess said. “I hope you dont mind. The younger ones, in particular, enjoy listening.

  “No, of course, I dont mind, she said, forcing herself to smile. Shed hoped to dazzle him with her reading, but she hadnt expected a large audience.

  “Did you pass the test, Lyd? Sabrina asked as she skipped forward and wedged herself in the large chair, worming her way between Lydia and the side of the chair.

  “What test? her mother asked.

  Heat suffused Lydias face, and she thought she finally had Rhyss undivided attention. At this moment, she didnt want it. She shook her head. “Nothing.

  “Lyd was taking a test tonight, Sabrina announc

  Lydia wanted to die of mortification, when Rhyss gaze intensified as though he wanted to decipher this strange announcement.

  “She was studying her books before dinner

  Lydia interrupted Sabrina. “Speaking of books, Im ready to begin reading at any time.

  The Marquess took a book from the table beside him, stood, crossed over, and handed it to her.

  She glanced at it and then up at him. “Mark Twain. I would have thought youd prefer British authors.

  “I find his works revealing. If youll excuse me, I wish to spend some time with my father now. I truly appreciate your willingness to read to my servants. A chapter or two should suffice for them this evening.

  Disappointment rammed into her with the realization that she was obviously being dismissed. “Im happy to oblige.

  He stepped back, and the servants quickly gathered in front of her, sitting on the thick, lush carpet at her feet.

  “Ill join you if youve no objection, her stepfather said.

  “None at all, the Marquess murmured. He bowed slightly. “Ladies, it was my pleasure to dine with you this evening. Now, I bid you good night.

  She watched him stride from the room. Her stepfather brushed a kiss across her mothers cheek before following his brother out.

  “His Lordship got as far as chapter ten last night, a young man said, his voice riffed with impatience.

  Lydia glanced down on him. He was probably only a year or two older than Colton, but his brown eyes looked much older. “His Lordship reads to you?

  “Every night, he answered. The other servants bobbed their heads. A couple of the girls looked to be only a few years older than Sabrina.

  “William came and got us when it was time to come, Sabrina said, as though the boy sitting beside her, the one who had recently spoken, was the most wondrous of creations. “He told us about the readings.

  “That I did, the boy said.

  “Well, Ill try to do as fine a job as His Lordship.

  Lydia opened the book to the page that had been marked with a bit of silk, and wondered what sort of man could appear to be so distant, and yet take the time to read to his servants?

  Rhys sat in the dimly lit room, the flame in the lamp resting on the table beside his fathers bed burning low. The draperies were drawn closed, as though someone feared a spot of moonlight might serve to make the room less gloomy. And that simply would not do under the circumstancesto give any indication at all that they were not on the verge of mourning.

  Hed hoped for a few minutes alone with his father, but he could not fault Grayson for wanting more time with the old man. After all, for all intents and purposes, hed been exiled these past fifteen years. He had a great deal of catching up to do, and their fathers lucid moments were few.

  Grayson sat in a chair on the opposite side of the bed. They had not spoken since leaving the library, and Graysons gaze seldom shifted from their fathers face. Rhys found it difficult to draw comfort from the awkward situation.

  But then, comfort was as foreign to him as the land upon which his brother now resided.

  “Do you intend to allow Miss Westland to experience a Season here? Rhys asked quietly, although he doubted any noise would disturb his fathers deep sleep.

  Grayson sliced his gaze to Rhys, his brows drawing together. “I had not contemplated doing so. Have you a reason to care?

  “It is only that she seemed to express an interest in doing so. I should think she would not require more than a ball or two to snag herself a man of distinction.

  “She could be no more my daughter had I sired her.

  “That is obvious.

  “It is equally obvious you have an interest in her.

  “I assure you that I view her as nothing more than my guest. Would you have me ignore her?

  “I would have you recognize she is far from being worldly. Fortune is a very small town. Lydia has no experience with the flirtatious games that are played here. I would not have her harmed or her heart bruised.

  “She is exceedingly lovely. But I assure you that I would never exploit her innocence.

  With a heavy sigh, Grayson plowed his hands through his hair. “My apologies. Its been a long day. Every man should be blessed and burdened with a daughter. Its difficult to see her as a woman and to know the lurid thoughts that often find purchase in mens minds.

  Rhys averted his gaze. Grayson would no doubt be appalled to know his exact thoughts. Although he wouldnt classify them as lurid . They leaned more toward the sensual. Erotic. Pleasurable. He was grateful his chambers were in a distant wing far from the one hed designated for his guests.

  “I suppose once you step into Fathers shoes, youll need to give serious thought to marriage, Grayson said speculatively.

  Rhys turned his attention back to his brother. “I hadnt planned to.

  “Youll need an heir.

  “Im certain a scrounging of the family tree will uncover a distant cousin somewhere who will suffice for that purpose.

  Grayson leaned forward, planting his elbows on his thighs. “You cant be serious.

  “Deadly so.

  “But you have a responsibility

  “To what? He lunged out of the chair and began to pace. “To make a woman miserable? My mother has never known a day of happiness. And Annie, dear, sweet Anniehellip;

  He turned his back on Grayson and wrapped his hand around the bedpost. He thought his chest might cave in on him as the painful memories swamped him.

  “Annie was Quentins wife, wasnt she? Grayson asked quietly.

  Swallowing hard, Rhys nodded.

  “Father wrote me when she died.

  He faced Grayson. “Did he share the specifics?


  Rhys twisted his lips into a cynical smile. “Trust Father to avoid the reality of the situation. Perhaps he was so fascinated with your mother because she lived on the stage in a world so far removed from this one. He no doubt wished to join her in the realm of make-believe.

  “How did Annie die?

  He lowered his gaze, the ache in his chest increasing. “She took her own life.

  “Marriage to Quentin could not have been pleasant.

  No, Rhys was certain it hadnt been. Hed often caught Annie crying in the garden, and while shed refused to admit Quentin was the cause, Rhys could think of no other explanation. On occasion in their London town home where his room was adjacent to Quentins, hed thought hed heard Annies muffled cries during the night. But he was also certain that Quentins cruelties paled when compared with his.

  He shook his head slowly, painfully acknowledging the truth that until this moment had only been shared by the immediate family, by those who had read the words shed inscribed on Harrington parchment during her last moments.

  “Quentin didnt compel her into doing the unthinkable. I did.

  The confession left a bitter taste in his mouth. He thought he might be ill, as ill as hed been the night Annie died.

  Hating the heavy silence, he glared at Grayson. “Have you nothing to say? No condemnation?

  “Based upon what Im seeing, I suspect you received enough of that when it happened. What exactly did you do that caused her to take her life?

  His lips twisted into a wry smile. “I loved her.

  Chapter 5

  A true lady shall converse gaily on pleasant matters which offer no opportunity for offense to the listener.

  Miss Westlands Blunders in Behavior Corrected

  U nable to sleep, Lydia stared at the shadows haunting the corners of her bedroom. Not quite comfortable with the unfamiliar surroundings, Sabrina had asked to share Lydias bed tonight. Lydia hadnt minded. She found comfort in her sisters soft breathing and her small body curled against Lydias back. For Sabrina, dreams no doubt had arrived shortly after she closed her eyes.

  Lydia knew she should find solace in dreams as easily, but the days excitement had yet to wane, even though disappointment had threaded its way through portions of it. Although t
heir journey had begun as a result of sad news, shed hoped the trip would give her an opportunity to see a part of the world shed only heard about.

  Now her enthusiasm for traveling to London had lessened. Repeatedly shed made mistakes throughout the afternoon and evening. Rhys had often dismissed her. She was certain he was accustomed to wittier, livelier conversation. It had been years since shed felt like a child trying to peer into the grownups world. She would fail miserably in London.

  Casting aside the blankets, she eased out of the bed, reached for her night wrapper, and slipped it on. As large as this house was, she suddenly felt it closing in on her.

  She padded barefoot to the door. Quietly she opened it and peered into the hallway. No one stirred. But then why would they? It was long past midnight.

  Creeping along the hallway, she neared the Dukes bedchamber. She wondered if Rhys was still visiting with his father. Her stepfather had returned to the library shortly before theyd retired for the evening. Hed looked more haggard than ever.

  She was almost to the stairs when she heard a low moan come from the Dukes bedchamber. Was someone with the man now? Surely they hadnt left him alone in his weakened state.

  She wondered if she should fetch her stepfather to check on him. But she couldnt bring herself to disturb her stepfather if the slightest chance existed that he was already asleep. She didnt think hed slept well since hed received the news of his fathers failing health.

  Surely no one would fault her for looking in on the Duke. If a problem existed, she was sure she could find a servant somewhere in the house. And if not, she could wake her stepfather then.

  Placing her hand on the cold knob, she turned it slowly, quietly. Pushing open the door, she was greeted with the overpowering fragrance of far too many flowers. She would have opened a window to allow in some fresh air, but the scene beyond the shadows riveted her.

  With the low flame in the lamp on the table beside the bed casting a halo around his bowed head, Rhys held his fathers hand. A heart-wrenching pose, a son with his father in the final hours.

  She felt like an intruder, and yet she couldnt leave.


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