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Love With a Scandalous Lord

Page 6

by Lorraine Heath

  Several times during her encounters with Rhys, shed thought he appeared to be a solitary figure, alone within his own family. He seemed even more so now.

  She wanted him to know he wasnt alone. Theyd come here to offer their support and their strength. As a family, they would endure these troubling times. They would make it through.

  She stepped silently into the room, intending to approach and offer him comfort, but the sight of the withered and frail man lying on the bed stopped her. This man was her stepfathers father.

  He looked nothing like her stepfather, nothing like the great nobleman he must have been at one time.

  “Father? Rhys prodded in a low voice.

  She thought she detected the Duke moving his head almost imperceptibly. Was he awake or simply reacting to the baritone of his sons voice?

  “Father, I dont know if you can hear me, but I beg of you, do not leave this world without telling Mother that you love her. Even if the words are false, I implore you to give them to her. She has served you faithfully these many years. And despite her faultsof which I know there are manyshe has great feelings for you.

  “If you will but do this, I swear to you that I shall ensure Grayson receives whatever property is not entailed. I shall give to him all things the Crown has not expressly forbidden. All you hold dear, I shall bestow upon him. He will always be welcomed here and shall want for nothing.

  “He wants for nothing now, Lydia said quietly.

  Rhys snapped his head around to glare at her, standing at the foot of the bed, her hand wrapped around the post supporting the heavy canopy. She didnt remember crossing to the bed. She only knew Rhyss pleading voice had drawn her toward him.

  He came up out of the chair like a man possessed. Without a word, he grabbed her arm and hauled her from the room. His grip was firm, but not painful. Fury shimmered off him.

  She fully expected him to release her as soon as he entered the hallway. To yell at her and wake her stepfather. Instead he proceeded down the stairs, taking her with him. Her toes dancing over the steps, she struggled to keep up with his rapid strides.

  Across the foyer. Through the front door. Down the stone steps to the cobbled path.

  It finally occurred to her that he had no intention of stopping until hed escorted her out of the country. She wrenched free.

  “What in Gods name did you think you were doing? he demanded, turning on her like a cornered animal. “What right did you have to intrude on my private moment with my father?

  Before she could answer, hed again wrapped his hand around her arm and was tugging her away from the house, away from prying eyes or ears, away from any witnesses who might see his outburst as undignified. He struck her as an extremely private man, a man who needed distance to rebuild the walls hed lowered in his fathers bedchamber. He certainly seemed intent on achieving distance.

  “My lord?

  Her feet skittered over the cobblestones and onto the cool grass, velvet beneath her soles. So much like home, even if it was considerably chillier. Home, where she understood all the rules. Home, where her strength resided.


  She saw they were nearing the pond. Lamps on either side of the bridge provided a faint glow that reflected off the inky water.


  She dug in her heels and jerked back. His hold loosened. Flailing her arms, she lost her balance and landed on the ground with a thud.

  He spun around. “You had no right.

  His voice was calm, calm enough to be frightening in its intensity. As though hed harnessed all his anger, but at any moment hed give it freedom. Like the calm before the storm. Shed experienced enough hurricanes to know the most frightening moments came just before the fury was unleashed.

  Lying on her back, appearing weak when she wasnt, was hardly where she wanted to be. She scrambled to her feet, acutely aware of her disheveled state and her nightclothes shifting over her body in the breeze.

  “I was concerned. I heard a noise

  He took a step toward her. “You had no right to poke your nose into my affairs.

  “Well, pardon me all to hell for giving a damn about your father!

  He looked momentarily startled. As though shed tossed a bucket of cold water on him. He turned on his heel, took two steps, and then faced her again. “Pardon you all to hell? What the devil does that mean?

  He sounded truly baffled. More importantly, his voice no longer carried the hard edge of rage.

  That she had used profanity embarrassed her no end. She hated reverting to her roots, not appearing to be the refined young lady she dearly wanted to be.

  “It means Im sorry. I didnt mean to intrude. I heard a moan and thought maybe your father needed something, she rushed to explain.

  “He needs to set matters to right.

  “By telling your mother he loves her? she dared ask.

  “That would be a fine place to start. Releasing a deep sigh, he raked his fingers through his hair. “Are you not wearing slippers?

  She suddenly became aware of exactly how cold the air and ground were. She supposed she should have put on her shoes, but she hadnt expected to find herself outside. Shed only wanted to get away for a little while. An odd notion when she was already thousands of miles from home.

  “I didnt expect to be run out of the house.

  “No, I suppose you didnt. Back to the house with you now. And I trust you to keep what you heard to yourself.

  He walked toward the pond, dismissing her as he had for most of the day and evening. “Back to the house with you now, she repeated beneath her breath. Not unless she wished to head back to the house.

  She hurried after him. “Is that the pond your brother drowned in?

  “Quite so, but you need not worry. As tempting as the notion is, I have no plans to drown myself.

  “Why would you even consider it? she asked as she caught up to him.

  He came to an abrupt halt. “Can you not fathom that I seek solitude?

  “I dont think you have to seek it. You wear it like a shroud.

  She walked over to the curved bridge and sat on the sloping surface. She drew her knees up and wrapped her arms around herself to capture as much warmth as possible. She finally had him all to herself. She wasnt about to rush back to the house.

  She felt a measure of satisfaction, as she saw him approach from the shadows. The lamp on either side of the bridge cast a pale glow around him as he removed his jacket.

  “I can hear your teeth chattering, he said, as he draped his jacket around her shoulders.

  She welcomed the warmth and scent of him that permeated the cloth as she drew the jacket close around her. Kneeling before her, he placed his hands over her feet.

  “Your feet are like ice, he murmured. “You should go back indoors.

  But she had no desire to return to the house, to her bed. It was a moonlit night, and she was finally alone with a man who intrigued her. Her stepfather wasnt here to distract Rhys. Her mother wasnt here to question anything she said.

  “Why would you be willing to give up so much just to have your father tell your mother he loves her? she asked.

  “Do you know what curiosity did to the cat? he asked.

  “Im not a cat, she assured him.

  “Indeed youre not.

  Twisting, he sat with his back against the wall of the bridge and placed her feet on his thighs. Firm thighs. Warm enough that their heat penetrated through his trousers to remove the chill from her soles. He ran his palms from her toes to her ankles, enveloping her skin with more delicious heat.

  “What are you doing out and about at midnight, my little dreamer? he asked quietly.

  My little dreamer . Not exactly my sweetheart , my darling , or dearest , but for now she had the attention of an English marquess, and she wasnt going to squander it by wishing for more.

  “Why do you call me a dreamer? she asked.

  “Its simply an impression I have of you. Now answer my question.

  “I couldnt sleep.

  “I suppose its late afternoon back home in Texas. Would you just be coming in from the fields, then? he asked.

  “No, I would have come in earlier. Id be helping Mama prepare supper, she admitted.

  “You resent that chore?

  “Its not exactly how a lady wants to spend her time.

  “And how does she like to spend it? Primping and pampering?

  She thought she detected disapproval in his voice. Wasnt the aristocracy known for its idleness? In her letters, Lauren had certainly indicated they preferred fun to work.

  “Im really terribly boring, she admitted. “Id rather talk about you.

  His hands stilled. “Indeed? Ive never known a woman who thought beyond herself.

  “I suppose, with your father being a duke, you know a lot of women.

  “Ive known a fair share.

  “Mary mentioned she was always tidying their hair after they visited

  “What? His fingers dug into her soles. “What exactly did she say?

  “Only that she often put their hair to rights. Or something close to that. I assumed after you take them for a ride in the park or on a walk through a garden. The wind always messes my hair.

  “Ah, yes, quite so. I shall have to speak with Mary about keeping her masters indiscretions to herself.

  “I didnt mean to get her into trouble.

  “I have no intention of punishing her, if thats your fear. Shes only been in service for a short time. She has yet to learn the value of silence.

  “Your mother doesnt think much of your servants.

  “Yes, well, there is much about me of which she has a low opinion. He began rubbing her feet again. “We all have our crosses to bear, and I would ask that you not repeat what you heard in my fathers bedchamber.

  “It never occurred to me to tell anyone.

  “I thought gossip was a ladys favorite pastime.

  She remembered how it had hurt to overhear women in town gossiping about her mother and Graysoneven after they were married. “I despise gossip and dont participate in the practicing of it.

  “Then you are a rare lady, indeed.

  She wasnt certain if hed truly complimented her or was mocking her. She wasnt quite comfortable flirting with him, and yet she so wanted to master the art of flirtation before she traveled to London. She certainly couldnt practice with Colton.

  “I dont think Im rare at all.

  “Then you are unfamiliar with what is common. He eased up until her knees rested against his thighs. “Do Texas ladies think nothing of being alone with a man at midnight? he asked in a voice so provocatively low that it fairly purred with unspoken promises.

  “I wonder about it all the time, she admitted candidly.

  For the first time since her arrival, she saw a true smile cross his face, a smile that washed away the cynicism that seemed such a part of him. Shed thought him handsome when she first set eyes on him. But when wearing a smile, he was devastatingly gorgeous.

  “And what do you wonder? he asked softly.

  “I wonder if a man will find me lacking.

  “Believe me, Miss Westland, no gentleman would find you lacking.

  “I wonder if his kiss will steal my breath away.

  “Fascinating. The conversation certainly hadnt gone in the direction that Rhys had expected it to, and he realized too late that having Lydia alone in the moonlight was not a wise course of action. Especially when shed obviously just risen from bed. He was sorely tempted to carry her to her bed and join her there.

  “Are all Texas ladies as candid as you are about revealing their thoughts? he asked.

  “Most are. I suppose I shouldnt be. Especially if I want to play the games over here.

  “What do you know of our games?

  “Only what Ive gleaned from books and Laurens letters. Its not quite the same as experiencing it.

  He wasnt certain when his hands had begun traveling past her soles to her ankles and a little higher. He remembered Grayson warning him that Lydia was not accustomed to the games played here. The women hed entertained in recent years had continually dared him to break the rules with them. He had to take into consideration that simply bending the rules with this one could very well cause him to end up shattering her heart.

  A risk he was unwilling to take.

  “Tell me of your life in Texas, he demanded, wanting the distraction, wishing hed never begun to rub her feet, but unwilling to separate himself from her.

  She shrugged slightly. “Not much to tell. Papa pretty much explained everything during dinner. We work the fields, clean the house, and cook the meals. Boring.

  “The gown you wore this evening was hardly boring.

  Her eyes widened slightly, and he could sense she was pleased by his comment.

  “You must have occasion to wear it, he murmured. “And I should think the occasion would be quite exciting indeed.

  She smiled fully. He was grateful to both the lanterns and the moonlight for allowing him to see her so clearly.

  “It was a gift for my eighteenth birthday.

  “How long ago was that?

  “Two years.

  “Is that so? He knew her age for certain now. Twenty. Much too young for his cynical years.

  He gave his gaze the freedom to travel the length of her. How he was tempted to draw her onto his lap and warm every inch of her.

  “I find your world fascinating, she said in a sultry voice that carried a hint of twang.

  She spoke as though she was in no hurry to get the words out. He found himself savoring every syllable, every inflection. Her wholesome speech contained an honesty that lured him in.

  “I find you fascinating, Miss Westland.

  He heard her breath catch. Her eyes were limpid pools with the ability to take a man under and make him not care that he might never again surface.

  “Were practically related. You could call me Lydia.

  “Were not related at all, he said, while not revealing the honest truth: that he was absolutely grateful they werent.

  “You play with fire, when you approach a man wearing nothing but your nightclothes, he informed her.

  Lydia felt as though she werent only playing with fire, but completely surrounded by it. When had the night grown so incredibly warm? When had heat begun to pulse through her like sweltering springs?

  “It wasnt my intent to approach you in my nightclothes. Holding his gaze, she was aware her voice sounded as though it came from far away.

  “Your intent hardly matters when I find you so distracting. Have you any notion how truly lovely you are?

  “You ignored me for most of the evening, she pointed out.

  “Not for one moment.

  His hands left her ankles to cradle her face. “You tempt me, as I have not been tempted in a good long while.

  She found it difficult to draw in air, to think. She was certain she was supposed to respond with some sort of witty repartee, but she couldnt think of anything clever or interesting.

  “Im hardly dressed as a temptress.

  “Youre hardly dressed at all. That was your second mistake.

  “And my first mistake?

  “Was not returning to the house when I ordered you to go.

  Before she could protest that she wasnt one to take orders, he settled his mouth against hers, demanding, insistent, giving the one command to which she was more than willing to surrender.

  She was no stranger when it came to kissing. Chaperones were practically unheard of in Texas. Ladies went on picnics with gentlemen and took rides in buggies. They went on walks and swam in rivers. They shared each others company, and on occasion, they shared a kiss.

  Lydia had never believed in encouraging men in whom she had no interest. But neither had she discouraged them from giving her kisses. She understood some things in life were better learned by doing, and shed certainly been unable to learn how to kiss by reading a book.

  But the men who ha
d kissed her before had failed to teach her what Rhys was skillfully teaching her now. Their kisses had captured her mouth. His enticed her entire body into participating.

  Shed never experienced anything like it. Total and complete surrender.

  Lydia didnt remember Rhys easing her down so she was lying on her back. She only knew she was suddenly aware that his large hands pillowed her head, protected her from the hardness of the bridge. His arms, trembling, were braced on either side of her, while his mouth continued to work its magic over hers.

  Of an English lord, shed expected restraint, something a bit more proper, more refined. She certainly hadnt expected him to build a raging fire deep within her belly, to have his tongue swirling and dancing within her mouth with a wildness that bordered on primitive. To have his chest pressed against her breasts, causing her nipples to harden into sensitive pearls.

  In the farthest recesses of her mind, it occurred to her that what they were doing was entirely improper. Yet he possessed the power, the skill to make her not care.

  If Englishmen kissed with such passion, then it was little wonder that her mother had married one. As the flames of desire licked at her flesh, she set her sights not on scouting out the lords in London, but on conquering one.

  And she realized the one she was with now might be an excellent choice. Something had sparked between them the moment theyd met on the stairs. Something that took little more than a kiss to change it into a tempestuous inferno.

  Shed never in her life experienced the tumultuous sensations she felt now. She twisted her body against his, caressed her bare foot along his calf. She ran her hands over his back, his shoulders, his strong arms, arms that supported him above her while she wanted to be crushed beneath his weight.

  Dragging his mouth from hers, he rolled away from her. She heard his harsh breathing echoing around them.

  “Return to your bedchamber, Lydia.

  Reaching out, she touched his back. “Rhys.

  “Do it now! He shot to his feet and looked down on her. “Or by God, I swear Ill take you to mine.

  Her heart kicked painfully against her ribs, while her stomach knotted with trepidation. “Is that a threat?

  “Its a promise. A promise I swear youll not want me to keep.

  She scrambled to her feet and slowly began to back away from him. “You wouldnt hurt me.


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