A Reason to Leave
Page 10
V: Maybe…
L: Get some rest. You’re gonna need your energy for tonight…see ya soon.
I fell backwards onto my bed, clutching my phone to my chest. Just a few more hours. A few more hours before I would see him. This man was going to be the death of me. I could already see it. My obituary will read: Valerie Blackwood, spontaneously combusted from sexual frustration.
My GPS assured me I had arrived as I pulled to the curb outside an older, modest home in the Atwater Village neighborhood. There was a narrow strip of concrete drive that led to the back of the old, muted gray, craftsman style home, already lined with cars parked bumper to bumper.
Assuming the British lady’s voice would not lead me astray, I shut off my car and took a deep breath. I had no idea why I was stalling. I had been waiting for this moment all day. Now that it was here, I was panicking. I closed my eyes while I gave myself a little internal pep talk. He likes me. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have invited me. He is just a guy. A hot guy who makes my ovaries go into overdrive and my body want to explode –
Tap. Tap.
“Shit!” I jolted, grabbing at my chest from the knock on my window.
I turned to a peering old man bent down, looking into my car, signaling for me to roll down my window. I clicked my keys in the ignition to accessory and cracked my window open slightly.
“You lost, darlin’?” The old man asked with a kind smile. He was dressed from head to toe in a pair of dark coveralls that were stained from the day’s work. I glanced at his chest where the name Frankie was stitched over his left peck.
I shook my head no and then rolled up my window, stepping out of the car. “You must be Uncle Frankie,” I smiled at him as I put out my hand to shake his.
“You must be the girlfriend,” he grinned back, shaking my hand. I blushed delighted by the thought, but at the same time feeling embarrassed for not correcting him.
“Valerie, but you can call me Val.”
“Beautiful name for a beautiful girl,” he winked. The old charmer. “Well come on, sweetheart. You can have a seat with me while the boys wrap up their session.” He waved his arm for me to follow.
I followed Frankie along the side of the house, up the driveway towards the music that was echoing through the neighborhood. The sound of Liam’s voice had my body wanting to push past Frankie and break out in a full on sprint. But I maintained a casual pace behind him, stopping where a single lawn chair and cooler sat facing the garage in the driveway.
“Take a seat, darlin’,” Frankie directed me to the old lawn chair. I obliged, lowering myself into the chair, unable to take my eyes off Liam who currently had his back to me. Frankie walked away, grabbing another chair, unfolding and placing it on the other side of the cooler.
Liam turned, his eyes brightening as they focused on me, flashing that grinning dimple I loved so much. He winked before starting to croon again into the mic. Frankie reached into the cooler, pulling out a bottle of beer, “Would you like one?” he offered, holding up the beer to me.
“I’m good. Thank you, though,” I said, hoping I didn’t offend him. “I’m a light-weight. Probably best I steer clear of alcohol since I’m driving,” I explained further.
“Beautiful and smart,” he said, twisting the cap off the bottle and then toasting the air towards me. “Sounds like he lucked out in the girlfriend department.” He gave me another kind smile that reached his eyes.
I laughed nervously at him referring to me as the girlfriend again. Liam and I hadn’t really defined what was happening with us, and I was worried that he might not appreciate me allowing his uncle to think we were more than whatever we were.
I leaned in towards Frankie, trying to figure out how to explain our relationship to him, “I’m sorry, I don’t want to give the wrong impression….but I’m not actually his girlfriend…at least…I’m not sure if I am…I-”
“No worries, sweetheart.” He patted my hand. “I’ll let you in on a little secret. I’m not actually his uncle, either,” he grinned, winking at me.
My eyes widened with curiosity, but before I could inquire further, the deafening music of the band stopped, creating a quieter atmosphere. I looked towards Liam and the rest of the guys as they joked around with each other, discussing the previous song they had played. Liam removed his guitar, laying it aside and walked towards me.
“Hey there, princess,” he said, grasping my hands and pulling me from my chair. His use of the word princess now sending a fluttering in my heart. He wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled me closer to him as he placed his forehead on mine, smiling down at me. “I guess you found the place okay.”
“Yep. And your uncle has been keeping me company.”
“Don’t listen to a word he says. He’s a crazy, old man filled with nothing but lies,” he teased.
Frankie huffed, pretending to be offended by Liam’s assessment.
“You see how he treats me, darlin’?” He looked at me for sympathy as he shook his head. “Is that anyway to treat your favorite uncle?”
“Just cuz you’re my only uncle doesn’t make you my favorite,” Liam teased him some more.
“Watch it kid,” he playfully scowled at Liam, “I may be old, but I can still kick your ass.”
Liam threw his head back, releasing a deep booming laugh. I smiled cheesily, feeling his chest vibrate against me with his laughter. I liked this Liam. This Liam was light and happy. Something I could get used to. Something I could fall for. Hard. The thought scared and excited me at the same time.
He smiled back down at me, “See what I mean. Lies.”
“I don’t know…if I had to place a bet, I’d put my money on your uncle,” I grinned up at Liam.
“I knew I liked this girl,” Frankie nodded his head towards me.
Liam laughed some more before dropping a kiss on my lips and releasing me all too soon.
“We have a few more songs to run through and then we’ll be done. Don’t let him turn you against me in the meantime.” Liam held his hand in mine as he teasingly glanced over at his uncle.
“You don’t need any help with that, man. You can do that all on your own,” Dax said, coming up behind us, slapping Liam on the shoulder. “How’s it going, Val?” Dax asked as he leaned in, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.
Liam’s face hardened with a warning look. Dax stepped back, throwing his hands up in surrender with a mischievous smile as he winked at me. I shook my head at his risky move and then tightened my hold on Liam’s hand, drawing his eyes back to me. Trent and Blaine followed behind Dax, greeting me from a distance before they all went back to practicing the last couple of songs of the set for their show this week.
I chatted with Frankie between songs, learning he was a retired vet who inherited the body shop from his father. He had no kids of his own, and the way he talked about Liam made me think he thought of him as more of a son than a nephew – or I guess a nephew. I was still curious about his comment from earlier. I wasn’t sure if he was joking with me to help me feel less nervous or if he was being serious.
“Liam tells me you had some issues about the cost of repairs to your car. I apologize about that. We normally would’ve called you. But I had a bit of a sick spell, and it got overlooked. I will honor the original price, though.”
“Oh. Right. About that. I might have overreacted a little.” I shifted my eyes down to the ground momentarily, remembering my reaction to seeing Liam there. “I know it’s a fair price. I’ll pay the full amount. I’m sorry to hear you were sick. I hope everything is okay?”
“Nothing to worry too much about. And I insist on you only paying what we quoted you. I won’t take any more than that.”
“I insist on paying you in full.”
He chuckled. “I get the feeling you usually get your way.”
“Your feeling would be accurate. Mostly.” I grinned at him.
He shook his head as he continued to chuckle. “How bout we compromise and split the differen
I pretended to mull it over before nodding my head, “Deal.” I put out my hand for us to shake on it. He shook my hand, squeezing it fondly before releasing it.
Shortly after our negotiation, the guys finished their practice. They all pulled out their own folding chairs to join us in a circle on the driveway as they drank a few beers. I listened and watched with fascination as they all joked and laughed, telling various stories about one another.
Frankie added his own animated stories about the four of them and their crazy antics. Liam held my hand in his lap the whole time, never releasing it once, causing my body to be on a constant euphoric high.
As the night fell, the conversation slowed and the guys decided to head out. They were leaving in the morning and needed to prepare for their trip out of town. After saying our good-byes, Frankie, Liam and I stood in the driveway, watching the guys depart. Liam wrapped his arms around me from behind, resting his chin on the top of my head as Frankie raised his beer bottle in the air towards Dax’s truck that was reversing down the driveway.
“Well, I guess it’s time for this old man to turn in,” Frankie said, turning towards us as the headlights disappeared. “Val, it was a pleasure to meet you. Don’t be a stranger.”
I moved to loosen Liam’s hold on me, stepping towards Frankie to give him a hug. “It was really good to meet you too, Frankie. I’ll stop by the shop soon to give you that check.”
He nodded at me as we ended our hug, giving Liam a pat on the shoulder before turning to walk into the house. Being alone for the first time since I arrived, had me suddenly feeling nervous again.
“So…,” I said, looking down at my feet, fidgeting with the hem of my shirt like a shy school girl, not sure if I should leave or stay. Not sure if he wanted me to leave or stay.
“So…,” he replied softly. He stepped towards me, pressing his body back against mine as he weaved his fingers through my hair, cupping the back of my head in his palm.
My heart rate increased with his touch. I tilted my head back for a better view of his handsome face and breathtaking eyes.
“I’m glad you came.”
“Me too…,” I stalled, waiting for some kind of signal of what he wanted.
“You’re cute when you’re nervous.”
“I’m not nervous,” I lied.
He smiled, shaking his head incredulously as he retrieved my hand that was tangled in my hair, removing it and holding it tight in his own hand. “Do you want to come up?”
“Is that what you want?”
“I wouldn’t have asked if it wasn’t, princess.”
“Then, yes.”
He lowered his head, pressing a firm kiss to my lips before breaking us apart and pulling me to follow him up a set of stairs on the side of the garage. He opened a door that led into a small garage apartment. I followed him inside, stepping past him as he closed and locked the door behind us. I looked around the open studio apartment, taking it all in.
It was minimally furnished with all the basic necessities. There was a small kitchen and bathroom to the right which stretched across the back of the open space. A couch, coffee table, and large flat screen TV were situated off to the left of the door. There was a bed in the far corner, opposite of the make-shift living room. The whole place could fit in my oversized closet.
“So this is where you live?”
“Yes,” he said, moving around me to hastily pick up some scattered clothes and trash. “Sorry. I didn’t get a chance to clean up. I know it’s probably not as impressive as what you’re used to.”
I stepped towards him, grabbing his arm, stopping his efforts. “Don’t,” I said firmly. He halted his movement, looking at me confused. “Don’t change anything for me. Don’t try to live up to some kind of standard you think I have. Just be you. All I want is you. However you come.”
He stared at me with a new intensity. Before I knew what was happening, he had lifted me into his arms, slamming his mouth to mine, dropping everything he’d had in his hands. I wrapped my whole body around him as he carried me to the couch. He fell back onto the couch, situating me so I was straddled on his lap all while continuing his yummy assault on my lips.
He pulled back, placing his hands on the sides of my face, stopping my own advances.
“Where did you come from, princess?” he asked with a soft wonderment.
“New York.” I smiled teasingly.
He laughed. Then shook his head letting out an amused sigh. “You’re going to ruin me.”
“I’m scared you’re the one that’s going to ruin me.” My smile slipped from my face with the thought. His own light-hearted face dropped with my words as he focused on my eyes with a stern expression.
“I don’t want to. And I’m going to try my hardest not to. You’re special, Val. And I want to do right by you….but...,” he stopped himself. His brow pinched with worry.
“But what?” I paused, hoping he would continue. He didn’t. “Talk to me…you can tell me anything. I want you to be able to tell me anything.”
“There’s things in my past…things I know would have you running straight out that door without even a glance back. And you should.”
“Never. I’m stronger than you think. I can handle whatever it is.”
He pushed my hair behind my ear. “I know you’re strong. It’s one of the things I admire about you. But it’s not something you should have to deal with. It’s not something I want you to deal with.”
“Liam…I know what it’s like to worry that people are stereotyping you, making assumptions on who you are as a person. I promise I won’t do that. I won’t push you to tell me. I just hope someday you will.”
He leaned in, placing a gentle kiss on my lips before locking his eyes with mine. “I’m sorry, Val.”
“For what?”
“For whomever hurt you. Whomever it was didn’t deserve the right to have had that opportunity.”
“It doesn’t matter now. It made me a stronger person…opened my eyes to the truths of the world. I was naive for a long time. I’m not anymore.”
I dropped my eyes down to my hands, remembering that eye-opening experience. His hand slipped under my chin, bringing my eyes back to his.
“You amaze me, princess. I’m sorry if I made you feel less by pushing you away before. I was just trying to protect you.”
“And now?”
“Now…I’m just hoping I don’t fuck this up.”
“I won’t let you,” I grinned reassuringly, threading my fingers through his hair, reuniting our lips with my determination.
I knew it was a reckless promise. There was an incontestable connection between us that was so strong that I continued to ignore all the warnings he had given me. I felt as if I was making the best and worst decision of my life.
We spent the rest of the night, relaxing in each other’s arms on the couch, learning little trivial facts about each other. As insignificant as they were, it helped me understand who he was. He told me more about his friends and how they met and became Derailed. His eyes would light up with boyish happiness as he spoke about them and music in general. We joked and flirted with a natural banter.
My stomach growled, interrupting our conversation. I hadn’t realized how late it had gotten, and apparently, I was starving.
“Shit, Val. I’m sorry. I should have thought about dinner. Do you want me to order something?”
“No, it’s okay. I’ll be fine with just something small. Do you have anything to eat in that kitchen of yours?”
“I can make a mean batch of mac n’ cheese,” he grinned proudly.
I laughed. “Mac n’ cheese it is.”
He kissed my lips before releasing me to head into the kitchen to prepare our dinner. I stood from the couch, stretching my legs and took a mini tour around his mini home. The place was mostly scattered with automotive and musician magazines, clothes, guitars, and typical manly paraphernalia.
A small keyboard sat on a stand at t
he end of his bed with a stool. There was a small table beside his bed that held a picture frame and a lamp. It was the only picture in the whole place, so naturally I was curious.
I walked to his bed, taking a seat on the edge as I picked up the frame. It was a young couple with a small, smiling boy that couldn’t be more than two or three years old. I would know those grey eyes and grinning dimple anywhere. It was a picture of Liam, and what I assumed to be his parents. He hadn’t mentioned them once in our conversations. In fact, beyond Frankie, he never brought up his family.
It made me wonder where they were and why he hadn’t mentioned them. I wondered if they weren’t close. If that was the case, then why did he keep a picture of them beside his bed? Lost in my thoughts, I hadn’t realized he had approached. He grabbed the picture frame from my hands and placed it back on the nightstand.
“The food’s ready,” he said a little colder than I would have expected. I looked up at him, concerned I had overstepped some kind of line I wasn’t aware existed.
“I don’t want to talk about it, Val.” He turned his back on me, walking back into the kitchen where he dished up two bowls of mac n’ cheese. I remained on the edge of the bed, feeling insecure with my hands under my thighs, watching him. He grabbed the bowls, walking back to the couch where he placed them side by side on the coffee table.
He turned back to me with an impassive expression. I tried reading his eyes but only found hollowness. “Do you still want something to eat?” he asked flatly. I nodded my head and stood from the bed to join him on the couch.
After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence, I decided to take a leap. “Liam… I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to intrude.”
He stopped his hand as it moved towards his mouth. He lowered his fork back down to his bowl, releasing the utensil with a clatter. The palms of his hands went over his face as he rubbed them across it, resting his elbows on his knees. He released a frustrated sigh.
“Don’t apologize, Val. You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m the one being an ass. I’m sorry.” He rotated his head to look at me. I could see the sincerity of his apology in his eyes. I placed my hand on his arm, hoping my touch would soften his hardened body.