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Finding Cyn: Devil's Knights Series

Page 7

by Winter Travers

  “Come on, Cyn. Let’s go watch a movie. We never did get to Ryan Reynold’s ass the other night.” Meg grabbed my hand and pulled me to the couch.

  “Really, babe? Can’t we watch some shit blow up or something? Fucking chick flicks.” King rumbled as he sat in my big ass recliner.

  “No. Cyn and I want to see Ryan Reynold’s ass. Not some bus blow up.”

  “Keep talking about another man’s ass and I’m going to bend you over and spank yours,” King threatened.

  Meg stuck her tongue out at him, but scooted closer to me. “Savage,” Meg mumbled under her breath.

  “Mmhm.’ King popped the foot rest up on the chair and kicked back. ‘Remember, you love this savage.”

  “I may love you, but it doesn’t mean I like you,” Meg shot back.

  “I’m going to put the movie in,” I mumbled as I walked to the TV cabinet to find The Proposal.

  “Son of a bitch!” Meg screamed.

  I glanced over my shoulder and saw King had grabbed Meg and pulled her in the chair with him. She was sprawled out on top of him, yelling about savages and spankings.

  I turned back to my searching when King’s hands slid to her ass and she stopped fighting him.

  “Need help, beautiful?” Rigid asked as he walked into the living room.

  “I got it, thanks.” I replied as I spotted the DVD case and popped it into the player.

  I grabbed the remote and headed back to the couch. Rigid had sprawled out, his hands thrown behind his head. Meg and King were cuddled up on the chair, whispering to each other. Looked like I was sitting on the floor.

  “Come here, beautiful,” Rigid called as he held his hand out to me.

  “I can sit on the floor.” I grabbed two throw pillows and tossed them next to the couch. I bent over when two hands gently wrapped around my waist and pulled me on the couch.

  “Sit,” Rigid ordered.

  “I’m not a dog, Rigid.”

  “I know, beautiful. Now, stay,” Rigid cracked, chuckling.

  “You’re such a dumbass,” I said shaking my head.

  “Just relax, please.”

  “Where am I supposed to sit with you sprawled all over?” I asked.

  “Babe, lay down with me.”

  I was nestled into Rigid’s stomach right now as he laid on his side. “Can’t you sit up?”

  “Are ya’ll going to argue about where the fuck you are going to sit the whole movie?” King rumbled from the recliner.

  “Fuck off, brother. Worry about your own woman,” Rigid growled back.

  The opening scene of Sandra Bullock started playing and I really wanted to watch. This was one of my favorite movies. I laid down next to Rigid, hugging the ledge of the couch.

  “Really?” Rigid asked before his arm wrapped around me and pulled me flush with his front. He tangled his legs with mine and threw a blanket over us.

  He was comfy and warm. I focused my eyes on the screen and tried not to think about the hot as hell man behind me.

  I felt my eyes growing heavy and cursed those damn pills. All I seemed to do was sleep. I couldn’t even keep track of what day it was, let alone the time.

  Rigid nestled his face in my hair and inhaled. “Love your smell, beautiful.” Rigid whispered in my ear.

  I relaxed even more into Rigid’s body, enjoying this man, even though it made no sense why he was still there with me.

  “It’s just shampoo,” I mumbled, my eyes closing involuntarily.

  “No, it’s just you, beautiful. I’ve never smelled anything like it before,” he said as he inhaled again.

  “You’re so full of shit, Archie,” I giggled, guessing.

  “You’re so whacked, babe,” Rigid chuckled.

  “Am I right?” I whispered before I passed out.

  “No, babe, not Archie.” I heard Rigid say before I passed out.



  I held Cyn, waiting for her breathing to even out, telling me she had fallen asleep. I glanced at the TV. She had only made it through ten minutes of the movie before she passed out. Now I was stuck watching a fucking chick flick unless I wanted to wake Cyn up and change it. That wasn’t going to fucking happen.

  “She asleep?” Ethel yelled from the kitchen.

  “Yeah.” I quietly yelled, not wanting to wake her.

  “She’s hurt Rigid.” Ethel stated, walking into the living room.

  “That’s pretty obvious, Ma,” King said.

  “Not talking about physical, Lo. I meant inside. You can see it in her eyes,” Ethel said sadly.

  She was right. I knew the light that had normally shined from her eyes was gone. Every now and then I thought I could see the light flicker, but no sooner than I thought I saw it, it was gone. “I know, Ethel,” I said.

  “Can you help fix her?” She asked.

  I didn’t know the answer. I wanted to help her. I wanted to see that light shine in her eyes again, but I didn’t know if I was the one to bring it out. “I’m going to try.”

  “Try hard, Rigid. She deserves you,” Ethel said and walked back in the kitchen.

  Cyn needed me? More like I needed Cyn.

  I squeezed my arms around her tighter and prayed I would be able to fix her.


  Chapter 11


  I was nestled in a warm cocoon, a blanket tucked around me and a pillow nudged under my head.

  “Who the fuck is that?” I heard Rigid spit out.

  “Troy, brother,” King replied.

  “Why the fuck is he here?”

  “Because he is one of my best friends, dip shit,” Meg sneered at Rigid.

  I heard the front screen door slam shut. I assumed Meg walked out to see Troy. “You need to chill, brother. Troy isn’t a fucking threat,” King stated to Rigid.

  “Yeah, you know he isn’t into Meg, but how do you know that he isn’t into Cyn?” Rigid shot back.

  “Cause I tried. Hard,” I said as I peeked out of my cocoon.

  “What the fuck do you mean you tried?” Rigid yelled.

  “It means, five years ago when I started working at the factory, I went after Troy.”

  “So you fucking slept with him?” Rigid’s fist were clenched at his sides, his face turning red.

  “No. Just because I went after him, doesn’t mean he felt the same way. He shot me down.” I sat up, stretching my arms over my head. I had no idea why the hell Rigid was so upset about Troy. It was years ago and nothing happened.

  “Why the hell did he shoot you down?” He demanded.

  Now he was pissed that I didn’t sleep with Troy? Jesus, I swear this man was bi-polar. “Because he didn’t like me that way? I don’t know. Ask him.”

  “Ask me what?” Troy said as he walked in the door with Meg on his heels.

  “Rigid wants to know why we didn’t sleep together,” I said, standing up from the couch. I folded up the blanket and threw it on the end of the couch.

  “Uh, I guess I didn’t see you like that back then,” Troy replied.

  “See, he doesn’t like me,” I said to Rigid.

  “I said back then I didn’t like you,” Troy said as he walked over to me.

  “Same thing,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  “No, it’s not,” Troy and Rigid said at the same time.

  “Whatever. Just shut up,” Meg said, annoyed.

  “Jeez, he really fucked you up,” Troy said, standing in front of me.

  “Such a charmer, Troy,” I joked, rolling my eyes.

  “You know me, ladies just fall all over me.”

  “More like just fall down,” I laughed.

  “Into fire pits,” Meg added. We broke out into laughter, remembering Troy’s date that ended up in the emergency room.

  “She didn’t fall in the fire pit. She just fell,” Troy huffed.

  “Same thing,” Meg giggled.

  “Can we not talk about my dating life and focus on something more important?” Troy as
ked, annoyed we were teasing him.

  “Like what?” I asked.

  “You.” He took two more steps to me and wrapped his arms around me.

  I froze. Troy had never hugged me. Let alone touched me voluntarily. We were friends but not as close as Meg and he were. “I’m so sorry,” he whispered in my ear.

  “You don’t need to be sorry,” I whispered back. I was getting choked up. I had never really seen Troy show any emotion other than indifference to me. I always felt he saw me as someone he had to put up with for the sake of Meg.

  “You can let her go,” Rigid barked.

  I wrapped my arms around Troy, holding on. I didn’t like Troy like that anymore. I really saw him as just a friend, and is was why I am letting him hold me. He didn’t want anything from me like Rigid. I knew he didn’t want to sleep with me or want my heart. I was safe with him.

  I peeked over Troy’s shoulder and saw Rigid fuming at me. I didn’t know how to deal with him. I know what he wants from me, but I’m afraid he’ll just break me even more. I swear I heard Rigid growl and decided this was enough hugging time with Troy.

  I pulled away from Troy, unwrapping my arms from his shoulders. “Thanks, Troy,” I whispered. I tucked my hair behind my ear and looked at Rigid.

  God he looked mad. “You find anything out?” Rigid bit out.

  I glanced at Troy, realizing Rigid wasn’t talking to me. I sat back down on the couch, tucking my legs underneath me. Meg plopped down on the couch next to me, throwing her arm over my shoulder.

  “What the hell was that?” She whispered.

  “Nothing. I don’t know. He’s my friend.” Gah, even Meg wondered what the hell that was between Troy and I.

  “We’re talking later, sister,” Meg said.

  “Ok.” All three men were looking at us, waiting expectantly.

  “Oh, sorry. Proceed,” Meg said to King.

  He shook his head at her and smiled. She giggled and blushed. Apparently I must have missed something.

  “Still remember that first phone call, babe.” King murmured.

  Totally missed something.

  “Enough with the sappy shit,” Troy said.

  “What did you find out about shit for brains?” Rigid asked.

  I giggled. Shit for brains. So fitting.

  Troy scowled at me. “He’s got connections to the Assassins.”

  “How the fuck did you find that out?” Rigid snapped.

  “I asked around.”

  “So did I,” Rigid barked.

  “Yeah, well, I don’t look like a punk ass biker on steroids. If you showed up with a blue mohawk and riding a motorcycle to my front door, I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t talk to you either. I’m a little bit more approachable.” Troy sneered.

  “I’m going to beat the fucking shit out of you,” Rigid bellowed, bunching his fists at his sides.

  “Knock it the fuck off.’ King barked, ‘Rigid, reel it the fuck in, brother. Troy, spit it the fuck out whatever you know.”

  They both stared each other down, sizing the other up.

  “Big A is his fucking cousin,” Troy bit out, breaking his stare down with Rigid.

  “Son of a bitch,” King snapped.

  “Who’s Big A and the Assassins?” Meg asked, sounding just as confused as I was.

  “Trouble, babe,” King said.

  “You know he had connections with Big A?” Rigid asked me.

  “Uh, no. I don’t even know who Big A is, let alone who the Assassins are,” I said.

  “This isn’t fucking good. We just got shit all squared away with the Assassins and now this bullshit? I guess we figured out who Big A’s eyes were in town.” Rigid snarled as he ran his hands through his mohawk.

  “Who the fuck is Big A?” Meg asked again. She apparently wasn’t happy with King’s answer of trouble. I wasn’t really either.

  “We just handed part of the club business over to him. We thought we had washed our hands of him. Apparently not,” King explained.

  “What kind of business?” Meg asked.

  “Babe, its club shit. Nothing for you to worry about.” King said, trying to sooth Meg over.

  “Um, no,” she shot back.

  “Babe, not now.”

  “Fine. But we are so discussing this later and you are so not going to put me in the Lo daze to make me forget,” Meg fumed.

  “Fuck me,” King mumbled under his breath.

  “Not till we talk,” Meg jeered.

  “Can we get back on track here? We need to figure out what the fuck we are going to do,” Rigid snapped, annoyed.

  “Church,” King said as he pulled his phone out of his pocket.

  “Church?” I asked, confused.

  “Meeting,” Meg said.

  I looked at her, wondering how the hell she knew what they were talking about. “How the hell did you know that?” I asked.

  “Sons of Anarchy,” she said.

  “You watch too much TV.” I said.

  “Oh, hell no. You must watch Sons. Everyone loves Jax, but Opie has my heart.” She sighed.

  “Who?” I asked, even more confused.

  “Don’t worry sweetie, I’ll educate you. We’ll watch it while the boys are gone,” Meg said, patting my arm.

  “It’s a movie?”

  “Jesus Christ! You’re hanging out with a god damn motorcycle club and you’ve never seen Sons?” Troy asked.

  “You know Sons?” I asked, surprised Troy had watched it.

  “It’s a TV show, and yes, I’ve seen it,” Troy said.

  I added watching Son’s to my to-do list. According to Troy and Meg I was missing out.

  “Alright, Mickey and Turtle are headed over here. Demon is rounding up all the other guys for church. Troy, you come with us,” King ordered.

  “Why are Mickey and Turtle coming?” Meg asked.

  “To stay with you two till we get back,” King said as he sat on the couch next to Meg and pulled his boots on.

  “We don’t need a babysitter. We’ll lock the door. All we are going to do is watch Son’s. I need to educate Cyn on Jax and Opie,” Meg giggled.

  “Locking the door isn’t enough. Mickey and Turtle will stay outside if you want them to. It’s for your protection. Shit for brains is still out there and with the info Troy just gave us, I doubt he’s just going to go away.” King stood up, and looked down at Meg and me.

  “We are so talking later,” Meg said as she looked up at King.

  “I know,’ He grabbed Meg’s arm and pulled her into his arms. ‘Walk me to my bike, babe.”

  “I’ll be back.” She shot at me over her shoulder as King walked them out the front door.

  “I’ve got to make a stop before I go to the clubhouse.” Troy said.

  “Ok.” I said, still in shock from all that had happened in the last ten minutes.

  “Call me if you need anything, Cyn. Doesn’t matter the time or day,” Troy said as he wrapped me in his arms for another hug. This one was quicker and only half pissed off Rigid. Men.

  Troy nodded at Rigid and headed out the door. The screen door slammed shut and I looked at Rigid. I seriously had no idea where to begin.

  “You going to be ok while I’m gone?” He asked, walking to me and wrapping me in his arms.

  “I think so. I guess Meg is going to educate me on all things Sons of Anarchy,” I mumbled into his shoulder.

  “That’ll take a while. That show has seven seasons.”

  “You’ve seen it?” I asked, amazed another person had seen it and I had never even heard of it before.

  “Yeah, beautiful. It’s good. You’ll like it,” he said as he kissed the side of my head.

  “Meg mentioned something about Jax and Opie. Hopefully there’s some good eye candy in it. That way if I don’t like it, I’ll at least have something nice to look at.”

  “You’re crazy, babe. I’ll see you when I get back, ok? Mickey and Turtle will take good care of you two.”

  I snuggled closer to
Rigid, not wanting to let go. It was nice when Troy had hugged me, but Rigid’s hugs were different. “You smell good,” I said as I inhaled his scent. He smelled like leather and sandalwood.

  “You smell better, beautiful,” Rigid chuckled at me as I sniffed him.

  I heard King’s bike crank up and pulled away from Rigid. “You better go. King’s waiting.”

  “I’ll be back soon.” He kissed me on the forehead and headed out the door. I heard his bike crank up and then they both took off.

  Meg walked back in the door and grabbed the remote from the coffee table. Ethel walked out of the kitchen and sat in the recliner King and Meg were sitting in before. I didn’t even realize she was still here.

  “I heard Son’s mentioned,” Ethel said as she popped open the recliner and threw her feet up.

  “Yup. You like it too?” Meg asked.

  “Oh, yeah. Love me some Happy. That man may be deadly, but he sure is something to look at,” Ethel chuckled.

  “Oh, I’m all about Opie,” Meg said as she pulled up Netflix and started the show. I sat next to Meg, grabbing the blanket and throwing it over us.

  King, Rigid, and Troy were on the way to deal with my shitty life and I was camped out on the couch with Meg and Ethel.

  I heard two bikes pull in the driveway. “That’s Turtle and Mickey. I bet they will want to watch with us,” Meg said.

  Ten minutes later I was enthralled in all things Sons, not even thinking about Asshat. Rigid, on the other hand was a different story. I don’t think anything could keep me from thinking about him.


  Chapter 12


  King and I pulled up to the clubhouse with bikes littering the parking lot. It was Wednesday, and there were also people off the street bringing their cars and trucks in to be fixed at the garage.

  I should be working in the body shop, painting, but Cyn was more important. King had told me I could take off for however long it took to take care of the Cyn situation.

  We swung off our bikes and headed into church.

  “Troy’s going to be pulling up soon. Bring him back to church when he gets here,” King ordered Crowbar as we passed by the bar.


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