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Finding Cyn: Devil's Knights Series

Page 8

by Winter Travers

  Crowbar nodded and headed to the front door.

  We walked into the room and most of the brothers were already there waiting for us. What fuck face did to Cyn didn’t sit well with any of the brothers.

  I took my seat to King’s left and waited for Troy. Most of the brothers were somber, waiting in silence.

  Troy walked in and took a seat at the other end of the table. Civilians were never allowed in church, but we were making an exception for Troy since he had information we needed.

  “Alright, brothers. We got info that the fucker who attacked Cyn has affiliations with the Assassins. He’s gone underground and we don’t know where. Troy here was able to get some info for us,” King addressed us.

  “Nick is cousins with Big A. It isn’t a well-known fact around town. He kept it on the down low because he was to keep tabs on the going ons around town and report back to Big A.” Troy said.

  “That’s how that fucker knew about Meg, brother,” Demon spit out.

  “I know. Meg said she never liked the fucker. She’s got a good fucking instinct,” King said, pride in his voice.

  “I didn’t get a good feel about the guy either. Meg and Cyn had it out about the fuck face a while ago. Meg backed off when Cyn told us she had it under control. Obviously she was wrong.” Troy took his hat off and ran his fingers through his hair.

  “What else did you find out?” I asked.

  “I was talking to a couple of people from work and one of them lives by Nick. He said he saw three Escalades roll up to his house the night Cyn got attacked. He saw them take a bunch of shit from the house and Nick followed them when they left. He hasn’t seen him at the house since.”

  “Alright. We at least know he’s more than likely up by Fall’s City. Who wants to head up there and see what they can find?” King asked.

  “I’m fucking going. I don’t care if none of you other fuckers what to go, I’m still going,” I retorted.

  “We all got your back, brother. I’ll head up there with you, too,” Demon replied.

  “I want a piece of this shit, too.” Slider chimed in.

  “I’m in,” Gambler and Crowbar said at the same time.

  “Alright. Rigid, you head up the Fall’s City with Demon. Gravel, Gambler, and Turtle see what you can dig up. Try to keep it on the down low. Edge, I want you still trying to find out as much as you can about this fucker,” King ordered.

  “I want in on this, too,” Troy said.

  “Keep doing what you’re doing, Troy. Ask anyone you can think of that might have a connection to fuck face if they have seen him lately. I’m going to stay at the house with Meg and Cyn while you’re out of town Rigid,” King said.

  “I’m hoping this won’t take long and I won’t be gone for long from her.” I really didn’t want to leave Cyn at all, but I need to take care of this fucker.

  “I think we should wait and let this fucker think we aren’t looking for him. Give him a false sense of hope,” Gravel said.

  “I’m not letting this fuck face get away with this!” I thundered at Gravel.

  “I’m not saying you let him go, Rigid. I’m just saying wait. He’ll see us coming from a mile away right now. The longer we wait, the more comfortable he gets,” Gravel reasoned.

  I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, trying to control the pure hate rolling through me. “No,” I bit out.

  “He’s kind of got a point,” Troy said.

  “No one asked for your god damn opinion,” I sneered at Troy.

  “He’s right, Rigid. And since you’re right, you get to be the one who goes up there now and keeps an eye on things. You are the one who said you can get more info because of the way you look.” King said to Troy.

  “Good thing I got a shit ton of vacation coming to me,” Troy smirked.

  “Alright, it’s decided. Troy, you head up now and keep your ear to the ground about the Assassins. Rigid, you stick home for the next week and then we make our move.”

  “What happens if something goes down in that week I’m just sitting around with my god damn thumb up my ass?” I barked. This was fucking bull shit!

  “If anything happens, Troy will tell us and we’ll take care of it. Stay home and take care of Cyn. Got me?” King asked, staring me down.

  “Fine.” I shoved my chair back and stormed out of the room.

  I walked to the bar pouring three shots and threw them back one right after the other. I threw the last shot glass against the wall, watching it shatter into a million pieces.

  “You’re temper isn’t going to help her,” Gravel rumbled as he sat down next to me and poured himself a shot.

  “Yeah, well, I don’t think sitting around doing nothing is going to do much better.”

  “It’s time to plan, Rigid. We go in there with a plan, we’ll take this fucker down in no time. You walk in there guns blazing, he could run and we’ll never find him,” Gravel reasoned.

  “I get it. I just don’t fucking like it,” I bit out.

  “You going to head back to Cyn’s or stick around here?” King asked as he walked out of church and snagged a stool next to Gravel.

  “I plan on heading back there in a bit.” I poured another shot and threw it back. It burned down my throat, matching the burn I felt in my heart for Cyn.

  “Why don’t we play a couple games of pool before you head back?” King asked as he grabbed the bottle and headed to the pool table.

  “I’m surprised you’re not running back to Meg,” Gravel said as he threw another shot back and ambled to the pool table.

  “She wants time to spend with Cyn. Don’t mean I like it, but I’ll give it to her. Get your ass over here, Rigid, and play a couple games of fucking pool with me,” King shouted at me.

  “Fine. I’m going to whip your ass and then I can head back to Cyn.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see about that, ass wipe,” King jeered at me.

  “Best two out of three, then I’m heading back to my girl.” I grabbed the triangle and started racking the balls. Gravel pulled a stool up to the table and sat back to watch me beat King’s ass.

  “She your girl now?” King asked.

  “Yeah. She may not know it yet, but she is.”

  “That mean you are done with all the random pussy wandering around club?” King asked as he took the first shot, sinking the seven ball.

  “I’ve been done with that since I met Cyn.”

  “Bullshit! That night of the bon fire at Meg’s you came back to the clubhouse and got your dick sucked,” King yelled as he missed the three ball, almost sinking the eight ball. King fucking sucked at pool. This was going to be like taking candy from a baby.

  “Haven’t touched the club pussy, brother. Swear.” I lined up my shot and sunk the striped four and two ball.

  “Humph, we’ll see how long that lasts,’ Gravel said, disbelieving, as he lined up three shot glasses on the side of the pool table and filled them up. ‘Bottoms up fuckers. May God help you with these bitches you keep tying your selves to.”

  We all picked up a shot and threw them back. “Alright, time for me to beat your ass.” I said.

  The sooner I beat King’s ass, the sooner I could get back to Cyn. I missed her.


  Chapter 13


  “I want my own Jax,” I said after watching the first four episodes of Sons of Anarchy. King and Rigid weren’t home yet and Meg and I were camped out on the couch with junk food surrounding us while Ethel was in the kitchen popping popcorn. We ate roasted chicken and tators, as Ethel liked to call them, during episode three and now Ethel said we needed snacks.

  Meg and I didn’t really argue because you just didn’t argue with Ethel.

  “Ready for the next episode?” Meg asked as the next one started playing.

  “Hell yeah. More Jax, please,” I said as I burrowed into my blanket.

  “How you feeling?” Meg asked as the opening credits played.

  “Good. Better than
I look, I think.”

  “Good. So what was with you and Troy today?” Meg asked.

  “I don’t know. That’s the first time Troy has ever intentionally touched me. It was weird but nice.”

  “Nice as in rip my clothes off and take me or nice as in you see Troy as a brother?” Meg asked.

  “Um, more like a brother. I’m over Troy.”

  “So, then Rigid?”

  “I don’t really think that’s a question,” I said.

  “Ok, so you want Rigid’s man meat?”

  “Meg! Really!” I yelled, throwing a pillow at Meg.

  “Answer the question,” Meg giggled as she threw the pillow back at me.

  “I swear you’re ten sometimes,’ I shoved the pillow behind my back and looked at Meg. ‘I don’t know, I guess. He’s hot.”

  “He likes you.” Defiantly acting like a ten year old. Next thing she would start signing, ‘Cyn and Rigid sitting in a tree…’

  “I don’t know why. He must be into punching bags,” I joked.

  “You’re not going to look like a punching bag forever. Plus, he liked you before all this.”

  “Humph, he wanted in my pants before, Meg. Get it straight.”

  “He likes you, Cyn. I can tell just by the way he looks at you.”

  “And how the hell is he looking at me?” I scoffed.

  “Like he will die before something bad ever happens to you again. Lo looks at me the same way. It’s sweet, at least when Rigid looks at you like that. When Lo does it I get all hot and bothered and then I-“

  “Ok!’ I yelled, interrupting Meg. ‘I get the freaking point. Jesus. I do not need a play by play of all the things King does to you.”

  “I call it the ‘Lo Daze’,” She said blissfully.

  “How are you and stud muffin doing?” I asked, not wanting to discuss Rigid or anything about the way he looked at me.

  “Wonderful. But…” She trailed off. She played with the seam on the blanket, not looking at me.

  “But what, Meg?” I asked, throwing my arm over her shoulder.

  “He wants to meet Remy.” She looked at me, terrified.


  “Cyn! Remy and Lo meeting will make Lo and I official. Once he meets Remy, he’ll more than likely meet Hunter! That would be a freaking disaster!” Meg screeched.

  “OK. One thing at a time. Aren’t you and Lo official?” Last I knew, Meg was head over heels in love with Lo.

  “Yes, but Lo meeting Remy just makes it official.”

  Ok. I’m was just going to leave that one alone. “Who cares if King meets Hunter?”

  “Uh, because then Lo will see the horrible mistake I made and think differently about me. Plus, I’m pretty sure Lo would try to kick Hunter’s ass. He’s not really a fan of him.” Meg said.

  “Not many people are, Meg. He was a douche lord to you.” I replied. Don’t even get me started on Hunter. The asshole made Meg cry too many times to count.

  “I know! That’s why I don’t want him to meet Lo.”

  “Then don’t have him meet Hunter. It’s not like Remy is a little kid and Hunter needs to see who Remy is with. You barely see Hunter anymore.” Ever since Remy got his license and car, he drove back and forth between his parents houses.

  “You’re right. I’m just freaking out. I know Lo will like Remy, I just hope that Remy likes him.”

  “Remy is one awesome kid, Meg. You raised him. You have nothing to worry about. Although, I wouldn’t mind watching King kick Hunter’s ass,” I reassured her.

  “Whose ass is King kicking?” Rigid asked as he walked through the front door with King right behind him.

  “Hunter,” I said. Rigid flipped his boots off, threw his cut on the back of the couch and plopped down next to me.

  King pulled Meg off the couch and wrapped her in his arms. “Missed you, babe.” I heard him whisper in her ear.

  “Hey, beautiful,” Rigid said, throwing his arm over my shoulders.

  “Hi,” I whispered back.

  “Feeling ok?”

  “Surprisingly, yes.”

  “Meg get you hooked on Sons?” Rigid asked as he looked at the TV.

  “Just a little.” I lied. I was completely addicted.

  “Mmhm,” Rigid hummed, smirking at me.

  “She wants her own Jax,” Meg chirped in.

  “Meg!” I bellowed at her.

  “What? You totally do,” She laughed.

  “Jax? Really, babe?” Rigid laughed.

  “What? He’s hot and stuff.” I felt my face burn from embarrassment. Telling the guy you like about a fictional character you like was a little embarrassing.

  “You’re crazy, babe. Plus, everyone knows Otto is the shit in this show,” Rigid said as he pulled me into his arms and relaxed back into the couch.

  “Otto is not hot,” Meg said as she walked into the kitchen.

  “I didn’t say he was hot, I said he was the shit,” Rigid shot back.

  “Did you find anything out about asshat?” Meg asked, walking back into the living room with two beers and handing them to the guys.

  King took a long pull of his, pulled Meg to him and fell back into the recliner. “We more than likely know where he is. We got a plan all set up.”

  “That’s it?” Meg asked.

  “Yeah, babe. That’s it. I’ll tell you more later,” King said, laying his head on the back of the recliner.

  “You have an awful lot of things to tell me later,” Meg pouted.

  “I know, babe,” King said, exhausted.

  “You hungry?” Ethel asked walking back into the living room carrying two huge bowls of popcorn.

  “Got any chicken left?” Rigid asked.

  “I can get you some,” I replied, standing up.

  Rigid tugged me back in his arms. “Relax, beautiful.”

  “I’m good. I’ve been either sitting or lying down all day. No worries.” I leaned down and placed a kiss on Rigid’s cheek.

  Rigid and I both froze. “Sorry,” I whispered and ran to the kitchen.

  I leaned against the counter, trying to calm my racing heart. I just kissed Rigid. It was just a peck, but still. I just kissed Rigid.

  Holy shit.

  “You ok, hun?” Ethel asked as she walked back into the kitchen.

  “Uh, yeah. Rigid wants some dinner, so I thought I would warm some up some up for him,” I mumbled as I walked to the fridge and rummaged through it.

  “You pull it out and I’ll put it on a plate for you,” Ethel said, pulling two plates out.

  I took out all the containers of left overs and piled them on the counter. Ethel scooped out enough to feed an army when she was really only feeding King and Rigid.

  She popped one plate in the microwave, turned, and looked at me. “Rigid is a good man, sweetie.”

  My eyes bugged out and I stared at Ethel. “Um, yeah, I know, kind of, you know, that,” I stuttered.

  Ethel chuckled. “I don’t mean to be so straight forward with you, honey, but I think that’s what you need. I think that you could get lost in all the things that happened to you and not see what is right in front of you.”

  “OK.” I had no idea what else to say.

  “I know you are broke, honey, but that man out there on the couch is going to be the one to fix you. I can see it when he looks at you,” Ethel said.

  Another person who thought Rigid looked at me like, well, like I don’t know what, but I didn’t see it. “I don’t really know what to say.” I mumbled.

  “Don’t need to say anything, hun. Just don’t shut Rigid out,” Ethel said. The microwave dinged and she took the first plate out and set the other one in.

  “You can take that one to King if you want. I can grab Rigid’s when it’s done,” I said.

  Ethel gave me a smile, grabbed the plate and headed into the living room.

  I watched the plate spin around the microwave and thought about what Ethel said. Was I shutting Rigid out? I couldn’t figure out what
I felt any more. I liked Rigid before everything happened with Nick, but I knew back then, he was only in it for sex.

  Now? I had no idea what Rigid wanted from me. He treated me with such gentleness and acted like I would break at any second.

  Would I break, though? I had been through so much in the past few days and I was still standing. I may be physically broken, but inside, was I really that frail that I couldn’t make it through this?

  The microwave dinged and I grabbed the plate out, sticking a fork into the tators. I grabbed two more beers and two Jamaican Me Happy’s for Meg and me and headed back to the living room.

  I handed out the drinks and food and sat back down next to Rigid.

  Meg was curled up in King’s lap, his hand stroking her back while he ate with the other hand. Rigid was sitting forward, resting his elbows on his knees and shoveling food into his mouth.

  “You’re going to get the hiccups eating that fast,” I chided.

  Rigid glanced at me, smiled, and shoveled more food into his mouth.

  “Bikers don’t get the hiccups, they’re too bad ass,” Meg joked.

  “Babe,” King smirked at her.

  “What? It’s the truth. You bad asses are pretty intimidating,” Meg said as she snuggled into King.

  “Yeah, he looks pretty intimidating wrapped around you. He looks like a fucking marshmallow.” Rigid shoveled the last bite of his food in his mouth and clattered his plate on the end table.

  “Well kids, I’m off. Thanks for the Jax candy ladies,” Ethel said, walking out of the bathroom. I never knew where she was half the time.

  “Thanks for making dinner, Ma,” King said as he and Meg got up out of the chair. He hugged his mom and kissed her on the cheek.

  “Welcome, Lo. Call if you two need anything. I want to meet that Rem of yours, too, Meg,” Ethel said to Meg.

  Meg blushed and dropped her eyes to the floor. “Sure thing Ethel. Maybe Rem and I can come over one day for lunch.”

  “Count me in too, Ma,” King said.

  “You have work, Lo,” Meg said. King gave her ‘what the fuck’ look.

  I giggled, knowing what Meg was thinking. She was still terrified of King meeting Remy.

  “You all three can come,” Ethel said as she slid her shoes on.

  “Alright, Ma. I’ll let you know a day,” King said as he walked her to the door.


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