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Goddess Complete

Page 28

by Michael Anderle

  “Without a doubt,” Gideon said. “Come, let’s clear up this battlefield, then go find our cleric friends.”

  To Chloe’s great surprise, they were only a short distance into the forest when they became aware of people marching toward them.

  At first, they took cover and prepared for a fight, then she saw Ben emerge from behind the trees, followed by a hundred or so clerics and dwarves.

  “You’ve lost your touch.” Chloe winked, breaking from the group and stopping near Ben. “I thought you were stealthy.”

  “You try blending in when you’re followed by a hundred dwarves.” He sighed, clearly exhausted from his trip. “You going to mock us or help us along?”

  “Probably just mock you,” Tag said.

  Ben’s tiredness vanished in an instant at the sound of Tag’s voice. “What! How did you… When did you… What?”

  Chloe nodded. “That’s exactly what I said.”

  “I’ll tell you about it on the way.” Tag beamed. “Let’s get out of these freaky woods before something comes out and attacks us.”

  As they walked back, Tag spoke of his return journey to the group and his time out from the game. He asked why Ben and Veronica had split from the group, and they shared their story of what had happened on their journey to the towns and villages, everything from healing the infected to being trapped by Fukmos and his sisters.

  Chloe’s ears pricked up at this, unable to believe what she was hearing.

  “You saw him?”

  “Oh, yes,” Ben said. “And his reinforcements.”

  “It’s because of them that the infection came around in the first place,” Veronica said. “His sister Myaris is the Goddess of Disease.”

  “And they have ghosts, too,” Heather said. “They’re amassing an army, I’m sure of it. We need to find a way to end this all, and soon.”

  “Speaking of…” Chloe said. “You didn’t happen to see any wargs or orcish creatures heading this way, did you?”

  They shook their heads.

  “Why?” Ben said.

  Chloe looked at Gideon and Tag. “It’s kind of a long story.”

  “We’ve got time,” Ben said, blinking at the light as they emerged from the trees and the city came into view.

  “Oh, I don’t think we do…” Chloe pointed to the rift.

  Ben, Veronica, Heather, and a hundred dwarves’ jaws dropped as one.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Compared to the chaos of the previous day’s battle, all was calm in Hammersworth. Quiet had fallen over the city, as if the very stonework was in awe of the rippling rift hovering outside their gates.

  Chloe could see it now: the guards in a circle around the tear, the great cluster of dwarves obediently standing in their gleaming armor, likely sweating under the heat of the sun.

  “She’s in there somewhere,” Chloe whispered. The comment was intended for herself, but as usual, it had been intercepted by the goddess living in her armor.

  “Has to be. I don’t know where else to look if she’s not.”

  Chloe nodded. Since opening the rift, purging the foul creatures that had emerged from it, and joining the others back at the palace, she’d felt herself fall into a type of reverie. A determined focus she had never felt before.

  This was it. All her journeying had been leading to this moment—to find the final segment of armor and unite the pieces of the goddess so that she might once more join her kin in the heavens.

  It all waited beyond that door. She had an excited buzz in her gut like a child waiting to go downstairs and discover what Santa had left for her and her siblings.

  “The final chapter,” Chloe murmured. “One last venture into the unknown before it all ends and we go our separate ways.”

  “Our separate ways…” KieraFreya repeated, sadness in her tone.

  Chloe moved her attention from the wobbling rift and to the top of the forest canopy. As usual, it wouldn’t be as easy as she’d hoped. Of that, she was sure. Somewhere out there, the darkness was gathering for one last revolt. One final, desperate attempt to block the reunion of KieraFreya and her mother and father in the heavens.

  Just what secret were they hiding?

  Why were they so determined to keep KieraFreya down here?

  What in the hell was lurking beyond the curtain into the Nether Realm? In that bleak orange and purple landscape, where could a powerful goddess’ steed be hiding?

  And what other horrors awaited them there?

  Character Sheet


  Character name: Chloe (click to select a new character name)

  Level: 16

  Class: Battle Mage (Novice)

  Titles: Chief Guardian of the Queen, Mage of the Academy

  Race: Human


  HP: 518/518

  MP: 837/837

  Stamina: 492/492 Active effects: Null

  Boons: +15% luck to experimental magicks, 5% proficiency in skill-learning, spell cost dramatically reduced


  Strength: 22 (+53)

  Intelligence: 10 (+55)

  Dexterity: 20 (+61)

  Endurance: 25 (+38)

  Etheric Potential: 9 (+76)


  Languages: Human

  Acrobatics: Lv 5

  Armed Combat: Lv 5

  Charismatic: Lv 4

  Climbing: Lv 2

  Cooking: Lv 2

  Crafting: Lv 1

  Creature Identification: Lv 5

  Dark Vision: Lv 4

  Dual Wielding: Lv 3

  Entrepreneur: Lv 1

  Etheric Manipulation: Lv 5

  Experimental: Lv 2

  Fishing: Lv 1

  For the Queen!: Lv 1

  Hand of the Gods: Lv 2

  Herb Identification: Lv 2

  Monster Slayer: Lv 1

  Mounted Combat: Lv 1

  Reckless: Lv 7

  Saddler: Lv 5

  Scholar: Lv 1

  Sneak: Lv 5

  Swimming: Lv 3

  Tutor: Lv 2

  Available Points: 0


  Skill increased: Acrobatics (Lv 5)

  You’re taking enormous strides—literally! Bounce and spring your way to battle or adventure and savor the moments spent in the air!

  Bonuses: +7 dexterity

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increased: Armed combat (Lv 5)

  Damn. Hack, cut, slice, and wield that sword like it’s your second arm. Keep on leveling in this skill to learn new combinations that will be beneficial in the heat of battle.

  Bonuses: +5 strength

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increased: Charismatic (Lv 4)

  You've really worked that tongue loose. Now let’s see what you can do with it.


  Bonuses: +4 intelligence

  Skill increased: Climbing (Lv 2)

  Cling to the rocks like a lizard, scale to the highest heights. Or...just not get so tired when climbing up walls. Keep practicing, and soon you’ll be jumping up cliff faces with the best of them.

  Bonuses: +2 dexterity

  Skill increased: Cooking (Lv 2)

  You’ve developed something akin to taste buds. Now you can get a little bit more experimental while lowering your chances of food poisoning!

  Bonuses: +2 dexterity

  You've unlocked a new skill: Crafting (Lv 1)

  Those who can craft gain a fair advantage in Obsidian. Create your own armor from leather. Make your own weapons. Or continue paying others to do it, because at this level, your chances are still relatively slim.

  Requirements: Create your first item

  Bonuses: +1 dexterity

  Skill increased: Creature Identification (Lv 5)

  Congratulations on reaching level 5 in this skill. You’ll now be able to access th
e basic strengths and weaknesses of your foes, as well as additional nuggets of information that might be of use to you.

  Bonuses: +7 intelligence

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increased: Dark Vision (Lv 4)

  The night is fast becoming your mistress. Dark shapes become more refined, night terrors lose their fuzz, and oh, the pranks you can play as you dissolve into the darkness and lead your friends astray.

  Bonuses: +5 intelligence, +8 etheric potential

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increased: Dual Wielding (Lv 3)

  Many don’t understand the diversity of battle style that dual wielding has to offer. Some stumble across this by chance. Like you. You’re a chancer, right? Now you can combine both magic and the physical in battle. Boop!

  Bonuses: +3 dexterity

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  You’ve unlocked a new skill: Entrepreneur (Lv 1)

  You’ve set up your first business! There are many ways to make money in Obsidian, but only a few learn the glorious benefits of letting the money make you. The more passive income you make, the higher this skill will increase.

  Requirements: Start your first business

  Bonuses: +5 intelligence

  Skill increased: Etheric Manipulation (Lv 5)

  Congratulations on reaching level 5 in this skill. You are surely working your way down the path of magedom, and with that, you can reap a host of rewards.

  You will now be able to learn basic spells by observation. Simply watch another mage use a spell, and you will be able to absorb that spell’s knowledge and set yourself on the path to taking that spell farther. Not only that, but specialization bonuses are now in play. Should you choose to narrow your skills to a specific elemental path, you will progress in these spells twice as fast. You will also have the option to change your title to reflect your specialty and reward yourself with bonus tuition from the academies and schools across Obsidian to further your skill set.

  Should you wish not to specialize, you will find that combining spells and playing with experimental magic will have its rewards. Bonus buffs will be available any time spells are combined, and any new spells unseen before in Obsidian will be labeled with your name as the founder and creator.

  Bonuses: +12 etheric potential, spell cast cost dramatically reduced, immunity to friendly fire

  (NOTE: Increases in spells override any previous bonuses gained from the spell).

  Skill increased: Experimental (Lv 2)

  You’ve discovered a new way to manipulate a spell! Keep pushing the boundaries of common thought to discover bigger, better, and more efficient ways to enhance your abilities and further your knowledge of Obsidian.

  Bonuses: +2 intelligence, +1 dexterity, +1 endurance, +2 etheric potential

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  You've unlocked a new skill: Fishing (Lv 1)

  See those things in the water? They’re fish. You can catch them. Well done.

  Requirements: Catch your first fish

  Bonuses: +1 dexterity

  You’ve unlocked a new (unique) skill: For the Queen!

  Unite and inspire any and all allied fighters surrounding you in battle with a war cry, backed by the queen herself.

  Fighters will rally around you, finding courage in their hearts to fight longer and with increased strength for a limited time.

  Bonuses: +5% strength, +5% stamina, +5% endurance, +5% mana regeneration, +5% health regeneration.

  Duration: 3 minutes

  Skill increased: Hand of the Gods (Lv 2)

  You clearly have the favor of the gods. Guiding your strength, the gods can lend you unique skills and abilities to aid you in a pinch. Don’t rely on this skill unless you’re ready to live a reckless life. The gods take vacations, too, y’know.

  The results of this skill may vary.

  Bonuses: +10 etheric potential

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increased: Herb Identification (Lv 2)

  The surrounding foliage is beginning to talk to you. Discover new ingredients for food and potion recipe by experimenting with combinations of Obsidian’s plant life.

  Bonuses: +2 intelligence

  You’ve unlocked a new skill: Monster Slayer (Lv 1)

  There are many horrors that haunt Obsidian’s lands, some big, some small, some enormous. With this skill, you’ll now gain proficiency in defeating larger monsters. Once you have stumbled upon the monster’s weakness, you’ll be able to identify the weak places of all future monsters of this type.

  Requirements: Defeat 3 dreyda

  Bonuses: +2 strength, +2 intelligence

  You’ve unlocked a new skill: Mounted Combat (Lv 1)

  Attacking while riding is a whole different kettle of fish. Get used to the motion of your steed and counterbalance the overeagerness of its trot to learn to deal vicious blows.

  Or, fall off a lot and hope you land on an enemy. Always worked for me.

  Requirements: Battle a monster while riding a steed

  Bonuses: +1 dexterity

  Skill increased: Reckless (Lv 7)

  Okay, okay. We get it. You’re craaazy! Since you’re determined to risk your neck and go down unwise routes, you have gained an exclusive “time-slow” buff anytime you do something considered reckless.

  Bonuses: +17 strength, +12 endurance

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increase: Saddler (Lv 5)

  You've tamed the impossible, finding a way to ride a legendary beast and make it your bitch. Additional experience has been added to this skill to reward your bravery and boost you further on your way as you tame and ride the creatures of Obsidian.

  Bonuses: +5 dexterity

  You’ve unlocked a new skill: Scholar (Lv 1)

  Your hunger for knowledge is insatiable. Whether you’re learning from people, experiences, or books, you can now take comfort in knowing that you will learn faster from this point on.

  Requirements: Read a book that’s above your level

  Bonuses: +1 intelligence, skills can now upgrade 5% faster

  Skill increased: Sneak (Lv 5)

  The darkness has become your friend, your feet lighter than feathers on air. GREAT! As always, be sure to use your powers for good.

  Who knows what horrors a silent battle mage can create when sneaking…?

  Bonuses: +5 dexterity

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increased: Swimming (Lv 3)

  Slicker and faster, you’re becoming more streamlined. The water loves you. I wonder what delights you’ll find way down in the depths of Obsidian?

  Bonuses: +3 dexterity

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).

  Skill increased: Tutor (Lv 2)

  Although you prefer your own methods, you’ve left the path open for your students to choose their own way. The key to being a solid instructor is to nourish your students, not push them in one direction. Keep this up and the benefits will continue to grow.

  Bonuses: +4 intelligence

  (NOTE: Increases in skill override any previous bonuses gained from the skill).


  Open Quests

  Quest unlocked: A Fallen Goddess

  The Goddess of Retribution, KieraFreya, has fallen from grace. Her form has been divided and scattered across the land of Obsidian. For eons she has lain in wait, hoping for an adventurer who is brave enough and strong enough to unite the pieces of her armor once more and restore KieraFreya to her former glory.

  Find all [x] pieces of KieraFreya and return her to the gods.

  Difficulty: 10/10

  Rewards: 100,000 exp, + rare items (locked).

  Accept quest: Y/N


  Complete Quests

  Quest complete: Walk the Deathwalk of the Gods

  You’ve done it! You’ve outwitted the trolls, trodden through the realm of fire, swum the unforgiving lake, and emerged victorious through the fractal labyrinth of death. You’ve truly proven yourself—


  —a champion among champions—



  —Carry on, adventurer Untitled, and soar to ever great heights!

  Bonuses: 10,000 experience + Bracers of KieraFreya

  Quest unlocked: We didn’t start the fire.

  Some idiot has lost control of his flames. Help him put out the fire before the whole house is burnt to cinders.

  Rewards: 50 exp

  Quest complete: We didn’t start the fire.

  Smarts, cunning, quick wit, and the intelligence to solve a problem. These were none of the things you used as you launched water on the fire and jumped headfirst into a smoke-infested building.

  You somehow managed it, though. Hooray!

  Reward: 50exp

  Quest complete: Crossing the language barrier

  You took the easy way out. Well, why not? It certainly speeds things along now, doesn’t it? Even if you don’t get that glorious glow of knowledge.

  Reward (Interpreter): 100 exp

  Quest complete: Where’s the shaman?

  You didn’t turn away when the going got tough. Congratulations. You’ve made a new friend and a powerful ally.

  Rewards: 500 exp, Final slumber potion recipe

  Quest complete: Chasing Nightmares


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