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Goddess Complete

Page 29

by Michael Anderle

  You’ve reunited the stableboy with his steeds. Unfortunately, the cost was high, since you lost favor with Jacob. Experience still awarded, but no horses for you.

  Rewards: 1,500 exp

  Quest complete: An unlikely pairing

  Rosaline and Derren are a match made in heaven. Congratulations on uniting them and letting love blossom in this barren world.

  Extra points awarded for copulation within the first 24 hours of meeting.

  Rewards: 1,300 exp, + 500 exp (copulation bonus), + map location unlocked.

  Quest unlocked: A most bloody request

  Someone has it out for you. Find the sender of the death note in Nauriel and discover what truly lies behind this request.

  Rewards: 2,000 exp

  Quest complete: A most bloody request

  You’ve found the sender of the death note, now track down this ‘Tohken’ and see if you can unravel just exactly why he has it out for you.

  Rewards: 2,000 exp

  Quest complete: A Woman in Need

  You’ve discovered the truth about Lady Gwent. Quite a web has been woven, now, let’s see if you can conquer part two.

  Rewards: 3,400 exp

  Quest updated: A Woman in Need (Part II)

  You’ve united the town and brought peace to Gallen Hollows. Not only that, but you’ve earned the undying affection of Lady Gwent. Powerful allies are good to have, my friend.

  Rewards: 7,000 exp + unknown items

  Quest complete: A Willing Student

  The Mages’ Academy is stringent with who they accept into their order. Prove your worth and earn the respect of the tutors to unlock the benefits of the globally revered academy.

  Difficulty: 4/10

  Rewards: 1,000 exp

  Accept quest: Y/N

  Quest complete: Opposite of Gods

  For the last few weeks, a strange phenomenon has been affecting Killink View’s mages. A shrine dedicated to the gods of the darkness has reportedly been seen to be surrounded by demons. These demons have been spilling into the daylight, threatening to enter the city.

  The guards have been vigilant, firing and deflecting the demons in their attempts to break into the city, but their arrows only keep them at bay. More must be done to eradicate this nuisance before the threat grows.

  Visit the Shrine of the Damned within the mountain’s caves, discover where the mages have been disappearing to, and uncover the source of the disturbance.

  Difficulty: 6/10

  Rewards: 5,000 exp

  Accept quest: Y/N

  Party quest unlocked: A Call to Arms

  You’ve destroyed the dreyda and emerged as the triumphant party of the task! The King and Queen are very impressed and wish to bestow many rewards upon you. Look out for additional party quests as the game continues to grow, and the populations build.

  Rewards: 20,000 experience to each team member of the party who contributes the greatest progress to this task (3,000 to each member of every other party) + favor with the city of Killink View + an audience with the king and queen.

  Quest complete: We don’t take kindly to strangers

  Track down the ringleader of the grumblers within Rustfields and change their opinion of the blessed.

  Bonus points not awarded.

  Rewards: 1,200 exp

  Quest complete: Who’s been goblin?

  Your goblin companion is missing, and you have a hunch that someone in this town knows something about it.

  Find out what happened to Huk and return him safely to your party.

  Rewards: 800 exp

  Quest complete: Horsin’ Around

  No steed can outmatch your power! Congratulations on acquiring a new steed (and with unmatched finesse, impressive…)

  Rewards: 50 exp

  Quest complete: Stubborn Llamas

  You did it! Wow, was that one easy. Still, every good deed deserves a reward.

  Rewards: 500 exp

  Quest complete: Get the chick in the wagon

  Don’t get cocky, kid. Even my grandmother could have completed this one, and in less time. With more skill. I mean…they’re chickens, not basilisks.

  Rewards: 400 exp

  Quest complete: The Rift to Nether Realm

  You have unlocked the entrance to the Nether Realm—congratulations!

  This was deemed an impossible task by those who came before, but you managed to unite more magic-users than the city has seen together. You have found the tear in the fabric of reality and can now access the Nether Realm.

  Celebrate your victory but tread carefully. Explore the unexplored. Strange paths lie ahead, but for now, rest up a bit…

  If you can.

  Rewards: 50,000 exp


  Failed Quests

  Quest failed: One of us

  Rewards: 5,000 exp, Title unlock (Oakston Villager), New language (Tribal: Primitive)



  New spell acquired: Aqua Orb (Lv 1)

  A spell for even the sunniest of days. Conjure the Aqua Orb to protect yourself from heat and heat-related monsters. This ball is the ultimate addition to any high-society party or is perfect when in a pinch in dry environments such as deserts.

  Requirements: n x 20MP per second (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Spell power increased: Creepers Crawlies (Lv 2)

  Now that your spell has leveled up you can—you guessed it—control vines and foliage with a slightly greater level of efficiency. A wider range of plant life is available to your manipulation, too.

  Requirements: n x 17MP per second (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Spell power increased: Deic Light (Lv 2)

  The gods have treated you kindly, and you have channeled their light well. Now enemies in the darkness will cower before your might as you blast through shadow and harness the power of the gods.

  Requirements: n x 50MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Spell power increased: Healing Hands (Lv 2)

  A studious mage would be nothing without a little healing power. Lay your hands upon an injured comrade and help bring them back to health. Lay hands on yourself to fix those bumps and bruises and return to the battle as if nothing had ever happened.

  Requirements: (on others) n x 15MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  (on self) n x 18MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell.

  Spell power increased: Ice Shard (Lv 2)

  Ice may melt, and ice may thaw, but you can guarantee that it’ll do some damage before it fades into oblivion.

  The ultimate spell for stealthy kills, fire an ice shard into your opponent’s heart and watch the baffled faces of the investigators when the shard melts without a trace….

  Requirements: n x 10MP per shard (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  New spell acquired: Mind Manipulation (Lv 1)

  You’ve mastered the art of combining spells in order to screw with people’s minds. Now you can actually try digging your hands into other characters’ brain matter and affecting their biology on a cellular level.

  Mind Manipulation is a spell in the Illusion branch of magic. With this spell, you’ll be able to affect what people see and influence their decisions.

  Warning: There are many who frown upon the manipulation of people’s minds. Use with caution to maintain good standing among those within Obsidian.

  Requirements: n x 20MP

  Spell power increased: Purple Blaze (Lv 4)

  You’re on FIRE! You’ve found a new way to manipulate your spell. Your spells-dex will keep a record of any and all manipulations you discover. Continue with your experiments to unlock bigger and better forms of your Purple Blaze spell, Hot Stuff.


  Fireball: S
ummon a fireball to throw at your enemies. Size varies dependent on focus and mana invested in the spell.

  Scorching trail: Mark your territory, create barriers, or just draw pretty pictures with the purple flame. Size and duration dependent on focus and mana invested in the spell.

  Bonuses: +1 etheric potential, reduced cast cost (n x 18MP)

  New spell acquired: Resurrection (Lv 1)

  There are a great many forces at work in this realm. Though many choose to pursue the path of the light, magic can be found in the path of the darkness. While life is sought and clung to with iron claws, death is the inevitability that comes to all.

  Or so it would seem.

  Summon the powers within this spell to bring the dead back to the living. Higher tiers of this spell will allow control of the dark forces of the dead, while lower tiers will allow the resurrection of fallen comrades.

  A note of warning: there are those within the realm of Obsidian who frown upon the dark arts. Be wary of your surroundings before toying with the gods of darkness and snatching away their prizes.

  Requirements: 100% of player’s MP

  (NOTE: The Spell of Resurrection can only be cast once within a 48-hour period)

  Spell power increased: Shadow Tweak (Lv 2)

  Ever thought of producing puppet shows? Just an idea. I suppose there are better ways to manipulate the shadows (extra points for creativity and innovation).

  Requirements: n x 12MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Spell power increased: Telekinesis (Lv 3)

  You’ve done it! Now you can manipulate multiple objects at once. Use this spell to confound and confuse your enemies, as well as helping yourself out of sticky situations.

  Requirements: n x 30MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Spell power increased: Volt Shock (Lv 2)

  Is it me, or can you feel a spark between us? Maybe harness that power and zap the hell out of enemies with it. Who knows the limits of your potential?

  Requirements: n x 30MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  New spell acquired: Whisper of the Wild (Lv 1)

  Have you ever wanted to communicate with animals? To have them listen to your whispers and wishes? Well, you better start increasing your rank in this spell, then, eh? For now, you might be able to talk to insects and possibly a squirrel, but train this up and you’ll have even the most fearsome predators obeying your will.

  Requirements: n x 20MP (where n is equal to the number of seconds taken to cast the spell)

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Fukmos blinked in the sunlight. He wasn’t used to these conditions, having spent most of his time in the Underworld.

  Under the ground—under the very earth upon which they stood—which no sun could penetrate. Fukmos and his sisters had been birthed in darkness, and that was all they knew.

  Even upon reaching the surface world, they had stuck to the shadows, clinging to places no light could reach. It was nice there. Familiar. And most of all, Fukmos wouldn’t have to know he was—

  “Sweating, brother? You’re sweating.”

  Myaris giggled into her hand. As the Goddess of Disease, she was a strange picture. Her hair was in clumps, her skin blotched and marked by ailments beyond worldly knowledge. It was pale and, unbeknownst to her, a bead of perspiration was dripping down her own forehead.

  “That’s disgusting,” she continued. “You know that’s what humans do, right? Disgusting creatures with their illnesses and maladies. They sweat it all out. The sign of a good fever is in the sweat. ” She licked her lips hungrily.

  Beside her, Dryana hovered an inch or so off the floor. In the darkness, it was simple to see her in her entirety, but out in the unblinking sun, she was almost transparent. Even her long dark hair was nothing more than a ripple in the air.

  “Don’t be too hard on him.” Her voice was hollow. As the Goddess of Ghosts, she often scared the hell out of Fukmos. “He’s not built for such conditions. None of us are. This situation is beyond our natures.”

  Fukmos swiped his forehead with the back of his dark, skinny arm. “Look, why don’t you spend less time worrying about me and more time answering the question?”

  The girls turned to each other, then broke out in giggles again. Fukmos sighed. He was tired of their company, but he reluctantly accepted that he needed their help. His father, the God of the Dead, had assigned them to help Fukmos on his mission, but that didn’t mean he was having any fun along the way.

  Sure, they had been recruiting for their army in the protection of a small quarry beyond the forest’s borders, but as much fun as it was to send out wave after wave of troops and see all the new recruits arrive, hanging out with his sisters wasn’t enjoyable.

  “Dryana! Myaris!”

  “Ooo, is Fukey getting upset?”

  Fukmos’ fists shook with rage, and he ground his teeth. Ribbons of shadow began to unfurl around him, weak and wobbling in the sunlight.

  “Oh, relax,” Myaris said. “Come on, we’ll show you.”

  They led Fukmos to the top of the quarry. The journey was quick since they all morphed into their ethereal forms and slid up the rock face as shadows.

  “Progress is good,” Dryana crooned. “They are coming in droves. Soon we will have amassed enough to tear down the walls and break them, just the way father instructed.”

  Fukmos’ frown melted into a wide grin. Below were hundreds upon thousands of dark figures. Creatures of all races roamed without direction around each other—humans, elves, dwarves, even a few species not well known to the civilized world.

  Each one had black veins decorating its body and blank eyes that stared ahead, empty vessels waiting for instructions from their masters.

  Fukmos twisted his hands together. “Excellent.”

  “We’ve got more recruits coming from the south,” Myaris said. “From the nearby towns and villages. Our reach stretches beyond fifty miles now. They’ll keep arriving until our deed is done. The other side doesn’t stand a chance.”

  Dryana nodded. “And soon we will cover the land with darkness. No matter what happens with KieraFreya, we shall win. The Goddess of Retribution cannot save the land when there is no land left to save.”

  Even Fukmos joined in the laughter then. He cast his eyes over the growing army, a smug smile of satisfaction on his face. He never would have guessed he’d be able to recruit so quickly, but with the help of one sister’s infections and the other’s conversion of ghosts, the quarry was filling up fast.

  Fukmos pointed out a group of a hundred or so infected and nodded to Myaris. With a nod, she stretched her hands forth, the palms glowing with black smoke.

  The group’s heads raised as one, and they marched up the slope and out of the quarry. Soon they would join the others at the city gates, keeping up the relentless attack against the city walls, wearing the fighters down and never allowing the break they so needed to recover after their last attack.

  Ensuring that they would be weakened and unprepared for the war when the time came.

  Once more, Fukmos leered down at the army, his eyes finding monstrous creatures grazing by the far walls. He heard the cries of several more of them from afar and chuckled.

  What was the one thing that would be able to break the city walls and start the kingdom’s downfall? Unbelievable muscle power, combined with the frenzied determination that only the infected could bring.

  “Good. Good.” Fukmos grinned. “It is almost time."

  Chapter Thirty-Eight

  They watched the ongoing battle from the balcony, hundreds of yards above the lower tiers. The walls of Hammersworth spread out in a wide arc, looping from one side of the mountain to the other. The thick stone slabs protected those within the city from the attacking forces.

  There were at least a hundred attacking the gates. Angry faces and blackened veins.

  On the parapets of th
e wall were a mix of defenders, including a long line of the king’s Royal Guards in their gleaming silver armor. Interlaced between them were the blessed, the parties who had accepted the king’s call and were even now fighting to defend the kingdom, taking advantage of the fact that the enemy was coming to them. They were harvesting the kills for experience in a bid to claim glory for their parties.

  Chloe could see them, lower-leveled blessed among the NPCs

  Some exploded in golden light as they leveled up. A few were hit by shots that sent them back into the white room in which they would wait for several hours to respawn, but it gave her hope to see that they were growing stronger with every renewal.

  “Four days and they haven’t stopped coming.”

  Chloe was aware of Queen Therese joining her. King Abaxis was on her other side, staring out over the city.

  “They will,” Chloe said. “They have to.”

  Chloe spoke the words, but they were hollow. Ever since the fight for the rift and to clear the enemy from the gates had ended, the infected hadn’t stopped coming. Every hour or so, a new group would come, emerging from the tree line several miles from the city gate and marching on them, group after group after group.

  “Where are they all coming from?”

  Abe idly teased knots from his beard. “Scouts are out there, doing what they can to find out. No sign yet.”

  “No sign?”

  Abe lowered his eyes. “More like the scouts have yet to return.”

  Chloe shook her head. “We need to be doing something. We need to attack. Find a way to go to them and take them down. We can’t just stay here like sitting ducks and let them wear us down. They know what they’re doing.”

  “What do you suggest?” Therese asked. “We empty the city and go on a hunt for three gods of evil? Chloe, that’s a suicide mission. No one will make it back alive.”


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