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Loner Page 18

by Rae, Harloe

  Her bottom lip sticks out further. “But I wanna hang out with Ford, too.”

  “I know, sweetie. We’ll all spend time together again really soon.” I stroke my thumb down her porcelain jaw.

  “Why not tonight?”

  Josey sweeps in and ruffles her hair. “Because we have plans, Mills. You and I are doing all of the crafting. We’ll take Elsa to the park. I’ll make my famous homemade macaroni and cheese. You’ll beat me at UNO. I bet you’ll barely notice she’s gone.”

  My daughter peeks up at her. “Yeah, I guess.”

  I rub her shoulders. “You two will have a blast.”

  Millie sighs, her shoulders curling in. “I know, mama. It’s important for you to be best friends with Ford. Then he’ll never leave us. I just like it when we’re all together.”

  A cramp attacks my stomach, but I shove the ache away. Worrying is for tomorrow. For now, I boop her button nose. “Sometimes adults hangout alone, right? Just like kids. But I’ll make it up to you with extra dessert tomorrow. Deal?”

  A loud knock interrupts us, sending Elsa into a fit of barks and spins. Millie’s eyes pop open wide and she races to the door. With a whoosh, Crawford is revealed on the stoop in all his leather jacket glory. A haze of his woodsy musk wafts over to me, and I do my best to suppress a shiver.

  “Hi, Ford!” She practically tackles him, wrapping her arms right around his legs. Oh, boy. We’re all going down in this sinking ship.

  He gives her a few pats on the back. “Hey, Peep.”

  They make a rapid gesture of quick movements between them. I belatedly realize they’re doing some secret handshake. My blink is weighed down with disbelief. I nearly tumble into the wall while melting into a puddle of swoon.

  Hear that? It’s what’s left of my resistance, crumbling into rubble all around me. This guy is giving me no choice. Options are overrated anyway.

  Millie ends their special bonding display with a regular high-five. “Be nice to my mama, okay?”

  Crawford’s hazel eyes lift to mine. “I always try my best.”

  I quirk a brow at that. He could probably up his game. I’m open to suggesting a few essential areas of improvement. “Nice to see you, Ford.”

  “The sentiment is very much mutual. You look”—his throat bobs with a thick swallow—“perfect.”

  From anyone else this would be a cliché, but from him it’s heart-stopping. “Hopefully what I’m wearing is good enough for what you have planned.”

  “Like I said—perfect. I have a helmet and jacket for you on my bike.”

  Millie squeaks by his side. “Can I go for a ride, too?”

  “Absolutely not,” I blurt before he can argue otherwise.

  My daughter pouts at me. “Why not?”

  Crawford nudges her shoulder. “It’s dangerous until you’re older. I wasn’t allowed to ride on a cruiser until I turned sixteen.”

  I send him a silent bout of gratitude for stepping in. Being the only bad guy to dish out rules gets old. “And guess what, sweetie? I’ve never been on a motorcycle.”

  Millie scrunches her forehead. “You’re so old. Why’d you wait so long?”

  “Little turkey.” I give her cheek a light pinch. “I never had a friend who owned one until now.”

  Her little mouth forms a circle. “That’s why you wanna go with Ford alone. I get it now.”

  I begin nodding slowly. “Uh, yeah. That sounds about right.”

  She peers up at Crawford. “Take care of my mama, okay? It’s her first time. She doesn’t know what to do.”

  When I look at Crawford, his lips are pressed tight together. The gleaming humor bleeds through his eyes, though. “And on that note, shall we?”

  “I’m ready if you are.”

  Josey pops up beside me with a coy grin to match the sparkle in her eye. “Make sure to keep her out way past curfew.”

  He gives her a salute. “No problem.”

  I trap Millie and Josey in a group hug, squeezing until my daughter starts to fuss. “Have fun without me.”

  “We will,” my bestie coos.

  With a shake of my head, I meet Crawford on the path leading to my driveway. He grips my hip, the action so subtle I barely notice. “Are you excited? Or nervous?”

  “Both? I’m not much of a scaredy-cat”—I glare at him when he grunts—“except when it comes to swimming with fish in large bodies of water.”

  “If you say so.”

  I poke him in his chiseled side, almost breaking a nail. “Don’t worry about me. I won’t even scream.”

  “That sounds like a challenge.”

  “Only if you want this to be my first and last ride.”

  “I won’t be reckless, Kee. You can trust me.”

  And I do. Probably more than I should. The opportunity to ponder why that might be disappears as we reach his black and chrome iron steed. The Harley is impressive, even to a novice who knows nothing about the machines. The spot reserved for a passenger halts my appraisal.

  “I can see you get a lot of company.” The grit in my voice is unmistakable. I shake off the green monster, gluing a perky grin on my lips.

  A lopsided smirk tips his lips. “Do I detect a hint of jealousy in your tone?”

  I scoff and cross my arms. “Absolutely not.” The lie is so vivid it’s a surprise my pants aren’t on fire.

  “You can be possessive of me. I don’t mind.”

  I toss my braid off my shoulder. “I’m not delusional. We have no claim on each other, Ford.”

  He stalks into my personal space, lifting my chin until we’re locked in an electric standoff. “The idea of you fucking another guy drives me to the brink of madness. There’s no denying that you have a hold on me. You’re the only woman I want. And for the record, I added that rear seat specifically for you.”

  Well, that’s one way to shut me up. Does that mean he actually cares about me? It’s hard to tell when he’s usually operating on pure piss and vinegar. I take a much-needed backward stumble. “Uh, wow. Wasn’t expecting that.”

  His nostrils flare with a snort. “Get used to it.”

  Static buzzes in my ears. I part my lips, closing them a second later. Formulating a response to that isn’t happening—all I see is an endless sea of white. “I’m not sure what you mean. Is that why you wanted me all to yourself?”

  “Among the other reasons I told you about.”

  At least he doesn’t bother denying it. If I’m being honest, his declaration floods me with a familiar molten heat. It’s official. If this guy keeps playing his cards right, he’s totally getting laid. Does that make me easy? Most likely. Even if it does, I’m already teetering off the ledge of caring. But where does this path lead to after a few overdue orgasms? I add that to my worry list for tomorrow.

  “In any case, this is an impressive cushion.” I give the elevated backseat a pat.

  “Decker got me thinking,” he muses.

  “About what?”

  “A lady and her throne.” He chops a hand through the air. “Never mind. Will that be big enough for you?”

  I take another glance at the wide section reserved for my butt. “I’m trying not to be offended by your question.”

  Crawford’s scowl gains intensity. “We both know you have a fine ass. Don’t go digging for reassurance. I just want you to be comfortable.”

  “Okay, that’s better.”

  Crawford looms over me, his towering frame blocking out the sunlight. “Want me to worship your ass, Kee?”

  I gulp as heat flares in my cheeks. “Uh, maybe later,” I squeak. We’re still in my freaking driveway, for crying out loud.

  His dark chuckle snares me. “I’ll circle round to that when we arrive at the landing.”

  “The what? You never told me where we’re going.”

  “You’ll see.” He gestures to my seat. “Hop on.”

  As I get situated, Crawford digs through the saddlebags attached to both sides of his bike. He hands me an emeral
d green helmet and black leather jacket. “Hope those fit. If they don’t, we can return them for the right size.”

  I take his proffered gifts with trembling fingers. When was the last time a man gave me a present? It’s been years, and those came with conditions. I clear the lump of emotion from my throat. “Thank you. How much do I owe—”

  “Don’t even think about it. These are from me to you. End of.”

  “Okay.” I nod while slipping on the jacket. “This is very thoughtful.”

  “And smart. Safety is important, Kee. Accidents happen too often.”

  I wince at the sting his reminder causes. The scar tissue throbs beneath layers of dense grief. Crawford isn’t immune to the pain that tragedy delivers. He’s all too aware of how fast circumstances change. I don’t respond to the slash of caution in his voice. Words aren’t necessary in this heavy moment.

  He straddles the seat in front of me, leaning back to position my arms. “You can hold onto my waist or the bars at your sides. Sitting upright as a beginner can be an odd position, but you’ll figure out what feels best for you. Just make sure you’re following the flow of movements.”

  “Um, okay. Got it.” I latch myself around his bulky form, enjoying the feel of him against me a little too much. Barreling lust aside, this seems like the safest choice since he’s responsible for steering.

  “You’ll see what I mean.” Crawford’s torso flexes beneath my flat palms. I try not to let his reaction, or nearness, affect me. The blast of heat under my skin can easily be blamed on the layers I’m wearing, but his muscles seem to quiver when I tighten my hold.

  Before I can comment, he cranks the throttle and an explosive roar cracks into the silence. He revs the engine, and a plume of exhaust spits out behind us. The final warning I get is Crawford reversing onto the road. Then we’re soaring, heading east out of town.

  Within moments, a calm awareness hooks into me. There’s already a natural buzz flooding my system, this state of utter relaxation that cradles me in a protective embrace. It’s no wonder people escape the grind by cruising along the open road. I could be one of them after an experience like this. The rumbling growl of the pipes soothes me as signs of civilization thin out, leaving room for endless fields to get lost in. After about five minutes, a powerful floating sensation washes over me. The strong scent of gasoline and oil are carried away by the whipping wind. Out here, nothing can reach us.

  We ride far enough that I lose track of direction. Crawford pulls off the highway and aims straight for a narrow gravel path. The bike slows to a crawl as we weave up a steady incline. An overgrown prairie with shallow dips and hills surrounds us on all sides. The climb crests at a flat plot to our right. The grass isn’t quite as long on this random patch, allowing the motorcycle to navigate with minimal bumps. Crawford veers to one side and cuts the engine.

  The silence is almost jarring after nearly an hour of booming noise. He yanks off his helmet and I do the same. Crawford dismounts, offering me a hand to get down. I wipe the dust off my clothes before attempting to tame the nest my hair has become. Once some semblance of normal settles in, I finally glance up to take in the scenery. The exhale in my chest stalls with a strangled hitch.

  To the unsuspecting visitor, this section of field appears ordinary and blends in with the landscape. But I can hear the whispering breeze hinting at what’s hidden below the surface. The view alone is enough to leave me motionless. From this perch, unobstructed miles of rolling meadows are visible. There’s a stream cutting through a far end, and I wonder if that leads to the creek we swam in. A lone tree calls to me next. The weeping willow is a rarity to this part of the country; I assume someone planted it once upon a time. Strands of wispy branches wave at me, beckoning with a call I can feel in my bones.

  I feel him approach from behind, his body a furnace engulfing me in flames without a single touch. “Another natural treasure,” I breathe.

  He spans an arm out in front of us. “It certainly is. This sight alone is worth the drive.”

  “This is quite a whimsical setting. Did you bring me here for a reason?”

  “In all my years coming out here, I’ve never seen anyone else along this path.” His raspy words brand the back of my neck.

  I shiver despite trying my damndest not to. “You’ve got a lot of these secret gardens.”

  “Something like that.”

  “You do seem to enjoy isolation.” I fiddle with a fraying rip in my jeans.

  “I’m learning that it’s better when shared with a chosen few.”

  Another wave of heat swirls in my lower belly. “Oh?”

  He brushes against me. “That’s why I’m showing you all of my hiding spots. They can be yours, too.”

  I let my eyelids flutter shut. “Be careful, Ford. You’re bordering on being romantic.”

  “If it gets you naked faster, I’ll be Prince fucking Charming.”

  “I thought you prefer being a beast?” But hell, for the record, I won’t complain either way.

  “People can change.”

  “Just part of the plan?”

  “For now.”

  My pulse speeds up until the pounding feels like a marching beat. “If I didn’t know better, I’d guess that you’re trying to get lucky.”

  “What was your first hint?”

  I motion to the vast beauty cocooning us. “Spelling it out isn’t necessary.”

  “No?” Crawford presses his arousal into my ass, leaving very little to the imagination. “That works in my favor.”

  “Yes, you’re all set. Very solid.” Damn, my voice is one gasp away from labored.

  “All for you, Kee.”

  That’s a good enough commitment for me. I turn and grip the open edges of his jacket, tugging him into me. Crawford erases the remaining distance, slanting his mouth over mine. I sigh against his lips, melting a bit more on the inside. His arm circles my waist when I sway on unstable legs. Good grief, this man can kiss. I part for him, granting his tongue access to sweep along mine. Heat crawls up my inner thighs until the burning ache overtakes me. I need him with a fiery intensity that’s setting me ablaze. If I don’t release this pressure soon, my body is bound to burst.

  “Want you so fucking bad,” he mumbles against the corner of my mouth.

  “I can tell.” I rock my hips against the steely ridge prodding at me.

  Crawford nips at me, delving back in for another taste. My eyes nearly cross when he hauls me harder into him. “You do this to me. Only you.”

  I could call him out on that blatant fib, but my mind is fuzzy with desire. “Show me how crazy I make you.”

  He yanks his lips from mine and begins tugging the leather off my arms. After discarding the jacket into a crumpled heap, he gets to work on my shirt. The flimsy cotton doesn’t stand a chance and gets tossed away with one upward yank. Crawford cups my lace-covered breasts, a sound of approval rolling out of him. His tongue licks a trail across the most sensitive skin of my throat. That sinful touch wanders down, drifting to my collarbone and lower. He sucks and nips at the valley of my cleavage. I arch into him, begging for more.

  “Feels so good,” I purr.

  “Just getting started.” He inhales, burying his nose in the dip of my bust. “Smell so fucking good.”

  I grapple at him, digging my fingers into his shirt. “Take this off.”

  Crawford jerks his head. “Not yet.” He steps forward, taking me with him. The back of my legs tap his bike, and I reach out for stability. His chuckle tickles my already heightened sensitivity. “I got you.”

  A hum trips up my throat. “I like the sound of that.”

  He crouches in front of me, palms wrapping around my calves. “These boots are hot as fuck, but they need to go.” His deft fingers lower the zippers, and he yanks the soles off my feet.

  He attacks my jeans next, but grunts after getting the button open.

  I quirk a brow. “Problem?”

  “Your pants might be sexy, but th
ey’re clinging worse than glue.”

  “That’s what you get for making me cover up when it’s almost July.”

  Crawford snorts. “Biker attire does have its down side.”

  “Compared to what?”

  “That glitter bomb you wore to the bar.”

  I shimmy and shove off the tight denim with some added force. The fabric gets thrown away with the rest. Only my bra and panties remain, but I have a feeling those will be stripped off soon enough. He lifts me up onto the seat, the sunbaked leather stinging my bare flesh.

  “That’s hot,” I hiss.

  His eyes flare with smoky embers. “I seem to recall you finding pleasure with a bite of pain.”

  “Thanks for the preview.” After sprawling and reclining against the rear saddle, I grasp the bars for support. I bow my spine and edge closer to him. My lower half hangs in the balance, but not for long.

  Crawford tears the thong from between my thighs, tucking it in his pocket. He crouches in front of me, hoisting one of my legs over his wide shoulder. I don’t get a chance to protest before he’s leaning in. “Remember, I want you spreading wide for me.”

  This position makes that more challenging, but I stretch until my muscles burn. “I’m definitely open for this.”

  “Exactly how I prefer you.” He chuckles, a hot puff of air caressing my folds.

  I open my mouth with a retort, but a whimpering moan escapes instead. Crawford licks along my slit, making two excruciatingly lazy passes from top to bottom. I spear my fingers into the length of his hair, gripping at the roots with a harsh pull. A wheeze tumbles from the depths of my lungs while I drag him harder into me.

  He circles two fingers at my entrance, feeding those digits into me with a slow glide. I welcome him with a sigh as the coils in my lower belly twist. The teasing touch isn’t nearly enough, and I buck my hips.

  “So greedy for me,” he whispers against my exposed center.

  “It’s your fault,” I whimper.

  “Then I better be the one to fix it.”

  Crawford laps at my clit with dizzying spirals. I’m panting, silent pleas dripping off my parting lips. What I want to beg for is beyond me.


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