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Page 27

by Rae, Harloe

  Crawford traces the thin straps crossing over my shoulders. “I want to make love to my girlfriend. All. Night. Long.”

  “Oh, you’re smooth, with all of these surprises.” Tingles break across my chest, tightening my nipples into stiff peaks.

  His finger lifts a string and snaps the stretchy fabric against my skin. “Is it working?”

  “Absolutely.” I tilt my head to the side, granting him better access to the dip at my neck. He takes advantage and draws a path along that sensitive area with his nose. A sighing wheeze curls off my tongue. “And I might have a little secret of my own.”

  He growls against my ear, nipping at the lobe. “Tell me.”

  “I’m not wearing any panties.”

  He grips the elegant draping at my hips, bunching the slinky material in his fists. “Even at dinner?”

  I shake my head. “It’s very freeing, and a bit naughty.”

  He nibbles along my jaw. “Fuck, I love you.”

  I freeze in his grip. “What?”

  Hazel eyes crash with green. There’s no looking away, even if Millie burst into the room. “I love you, Kee. Isn’t it obvious?”

  The rigid knot in my throat makes it difficult to swallow. “Well, um, I guess. You’ve been doing a good job showing me.”

  “Just the words were missing.” His mouth meets the corner of my lips.

  It’s as if he’s reading my thoughts from earlier. “I was convinced I didn’t need them, but it’s nice to hear. I love you, too. Do you know that?”

  “I could’ve been an ass and assumed, but wasn’t positive.”

  “Well consider all your suspicions confirmed.” I untie the knot at my nape. With a hiss of silk, my dress becomes a puddle on the floor. “Enough talking.”

  Crawford feasts on my bare form, giving me the slowest once-over in the history of ogling. My skin pebbles further under his watchful gaze. Heat swirls around me, pooling in my lower belly and fanning out to my limbs. I twitch my fingers, desperate to touch him. His Adam’s apple bobs with a thick gulp as he tilts my face up.

  “This mouth.” His kiss is delicate, yet I shiver against him. Crawford’s palms drift from the flare of my hips to the ridges of my ribs. He cups my breasts in his big palms, the pillowy flesh almost spilling over. “These tits.” A slow drag of his tongue along my cleavage follows that choppy statement. “So perfect. Every inch.”

  I press myself into him. “Aren’t you dishing out all the compliments tonight?”

  He groans into the crook of my neck. “I still have a lot of making up to do.”

  “Where will you begin?”

  His fingers dip between my folds, zeroing in on that needy bud. “Here?”

  After a few swipes, I’m already nearing the edge. My body is primed and ready for the taking, building and spinning higher. I rock my hips into his hand. The relentless circles against my clit make me dizzy. My muscles clench on nothing, demanding more. He speeds up, and I grab his arm as an anchor.

  “Oh, yes. There.”

  Crawford pulls away just as the edge of my vision is beginning to blur. The suggestion of an orgasm fades faster than I can protest. “Not yet, Kee. I wanna be inside you. We’re gonna find release together.”

  I’m nodding along, on board and raring to go. “Yes, I need you.”

  With a harsh jerk, the T-shirt gets whipped over his head. He holds his arms out. “Take me, babe.”

  No further encouragement necessary. I shuck his briefs with a single downward swoop. He palms my ass and hoists me up. I cinch my legs around him as he carries me to the bed. A second later, I’m falling against the mattress with an exhaled oomph. Crawford settles over me, aligning us just right. His hardness prods at my entrance, and I spread wider for easy access.

  He brushes his lips over mine. “I love you, Keegan.”

  I slay the sliver of distance, sealing our mouths in a hot, wet embrace. “And I love you.”

  Crawford enters me with a smooth glide, my slick core welcoming him with ease. I’m seconds away from drooling from the burst of molten smoke curling around my center that he’s stoking. His biceps strain as he holds himself still. I lift my hips, urging him on.

  He presses a kiss to my flushing cheek. “There’s no hurry, babe. Let me enjoy you for a minute.”

  Well, when he puts it that way. I dance my fingers along the sinewy muscles bulging in his back. My touch wanders lower, landing on the firm globes of his ass. He flexes against my hold until I smooth my palms upward to settle on his shoulders. Tan pecs stacked with muscles nab my concentration next. I suck and nip and lick along his collarbone until he quakes.

  After another moment of my teasing, a groan vibrates off Crawford’s chest. “That’s not gonna help me last longer, Kee.”

  “We have all night. Make love to me. Again and again.”

  He shudders again, giving in with a forward thrust. I jolt upward on the bed from the force. We set an easy rhythm that makes my mouth water.

  I grip onto him harder. “Yes, yes. Show me who I belong to.”

  “With pleasure, babe.”

  His strokes are languid, a slow roll of hips colliding and receding. I gasp and Crawford swallows the sound, sipping at my pleasure from an endless tap. We’re joining in the most intimate place, sharing private whispers with each seamless push. He buries his face against the base of my throat while grinding us tighter than a screw. The staccato of slapping skin ricochets off the walls, matching our laboring exhales. I arch off the mattress until his skin sizzles along mine. Everywhere. The temperature spikes and plunges our passion to a heightened level.

  He trails his mouth along the slope of my bust, latching onto one taut point and flicking the other.

  “Ford,” I moan.

  He releases me with a wet pop. “So fucking hot, babe. I love your body.”

  “Good thing I’m yours.” I squeal when he tweaks my nipple.

  “And I’m yours, Kee.”

  I let my eyelids grow heavy and hooded as he gives me another lazy stroke. We’re not in a rush. The love we expressed moments ago is now being shared between our bodies. The words cycle on a wheel, gaining strength with each burning coil of our connection. When he slams into me, we’re one being. I spear my fingers in his hair to drag him that much closer. The tang of sweat hits my nostrils, and I inhale our devotion with a ragged breath.

  He kisses the affection curling on my mouth. “Ready?

  “Always.” I press my damp forehead to his, nodding against him.

  Crawford’s motions speed up, striking me in the place I need him most. The tingles tickle at the base of my spine, and I chase the rising flames. He punches deeper and harder and faster. I writhe beneath him, begging for more. His palm slips under my ass and tilts for a better angle. A burst of white flashes across the ceiling as I revel in the new position. He pins me against him, sending a skittering shock through my veins. My mobility is lost, but that doesn’t matter. I climb until being hurdled over the edge with an electric explosion. With a scream, I surrender to the spasms and convulsions cramping my core. Crawford’s flowing movements falter and seize as he follows me over.

  His name is a chant spilling off my lips until I’m hoarse. He blasts me out of the atmosphere, until I’m no longer suspended to this earth. I have chills, but my skin is on fire. He’s sending me to another universe—hell, another realm—where orgasms shatter everything I’ve once known.

  Crawford collapses beside me, but we’re still a tangle of entwined limbs and rushes of toe-curling pleasure. When we finally catch our breath and float down to reality, he threads his fingers through mine.

  “Damn, Kee.” He raises my hand, raining sloppy kisses on my wrist. “If that’s what love is, we’re fucking soulmates.”

  I giggle while snuggling closer. “Fated by simultaneous climaxes and destined for a mutually satisfied forever.”

  Healing Hug #32: The only one that truly matters is when you’re free to love with open arms.

; Plumes of charcoal-rich smoke waft over to my spot on the patio. I slouch lower in my lounge chair, sipping on the fruity cocktail our resident and borrowed bartender blended for me. Decker sure knows how to mix a lot of booze together and make the end result taste delish. With another pull off my straw, the liquor sends a warm buzz through me. A nap is very likely to drag me under if I remain seated. I force myself to stand, stretching once I’m upright.

  Groups of friends and family form chatting clumps across our backyard. All of our guests are smiling and sharing laughs. Elsa and Patch are partaking in the festivities, chasing each other all about. Mother Nature has been kind enough to grace us with a cloudless yet balmy afternoon. I allow a grin of my own to curve my glossy lips. This tradition in the making is long overdue.

  Crawford appears out of seemingly nowhere, wrapping an arm around my waist. “What’re you thinking about?”

  “Nothing much. Just enjoying the view. I never thought to gather everyone together like this. Thanks for the suggestion.” I bump my hip into his.

  “Didn’t expect that coming from me, huh?”

  “I do now. Social events seem to be growing on you.” I lean against his side, savoring the woodsy musk floating off him. The alcohol in my system takes a backseat as his addictive scent goes straight to my head.

  A low rumble drums in his chest. “That’s not the only thing expanding for me. I happen to be rising to the occasion, just for you.”

  He turns into me and a noticeable bulge presses against my ass. If the semi in his jeans is any indication, this man is always ready to romp. Not that I’m complaining one little bit. The path of love bites and hickeys hidden by his shirt are proof of just how much I appreciate that insatiable need. His nose and mouth carve a hot path along my jaw.

  “Not the time, Ford.” Yet I tilt my chin, granting him access to explore.

  “That’s not what you said this morning.” His tongue joins the party, trailing fire down my neck.

  “I wasn’t serious about sneaking off for a nooner.” A squeak escapes me when he nips at my exposed nape.

  “Never tease a man with that,” he murmurs. Rather than force me to reconsider, Crawford straightens and resumes a more publicly appropriate pose.

  I allow my thoughts to wander as his thumb draws circles around my hip bone. “Have you heard from him again?”

  His smile dims at the edges at the mention of his father. “He called yesterday. The tone in his voicemail is slightly less scathing. I think he’s coming around very slowly.”

  “How do you feel about that?”

  Crawford shrugs, tipping a beer to his lips. “Pretty good. I said my piece. The next step is up to him.”

  “And Grant? Is he adjusting to the new grind well?” I scan the crowd, finding his brother. The man in question is currently trying to flirt with my bestie. Based on the scowl pinching Josey’s features, she’s not impressed with his attempts.

  He follows my gaze with a chuckle. “I’d say he’s doing just fine.”

  “Maybe I should rescue her,” I muse.

  “Ah, he’s harmless. They’re probably just reminiscing over the past.”

  I furrow my brow. “Do they have history?”


  “Vague much?”

  Crawford nods at them. “We’ll see how this plays out first. I don’t wanna give you a reason to dissuade her.”

  I squint at him. “That’s ominous, and interesting.”

  “Life in a small town, babe.”

  A familiar figure appears in my periphery. “Speaking of, did I ever tell you that I bumped into your mother when we were…fighting?”

  He stares at me from under the curved brim of his ball cap.

  “I was not aware of that. Did she tell you a bunch of embarrassing stories?”

  An unladylike snort stings my nose. “I wish.”

  His hum is soothing. “She’s probably saving those for our wedding.”

  I almost swallow my tongue on a garbled choke. “Oh?”

  Crawford bends to whisper in my ear. “Don’t pretend you haven’t pictured it.”

  “Maybe,” I murmur.

  “Close your eyes and imagine with me.” His warm exhale prompts me to follow instructions, my lashes fluttering shut. “You’re wearing a lacy white gown, heading down the aisle sprinkled with wild flowers. I’m waiting at the altar in a black suit, ready to promise you forever. Millie has our rings fastened on a pillow, our lives merging as one.”

  I blow out a stream of hot air at the vivid dream he paints. “You’ve given this a lot of thought.”

  He nods against me. “I’m a man with a plan.”

  “Well, this is me getting on board.” I press closer to his chest.

  “That’s good to hear because I plan to begin carrying it out very soon.” His hold on me tightens for a moment.

  “Okay,” I agree.

  The sizzle of meat being flipped makes my stomach growl. I press a hand against the noise, but Crawford notices.

  “But first, it sounds like my woman needs to eat. Hungry?”

  “The scent is such a tease. Erik needs to grill faster.”

  He presses a kiss to my temple. “I’ll get you a burger. Do you think Millie wants one?”

  I search for my daughter among the sea of joy. She’s off to the side near her jungle gym, with Alice and Barry. Her blonde braids shimmer under the sun as she gabs openly about who knows what. “She looks well taken care of. I’ll check on her in a bit.”

  Once he strides off toward the buffet table, Kellie takes his place by my side. It’s as if the older woman’s ears were burning. “Hello, Keegan. Quite the shindig you have here.”

  I greet her with a grin. “Hey, Kellie. I’m glad you could make it.”

  “Wouldn’t miss this for anything. Seeing my son settled and smiling is a gift I never thought would be delivered. Thank you for that.”

  “He can take most of the credit.” And that’s not me being humble. Crawford has outdone himself at every turn.

  “Isn’t it great to see, dear? I told you everything would work out for the best.”

  “You certainly did. We’re all doing very well.”

  “A happy family.” Kellie sighs, the sound of finding peace.

  I peek at her from the corner of my eye. “He’s been a true blessing for us. Blends right into our fold.”

  “Are you thinking of expanding?”

  “On the house? I glance over my shoulder, studying the two-story rambler. “There’s plenty of room for us.”

  “I meant your family, but it’s good to know the home can accommodate.”

  It feels like my brain isn’t processing her meaning quite right. She can’t be referring to what I’m assuming. “Okay, sure.”

  “This seems oddly familiar, yeah?”

  If she’s referring to the invasive topic of conversation, I couldn’t agree more. Regardless of the flutters attacking my stomach, I give her a warm smile. “It does.”

  “I’m not actually going to make you eat those doubtful words. As my reward for being right, I’d like to request more grandchildren.”

  Oh, she certainly meant what I hoped was a wild misunderstanding. I drop my mouth with an audible pop. “Uh, well…”

  “Not immediately. But I’m not getting any younger.” She pauses for a moment while I try to regain normal functioning of my voice. “Something to think about.”

  Crawford struts over at that moment, saving me from further interrogation. Both hands are full of plates piled high with food. He passes me one with a wink, but my appetite has been replaced with too many thoughts. His gaze moves to his mother and presses a loud smooch on her cheek. “Hi, Ma.”

  Kellie titters under his open display of affection. She pats his scruffy jaw in return. “Such a good boy. I was just talking to your lovely girlfriend about babies. Your future ones, to be specific.”

  A blush stains the tan skin of his throat. “Jeez, mom. Thanks for putting on the pressu
re. All in good time. Right, babe?”

  I lock my wide eyes on his. We just discussed our imaginary wedding. There’s more to that fantasy, apparently. “You want kids?”

  “Yeah, of course. All part of my grand plan, if you’re willing. Plus, Millie would be a great big sister.” His beaming smile is my undoing. I’ll agree to anything if he keeps looking at me like I hung the moon and stars just for him.

  His mother wags her brows at me while edging out of our circle. “Well, I’m sure this gives you two a lot to consider. I’ll leave you alone to discuss.”

  I lift a single brow at my boyfriend, who’s intending on being my husband and baby daddy. Soon. “Not sure what to say after all that. You’re a bit of a surprise, Ford.”

  He winks, the expression a newfound favorite. A tiny thrill zips through me with each one. “I prefer hopelessly optimistic. It’s my new outlook.”

  I gaze up at him, lost in the possibilities of our love. “I’m beginning to believe we’re living out our very own happily ever after.”

  Crawford seals my vow between us with a kiss. “And that’s how we will always stay.”

  Healing Hug #33: The one meant to carry on through it all.

  Sweat coats my palms against the steering wheel, and I almost swerve from the slippery grip. My nerves bathe the air with a pungent tang that anyone with a nose can scent. If that isn’t suspicious, I don’t know what is. I try to be discreet while wiping the dewy evidence away. Crashing Keegan’s new ride will not bode well for me.

  There’s no squeak of outrage from my right so I’m probably in the clear. For now. This is probably a stupid plan that I’ll pay for later. But those consequences could really end up being rewards if I play my ace in the hole right. The rapid beat pounding against my ribs is a warning I should listen to.


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