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Page 28

by Rae, Harloe

  This doesn’t need to be rushed. I can wait longer. Hell, maybe I should. Keegan probably won’t take too kindly to this idea. But the grand finale should be enough to smooth things over. I allow a smirk to tilt my lips at the mere idea of her reaction. One glance at her sitting so prim and proper in the passenger seat cements the decision into my gut.

  The timing is ideal, and all the details are settled. I’ve enlisted the assistance of a certain almost eight-year-old. Speaking of, Millie is practically vibrating in the backseat. There’s no telling how long before she bursts. This morning, she assured me the secret is still safe. Only one way to find out.

  We’re halfway home, cruising along a very familiar stretch of interstate. I pull over onto the shoulder at the precise location, kicking up dust and killing the engine. Once the cloud of chalky gravel clears, I get a good look at our surroundings. Just right.

  Keegan turns in her seat to face me. “Why did you stop?”

  “Recognize this spot?” I lift a brow, the pressure on my chest settling deeper. Her memory is an important factor at this moment. To any bystander, this strip of highway is nothing more than a basic road splitting the rolling prairie in half. Wyoming wilderness at its finest.

  A smile spreads across her lips. “How could I ever forget the place where we met?”

  “That’s what I want to hear.” I lean across the console, threading our fingers together. “What else?”

  With a nibble to her bottom lip, she humors my request. “My knight in chrome armor rescued me with his impressive tire-changing skills.”

  A groan rises off my chest. “Yeah, Kee. And do you know what today is?”

  Her patience with me wanes with a thick huff. “Um, Tuesday?”

  “Exactly four months later.” I nuzzle her nose with mine. “I figure what better way to celebrate than having a re-do.”

  “You’ve lost me.” She drops a peck on my lips before pulling back.

  “I’m gonna teach you how to change a tire.”

  “But it isn’t flat.”

  “Doesn’t have to be for practice.” I glide a palm up her silky thigh. The smooth skin is bare and mine for endless enjoyment. Thank you, late summer.

  Keegan flicks her gaze outside. “Can’t we do this in the garage?”

  “Then we lose the sentimental value. Where’s the fun in that?”

  Her narrowed eyes swing back to mine. “Your idea of a good time is concerning.”

  “Not what you said last night.” I let my eyebrows wag.

  Keegan shoots a look toward Millie, who hasn’t released so much as a peep. “Seriously, Ford?”

  I grip her knee, stroking more satin temptation. “Some habits are much harder to break than others.”

  “For the sake of my daughter’s innocent mind, please put more effort in being clean.”

  I lean forward until only an inch separates our lips. “But I like getting you—”

  She presses a finger over my mouth. “No.”

  I nip at her and she pulls away. “You didn’t even know what I was gonna say.”

  “It wasn’t anything appropriate, I’m sure.”

  I squint out the windshield, trying to come up with an alternative to prove her wrong. My mind is too busy doing a backstroke in the gutter. “Yeah, you’re right.”

  Keegan is quiet for a moment, and I wonder if her thoughts are swimming in the filthy depths with mine. “Are you really going to make me change a tire?”

  “It’s a vital skill to learn.”

  “Don’t you like coming to my rescue?” She bats her long eyelashes at me.

  “I love being your hero, Kee. But this is important to me.”

  I give her a responsible-male-adult look. “Millie and I will be your assistants.” I pop open my door and motion for the little girl to exit on the passenger side. “I’ll grab the tools.”

  With a languid stretch, Keegan unfolds from the confining front seat. “Okay, fine. I’m doing this in the name of independent women.”

  “That’s the spirit.” I jam wheel wedges under the rear tires.

  Both girls stand close to watch. Millie squats and points at the orange block. “What’re those for?”

  “They stop the car from rolling backward. Right, Kee?” I feel the corners of my eyes crinkle with a smile aimed at her.

  She nods while waving a hand at me. “Yeah, of course.”

  I get the front set locked in and beckon her forward. “We’ll use the right side since it’s not facing the road. Safety first.”

  “This also happens to be the one that blew on my old car,” Keegan points out.

  I snap my fingers. “See? You’re buying into this.”

  She flattens her lips. “Something like that.”

  I don’t allow her less-than-enthusiastic attitude to dissuade me. “Use this wrench to loosen the lug nuts.”

  “Um, okay.” Keegan crouches beside me and grabs the tool.

  I let her huff and struggle for all of ten seconds before stepping in. While covering her hand with mine, I guide our movements until the first bolt drops to the gravel. We repeat the motions for the remaining four and opportunity begins knocking. Booming crashes in my ears as I release my hold on her.

  “Can you get the jack?” I nod toward the collapsed metal a few feet to her left.

  Keegan stands and brushes off her palms. With a slight breeze, the skirt of her dress billows like a signaling flag. The current position we’re in makes this the optimal proposal setup. Do I dare? She’s my girlfriend, and we’re committed, but the need to get my ring on her finger is bordering on desperate. Call me barbaric or possessive—I’ll be quick to agree with you.

  Similar to twenty minutes ago, resolve settles deep into my bones. This is the moment. I’m already conveniently down on one knee, crouching in front of her. The velvet box is ready to burn a hole in my pocket. That small square might as well weigh a ton as I dig it out. Keegan catches sight of the baby blue object, her gasp zinging between us.

  “Oh my gosh. What’re you doing?” She slaps a palm over her gaping mouth.

  I ignore the rhetorical question, reaching for her left hand. “You mean everything to me, Kee.”

  That’s all I manage to spit out before she’s blubbering, fat tears rolling down her cheeks. I squeeze her fingers, pressing gentle kisses to each one. “I love you so much, babe. Between fighting against you and myself, I fell so damn fast and hard. And I wouldn’t take a moment back, because it led me here, to this moment with you and Millie.”

  Her muffled sob breaks apart my words. She’s trembling in my grip and appears to be barely hanging on. I gulp at the tightness in my throat, pushing forward through the strain. “Because of you, I’m no longer alone. You fill my days with vibrant laughter and happiness that can never be replaced. It would be my greatest honor to spend forever by your side. I can only hope you’ll grant me the privilege of walking this life with me.” I snap open the lid, showing off the solitaire diamond encrusted with emeralds. “Will you marry me, Keegan Quinn Daniels?”

  She’s nodding so fast her face is a blur. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes.”

  I slide the diamond on her finger and stand, wrapping us in a tight embrace. This is the first hug of our new beginning, the life we’ll cherish together. I crash my lips against hers to cement our words with an unbreakable unity.

  After thoroughly kissing my fiancée and wiping away her tears, I turn to Millie. The little girl is beaming at us, tiny palms clasped against her chest. She’s been included in most of my plans, except for this. I reach for her left hand and return the smile she’s directing at me.

  With a slow exhale, I dig in my other pocket to retrieve the small box reserved for her. Millie’s mouth drops open when she notices the bright pink bow. “This isn’t just about your mama, right?”

  She blinks at me, moisture shining in her green eyes. “I dunno.”

  “I’m not just asking to spend my life with her, Peep. You need to agree, too.”


  “Yep, sure do. Amelia Marie, you’re my little warrior, standing up for me when I wasn’t strong enough to do the same. Because of you, I’ve found understanding and compassion. You’re incredibly precious and important to me. None of this,” I gesture between the three of us, “would be possible without you. So, I have a question to ask.”

  “Okay, I’m ready.” Her voice is barely more than a squeak.

  “Will you allow me to stick around permanently? Agree to be my little girl?”

  “Like you’ll be my dad?”

  My heart has never pounded so hard. Any moment, I expect the organ to fly out of my chest. “If that’s okay with you and your mama.”

  She doesn’t hesitate, launching into my arms. “Yes! I accept.”

  “This is for you, Peep.” I hand her the gift with a shaking palm.

  With wide eyes, Millie rips open the wrapping. A gasp tumbles from her as she stares at what’s waiting inside. Her tiny fingers remove the silver bracelet, holding it up so the diamond ring charm sparkles in the sun. “I love my bling. It’s so pretty.”

  I open the clasp and motion to her wrist. “May I?”

  “Uh-huh.” She thrusts her arm at me while wearing the biggest smile known to little girls.

  Keegan is releasing a fresh round of tears when she joins our huddle. She presses her wet cheek against mine. “Was this your plan all along, Prince Charming?”

  I kiss the corner of her lips. “Are you impressed?”

  “Very. You never cease to amaze me, Ford.”

  “And you just agreed to forever. Here’s hoping I continue to deliver.”

  Her lips brush along my jaw. “Without a doubt.”

  That’s the end for Loner, but I wrote a short story for Josey. Will she get her dream happily ever after? Download Charmer for FREE here!

  Did you know Decker and Delaney have a story? They’re from my standalone romance, Keeper. Read this excerpt for more of them!

  My newfound focus wavers when two nurses rush by me and turn down another hallway. The burst of activity is familiar in an almost comforting way. But the racking sobs following close behind is a bucket of ice water.

  Almost on autopilot, my body pivots toward the weeping sounds. This isn’t my mother’s room. I shouldn’t be stopping. A doctor, or hefty medication, will soothe this audible pain soon enough. Just as I’m about to move along, another gut-wrenching whimper cracks through the air. But the tone is feminine and delicate, and I’m drawn closer on instinct alone.

  The door is open, but that doesn’t mean I’m free to enter. A woman is practically folded in half on the bed. Her small frame trembles with a fresh cry of grief. The halo of red hair surrounding her is a fire I can’t ignore. Call me a damn moth, but suddenly I’m a single step from crossing the threshold. I falter when I realize where I am. What the hell am I doing?

  The sole of my boot catches on the linoleum and releases a loud squeak. I cringe and freeze in place. The woman snaps upright and faces me. Everything around us tunnels until she’s all that remains. No fucking way.

  An eerie tremor ripples down my limbs, and I almost drop the bouquet. I blink, rubbing my eyes for good measure. She’s still sitting there.

  Hot damn. Delaney Wallace is back in Silo Springs. The years have been very good to her. Most of her body is hidden underneath a hospital gown, but that’s not what I’m gawking at. A silky cascade of red waves frame her porcelain face. There’s a small smattering of freckles dotting her button nose. Pink splotches decorate her skin, revealing a roadmap of misery, but rather than grief-stricken, Delaney appears cleansed. I’ve heard a good cry can be cathartic.

  Mile-long lashes flutter at me, concealing those stunning baby blues from view. Delaney was the beauty queen without a crown, the girl with brains to spare. Varsity athlete. Way out of my league. That didn’t stop me from lusting after her. I was a cocky little shit, but she never fell for my crap. Like I said, smart girl.

  But now? She’s staring at me with zero recognition. This girl from my not-that-distant past eyes me with the scrutiny of a detective. The expression on her face makes me believe she’s actually peering through me. Doesn’t she recognize me? It hasn’t been that long. I lift a hand to the thick beard covering my jaw. The facial hair is new since high school. It’s possible she doesn’t know who I am.

  Our silent stare down continues. Maybe I look like a different guy. I’m the one to break, cracking under the intensity of her piercing gaze. “Dell?”

  Her forehead dents with a deep furrow. I can almost hear the cogs in her mind working overtime. After a few tense moments, she appears to shake herself out of the stupor. Her gaze slides down my body with a slow assessment before lifting to retrace the same path.

  I clear the gravel from my throat and try again. “Do you remember me, Dell?”

  Those bottomless baby blues brighten when catching sight of the flowers in my shaky grip. “Are you my husband?”

  Pressure squeezes my lungs and a strangled wheeze escapes me. “W–what? No! No, no, no.”

  The fuck? Husband? We never went on a single date. I take stock of her state again. What are they pumping into her veins? Other than the confusion clouding her gaze and some fading bruises, Delaney appears right as rain. But for her to assume I’m her significant other is absurd. I’m definitely not the marrying type, even to this stunner. She should recall that well enough. On the other hand, it doesn’t seem as though she remembers anything about me.

  I wipe the shock off my face. Where’s a reset button when I need one? I flash her the panty-melting smirk that keeps my pockets padded at Howlers. The rundown bar isn’t known for attracting ladies, but we do all right. “No, Dell. We went to high school together. That’s all.”

  Her features collapse lower. “Oh. I didn’t know that.”

  Is she for real? Damn. My ego staggers back with the hit. “Well, it’s been close to five years. People change.” I scrub the back of my neck.

  “The doctors say my name is Delaney. Why are you calling me Dell?”

  I squint at her, brushing away the dust collecting in my memories. Another reminder of how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other rattles through me. “It was a nickname in school. Not many used it. Just the kids who knew you best.”

  Her expression crumples. “Oh. That makes sense. I’m sorry, I probably sound stupid. I, um, have amnesia.”

  Want to read more? One-click Keeper on Amazon here!

  Are you curious about Sutton and Grady?

  They’re from my standalone romance, Breaker. Enjoy this excerpt from the prologue!

  “I want you to take my virginity.”

  Grady is silent for a few beats. I peel my lids open, watching the stacks of muscle in his shoulders flex with harsh breaths. The knot in my chest pulls tighter. My offering dangles in the few feet separating us. He just needs to reach out and grab me. But his lips pull into a sneer.

  “Are you fucking joking?”

  I cringe at his foul language. Grady’s tongue has always been sharp. Even more so lately, especially with me. “No,” I whisper. “I’m very serious.”

  “Go home, Sutt. We’re not discussing this.”


  A tic of strain pops in his jaw. “Because I say so.”

  “Doesn’t it matter what I want?”

  “Has it ever?”

  The answer is no. A loud, resounding boom meant to deter. But I don’t hear it. I’ve been waiting all of my teenage years for this moment. I’m not letting it slip away.

  “Just once. No one has to know.”

  His eyes flash with a streak of lightning. “How fucking nice. I can be your shameful secret. No fucking thanks. Find someone else to slum it with.”

  I almost smack my forehead. How could I be so dense? “That’s not what I meant, Gray.” This is not going according to plan. I lick my lips and search for a different route. “I want you, and always have. I’ve saved myself for you. My first ti
me is meant to be with you.”

  Grady flops onto his bed with a groan. “People accuse me of doing a lot of bad shit, but I’ve never been a thief. I’m not stealing your fucking cherry, Sutton.”

  I’m shaking my head before he’s done talking. Heat crawls up my chest and neck, but I’m already buried too far. “But I want to do this with you. It has to be you.”

  He scrubs a palm over his face. “Don’t do this desperate act. Give yourself to a man who’s deserving.”

  “I’m looking at him.” This wall between us needs to crumble. I step out of my soggy flip-flops and instantly feel more at home. If I reach forward, my hand will skim his blankets. It’s been years since I’ve felt the comfort—albeit platonic—of his arms. I curl my toes into the carpet at being this close again.

  Grady glares at the ceiling. “Seriously. I shouldn’t have to repeat myself, but I will. Go home, Sutt.”

  “Please, Gray.” The two words trickle off my trembling lips.

  His scoff echoes around the dark room. “Begging is far beneath you, Sutt. Keep that silver spoon in your mouth.”

  That has me clacking my teeth together. “Don’t be an asshole.”

  “Then don’t force my hand. Go back to your side of the fence. You don’t belong in these bunks.”

  Something dark flips inside of me. “This is my property. I have every right to be here.”

  He grunts into a clenched fist. “Don’t need another reminder of who reigns.”

  The strength that brought me here is beginning to crack under his pressure. But a lingering spark ignites when I catch him staring at me. Grady rarely looks my way for longer than a casual glance. But the privacy of his bedroom is proving to make a difference. He doesn’t conceal the way his eyes skitter across my exposed skin. There’s unmasked hunger waiting for me there. That gives me a much-needed confidence boost.

  It’s not an accident that I’m wearing a daringly low-cut shirt. The hem of my skirt is a few inches too short. Am I acting desperate like he claims? No doubt. Do I care about being the one pursuing this? Not in the slightest. Am I worried about being rejected? More than I care to admit. But that fear doesn’t hinder me.


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