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Takin' the Reins (The Sterling Brothers #2)

Page 6

by Jenika Snow

  She nodded.

  “You want to see how far that delicate little jaw of yours can stretch?”

  She nodded again, and ran her tongue along her bottom lip. “I want it all, Jace.”

  He took a step closer to her until his cock was right in front of her mouth, ready. “When my cock is in your mouth, and you’re swallowing my cum, you’ll know this is it. I’m it.” He couldn’t help the words that came from him, and although she should have felt weird that he was saying the things, she seemed even more aroused.

  The way her eyes widened slightly after he spoke had this fire burning fast and hard inside of him.

  “Now, open up for me, sweetheart.” He ran the pad of his thumb over his cockhead, gathering the pre-cum that lined the tip. He then reached out and stroked her bottom lip for a second. She looked right in his eyes, and he felt his heart start to beat harder. She parted her lips, and he forced his thumb into her mouth, making her taste the spunk that covered the digit.

  “Jace…” His name came from her on this strangled sound.

  “Open up wider for me, baby.”

  She did as he said and sucked his thumb into her mouth.

  “That’s it. Lick it all clean.”

  Her breasts were rising and falling fast and hard, and when she swirled her tongue around his thumb, he couldn’t help but watch her mouth the entire time. This woman was making all of his other sexual encounters seem like poor and regrettable experiences.

  You’re fucking crazy.

  Jace lifted his arm and ran his hand over her hair, grabbing a chunk at the back of her head. He tightened his hold on the strands until this little sound came from her. When her lush, pink lips opened, he could feel the little pants of her breath brush across his cock. The fucker jerked something fierce.

  She started sucking on his cock again, and he let her go at it for several seconds.

  “Yeah, sweetheart,” he said. “That’s so it. That’s so fucking it.” He pulled back because he was perilously close to coming. Taking hold of her chin with his fingers, he tilted her head back and forced her to look at him.

  “I’m about to come right now, baby. I need to be inside of you.” She didn’t answer, but her expression told him enough. This woman wanted him.

  “I want to shove my cock so far into you, Lexi, you don’t know why the fuck we never got together.”

  Her eyes widened slightly.

  “I want to fill you up, baby, make you take all of my cum, and stretch your pussy so wide you’re sore the next day.”

  A gasp left her. “God, Jace.”

  “You’ll be screaming those words out once I finally fuck you, Lexi.”

  Chapter Ten

  This had to be the most reckless and insane thing Lexi had ever done, yet here she was, wanting to go even further. She didn’t want things to go slow, didn’t want to stop this. She was finally being with Jace in every sense of the word, and although this may only be for one night, she’d take it, because she actually felt like she was breaking the mold she’d set for herself. It was exhilarating.

  She’d never been one to be so outgoing, and certainly had never just gone home with a guy to have sex. She wasn’t a virgin, certainly wasn’t a prude, but what she felt went over and beyond what she’d ever experienced before. But Jace wasn’t like any other man. He screamed sex appeal, knew how to please a woman, and he wasn’t selfish when it came to the latter.

  Looking down at his dick, at the way he stroked himself, all she could think about was having that huge erection inside of her. His shaft was huge, thick and long, and the biggest she’d ever seen. Jace was tall, muscular, and put all other men to shame. He worked hard to keep his family business going, and after losing so much in his life he’d prevailed. He smoothed a hand over her inner thigh, and she felt the calluses that lined his thick fingers from the manual labor he did. She wanted him to continue running those strong, long fingers over her flesh, wanted his mouth to devour her, his tongue to lick every inch of her. He was raw power all in a six and a half foot, two hundred and fifty pound package.

  She smelled him, the wild, masculine aroma that was all Jace. He screamed sex appeal, control … power.

  She slid down to the floor on her knees, saw the way his nostrils flared, and pushed his hand away. She wasn’t done having his dick in her mouth. He grabbed her nape in a tight, firm hold, letting her know without words she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “You want it?” he asked and moved an inch closer until she felt the tip of his cock brush along her lips. She was still looking up at him, but she nodded and opened her mouth. Bracing her hands on his muscled thighs, Lexi ran her tongue over the flared head of his cock, instantly tasting the slick cum that lined the tip.

  “You’re going to make me get off before I’m even in your pussy, baby.”

  She hummed and sucked harder, took as much as she could of him. He groaned, and then started fucking her mouth, in and out, harder and faster until his cockhead hit the back of her throat. Lexi gagged, but was it hot. Jace didn’t stop, and Lexi, if she could have said anything, would have told him to go faster, to come in her mouth. Images slammed into her head, ones of him over her, claiming her, dominating her, and holding her down as he sought his pleasure.

  Her pussy was wet, so incredibly soaked that she felt her clit throb. If she touched it, if any pressure was added, Lexi knew she’d come.

  “Baby,” Jace groaned the word out. “As much as I fucking love your mouth on my cock, I need to be inside of you. I’m about to come, and I want in your tight cunt before I do that.”

  She pulled back, his cock slipping free of her mouth. A shiver coasted over her and cooled her overheated flesh.

  He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her off the ground before she could say anything or react.

  “Are you ready for me, baby?”

  All she could do was nod. She’d been ready for him for longer than she cared to admit. He pulled her close to his body, and her breasts pressed to his hard chest. All his hard, defined lines were flush with her softer, fuller ones. A gush of moisture left her at the contact, and she wanted his fingers and mouth on her, touching her, making her come, making her scream.

  “Oh, I’ll make you scream,” he said, and she realized she’d said part of her thoughts out loud. When she felt the impressive outline of his erection pressed against her belly, the slickness of his pre-cum wetting her flesh, she had to clench her thighs together to stem off her intense arousal. “And I can’t be slow and gentle, sweetheart. I have to take you in a way that will probably scare you.”

  She shook her head. “Not possible.”

  He was touching her possessively, like he had a claim on her.

  I want him to claim me.

  He ran his hand along her side, over her belly, and moved his fingers back up so he could cup her breasts. She was a bigger woman, with curves and lumps on her body, ones she loved. She arched her back, thrusting her chest further into his touch. He leaned down and ran the tip of his nose up her cheek.

  “You smell so fucking good.” She ran his tongue over her cheek. “You taste so damn good.”

  The slow glide of his lips and tongue along her cheek and jaw had her closing her eyes and letting her head fall back, giving him better access. He moved his other hand against her lower back and slowly pushed it way lower until he cupped her ass.

  “Yes.” She hadn’t meant to say anything, but the word tumbled out of its own accord. The feel of one of his hands covering her ass and the other cupping her breast was driving her arousal even higher. When he started moving his thumb over her hard nipple, back and forth, using slight pressure, she knew she had no control where it concerned Jace.

  “I fucking love you do what I say, obey me because it turns you on, too. Isn’t that right, baby?”

  She nodded.

  God, it turned her on.

  “Lexi, sweetheart.” His warm breath moved along her cheek. “You feel so damn good against me.”
He thrust against her belly, grinding his dick into her and reminding her exactly why she was here.

  “I’ve wanted this for a long time.” Shit.

  She hadn’t meant to say anything out loud.

  He groaned. “You know what to say to have a guy nearly coming.” He pulled her an inch closer. “You want my mouth on your pussy, baby?”

  She nodded. “God, yes.” A shiver worked through her. She turned her head, needing his kiss. He ran his tongue along the corner of her mouth.

  He continued to kiss and lick at her.

  She wanted rough, animalistic sex with him. Lexi wanted him losing his control. He pulled back and looked at her face. He moved his thumb along the puckered flesh of her nipple, pulling at the turgid peak until she arched her back.

  Lexi wanted his cock in her mouth again, wanted to taste him coming undone. Although she wanted his cock in her pussy, she was feverish for the former.

  He took a step back and looked at her body. “You’re so fucking gorgeous, Lexi, so mine.” Hearing him say those words had her pulse throbbing between her thighs and a fresh gush of moisture leaving her pussy. She could see his chest rising and falling a bit faster when he looked at her breasts. Lexi felt her body become flush with her arousal, felt the slickness of her cream rubbing along her inner thighs. The very knowledge that he was staring at her had her body hot.

  Lexi took her time checking him out, as well. Jace had a small patch of darker blond hair that started at the top of his golden, hard chest. The only hair he had on his abdomen was a thin line that started below his navel and went down to his cock. There he had another trimmed patch of dark hair. She admired the tight V of muscles that framed his huge dick.

  “Baby,” he said on a harsh whisper. “Fuck, you’re so damn gorgeous,” he said again, and she actually felt his words were genuine.

  Lexi looked at his face, and found herself drowning in the depths of his gaze.

  How I wish this wasn’t just for the night, but I’m not so stupid to think it would be anything more.

  She shook her head at the thought.

  No, nothing could ever happen between us. I know he doesn’t stick around after one night. Just enjoy this.

  Before anything else could be said she got down on her knees in front of him again, knowing she should have controlled herself, but unable to. She was addicted to the taste of Jace, wanted his cock in her mouth again, and wanted to feel him come because of her. She wanted to feel that power, that control.

  “Baby?” he said on a moan.

  “I want you to come in my mouth, Jace.” Jace didn’t say anything, just groaned and put his hand on her shoulder, his big, strong fingers caressing her flesh.

  The cold, hard wood beneath her knees sent a flash of discomfort up her body, but she loved it. The discomfort added to her pleasure. His erection was right in front of her, and she lifted her head to look at him. His expression was fierce, hard.

  “Yeah, baby.” He breathed out. “Suck my cock good, Lexi.”

  She licked her lips. Gaze heavy lidded and beads of sweat covering his forehead, Jace looked wild, untamed.

  “Fuck, baby,” he grunted the words out and closed his eyes for a second. “Take all of it.”

  A soft moan left her. Lexi wrapped her hand around the hard, impossibly thick length of his shaft, and she heard him grunt.

  God, I’m so wet.

  Leaning forward, she engulfed the crown into her mouth without waiting another minute.

  He groaned above her and speared his hands into her hair, his fingers wrapped around the locks and causing a little bit of pain to mix with her pleasure. It made the experience even more heightened, had her ecstasy rising even higher. She sucked more of his length into her mouth, running her tongue over the velvety smooth skin, loving that he was so hard for her. Pre-cum was ever-present. His taste was salty but had a hint of something more masculine. Lexi tried to get even more of him in her mouth until she felt the tip of him hit the back of her throat.

  “Christ, baby.” He looked at her, kept his focus trained on what she was doing. “Suck me deep, milk the cum from me.” He groaned, his cock jerking in her mouth. Lexi braced her hands on his thighs, and when she started to pull back, moving her lips down his length, he pushed back into her.

  “Not yet, sweetheart. Give me more.” He fucked her mouth slow and easy, and she found herself moving her tongue along his flesh, tasting a burst of saltiness that was all him.

  She wanted his cum down her throat, wanted to be the reason why he got off. She really started giving him head. Lexi started bobbing her head, moving it up and down at the same time he thrust in and out of her mouth.

  “Hell, yeah, Lexi.” His hold on her hair tightened, and he mouth-fucked her in deep, fast strokes. “Take it all.”

  She breathed slowly out of her nose, humming in approval. Closing her eyes she focused on getting him off, because she was determined to taste his cum. Lexi had never thought giving a man head could bring her so much pleasure, but her pussy was soaked and her pulse was pounding in her clit. Hell, her nipples were so hard they ached.

  He thrust deep in her mouth several times before finally stilling, burying himself in her mouth so his balls were pressed to her chin. Jace thrust once, twice, and stilled on the third as he buried his dick all the way in her mouth. She felt his cum coat the back of her throat as he got off. His orgasm was powerful, and she felt her own pleasure mounting, needing to be released. Lexi wanted to reach between her thighs and rub herself, and knew that it would only take a few hard strokes on her engorged clit to make that happen.

  Jace gripped her hair tighter right before he pushed her back. When his cock slipped from her lips he forced her to look at him by titling her head back.

  “Look at that,” he murmured, reached out, and smoothed the drop of cum at the corner of her lip around her bottom lip.

  He hauled her up, Lexi’s breasts slightly shaking from the sudden movement. And then Jace kissed her so powerfully, with so much intensity, that she felt everything fade away.

  His mouth crashed against hers, claiming her, dominating her without any bondage. He cupped her ass, squeezing the globes, making that pain and pleasure mix once more. Despite what they’d just done, she felt him still semi-hard, as if he couldn’t get enough of her. Lexi couldn’t deny that realizing he wanted her so badly made her feel incredible, like she was the only one he wanted. Of course she wasn’t a fool in thinking everything he’d said tonight meant he wanted only her.

  Sure, he’d said all the right things, made her feel like she was it, like there wasn’t another woman for him, but she wasn’t a fool. She knew the type of man Jace was, had heard his reputation enough times to know he liked women. This had been just as much for her as it had been for him, and she wouldn’t have taken it back, no matter what happened after the fact.

  She hadn’t been able to deny him anything, and it had felt so good, been so freeing to just let go and live.

  “I’m not nearly done with you yet.”

  “Good,” was all she managed to say before he hauled her up and pulled her close.

  Chapter Eleven

  It was like an animal had been unleashed inside of Jace after she spoke. She saw it on his face, felt it in his actions. He kissed her until she panted against his mouth, and then moved them over to the wall, pressing her back to it. Maybe in the end this was a bad idea, but it didn’t feel wrong, not right now at least. After the fact she may have regrets, but Lexi didn’t give a shit at the moment.

  He kissed her again, harder and faster than before, and she knew that there was no stopping this. But Lexi didn’t want it to end. Right now all she could think about was their hot, sweaty bodies pressed together.

  “That’s it, baby. Fuck, I like you so damn receptive to me.” He groaned against her neck. Jace had his hands on her bare ass and his mouth back on hers to swallow the surprised sound that came from her when he squeezed the mounds especially hard. They stayed like that for
a few seconds, and then he hauled her body off the ground.

  “I want you so fucking badly, Lexi.” He started thrusting against her pussy, and the feeling of his hard cock against her slick folds had a moan leaving her.

  “Quit talking, Jace, and just fuck me.”

  He grunted in arousal.

  Right now she just wanted to feel him pushing into her, and stretching her to the point tears slid down her cheeks. The feel of his big erection had her insides clenching, needing him deep in her. Lexi wanted to feel so incredibly full she couldn’t stand it, couldn’t even breathe.

  “Mmm,” he hummed.

  “I am so ready for you,” she whispered.

  And then he was reaching between their bodies, taking hold of his dick, and placing it at her entrance.

  He rubbed his cock along her cleft, up and down, and bumping her clit with every upstroke. “Fuck, you are so wet for me, so primed.”

  She swore she felt his dick jerk between her legs. They held each other’s stares for several long seconds, and then they crashed their mouths together seemingly at the same time. Hair was pulled, flesh was nipped at, and groans spilled from both of them. Images of them together, skin wet with sweat, muscles stretched and taut from straining, filled her head and had her rubbing herself on him. Without thinking, because at this point all she wanted was him shoved so deep inside of her nothing else mattered, Lexi reached down, pushed his hand out of the way, and grabbed his impressive length, giving it a squeeze.

  “Christ,” he grunted.

  She shifted so she had his tip angled right at her entrance. For a moment time seemed to stand still. He held her body up with one hand holding onto her ass and placed his other hand on the wall beside her head.

  “Do it, Lexi,” he said in a husky voice.

  The tip of his cock became lodged in her body, and they both breathed out roughly.

  “I’m going to fuck you so good and hard that you’ll only want me from now on.”


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