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Takin' the Reins (The Sterling Brothers #2)

Page 7

by Jenika Snow

  Such promises he makes.

  When he slid in another inch, stretching her so damn good, he closed his eyes, and ground his teeth. She saw the muscles under his stubble covered cheeks clench from the force. Seeing Jace lose control was so damn erotic.

  She gasped and clenched her pussy around his shaft. “You’re making me feel so full and you’re not even all the way in yet,” she gasped the words out.

  He rested his forehead against hers, and they panted against each other’s mouths. “You haven’t felt anything yet, sweetheart. You’re so damn wet and hot.” In one swift thrust he was buried fully inside of her.

  Lexi let her head fall back against the wall behind her and closed her eyes as this deep, needy sound left her. Jace started moving in and out of her, faster and harder, and she couldn’t wrap her head around the eroticism of it all.

  “Lexi, baby, you feel so fucking unbelievable.” He pumped into her.

  The pleasure was mounting, but it was then she realized they weren’t being smart. “Wait, we don’t have a condom.” It had taken all of her strength to say those words. He stopped immediately, cursed something fierce under his breath, and leaned down to kiss her.

  “Fuck.” He shifted, pulled out of her, and set her on the ground before walking over to the dresser, where he pulled it open and grabbed a condom.

  Seeing him naked, all of that hard muscle flexing under his golden skin, had a shiver working through her. He had the latex on in a matter of seconds, and then was right back in front of her.

  He had her off the ground and in his arms again, reached between their bodies, and positioned his dick at her pussy hole once more. He stared into her eyes for a second before he thrust all of his inches deep inside of her in one swift move.

  She gasped. He moaned.

  “Fucking hell, Lexi. I swear you got wetter, hotter.”

  Feeling him so far inside of her that there was no part of her body that he wasn’t touching stole any coherent words from her. He curled his arm around her waist, and she wrapped her legs around his hips tighter, stabilizing herself. With Jace’s hand by her head on the wall again and his palm on her ass cheek, he started moving in and out of her. The sounds of their flesh slapping together, of her wet skin moving along his in a very filthy, erotic way, had her pleasure mounting.

  “That’s it, baby.”

  The sounds that came from her were loud and would have humiliated her if she wasn’t so turned on. The root of his cock rubbed against her clit every time he slammed into her, sending her higher toward climax.

  “Jace,” she breathed.

  “You feel so fucking good.” He ground the words out. Sweat beaded his brow, and he made this low, growly sound when he slammed into her especially hard, making her back move up the wall. But then he’d pull almost all the way out, slowly push back into her, and show her this gentler side of him.

  With each passing second he gave her fast and hard. The burn of her back rubbing against the wall heightened her pleasure, and she felt her climax mounting.

  “Come for me, Lexi. I want to see you get off because of me.” He reached between them and pressed his thumb to her clit. He rubbed the bundle of nerves back and forth, kept his focus on her face, and growled like an animal. He pressed his mouth to her ear, had his cock deep in her pussy, and had his thumb on her clit. “Come for me,” he said again. The words came out in hard pants, his breathing short, fast.

  He was getting off, too.

  He slammed into her twice, applied more pressure to her clit until she was about to come again, but right when she was at the precipice he slowed his motions. Lexi wanted to cry out in frustration, but before she could do or say anything he grunted against her neck, barely holding on as well, it seemed.

  “Come on, baby. Give this to me. Just let go.” He started pumping into her again.

  He was thrusting like a madman now, in and out, faster and harder, and she got so lost in the sensation, she felt herself falling over the edge, just like he ordered. She came long and hard, and heard him groan against her neck, felt the vibrations deep inside of her.

  “Yeah, that’s so fucking it.” He growled out the words.

  “Jace,” she moaned his name, unable to help herself. Her back moved up the wall, and the pain made her cry out even harder from the pleasure. The world was falling away, and lights flashed in front of her vision. Once the pleasure receded she felt herself being pulled away from the wall and set on the bed. She rested against it, the mattress feeling like euphoria.

  Exhaustion started to settle within her, and the high of pleasure still claimed her. Jace was beside her, his hand on her waist now, his chest to her back. He held her close to his body, and she felt a flush steal over her at the feeling of his cock prodding the crease of her ass.

  “You wore me the fuck out.”

  She chuckled at his husky words.

  It was just the two of them, both of them experiencing this together, at the highest level of sexuality. What a way to end this incredible experience.

  Chapter Twelve

  The next day

  Lexi felt her father’s gaze on her, and she knew that he was aware something was different with her. Maybe it was the fact she felt different because of the night she’d shared with Jace, or maybe she was just extra paranoid? Either way she lifted her head and looked right at him.

  “What?” she asked after she swallowed the mouthful of food.

  “That Jace boy treating you well? He being respectful?”

  She couldn’t help but smile. “Boy?” That could have made her snort. There was nothing boyish about Jace.

  Nope, not going to have my thoughts go there.

  “Dad, he’s in his thirties.”

  Her mother started laughing, which had Lexi smiling.

  “He’s a hell of a lot younger than me, so I’m going to call him boy.” Her father’s gruff voice came through like sandpaper, and she knew it was because he was acting very fatherly right now.

  “He’s been very respectful, Dad.”

  Yeah. So respectful that I was the one that had to go to him last night.

  She felt her cheeks heat at that thought. But it wasn’t just the memories of what they’d shared. He’d been so sweet in the morning. He’d gotten up early with her and drove her to her place, even showered with her … made love to her again as the water cascaded over them. She was still sore between her thighs, not just because he was a big man all around, but also because he’d been so raw, so passionate with her.

  “He’s quite the looker,” her mother said.

  Her father groaned. “Honey, don’t give her any ideas.”

  Her mother grinned wider. “Braxton, love, she’s had a crush on that boy since she was a teenager. You know that.”

  Her father rubbed his head. “Yeah, and I see the way he looks at her. Makes me feel like I need to get my gun out and clean it when he comes and picks up Lexi.”

  Lexi started laughing. “Dad, you’re being so dramatic.”

  “When it comes to my little girl I’m never dramatic.”

  Her mother snorted, and her father glowered.

  “Braxton, you’re acting like she’s a teenager. She’s a grown woman out on her own.”

  “Hmph,” her father grumbled the sound out.

  “Are you done, honey?” her mother asked. Before Lexi could nod her mom had her plate away from her.

  “You need to come over more, especially for meals.”

  Lexi leaned back in the chair. “Dad, I just moved out, like literally less than two weeks ago.”

  Her father shrugged. “I don’t like you being on your own. It’s giving me gray hair.”

  Lexi looked at her father’s head. “You already have gray hair.”

  “Watch it, girlie.” Her father winked after he spoke.

  “You and Mom need your own space. Why don’t you take her on a trip? You know she’s wanted to travel. Why not start now?”

  Her father didn’t say anything
for several seconds, but then he leaned forward and said in a deep, but low voice. “I plan on it. Next month, in fact.”

  Lexi lifted her brows. “Really?” she said softly.

  “Yeah, gonna take her on one of those cruises to the Caribbean.”

  “Oh my—” The sound of the doorbell going off had Lexi stopping. But her mother picked that time to walk back into the dining room anyway.

  “It’s that boy,” her father said in a gruff voice. “I said I could have taken you home.”

  She nodded. “I know, but Jace insisted. He said it’s his fault I don’t have a car, so it’s his responsibility to make sure I’m taken care of.”

  Her father didn’t say anything for a second, but then he nodded. “Okay, I’m liking that attitude.”

  Lexi stood, but her father put a hand on hers. “Let me get it, honey.” He sounded far too pleased.

  Oh lord, here we go.

  She was out of her seat and standing behind her father as he opened the door. She hadn’t expected Jace this early, but it looked like he had no choice but to really meet her father.

  He’s already met him.

  Yeah, and he sure as hell didn’t act like it fazed him.


  As soon as the front door opened he saw Braxton standing there, glowering. The man’s face was stern, hard, and Jace knew he was definitely giving him the “dad” once over. He saw Lexi move out from behind her father, mouthing the words “I’m sorry”, and he couldn’t help but grin. Oh, he could handle this, because it had to do with Lexi. He hadn’t been kidding when he’d said she was his and he wasn’t letting go. Now that he’d had her, finally been in her sweet fucking body, it felt like things were right. It was kind of fucked up, but a genuine feeling, and he wasn’t walking away. He’d wanted her before the sex, and nothing had changed after the fact.

  In fact, he wanted her even more now.

  “You’re spending a lot of time with my daughter,” Braxton said.

  “Yes, sir. It’s my responsibility.”

  Braxton grunted and gave one nod. “I hope you’re treating her with the respect she deserves.”

  Jace saw Lexi close her eyes and shake her head, the embarrassment clear on her face. He couldn’t help but grin.

  “I am, sir.”

  “What are your intentions with her?”

  The question hadn’t taken him as off guard as he would have thought. But he also wasn’t going to lie to her father, not when he was serious about Lexi.

  “My intentions?” He looked at Braxton, saw the man give a sharp nod, and then Jace looked at Lexi. He stared at her right in the eyes, getting lost in the blue depths. She was beautiful, so smart, and being with her made him feel complete. It was really fucking crazy that he could feel this way about a woman, whom although he’d “known” her for years, he just recently started being with.

  “My intentions are easy.” He looked back at Braxton. “I think your daughter is smart, and she’s obviously gorgeous. She’s strong and knows how to handle herself. When I’m with her I feel like everything is exactly the way it should be.” Braxton didn’t respond, so Jace continued. “I care about her a lot, sir, and I want her as mine.”

  “As yours?” Braxton asked.

  “As my woman, as whatever she’ll have me as, sir.” The silence stretched on, but Jace held his position, kept eye contact with Braxton, and told the man without saying anything else, that this was the real fucking deal. Jace could see in his peripheral vision that Lexi was sporting a parted mouth and wide eyes. Hell, they’d shared a lot these past few days, more him than anything else, especially when he had her naked and beside him. But they’d all been true, and she was probably shocked that he was just coming out and saying shit to her old man like this.

  “Lexi,” Braxton said without looking at his daughter. “You want this boy?”

  Jace could have snorted because of being called a boy. He hadn’t been called that since he was in the single digits age wise.

  “I do, Dad,” she said softly, and Jace finally looked at her. She looked so damn surprised, but she smiled, and he felt his gut tighten at the sight.

  She could light up a damn room with that smile alone.

  “I don’t want to let her go,” Jace said, looking right in Lexi’s eyes, and knowing without a doubt he meant every word and always would. He looked at Braxton then, seeing the older man loosen up his stance, his expression less harsh.

  “You treat her well.”

  Jace looked at Lexi, smiled, and felt his heart beat a little faster. “Always, sir.”


  Several weeks later

  Lexi couldn’t believe it had already been several weeks later since she first got rear-ended by Jace, and this snowball effect of happiness filled her. She had her car back, better than it had been before, was fully moved in and settled, and her job was going well.

  And her and Jace’s relationship? It was like nothing she’d ever experienced before.

  Maybe it was because she had feelings for him well before they’d actually “met”? Or maybe she had finally found that one person that made her feel like everything would be okay?

  She’d never been one to put her faith in a man, how she’d hope he’d take care of her. Lexi had never wanted that. She was self-sufficient, could stand on her own two feet, but being with Jace did make her happier. There was nothing wrong with knowing having a man in her life made her feel better, not just about life, but about herself in general.

  Either way, she was happy, this felt right, and she could only see the positive and her future looking brighter because of it all.

  “Pass the rolls, darlin’,” Colton said to her.

  She handed the bowl of bread to Colton, and smiled at the happy sensation that seemed to fill the room. They were having dinner at Travis’s place. Pearl had cooked the majority of the food, but Lexi had insisted on bringing dessert.

  Travis and Pearl sat beside each other, and Lexi overheard the eldest Sterling brother talking about some personal, sexual things he planned on doing to “his woman” once they were alone. But Lexi wasn’t embarrassed to hear that kind of talk, because as it was she had Jace’s hand on her thigh, precariously close to a very intimate part of her.

  She might have been embarrassed to hear and experience such things, but she was happy now, and she could see why couples acted the way they did. The few guys she’d dated had never made her feel good about herself, never made her feel like this.

  Looking at Jace, she couldn’t help but smile at the way he looked at her.

  Possession. Obsession. Passion.

  Those expressions from Jace, the way he touched her, spoke with her, looked at her, made Lexi feel like a real woman, like she was the only female in the world for him.

  Jace leaned in close and whispered in her ear, “How about you and I go back to your place, I strip you down and lather your curvy as fuck body up with some oil, and give you a massage until you come for me?”

  A full body shiver worked its way through her, and she felt herself get hot, felt her muscles tense. Lexi leaned in, smiling to herself, because she loved teasing Jace. The fact others were around, and if they tried hard enough could probably hear what she said, only made this even more exciting.

  “Maybe you’d be the one coming for me?”

  His hand tightened on her thigh, and then slid it up and under her skirt. She placed her hand on his, and looked at the other people in the room. Travis and Pearl were too occupied with each other, and Colton was busy on his phone. Although a little exhibitionism didn’t sound like a bad idea, Lexi didn’t think she was that daring, not yet at least.

  “You just wait, baby. When I have you naked in bed you’ll be begging me to do all the dirty fucking things I promise.”

  She grinned at his whispered words. Oh, she knew she would. There was no doubt about that.

  Chapter Thirteen

  The bonfire was roaring brightly, and the sound of laughter filled th
e space. Lexi had never been happier than she was right now, and it was all because she finally felt like she was right where she was supposed to be. She sat on Jace’s lap, with his big, strong arms around her, holding her close to him. The nights were starting to get warmer, but it still had a chill in the air. She lifted her head, her focus now on Travis and Pearl, with Travis holding Pearl in the same fashion Jace held her. Over the last few months she and Pearl had become closer. Maybe it was because they’d each tamed a Sterling brother? That had her smiling. The Sterlings couldn’t be tamed, but they were faithful and honest.

  She snuggled in closer to Jace and looked over at Colton. He sat by himself on the opposite end of where they were, a beer bottle in his hand, his body relaxed, slouched down in the chair, and his focus on the fire. She couldn’t help but feel this pang for him at the fact he was alone while his brothers had someone.

  “He’ll be okay,” Jace said close to her ear.

  She looked over at him, realizing she’d obviously reflected what she’d been thinking on her expression. “Doesn’t it make you sad?”

  “Sad?” He smoothed a hand over her arm.

  She nodded. “Yeah, that he’s by himself while you two have someone?”

  Jace looked at Colton, who was now getting up from his seat and saying goodnight. She watched him walk over to his truck, get in, and finally drive off toward his place. The houses were situated a good distance from each other, and although the bonfire and picnic area they’d constructed was in a central location on the farm to the three homes, it still gave them privacy.

  “I think we’re going to head back, too,” Travis said, and Lexi didn’t miss the glimmer of wicked intent on his face when he looked at Pearl.

  After they said their goodbyes and Travis and Pearl left they sat there for a second, just enjoying the quiet, the fire, and the fact they had each other.

  “Baby, as much as I love sitting here with you, I know you can feel the stiffie I’m sporting.” Jace’s voice was low, deep, and filled with sexual heat.

  She squired in his lap, grinning. Yeah, she’d felt his erection all right, but teasing him, prolonging what they’d clearly be doing at the end of the night, was so fun. She turned around to tell him that, to tease him more, but before any words came out Jace was standing with her in his arms. He kissed her senseless for several seconds before pulling away, putting the fire out, and grabbing her again, all seemingly in a few minutes.


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