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Black Mark Series Book 2: Black Mark's Secrets

Page 10

by Ebony Olson

  "Yes," I breathed as the first of my tears fell free.

  Darius slipped the ring onto my finger, then kissed the palm of my hand. "You hold my heart in your hand, Mora. I am completely yours." He stood up and I kissed him passionately.

  Darius chuckled when I finally came up for air. "I’ve been struggling to decide for weeks exactly how I would propose. Then when Zander called, I knew it had to be here, where I first fell in love with you, and where you first fell in love with me."

  I swallowed my emotions. "Because I fell in love with you before you had money?"

  Darius laughed. "Mora, I'd already moved out of this place the week before I brought you here. I was a millionaire when you came home with me."

  I frowned, not understanding why he'd brought me here all those years ago, instead of his new swanky apartment. But then I realized he'd just explained that he didn't trust the women who approached him. But I hadn’t approached him.

  I shook my head. "But Steffen was here?"

  "I messaged and told him where I was spending the night. I told him I wanted one more night in my old bed before the new tenants moved in."

  Darius took my hand and pulled me in against him and started to dance. "I knew the first moment I laid eyes on you, Mora. I could not take my eyes off you. I brought you here, and I loved the way you trembled when I touched you. How just the act of me undressing you made you breathless. By the time I spilled myself inside of you, I was so deeply in love with you, there was never going to be any other woman for me."

  I arched my back to look him in the eye. "You know the money doesn't matter to me, right? I mean it's nice that you have it, but I didn't know that when I came home with you that night. That didn’t matter to me."

  Darius smiled. "You were wearing a designer dress that night, but you made no objection about coming here to my humble apartment. You didn't comment or hesitate. You just kissed me like the world might end the next day." Darius spun me under his arm. "Then I saw you at Horizon's, in your department store suit, and again at the club that night. Despite the fact that your friends were dressed head to toe in high-end labels, there was nothing designer on you. Nothing that said you had money. I knew then, Mora, that you couldn't care less about my finances."

  Darius stopped dancing and held my body tight to his. "When you explained why you and Alex kept your lovers away from your family, that you didn't want someone attaching themselves to you because of your father's money, I understood exactly what you meant."

  Darius lowered his mouth to mine. "We are meant for each other, Mora." His lips brushed mine, his hands unbuckling my knee-length coat. His mouth crushed against mine, tongue probing as he unfastened the last buckle and placed his hands on my naked waist.

  Darius pulled back and looked down at me, shocked. I laughed. "You told me to make it easy to take off."

  "God damn, Mora," Darius murmured. He pushed the coat from my shoulders. He stood there drinking me in for a moment, then he cursed and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me into the bedroom. He landed a hard smack on my naked rump as he did. "Baby, I'm going to make you scream my name as you come."

  I laughed. He knew I came quietly, that I stopped breathing when I climaxed, but it didn't matter. He threw me on the bed and started removing his clothes. I sat up, hesitantly looking around the room.

  "Dare, this is someone's home, another couple’s bed." The photo of the man and woman with their three young children on the dresser made me uncomfortable.

  "I own this place, Mora."

  "Yes, but they live here," I argued.

  Darius walked over to the family photo, picked up the frame and turned it face down on the dresser. "This is my place; that is my bed." He pushed his pants to the ground so he stood naked before me. "If you need to think of the family that stays here, then consider that all three of their children have been conceived on that bed you are lying on."

  I bit my lip. Darius smiled as he knelt on the bed and moved over me, using his knees to spread my legs. Darius looked at the clock beside the bed. I turned and saw it was already seven o'clock.

  "What time do you need to be in the office?" I gasped as his teeth bit my nipple, applying enough pressure to blur the line of pleasure, before sucking it into his mouth and assailing it.

  "Clark will pick us up at eight," Darius murmured as he licked and sucked his way down my body. "He will drop me at work first, then take you home."

  "Okay," I breathed.

  His tongue licked through my folds and delved into me. I grabbed onto the quilt below me and held on for dear life as Darius used his tongue and fingers to prepare me for him. He brought me to climax before he crawled up my body and let me taste myself on his mouth.

  Shoving him onto his back, I marked a trail down his torso with my teeth, grabbing his cock around the base and flicking my tongue across his slit. Precum pooled there and I lapped at it, delving the tip of my tongue in his opening to get as much as I could.

  "Mora, baby, it's been nearly a week, have mercy!" Darius pleaded as I sucked the smooth helmet, tracing the scar of his circumcision with my tongue.

  Darius took hold of my hair and dragged my smiling lips up his body to capture my mouth with his. He maneuvered my legs to straddle him and used his hand to guide the monster to my opening. I broke from his mouth as I sat back and onto him. I hung my head back as he filled me entirely. I felt him already pulsing inside of me and knew this was not going to be a marathon.

  I rode him slowly, enjoying every sensation firing through my body as he hit all the right places. Darius used my hips to adjust my speed to his liking and my body started rushing toward climax again.

  I scraped my nails down his chest as the heaviness in my womb grew to bursting and I came again. Darius rolled me to my back and pounded into me, murmuring my name over and over as he found his own release and collapsed on top of me.

  "I am never going to get enough of you, Mora," he whispered in my ear.

  "Good," I whispered back. I bit his shoulder, leaving my mark. He was mine as much as I was his, and in two weeks, I would be his wife. I was so elated at that moment, I couldn't explain it if I tried. All I knew was that I'd never been happier.


  "You can’t stop looking at it, can you?" Darius asked. We sat in the back seat of the Rolls Royce, heading back to Clerkenwell to the Lynwood Office.

  We'd dressed and left Darius’ old apartment ten minutes ago. I'd brought clothes to wear afterward in my bag; I wasn't that brave. So far, when I wasn't looking at the ring, I was fiddling with it.

  "It's beautiful." I smiled, tracing my finger around the band.

  "Not as beautiful as you," Darius complimented, taking my hand in his.

  "It fits perfectly."

  "Well, I have a confession to make." Darius took my left hand in his right and focused on the ring. "That first day you worked for me and I sent you on errands, I asked all of those places to size you up for me. That’s how I knew what size suits and shoes to buy you. The hardest was the jewelry store and getting your correct ring size. Apparently, you made it very difficult for that poor sales woman to get a ring anywhere near you."

  I laughed. "She basically kidnapped my hand and shoved the ring on me."

  Darius smiled. "So I heard." Darius put his mouth to my ear. "I gave your size to my sister and asked her to design a ring for me. She'd nearly finished the piece when I went home for Christmas. I picked it up yesterday and couldn't wait another minute to put it on your finger."

  I kissed him gently. "I love it."

  Darius’ eyes flicked to the rearview mirror where Clark was stealing glances. I took the hint and sat back properly in my seat. Darius cleared his throat. "Have you started looking for a dress? You really only have a week to find one."

  I shrugged. "You're the event specialist. Can't I just leave that in your capable hands?"

  Darius laughed. "It took me a month to get the clothing and shoes I purchased right when you came to work for me,
Mora. I think it will be better if you handle this one."

  "Bullshit. You had the sales assistants at the stores pick out those clothes," I teased. "I think you'd pick the perfect dress first go."

  Darius looked at me with a wicked smile. "Perhaps, but I'm not meant to see the dress before the big day, remember?"

  I sighed. "I'll go find a dress today."

  Darius frowned and brushed his hand against my cheek. "Mora, I am pretty sure you are not meant to look so miserable about it."

  I focused on the brilliant diamond shining on my ring finger where I held my hands in my lap. "Most brides take their best friends or sisters shopping for the dress, Dare. Sophie isn't talking to me since Alex dumped her, and Alex doesn't want to hear a thing about the wedding until I've told Dad."

  Darius’ brows lowered unhappily. "Your father doesn't know about me yet?"

  "He does," I answered quickly, then bit my lip. "Sort of."

  Darius grabbed my chin and turned my face to his. "Mora?"

  I sighed. "He knows I am seeing someone, but not you. He really was unhappy with us dancing six years ago. When he found out I was working for you, I received the Spanish inquisition about our working relationship."

  "You don’t think he’ll approve of me?" Darius asked, watching me carefully.

  I frowned. "He likes you as a businessman and as a person, but his issue with us dating is your history with women. I think once we are married, he will be happy for us."

  "You think or you know, Mora?"

  "Even Alex said he knows Dad will be happy for us. I just..." I took a breath. "I'm still really young, Dare. As much as I want this, he's my father."

  "You think it's your age he's going to have the issue with?" Darius asked, a small smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth. I nodded. Darius moved his face closer to mine. "We probably should not mention that I was your first then."

  I rolled my eyes. "Definitely not how old I was anyway."

  Darius dropped a kiss on my mouth and I leaned into him, seeking more. Darius laughed, pulling back. "Damn, you are insatiable, Mora. You would ride me right now if I let you."

  I grinned. "Would you let me?"

  Darius’ eyes flicked to the back of Clark's head. "Maybe you should join me for a shower when we get back to the office?"

  I closed my eyes and bit my lip at the very idea. Darius laughed, kissing along my jaw to my ear. "Don't come yet, baby. At least let me be inside of you first," he teased.

  I took Darius’ hand and slid it up my skirt to feel how damp my panties were. Admittedly, part of that was the remnants of his proposal, but I was ready for him and that's all that mattered.

  Darius released a low growl and kissed me heatedly. We had managed to forget Clark at that moment, but then Darius’ phone rang. With a groan, he pulled away and answered the call.

  "Warren?" Darius sighed. "Yes, she did." Darius’ eyes flicked to my hand, which he folded into his. "Well, that is good timing. Print it out. Mora can take a copy with her today to give to her solicitor. Yes, we are five minutes away."

  Darius turned to look at me. "Yes, Mora will be coming up, but you might want to go get breakfast when we get there." I blushed and Darius chuckled. "We did, but we have a week to catch up on." I heard laughter through the other end of the phone. Darius grinned like a Cheshire. "What can I say, she can't get enough of me."

  I shoved his arm as he ended the call. Darius slid his hand behind my neck and pulled me back into a deep slow kiss, his tongue mapping the contours of my mouth and lips. I soughed into him and Darius pulled back to meet my eyes. His eyes shone bright with lust. He kissed my nose and caressed my neck with his hand.

  Darius pressed his forehead to mine and spoke softly. "I want you to be happy, Mora. Call Sophie one more time. It’s been months now. She might be missing you more than you think."

  "And what if she refuses to talk to me?" I whispered.

  "Then she was never truly your friend to start with, Mora. True friends do not let their lovers come between their friendship."

  The car pulled up in front of Lynwood Corporation. Clark hopped out and opened the door for us.

  Darius took my hand. "Come on, baby. You need a hot shower."

  I slid out of the car and Darius waved goodbye to a smiling Clark as we entered the building. It was still early so there weren't many people in yet. I made Darius take the stairs with me. Outside his office, Zander was standing talking to Warren.

  "Zander, what are your plans today?" Darius asked with a smile.

  "Apparently, I am having breakfast with Warren across the road now, and then I have a lot of rostering to do. Why, you need me?" Zander asked with a huge grin.

  "The rostering can wait. I need Clark today, so would you mind driving Mora where she needs to go?"

  "I would love to spend the day with your beautiful future wife." Zander chuckled. "Congratulations, by the way." Zander held out his hand and Darius took it, pulling him into a manly hug. "So, where do you need to go, Mora?"

  I knew what Darius was doing. I didn't want to go dress shopping alone. Zander was a perfect solution, but I was going to give Sophie one last try.

  "I need to find a wedding dress." I smiled.

  Zander laughed. "You’re sending me off to watch your woman strip repeatedly?"

  Darius frowned. "They have changing rooms."

  It was Warren who laughed this time. "Not in the places Mora will be shopping they won't." He clicked his mouse and started typing in his computer. "Catherine in the design studio keeps a list of good boutiques. I’ll print it out for you."

  "Thanks, Warren." I smiled, taking Darius’ hand and leading him into his office. "I'll be ready in half an hour, Zander."

  Zander nodded. Darius gave Zander a hard look. "You better not know where her tattoo is when you get back."

  Zander's brows shot up. "Mora has a tattoo?"

  I laughed and so did Darius as his office door shut. "You know, he's going to be asking me about that tattoo all day today, just to rile you up," I warned with a chuckle.

  Darius moved us into the shower, removing our clothes as we did. "Make it up. It will give him a thrill."


  I walked into the studio at Green Recordings and checked the roster.

  "How do you know she will be here?" Zander asked.

  "I called Dean. He's still home for another week," I replied. "Sophie has a contract with Green’s to record any violin work with his recording artists during the off-season," I explained. "I've sat in on some of her recordings over the past two years."

  I found the job Dean told me she was working on in studio two and started toward that door. I stepped inside the outer door and waved hello to Jack, one of the security guards.

  "Mora." He smiled, keeping his voice low. "Been a long time. Is this your boyfriend?" He nodded to Zander.

  "Just a friend, Jack." I smiled, seeing Jack's eyes light up.

  Zander saw Jack's reaction to the news, too. "I'm Zander Mann. Mora's very hetero friend."

  "Shame," Jack pouted.

  "Not for me," Zander retorted with a smile.

  "Is Sophie recording?" I asked nervously.

  Jack nodded down the hall. "She's in the rehearsal room. She's finished for today, but practicing for tomorrow. The main artist is recording now."

  "Thanks, Jack." I waved and made our way back out and down the hall to the rehearsal room.

  We stepped inside and the sound of a violin playing a romantic tune encircled us. I stood, smiling. Just a few notes in, I could tell Sophie had finally reached her potential as a musician. Zander stood enthralled as Sophie's music pulled at our heart strings.

  Sophie looked up and stopped playing, her brown eyes shocked as she saw us standing there.

  "Hi, Soph." I stepped forward with more courage than I felt. Sophie opened her mouth to say something and I stepped forward, holding up my hand. "Before you throw me out… I know you were upset and angry about what happened with Alex. I'm so
rry that you felt I was to blame for what happened, and I wish it didn't end like it did. I would have loved for you and Alex to get married and to have you as my real sister. I hoped that would be the case. But I knew Alex, and it broke my heart that he didn't feel that way for you. I truly am sorry, Soph."

  Sophie placed her violin down on her chair, patting her blond hair to ensure she looked neat. "You know what I hated most, Mora?"

  I shook my head, dreading what she would say next.

  "You were right about everything." There was pure annoyance in Sophie’s voice as she admitted it. "You told me at the start not to be the other woman. You told me not to fall in love with him, and I ignored you and got involved with him anyway. You told me he wouldn't choose me when I gave him the ultimatum. Then you told me that, if I expressed my emotions through my music, instead of yelling, I would become a better player."

  "You were already a great violinist, Soph. You made second chair," I argued.

  Sophie gave a short smirk. "Yeah, I did, but I'm better now." Sophie gestured to the wall. "I have been recording with Marion York this week. The current number one singer songwriter… and I’m playing the violin on the tracks of her latest album."

  I felt my heart jump for joy. "That's amazing, Soph. Congratulations!" I wanted to give her a huge hug, but didn't know if that would be welcomed, so I stood there awkwardly.

  "Jeremy approached me after the Guy Fawkes Day concert and told me he had never heard me play so well. I have been getting work all off-season." Sophie sobered. "Two months ago, I would never have admitted this, but Alex dumping me and you telling me where to focus that hurt was the best thing that ever happened to my career." Sophie gave me a strong look. "It still hurts, but I can also see the positives now."

  I nodded in understanding. "I am sorry, too, Mora. I shouldn’t have frozen you out like I did." Sophie laughed. "You should have heard the lectures I got from Dean for ignoring your calls and emails."

  I gave a quiet laugh. Dean had called his sister a few names with regards to her behavior when I’d spoken to him about it.

  I stepped forward tentatively. "So, does that mean you might be open to the idea of helping me shop for my wedding dress, and possibly being my maid of honor?"


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