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Black Mark Series Book 2: Black Mark's Secrets

Page 11

by Ebony Olson

  Sophie’s face filled with surprise, and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my own.

  "You what?" Sophie yelled excitedly.

  I held up my left hand, flashing the engagement ring at her. Sophie's jaw dropped as she crossed the room in three strides, snatching my hand to inspect the ring.

  "Oh, my God! It is beautiful." She grinned. "Jasper?"

  "Darius," I corrected.

  Confusion crossed Sophie's face. "How the fuck did that happen?"

  I laughed. "Come dress shopping with me and I will tell you the story while we find me a dress."

  Sophie nodded energetically. "When is the wedding?"

  "In two weeks." I cringed at the horrified look on Sophie's face.

  "You will not get a dress in two weeks."

  "That's good, because I need the dress today if I'm going to allow time for adjustments and have it ready."

  Sophie looked traumatized. She started shaking her head. Biting her lip, she walked over and packed away her violin. Turning back to us, she took a deep breath. "Well then, where shall we start?"

  Zander held up the list Warren had given to him. "I have a list, written in order of places we should try first."

  Sophie smiled at Zander. "You are one of those closet romantics, aren't you?"

  Zander laughed. "Yes, but my brother constructed the list." Putting his hand to the side of his mouth, Zander mock whispered. "Do not tell him I told you, but Warren reads romance novels."

  Sophie's mouth dropped opened. "Paranormal romance?"

  I laughed and rolled my eyes.

  Zander shook his head. "Nope. The Mills and Boon shit with the happy ever after endings." Zander looked at my disbelieving face. "I kid you not, Mora, he is a subscriber. I will show you his stash when we get home."

  I shook my head. "Fine, but can we get this dress first?"

  Zander held open the door and gestured for me to pass. "As the bride wishes."

  Chapter Eight

  "You need to stop pacing." Sophie grabbed my shoulders as I passed by her again. "Everyone who matters is out there waiting, and I'm sure your father will be here any minute."

  I nodded, taking a deep breath to calm myself. What Sophie didn't know was I hadn't told Marshall it was my wedding. I'd merely told him he was meeting the man I intended to marry.

  Sophie met my eyes and gave me a reassuring smile. "I'll go see if he is here yet."

  "Thank you." I forced a smile back.

  Sophie pulled me into a hug. "It will be fine, Mora, just relax." Sophie took a step back to look at me, her eyes becoming glassy. "You look so beautiful."

  I watched Sophie walk out of the room in her royal blue bridesmaid dress. I turned back to the mirror and admired my own reflection. My dress was a long-sleeved, cowled-back ball gown, in dazzling shades of silver and ivory. It boasted a sweetheart neckline, adorned with lace appliques, crystal beading, and handmade multi-dimensional flowers. Silver draped satin enfolded the bodice and the upper third of the gathered skirt. The ivory satin below was connected to the rest of the skirt with matching lace appliques. The entire effect was simply stunning.

  Sophie had insisted on a colored wedding dress as I was too pale to carry off a solid white dress. It was Zander who found it and made me try it on. When I came out of the changing room, Sophie had started crying and declared it ‘the one,’ but it was Zander's speechless reaction that sold me.

  My phone ringing broke me out of my reflection. I saw Marshall's profile picture and picked it up in a hurry.


  "It's Tabitha. Marshall's flight home got delayed due to the storm in France. We are boarding now so are still an hour away, at least. Can he reschedule?" Tabitha asked.

  I groaned. "Tabitha, I'm getting married."

  "What?" Tabitha exclaimed.

  "I'm about to get married to Darius Rafal, and I wanted Marshall to give me away," I clarified.

  Tabitha sucked in her breath, shocked. "Did you just say you're marrying the glorious Darius?"

  I chuckled. "Yes, Tabitha."

  "When did that happen?" Tabitha gasped.

  "Just in the last three weeks. Look, I know it's quick, but we both know how we feel about each other and this is the right thing to do." I sighed, accepting Marshall wasn't going to make it. "I'm sorry Dad can't get here to give me away, Tabitha. Could he still make it after you land so he can celebrate with us?"

  "Mora, you can't marry Darius. You need to talk to your father first. Shit, Mora, I'm so sorry, but you need to delay until Marshall gets there," Tabitha said hurriedly. By the sounds of her breathing, she was walking as quickly as she spoke.

  "I can marry him, and I'm going to, Tabitha. The celebrant has another wedding to conduct this afternoon, but I'll wait as long as possible." I hung up the phone, annoyed by Tabitha's panic.

  I took a deep breath and threw my phone in my bag as Sophie came back in, followed by Alex.

  "He's still not here," Sophie scolded.

  "He's not going to make it," I mourned.

  "What? Why?" Alex asked unhappily.

  "The storms in France have delayed his flight. He's only boarding now. Dad will get here when he can," I explained.

  Alex huffed. "Not soon enough. The celebrant says it happens now or not at all. He has to leave for his next commitment in thirty minutes."

  "Could he come back afterward?" I pleaded. "I really want Dad to be here."

  "I'll ask," Alex assured me and stepped back out of the room.

  Sophie took my hand. "Is everything okay, Mora? You look ready to cry."

  I nodded. "Tabitha didn't react well when I told her who I was marrying. I know she's slept with Darius before and could just be jealous, but I'm worried Dad is going to have the same attitude."

  Sophie squeezed my hand. "When he sees the way you and Darius look at each other, he will understand how much you two love each other, and he will give you his blessing." Sophie gave me a wide grin. "Trust me, Mora, if I can see it, he will see it."

  "I hope so, Sophie," I whispered.

  The door opened and Alex stepped in. "Sorry, Mora, it's now or never. The celebrant is booked out for the next month and so is this place. The grand opening is next weekend and it's booked out until next winter already."

  I stepped forward to Alex. "Will you give me away, Alex?"

  Alex smiled gently, taking my arm as he opened the door to escort me out. "Never… but I will present you to your new husband." I kissed his cheek and let him escort me forward.

  We were at The Mill function center, a venue I’d helped Darius inspect months ago. Despite it being winter, our ceremony was taking place in the outdoor courtyard. There were heaters set up to keep us all warm. Before we reached the door to the courtyard, Alex halted me and waited for Sophie to step past. She handed me my bouquet, kissed me on the cheek and whispered again how beautiful I looked.

  Sophie opened the door and walked in the center of the now covered walkway between the main building and the meditation room. She turned onto the path into the middle of the courtyard, where I knew Darius and our few select guests would be waiting. Sophie walked into the greenery, disappearing from sight, and music started playing.

  Alex opened the door and walked me out to the boardwalk. "Ready to become Mrs. Rafal?"

  I couldn't help the large smile on my face. "Definitely."

  Alex matched my smile and walked me toward my husband. Alex flinched and touched his suit pocket.

  "What's wrong?" I asked, surprised.

  "My phone’s vibrating again. Someone has been trying to call since we stepped outside," Alex informed me.

  "Do you need to get that?" I asked, concerned.

  "No," Alex reassured me. "I'm walking my sister down the aisle. The world can wait. I'm not ruining this for you."

  "I love you, you know that, right?" I smiled warmly at my big brother.

  Alex laughed. "How could you not?"

  We were both chuckling as we entered the open
area in the middle of the courtyard and Darius came into view. He saw me and his face lit up. From that moment, I was entranced. I was barely aware of anyone else there, not of Alex kissing my cheek before he passed my hand to Darius, or the celebrant and the words he spoke.

  Darius and I looked into each other's eyes throughout the entire ceremony. I witnessed his tears as he delivered his vows and I gave mine. As we slid our wedding bands onto our fingers, relief washed over his face. Then the celebrant announced us husband and wife and permitted us to kiss.

  I fell into his kiss and arms with utter abandon. The group of close friends cheered and eventually jeered when we failed to keep the kiss civil.

  Eventually, Darius pulled back and put his mouth to my ear. "I can't wait. I'm having you before the reception," he murmured. I'd refused to have sex with him for the last week to make it more traditional.

  I blushed as he turned us to face everyone. Alex was the first to congratulate us, followed by Zander and Warren, the groomsmen. Sophie and Steffen were next, squeezing me tightly with excitement. Finally, a woman with short auburn hair and two children I'd never met before stepped forward.

  Darius introduced us. "Mora, this is my sister, Rebecca, and her two wonderful children, Nigel and Sienna."

  I smiled and held out my hand. Rebecca scoffed and pulled me into a hug. "I'm so glad you finally agreed to marry my baby brother. He's talked about you non-stop since summer."

  Darius hushed his sister and swooped his niece and nephew up in a hug.

  "Your father didn't come?" I asked, concerned.

  Rebecca gave me a gentle smile. "He hasn't been well since Mom died. We thought it best he didn’t fly down. You'll meet him soon."

  The photographer started calling for photos, so we all gathered together for the obligatory shots. In the space of ten minutes, the photos were done and everyone was moving inside to the lounge area by the main bar for the reception. Alex scowled as he pulled out his phone again, then relaxed when he saw the familiar profile.

  "Dad, have you landed yet?" Alex smiled. The smile faded quickly, his eyes flicking to me. "Dad, stop. I'm sorry you couldn't make it, but it’s too late. The ceremony finished fifteen minutes ago. Mora is married to Darius Rafal." Alex gave me a weak smile. "Probably because she knew how you would react, Dad. Just come and wish them every happiness. It would mean a lot to Mora. We will see you soon."

  "He's angry with me?" I asked as Alex hung up the phone.

  "He would have liked to be here and to talk to you first. He will get over it, Mora," Alex assured me. "Come inside where it is warm."

  Darius approached us after he’d finished talking to the photographer. "Not yet. I want to show my beautiful wife something first."

  Alex smiled. "I will go wait with the others then."

  "Come with me, Mrs. Rafal," Darius murmured and guided me toward the meditation room.

  The curtains were drawn across the glass doors, but through the gauze, I could see flickers of candlelight. Darius opened the door, leading me inside, and turned to shut the door while I took in the room. It was beautiful, decorated with hundreds of tiny votive candles and orchids. On the floor was a large cushion the size of a double bed mattress, covered in silk.

  "Darius?" I questioned, stepping out of my heels.

  Darius kicked his shoes off and wrapped his arms around me from behind as he walked me toward the makeshift bed. "I told you I was not waiting. We are consummating this wedding now, Mrs. Rafal."

  I turned to face Darius. "Our friends are just across the way."

  Darius smiled wickedly. "Yes, they are, but only we are in this room. We are not going over there to toast our marriage until I have made it official."

  I laughed. "Dare, do you know how much material is in this dress? I can't even go to the toilet without assistance."

  Darius laughed at me and lifted my skirt before ducking beneath it. "We’ll manage, Mora."

  I gasped as his fingers dragged my panties down my legs, helping me step out of them before his tongue quickly made me ready for him. There were barely minutes of foreplay.

  Darius stood. He kissed me, letting me taste myself on his mouth as his hands found the side zip of my dress and dragged it down. The bodice effectively held the dress in place. With the zip open, Darius easily pushed the dress from my shoulders, down my arms, and let it pool around my stockinged feet.

  Darius undressed himself while we kissed, then lifted me to him. He laid us down on the makeshift bed, took the time to place his cock at my opening and kissed me passionately.

  "Mora Rafal, you are the stars in my night sky. You brought beauty into my world in so many ways. I am never going to stop loving you," Darius murmured. He thrust into me.

  He didn't take his time; he didn't have to. We were both so keyed up after doing no more than kissing for a week, that I was racing toward climax just with his kisses. I moaned, his body pumping into mine, stealing my breath. I threw my head back and came. Three strokes later, Darius made me his wife.

  I laughed as we lay there recovering, his fingers entwined with mine. Darius looked at his watch and then buried his face in my neck, kissing all over my bare shoulders.

  "We should get back to our guests. I have the feeling I'll need to freshen up my makeup and hair before we enter the reception room." I smiled contentedly. I didn't really care about our guests. I was happy to stay here with my husband, but eventually someone would come looking for us.

  "Ten minutes, Mora. We are not moving for another ten minutes." Darius kissed along my jaw.

  I laughed. "That's right. You are practicing to get me pregnant."

  Darius smiled. "No practicing anymore, baby. I am playing for the trophy now."

  I traced a finger across those luscious lips of his. "It could be months yet, Dare," I warned.

  Darius placed a gentle kiss on my lips and pulsed his cock inside of me. My eyes rolled back at the sensation of him still filling me, even as he receded.

  "Baby, I am so deep inside of you, if there is even the slightest chance you are ovulating, you are going to get pregnant."

  "I'd call you cocky, Dare, but I think that would just feed your ego," I chuckled.

  Darius grinned and kissed me heatedly. He made me wait the full ten minutes and then slowly removed himself. He insisted on kneeling and holding my knickers while I stepped back into them and he slowly raised them up my legs for me.

  His touch along my upper thighs, where the stay up stockings left my skin exposed, nearly had me begging him to take me again. We restrained ourselves, and once dressed again, we made our way to the main building. Darius waited for me to freshen up. Sixty-five minutes after we married, Darius escorted me into the lounge to celebrate our union with the most important people in our lives.


  "Well." Sophie smiled. "I was disappointed when I found out you were not doing the traditional big wedding, Mora, but I think this was absolutely perfect for you."

  I smiled and looked across the lounge where Darius was playing with his niece and nephew. "Yes, it was perfect."

  Sophie stood shoulder to shoulder with me, watching my husband. "You know, everything I knew about Darius Rafal was pretty much wrong. He's anything but cold when he's with his friends and family. By the looks of it, he's going to make a great father one day."

  "Yes, I think he will." I smiled.

  Darius looked over and raised a brow at me. I felt myself blushing and hid my face behind my champagne glass.

  Darius stood up and started walking toward me. The door opening caught his attention and his smile dropped when Marshall Blake stepped in, followed closely by John Hicks. I was so glad to see my dad that I didn't even give a thought to why his lawyer was present.

  Darius was already walking toward my dad, so I quickly made my way over.

  "Marshall? Is something wrong that you would crash my wedding?" Darius asked.

  Marshall sighed. "I hoped you were ignorant, Dare," my father started. "I'm not cra
shing your wedding. I was invited by my daughter."

  "Daughter?" Darius laughed. "You don't have any kids."

  My father's eyes found me as I stepped in next to Darius and took his hand. "I do, Dare. I have two kids. A boy and a girl that I love dearly. So much so, that against my better judgment, I never publicly acknowledged them. Both my children are here in this room, Darius, and I am very sorry to tell you..."

  "No." Darius shook his head, his hand squeezing mine. "Do not finish that sentence, Marshall."

  "Mora is my daughter, Dare. You've married a black mark," Marshall finished.

  Darius closed his eyes as if in pain.

  I squeezed his hand. "What do you mean I'm a black mark?" I asked my father.

  Marshall took a breath and turned out his arm to show me his cufflinks. I frowned. They were the same as the ones Darius wore when he and his group sex parties. The symbol of their swingers’ club.

  "You’re in the same swingers’ group? So what?" I asked, confused.

  Darius still had his eyes closed, inhaling deep calming breaths.

  "Mora, it is not just a swingers’ group. It is a brotherhood of a very select few, and one of the first rules is that the family of members are off limits. Darius cannot pay his debt to me with my own daughter," Marshall explained. He stepped forward and placed his hand on my shoulder, his face full of pain. "I'm sorry, Mora. I wish you had told me when you started seeing him, or told Dare who your father was. We could have spared you this hurt."

  "What hurt?" I asked, my voice rising a little. "Darius and I are married now. It's too late. I love him. He loves me. There must be a work around?"

  Marshall looked at Darius and shook his head sadly. "I would not ask Dare to make that choice. The marriage has not been consummated, it can be annulled without too much issue." Marshall looked over his shoulder at his lawyer. "John will have the paperwork ready tomorrow for you to sign."

  Darius finally opened his eyes. They were hard, his face shut down. He met my father's eyes for a full minute, then he released my hand and stepped away from me. "Warren!"


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