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The Duke's Desire

Page 21

by Elizabeth Elliot

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Storm found himself in the study of Marcus Pinecrest at an unreasonably early hour the next morning. He had come to collect Eleanor in hope of giving her a chance to avoid the overly dramatic events that took place after he had said farewell to her the previous evening. As fate would have it though, he entered the home just a moment after Marcus had returned and Storm could see no reason he could avoid speaking to the man about his plan to marry Eleanor.

  “May I speak with you for a moment?”

  There was a moment when Storm thought he duke was actually going to refuse him, but the man must have sensed that denying the request would be far to foolish. With a slight incline of his chin the man motioned down the hallway.

  “We may speak in my study.”

  Storm followed the man down the hallway, finally taking notice of how dreary the house was. He knew that it had not been lived in for years, but he just realized that it now looked as if it was still abandoned. All the times he had been here before it was with Eleanor. She somehow managed to bring life to any room. With a soft smile, Storm thought about her for a moment. He hoped that she had managed to rest. They had a long day ahead of them.

  “If this is about Felicity…”

  Storm tried not to punch the man.

  “I am not here about Felicity, I am hear about Eleanor.”

  Marcus raised his hand to his brow as he took a seat behind his desk. As he tried to pinch away a headache, the man sighed.

  “What has she done now?”

  He could not believe he would soon be related to this ungrateful man.

  “Well, for one thing, she has agreed to marry me.”

  That caught the man’s attention.


  Storm clenched his first and tried to relax himself.

  “I asked her to marry me and she accepted my offer.”

  Confused, her brother whispered.

  “Why on earth would you ask Eleanor to marry you? I am letting Felicity marry Alex. There is no need for you to interfere.”

  Storm slammed his hand against the desk and rose.

  “Lord Crayton, you are in great danger of being pummeled to death by my fist, so here is I suggest you choose your words wisely when you speak with me.”

  The duke’s eyes widened a bit nervously, but Storm did not give him a chance to speak. He did not trust the man to take his advice and Eleanor would be very cross with him if he hurt her brother, regardless of how worthy the man was deserving of it.

  “If you were not so wrapped up in your own disappointments, you may have realized that your sister was suffering as well. Eleanor is a remarkable woman and I am not marrying her to save your loathsome title, although I will. I am marrying her because after everything she has sacrificed for you and your sister, she still managed to become a kind, generous, and strong woman. It will be my honor to have such a woman at my side.”

  Marcus cleared his throat.

  “Yes, of course. I had not realized that you and my sister had become so attached.”

  Storm glared.

  “Now you do.”

  Sitting up a bit straighter, Marcus motioned for him to sit again. As he did so the gentleman continued to speak.

  “Yes, yes I do. I see that she has spoken to you of our situation.”

  Storm tried to soften his tone.

  “She did not break her promise to you. I realized it on my own.”


  “Your sister used to wear boots that were two sized too small for her. Were you aware of that? I know, because one day at my ball her feet hurt so much they were bleeding. All so that Felicity could have a lovely new dress to wear.”

  The man stuttered.

  “She never told me.”

  “No of course not. Nor did you bother to inquire about it. Were you not curious how she was managing to run the household with the funds you gave her?”

  Marcus closed his eyes and for one moment Storm found a flicker of sympathy for him. As Eleanor had reminded him often, it was not her brother’s fault that their father had left them near penniless. Still, he should have taken more responsibility. With a sigh, he thought of Eleanor again. For her sake, he needed to at least try to find some civility with her brother.

  “I have managed to purchase Crayton manor.”

  The man looked at him bewildered.

  “How on earth…”

  “I have not told Eleanor. I would appreciate it if you would not tell her until we are married. The only reason I mention it is because my future bride has mentioned that your family has a great many memories there and I believe that it may help motivate you to become a man worthy of having such a home.”

  Marcus was about to speak, but Storm knew the man had not chosen his words wisely so interrupted him.

  “I think the military will do you good. I can make the arrangement to get your commission once Eleanor and I are married. She would not like it if you left before the wedding. While you are gone I can have Blade or Coach look over the estate. It will be ready for you when you get return.”

  “Lord Wakefield, I cannot accept that. We lost the manor. It is not right to accept such a generous offer from you.”

  Storm waved his hand in the air.

  “You will. This is not optional.”

  Storm rose and moved to look out the window. Taking a breath, he finally felt a bit of relief pass through him. He was not going to fail Eleanor. Not now. Not ever.

  “Like it or not, Lord Crayton, we are going to be family and I think you know how important family is to me. And to Eleanor.”

  The man still looked at him bewildered.

  “This is going to be your second chance to become the man you should have been when your father passed. Take it.”

  The man shook his head.

  “I do not deserve it.”

  Storm faced the man again and finally saw him. Marcus had failed in many ways, but he still managed to keep his family intact and that was worth far more than he knew.

  “I am going to be frank with you. It is hard for me to accept everything that Eleanor suffered through to make sure Felicity was well matched, but it is also unfair of me to judge you for it. When my father passed I had only to worry about taking care of my siblings, but there was never a concern about how I would financially support them. Eleanor had often defended you, stating that you did everything you could. She is not prone to dishonestly so I do think you did the best you could. In the end both your sisters have found gentleman worthy of them and it is clear that you have loved them despite what you struggled with.”

  Marcus looked at him, perhaps with a bit of relief.

  “I am sorry that I did not realize how much Eleanor was suffering. She… she is rather stubborn sometimes and if she wants to keep something a secret, she manages to do so very well. There is no excuse for my behavior, I know, but I did try my best. I… I just was not ready for father to pass, and to learn how terrible foolish he was when he lived.”

  Storm nodded.

  “I have often thought, since my father’s passing, that one day, when I have a son, I will do my best to prepare him for my untimely death, should it happen. Sometimes people do not understand how difficult it can be to live up to a father’s legacy, or struggle through their shortcomings.”

  The man inclined his head and looked at him thoughtfully.

  “You will make sure Eleanor is happy.”

  “Yes. Your sister will never want for anything again.”

  “I do love my sister, even if you do not believe my actions always show that.”

  Storm nodded.

  “I would never claim otherwise. She loves you very much as well. Eleanor told me that she felt you were not ready for the responsibilities that were thrust upon you.”

  Marcus sighed.

  “It is no excuse. I will not waste the second chance you are giving me. I will join the military, and if I return from war, we can discuss Crayton Manor. I do intend
to pay you back for it once I am able. And to make sure you get a dowry for Eleanor. It all went to Felicity. Neither of expected that Eleanor would end up marrying as well.”

  Storm shook his head.

  “I do not want a dowry, and we will discuss Crayton Manor once you are back. In the meantime, it will help prepare my brothers for the life ahead of them. I fear they are far too dependent on the allowances and neither is fit for the clergy.”

  Marcus laughed.

  “I suspect Blade could have a career in piracy.”

  Storm found himself smiling.

  “Do not let his glare fool you. He is the most soft-hearted of us all.”

  The man laughed again and Storm realized that he had finally made peace with his soon to be brother-in-law. At least enough to resist wanting to punch him every time they were in a room together.

  “Well, if you will excuse me… I actually had come here to fetch Eleanor. I wanted to announce our engagement to my family.”

  The man rose and motioned to the door.

  “Of course.”

  Eleanor woke up to total chaos. Storm had arrived early so that they may tell his family the news. Apparently, his arrival corresponded with her brothers and, although Eleanor rushed to dress, Storm and Marcus were behind locked doors. She had no idea what they could be discussing for so long but she highly doubted that both of them would leave the room without a punch having been thrown. As much as she defended him, she knew Storm held Marcus partly responsible for what they had gone through.

  She had been pacing in the hallway for the last fifteen minutes when they finally emerged. Her bother seemed to be in better spirits than she though he would be and Storm was actually smiling. Eleanor just stood staring at them both. Finally, Marcus spoke.

  “It seems congratulations are in order.”

  Eleanor blushed slightly.


  That was all. Desperately looking at Storm she moved a touch closer. Slipping his hand into hers he smiled down at her.

  “My family has planned a special dinner tonight to celebrate.”

  Surprised Eleanor looked at him.

  “You already told them?”

  “Oh no, not without you. But I did tell Bonnet who instantly started planning a dinner without really letting anyone know why.”

  Eleanor smiled.

  “I will look forward to it.”

  Her brother cleared his throat.

  “Um… I actually told Lord Derrington that we would dine with him tonight. To celebrate his engagement to Felicity.”

  Eleanor looked confused.

  “You spoke to Lord Derrington?”

  “Yes. Yesterday evening.”

  Eleanor was completely hurt. She had been worried all night about him and he found the time to speak with Alex and not even tell her.

  “It was a rather eventful night.”

  Eleanor waited for him to explain further but he just remained silent. Finally, Storm whispered.

  “I can have Bonnet postpone the dinner.”

  Storm was looking at her with such concern in his eyes Eleanor shook her head.


  He raised his brow to her, but Eleanor did not care. She was tired of her brother speaking for her, and tired of her sister being selfish, and she was tired of always doing the right thing. Gripping his hand firmly, Eleanor looked at him.

  “No. I am having dinner tonight, with your family. To celebrate our engagement. I am sure Lord Derrington will understand.”

  God help him, Marcus actually spoke.

  “Eleanor! I told him that we would all be in attendance.”

  Raising her voice, she turned to her brother.

  “Perhaps you should have asked me then. I have sacrificed everything for this family. I have cried a million tears, lost countless nights of sleep and have spent the last two years making sure Felicity received everything she deserved. I will not give this up too. Storm is a good man. And he wants to marry me. And I want to marry him. I am truly sorry that I had the nerve to get engaged on the same day as Felicity but I will not postpone celebrating my own engagement.”

  Storm was looking to her with amused eyes. Clearly, he was found it must more charming when she was turning her anger at others. She was about to continue when another voice drifted toward them.

  “She is right Marcus. We can celebrate with Alex tomorrow. Tonight, should be Eleanor’s night.”

  Three surprised faces turned toward her. Blushing slightly, she walked toward Eleanor and looked toward her feet.

  “I am very sorry for how I acted last night Eleanor. You have done so much for me and I acted completely ungrateful. May I please celebrate with you tonight?”

  Before she could even respond Storm held out a handkerchief. Laughing she took it and threw her arms around her sister.

  “Oh Felicity, of course you can.”

  “Thank you.”

  She held onto her sister for a long time and then when they finally parted her sister turned a smile toward Storm.

  “I am so happy you are going to be my brother-in-law, but you seriously should not go to your home right now.”

  Eleanor saw surprise on his face. She could not believe that she was marrying such a handsome man.

  “And why is that?”

  “Bonnet has everyone running around to prepare for dinner. She is in a frenzy.”

  Eleanor laughed. Beside her she heard Storm sigh.

  “Thank you for the warning. I suppose we can wait a bit before announcing our engagement, though I am sure they all know by now.”

  Felicity smiled.

  “You cannot stay here though either.”

  Eleanor looked to her sister.


  Her sister smiled. Eleanor was very surprised to see this new side. Perhaps love does change a person. She had not even used the word oh once this whole time.

  “We have to get you ready. You are going to be completely pampered. And there is a new dress on its way here right now for you to wear. We have a lot to do before dinner.”

  Eleanor shook her head.

  “We only just finished breakfast. There is plenty of time before dinner.”

  “There is plenty to do. I am sure Storm can spare you for one day being that he will have your company every day once you marry.”

  Bewildered Eleanor looked to Storm for help. Smirking he put his arms in the air as if surrendering.

  “Do not look at me. I personally think you deserve a day of pampering and am actually thinking of how I may assist Felicity with her endeavor.”

  Eleanor saw Felicity smile.

  “That is the spirit Lord Wakefield. And actually, there is something you could do to help.”

  Storm bowed.

  “I am entirely at your disposal.”

  “Eleanor will need a new bonnet to go with her new gown. Do you think you can have one made as quickly as you did the last time for her?”

  At this both Eleanor and Storm stared bewildered at Felicity. As far as they knew she had no idea that Storm had purchased the bonnet for Eleanor. Storm pretended to clear his throat and Eleanor saw Felicity smile.

  “You both argue very loudly.”

  Laughing Storm smiled.

  “I am sure I can persuade the milliner to create something quickly.”

  “Lovely. Her dress is going to be light green.”

  Then, since apparently Felicity was now in charge, Eleanor watched her fiancé prepare to leave and fetch her a new bonnet.

  “Storm, it is really not necessary for you to go.”

  Taking her hand to his lips he smiled at her, wickedness in his eyes.

  “Oh, I definitely must. I have seen the Pinecrest women angry. I must admit they are most preferable happy. Let her spoil you Eleanor. I will be here to collect you before dinner.”

  Then he was gone and Eleanor found herself being rushed upstairs. There was little she could do but let Felicity pamper her.

er Twenty-Four

  The news of their engagement spread quickly. The week seemed like a complete blur to her but after this evening’s ball Eleanor knew what she must do. Their engagement had served its purpose. Felicity was blissfully engaged to Alex Larford. Her sister’s happiness had been all she had ever hoped for and Storm’s proposal had allowed for it. But society had no accepted the news of her and Storms pending nuptials and Eleanor felt something must be done.

  Eleanor slipped through the window praying that no one had spotted her. She could barely believe she was doing this, but she just could not wait to speak to Storm. With all the events of the evening she did not think she could sleep she thought she may as well finish ruining this day rather that making tomorrow equally as terrible.

  Storm was sleeping soundly and for a moment Eleanor forgot to breathe. In the moonlight, he was always attractive, but in the moonlight asleep in his bed, Storm was without question the most amazing sight she had ever seen. He looked so peaceful that she felt the sadness that would come with her decision, but when he rolled to his side and the sheet revealed a portion of his bare muscular back, Eleanor was not very sure she would be able to do what she came here to do.

  Somehow managing to cross to his bed, Eleanor sat on the edge and allowed herself to feast on the sight of him. This moment would remain in her memory long after she was banished from his life. It was the least she could cling too. Then with a heavy heart, she reached out to him and gently tried to shake him awake. He stirred only slightly but after a bit more coaching; she quietly whispered his name and saw his eyes blink open.


  She laughed at that, smiling softly at him.

  “I would have thought you would have at least recognized me by now. Are there many women that sneak into your room at night to confuse me with?”

  He went to speak but she held up her hand.

  “No, do not answer that. I am sure I do not want to know.”

  “Your hair is down.”

  Eleanor blinked at him, confused at his statement.


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