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The Duke's Desire

Page 22

by Elizabeth Elliot

  “Am I dreaming this? What time is it? Are you okay? Lord, but you are far too stunning with your hair down to be in my room in the middle of the night.”

  Eleanor’s eyes widened.

  “You are not dreaming, it is about half past three, and no, I am not okay.”

  It became clearer as he started to wake that he was naked and the only thing separating them was a sheet. Eleanor nearly panicked. Averting her eyes, she blushed and started to stutter.

  “Perhaps you should put something on, other than a sheet.”

  She felt him sit up behind her and wondered how confused she would feel if their roles were reversed. Trying to make the situation better, Eleanor whispered.

  “I am sorry to wake you, I just… this just could not wait.”

  Storm rose then and headed to his dressing room. Eleanor waited until she was sure he was out of sight before turning back in his direction, staring blankly at the spot in the bed that he had just vacated. Eleanor really wished he would say something. Before she could think to speak, however, he was back, dressed in his breeches and a shirt which she was both thrilled and horrified to see he left open. It was the concern in his eyes that had her snapping out of her admiration of his chest.

  “Eleanor, what is wrong? And how did you get in here.”

  She rose and began to pace, an action she felt she was doing far too much these days. Honestly, this all seemed like a good idea a few hours ago, but now, now it was rather sickening.

  “I cannot marry you and I walked.”

  Storm laughed. Eleanor did not know what reaction she expected, but it certainly was not that.

  “Eleanor, you are going to marry me, and please tell me you at least had a footman with you.”

  Eleanor could not understand how he was just ignoring what she had just said.

  “No, I did not take a footman. I did not want the servants talking about me sneaking here and climbing through your window. Then I would have to marry you and it would defeat the purpose of this visit.”

  He moved closer to her, his eyes locked.

  “You are going to marry me Eleanor. It has already been decided.”

  She was speaking to him, Storm was very aware, however he could honestly not hear a word she was saying. Eleanor Pinecrest had been a rather huge distraction these last few days, and Storm was very aware that he grew more and more attracted to her by the minute, but tonight, with her hair down standing in his bedroom, she was absolutely perfect. He could not take his eyes off of her. What was she thinking coming here?

  “Storm? Are you even listening to me?”

  Storm was aware that he actually needed to say something and so he tried to gather his wits. But his body was already betraying him as he felt his head shake.

  “No, actually, I was not. To be completely honest, Eleanor, it is taking most of my concentration to refrain from wrapping my arms around you and tossing you into my bed. You really should pull your hair back. If it remains down for another five minutes I am rather certain my honor will not even be able to refrain me from ravishing you.”

  He had actually shocked her silent. Her eyes just grew wider as she stared at him trying to see if he was lying. Trying to ignore the desire that was flowing through his entire body, Storm tried his best to settle the issue that seemed to be bothering her.

  “I am sorry. This time I will try my best to pay attention. You were saying something about not being able to marry me?”

  Eleanor burst into her speech again.

  “Yes. Tonight, was terrible. No one believes you are marrying me willingly. You had to hear some of the things they were saying. And you having to leave early did not squelch the rumors one bit.”

  Storm rubbed his head trying to gain his senses. Motioning to the bed for lack of a better thought, he sighed.

  “May we sit and discuss this.”

  She seemed hesitant but gave in and took a seat on the edge of the bed. Storm was grateful for it since he was desperate to sit and would never dare sit while she was standing. Lowering himself to the bed, he sat with enough distance between them to keep his urges under control.

  “I am sorry I had to leave. Chance really did need tending too.”

  Eleanor smiled weakly.

  “I do not blame you at all for leaving. I would have done so also. It just gave fuel to the fire.”

  Storm frowned.

  “What exactly have people been saying?”

  And for the next quarter of an hour, Eleanor told him exactly what was being said behind his back. By the end Storm did not blame her for wanting to call the whole thing off. But he was not about to let her go.

  “Eleanor, you and I are getting married. I truly do not care what people think. We both agreed this is what we wanted.”

  She looked so tired. He had forgotten that neither of them had slept the night before either.

  “I know you do not think it is important, but it is Storm. Not just for us, but for your family and for our future family. I will not be the reason your family is shunned for society.”

  This time he could not resist moving closer. Gently sliding his hand into hers, he gave it a soft squeeze. The touch seemed to ease her sadness.

  “I will make this work Eleanor. I promise that by the time we take our vows the ton will know that I was not trapped into this situation at all. That I chose you, because you are the woman that I want to spend my life with.”

  This seemed to calm her a bit.

  “Storm, it is just really hard for me to make everyone believe we really know each other at all since I could barely answer basic questions about you.”

  He laughed at that, but he could see that it did bother her.

  “Eleanor, you know me. You know me better than anyone.”

  She sighed, clearly frustrated.

  “I know, but people ask me the most trivial things about you and I never know the answers.”

  Storm was completely charmed.

  “Well, I am terribly sorry that I have deprived you of all trivial facts about myself. Please do tell me what it is that you feel you must know.”

  She glared at him.

  “You are not taking this seriously!”

  Unable to control his laugher, he shook his head.

  “I am sorry, my dear. Truly. Of course, I do not want you to feel as if you cannot respond to whatever ridiculous questions you are asked.”

  “Thank you”

  There was an awkward silence. Finally, Storm touched her cheek and forced her gaze.

  “I know that Bonnet has planned all the days between now and the wedding to make sure the wedding is everything it should be, so how about we meet at night, for a few hours, and just spend it talking and you can ask me all the things you think you should know of your future husband. We will have to sacrifice a bit of sleep, but I think you are right. If we want the ton to view us as a couple, we should learn more about the basic things.”

  Smiling she agreed.

  “Thank you. It would make me feel better. The whole situation is just awkward. I mean, I do think we will have a happy marriage Storm, I do not want you doubting that. It is just I felt really unprepared for some of the questions tonight and I know it will only get worse.”

  Shackling his demons, still not sure how he would be able to resist her now that he would be spending time alone with her at night, Storm managed to place a soft kiss on her cheek before laying on the bed, his arms crossed behind his head.

  “So, my dear future wife, what would you like to know first.”

  She was nibbling her lower lip a sign Storm had come to know meant that she was slightly unsure of herself. Right now, for instance, she was wondering if she should ask the question she really wanted to. Encouraging her, Storm smiled.

  “Anything you want to ask Eleanor, is fine, do not be afraid.”

  Turning to face him completely, Eleanor settled on to the bed and wrapped her arms around her legs, resting her head on her knees.

  “Do y
ou resemble your mother, or you father more?”

  Storm did not hesitate to answer.

  “My mother actually, Hunter looks most like my father, but I have my mother’s coloring. And her eyes. Chance and I were the only ones to inherit them.”

  Eleanor smiled.

  “And what is your favorite meal?”

  Unable to stop himself, he entwined his fingers through hers.

  “Already I can think of a million better ways to spend my time.”

  She sighed.


  He tugged her then and pulled her against him. She protested for only a moment before settling herself against him.

  “And was your mother responsible for your unique name choices?”

  “Our name choices?”

  She laughed.

  “You must admit, your family have rather odd names.”

  Storm looked at her completely baffled. Dear Lord, but she really did not even know his name.

  “Eleanor, I cannot believe this, but it actually just occurred to me that you do not even know my name!”

  His fiancé looked at him like he had just lost his mind.

  “My real name is not Storm, actually. My whole family got nicknames when we were young and I suppose we never really use our given names. My name is actually William.”

  She looked at him completely shocked.

  “Oh my. Storm suits you better, but it is good to know the actual name of the man I am to marry.”

  He stuck his tongue out at her.

  “It will be in the banns that way tomorrow. It would have been interesting had you not known.”

  “More proof that we should be having these discussions.”


  She smiled softly and him and then her brow crinkled.

  “Did they call you Storm because you like storms so much.”

  Storm looked at her and wondered how much he should tell her. He had no desire to lie to her. With a sigh, he whispered.

  “I will tell you the truth, but you may not tell my family’s secret to anyone. Even if they ask.”

  She raised her brow and Storm found himself grinning a bit.

  “We have always lied when people have asked us. I do love storms, so it is not so hard on me. And Aria loves to sing so I suppose she is more truthful than most, but we received our nicknames because of the circumstances surrounding the places we were conceived.”

  Eleanor looked at him a bit shocked.


  “My father and mother were deeply in love. So much so that she was always certain about the moment she realized that she was with child.”

  Curiously, she sat up further and tilted her head puzzled.

  “So, you were conceived during a storm?”

  “In a storm.”


  Storm laughed.


  Eleanor looked to him bewildered.

  “I… I did not even know that was possible.”

  Storm trapped a lock of her lovely chestnut hair and twirled it around his finger.

  Entranced by how silky her hair was he closed his eyes and pulled her closer against him.

  “Sadly, I am one of the least scandalous. Mother and father used to say that when two people felt as passionately about each other as they did, sometimes it was impossible to deny it, no matter where they were.”

  His future bride shook her head.

  “Okay, so what about Bonnet.”

  “A milliner shop.”


  He laughed at her shock.


  Eleanor shook her head.

  “I cannot even imagine it.”

  He wanted to continue talking with her, but with her warm body now pressed against him he was rather certain he would not be able to think rationally much longer. And then, she shifted slightly against him, her soft fingers coming to rest on his bare chest and Storm felt as if a fire had just started to burn inside of him. He kissed her so softly and smiled.

  “Well, it is my duty to keep the tradition.”

  Her eyes grew wide.

  “You are not serious.”

  “Deadly. I was thinking we could start with twins maybe. Thunder and Lightning. Or a precious little girl in the rose garden. Rosepetal.”

  Despite her horror, a smile did come to Eleanor’s face.

  “You think about our children?”

  “Of course.”

  A blush came to her cheeks and Storm was on the verge of bursting with desire for her. He could not wait to see her growing round with his child. Then her nervous voice reached him.

  “Do you have mistresses? Will you keep one once we are married?”

  Horrified, Storm nearly choked on his words. Raising her head blushing, Eleanor shook her head.

  “No. It… it was just something I was wondering. You do not have to answer me.”

  Storm trapped her hand against his chest and gently rolled her so that she was slightly beneath him now. His body grew tenser now that she was trapped beneath him, but Storm was determined to make her understand what he expected of their marriage.

  “Eleanor, I do not have a mistress, nor will I ever. You are the only woman I want in my bed and I expect to be the only man who will ever share yours.”

  Eyes wide, she reached up and caressed his cheek.

  “Are you sure? I know that men tend to grow bored with their wives…”

  Unable to accept that she still did not know how much he wanted her, he pressed his lips lightly against hers and whispered against them.

  “I will never grow bored with you Eleanor. Never.”

  She blushed again, but he could feel her heart start racing against his chest. Eleanor was able to hide so many things from others, but she could never hide anything from him. He knew her. The true person she was. Somehow in the short span of time they had come to know each other perhaps better than anyone else knew them. He knew how to make her smile, how to comfort her, and how to make her want him as much as he wanted her. Currently, she was fighting her desire for him as much as he was fighting his for hers. Unable to stop himself, Storm drew her lips to his, kissing her with enough passion for her to understand he was not lying. Eleanor sighed contently, but a moment later, her desire ignited and her body arched against him for more.

  Kissing her was different now. Now that he knew she would be his forever. Now that he knew she would only ever be his. A possessiveness now lingered between them. Storm could still not believe how Eleanor had gone from being the most agitating woman to being the most precious in such a short time. Storm deepened the kiss and just as he was about to give into both their desires, a knock on his door drew his attention away. Beneath him Eleanor tensed and her eyes widened. Cursing under his breathe Storm rolled away from her and tried to collect his breath as the knock sounded again, this time accompanied by Bonnet’s soft voice.

  “Storm, Storm, wake up.”

  Eleanor was on her feet now and heading toward the window. With another curse, Storm managed to block her way and shake his head. With a stern whisper, he motioned to the corner of the room that would be blocked by the door when he opened it. Clearly seeing that she would not win an argument, she hurried to where he motioned and, when his sister pounded on the door again, he opened it with a bit more force than he meant to. His sister stood in the hallway, pale as a ghost, and his anger slipped away. Clearly something was wrong.

  “Storm, Chance’s fever is worse. I… I think we should fetch the doctor again. I do not know what else we can do.”

  Nodding, Storm found his voice.

  “Of course, let me just finishing dressing and I will go at once.”

  His sister paced.

  “Are you sure we should not send one of the footmen. It is so late for you to be out on your own.”

  Storm shook his head.

  “I will be fine. And more effective as getting a physician out of his bed at this hour. Go to Ch
ance. I will be there as soon as I am able.”

  Bonnet nodded and hurried off and Storm closed the door with a sigh. A moment later, Eleanor touched his arm.

  “I am sorry he is ill again.”

  Storm touched her cheek and pressed his brow to hers.

  “Thank you.”

  Her hands were now resting against his shoulders and she held his gaze.

  “He is strong. He will get better.”

  Nodding, Storm looked toward his dressing room.

  “You should remain here until I return. I do not want you going back out without protection.”

  She was about to protest when something caused her to stop.

  “What if someone comes into the room?”

  He headed to the dressing room and grabbed his boots. As he sat down to put them on, he turned to her again.

  “No one would ever enter my room at this hour. Nor when I am not here. I will be back to escort you home before the sun rises. Just promise me you will not leave without me.”

  “I promise, Storm.”

  Unable to resist he pulled her into his lap and kissed her softly.

  “Thank you. I… I could not handle finding out that something happened to you. Not now.”

  Eleanor softly returned his kiss and whispered.

  “Just be careful, Storm and return home safely.”

  He nodded and sighed.

  “I am sorry to always have to leave you. I will get back to you as soon as possible.”

  And then, with one more look to Eleanor, he left the bedroom and tried his hardest to focus on his brother and not the beautiful woman that he left in his bedroom.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Eleanor woke to the gentle caress of Storms hand against her cheek. As her eyes fluttered open he leaned forward and gently placed a kiss on her lips. Brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear, he whispered.

  “You are remarkably beautiful when you wake up.”

  A smile came to her lips for one moment, before she gathered her senses.

  “How is Chance?”

  With a soft smile, he whispered.

  “The doctor helped break his fever. He should be fine.”

  Stretching, she reached out and kissed him again.

  “That is good news.”


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