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The Duke's Desire

Page 26

by Elizabeth Elliot

  Eleanor felt every moment of his examination. But it did not distract her from allowing her own eyes to roam his body. Storm was wearing the suit she had purchased for him all those weeks ago. It had looked amazing on him the first time he had worn it, but tonight, well tonight he simply looked magnificent. Something had changed in him these past few weeks, something had changed in them both, and tonight, for the first time, they were comfortable with that knowledge. Storm had allowed himself to become the man he had buried with his parents. Only he was even more than that now. He was that man, and still the man who he had been after they passed. For the first time since she had met him, Eleanor realized it was because of her.

  But any further thought left her mind, because Storm chose that moment to move forward. Despite her determination to remain still, Eleanor’s body seemed to disagree, because she was moving toward him also. They had still not spoken. Words seemed unnecessary. What they felt, what lingered in the air around them, what had seeped into their very souls was obvious. Love. They may not have yet said it out loud, but Eleanor rather suspected it had been hiding there all along.

  They reached each other now, Eleanor bringing her hands to rest against his chest, his hand coming to gently caress her cheek as the other settled against her waist. Passion, unlike anything she had ever known raced through her body. More than anything, she wanted Storm. Right here. Right now. In the garden. The thought was so ridiculous. But then she realized this was what his parents had felt. A need for each other that was beyond a place or a time. It did not matter where they were. All that mattered was that she was with him and that he wanted her as much as she wanted him.

  His lips were pressed to hers then. Eleanor had expected her need for him to explode, but his kiss, this kiss, was so tender, so gentle, and filled with so much more than just desire. This kiss was what love felt like. Sliding her arms around him, she allowed her fingers to drift into his locks, her other gripping his sleeve, pulling him closer. And right when she thought their kiss would deepen, his lips left hers. Startled, she opened her eyes to fall into the storms in his. His lips still lingered close and their ragged breath mingling in the cool night air.


  Her eyes widened at the nickname. No one had called her it since papa. But from his lips, when he felt so much desire, it seemed to suit her. She wondered if he knew it is what her father called her. But no one ever really knew that about her. Not even her brother she remembered. Papa only ever said it when they were in the rose garden.

  “Nora, I love you.”

  And then, he kissed her again. He kissed her with such adoration that Eleanor actually felt a tear slip down her cheek. And then, she was lost. There was so much she wanted to tell him. So much she had been feeling. But right now, all she could do was kiss him back with every ounce of love in her body. This moment was worth every inch of pain she had experience in her life. Because this man loved her and she would be his. Desire seemed to engulf the air around her and all she knew was that she wanted to be his. Damn the ball, damn their families, damn all of England to be honest. Eleanor dragged her lips from his and cupped his face as she pleaded.

  “Please William, please… I just want to be yours. Right now.”

  His voice sounded raspy and hoarse when he finally spoke.

  “You called me William.”

  She had told him she never would. It had not suited him. But somehow, right now, when she was filled with desire for him, it was exactly the name he should be. Just as right now she was Nora.

  “I… I know. It seemed right.”

  He did growl then. His hands pulling her so close she thought she may not be able to breathe.

  “It is right. When I am in your arms, you should always call me that. When I am in your arms, I am more than just Storm. Blasted it all, Nora, I want to make you mine”

  She pressed her lips to his, encouraging him not to listen to the reason. Or logic. Nothing else mattered right now. Nothing.

  “William, please, I love you too.”

  He was completely undone when she looked at him and told him she loved him. This was completely impossible. Bonnet would kill him if she found out. But damn it all, he wanted her. And she wanted him. There was not a gentleman in the world that would have been able to resist the plea in her eyes. Not to mention he had no desire to resist her. She would be his wife in four days. Storm had squelched his desire for her for weeks. Surely no one would begrudge him four days.

  The moment he had stepped in the garden he knew he would not survive the night without having her. When he spotted her twirling in the night air amongst the roses, her face lit with happiness, there was no turning back. It was a moment, he knew, he would remember for the rest of his life. More because he knew he was part of the reason she was that happy, than anything else. Eleanor was the center of his life right now, and his future was everything his parents had always wanted for him. No thought could have surprised him more, and because of it, Storm realized he could let it all go. The guilt of not living up to their expectations had weighed on him every day since they had past. Being the eldest, he knew what they wanted for all their children. It haunted him.

  Now, though, there was Eleanor, twirling in his rose garden, and she had made everything right. Storm, in that moment, knew exactly who he was, and it was exactly who he should have been. And then he kissed her. He kissed her and he knew he would never let a day pass without kissing her. He had not expected that she would offer herself to him or that she would plead with him to make her his. With Eleanor, nothing should surprise him. It did though, she was full of surprises his Nora. Then she told him she loved him, and bloody hell, there was no resisting the look in her eyes. Besides, there was no way he would survive waltzing through a ballroom with her if he did not know she was his, heart body and soul. He wanted it all.

  There were at least a dozen reasons flying through his head why this would be a terrible idea, but love had no logic, he was coming to realize. Taking he hand he guided her further though the garden. Wedding decorations were scattered around already and Storm felt a wave of possessiveness course through his body at the thought of their marriage day. His need for her grew with each agonizing step until, at last, he reached the private alcove he had been seeking.

  Drawing her too him, his whispered her name and kissed her, fueling their passions once more. His hands explored her gentle curves, his demons growing with each moan that escaped her lips. Storm trailed his mouth to her neck, his fingers quickly undoing the laces of her dress. It would have to come off, else the grass would leave a mark, but when his lips found their way to her bodice, concern about her dress was the last piece of logic he had. Storm pulled his lips away, just long enough to remove her dress and feast on the image of her in only her chemise.

  She looked radiant in the moonlight, and as his eyes lingered over every inch of her, Eleanor blushed but made no move to cover herself. Storm realized that she finally felt beautiful. No longer did she worry that she would be lacking in anyway. It made her completely irresistible. And again, he had the notion that perhaps he had freed her of some of the things that had been haunting her. Then, his glorious fiancé found a way to surprise him once more.

  Eleanor knew, in her heart, Storm had never looked at another woman the way he was looking at her standing there in only her chemise. She did not care about his reputation or his rakish ways, because at this moment, all he wanted was her. All he would ever want was her. It was a ridiculously powerful feeling. He was completely enthralled by her. While he stood, motionless, just staring at her, Eleanor knew that precious time was going by, and he was completely frozen. It was like he wanted this moment to go on forever. But forever was for another time. Right now, was the time for action. So, in one quick motion, she removed her chemise and pressed her naked body to his.

  “Oh, dear god, Nora.”

  His hands were on her again, exploring. His mouth was on her, drinking her in as if his very life depended on it.
Her fingers slipped beneath his jacket, trying to push it away. She needed to feel his skin. To see if it burned for her the way her own burned for him. Somehow, between them, they managed to rid him of his jacket and shirt, and before Eleanor could blink, she felt herself being lowered to the ground. Storms lips never left her. It was the most astounding feeling in the world. Wantonly, Eleanor arched into every caress, every touch. There was no point trying to disguise what she wanted.

  “I love you, William, so much.”

  He did lift his mouth then, his eyes meeting hers, now a tempest of emotion.

  “Nora, I will always be yours. Always.”

  The truth of his words sunk into her soul with his next kiss, and Eleanor wanted to cry and explode with happiness at the same time. It was such a ridiculous notion. But if she planned on trying to figure out, Storm did not give her the chance, because at that moment, his mouth clasped around her breast and all her wits were gone. All that remained was an endless array of need and yearning.

  She felt like heaven. One day, he thought, one day very soon, he was going to spend at least twelve hours in a row exploring every inch of her. A lifetime with her was not going to be long enough. Wanting her as he did, neither of them could last much longer. It was clear her need for more was almost unbearable and so Storm released her breast from his mouth and trailed it lower. Pressing soft kisses against her stomach, Storm spread her wider, and watched her face as she arched into his touch.

  When at least he tasted her, her cry was full of longing. She was panting with need now, her hands reaching toward him, wanting something, anything more. He chuckled at it. Who would have thought she would be such a wanton? Yes, life with Eleanor Pinecrest would be wonderful, but nights with her… nights with her would be sublime.

  “William, please, please… I need…. I do not know what I need, but I need something!”

  He smiled, lifting his mouth, taking her flailing hands in his own and raising them above her head, pinning her completely beneath him. Their eyes met, locked and Storm whispered his thoughts without even knowing he had spoken out loud.

  “Nora, you will never need for anything for the rest of your life. I will give you everything.”

  And then he clamped his mouth to her and thrust inside her. Her scream was lost in his mouth, her breathing ragged and harsh. He knew she would feel pain, but it would pass, and when it did, when it did, they would both know how gratifying love could be. Storm just stilled inside her, focusing her passions on their kiss until he felt her relax around him again. Lord, but she was stunning.

  So, Storm lifted his lips one last time to look at her. To memorize the look in her eyes now that she was filled with him. It was time to make her his. He moved so slowly at first it was agonizing, but then as he felt the need in her grow, his thrust grew faster, harder, and he tried to remember every second of it. She was his. His. And as he felt her explode around him, he thrust one last time, felt his own release and fell into her arms with a raspy whisper.

  “You are mine Nora. You are mine.”

  Eleanor did not know how long they stayed lying in each other’s arms, but she did know it was most likely too long. His family would be looking for them soon. Chances are they were already late. Neither of them really had the motivation to move, but Eleanor knew they could not be discovered like this, even if the wedding was only four days away. So, placing one more gentle kiss to his lips, she cupped his face and met his gaze.

  “We have to go. Your family cannot find us like this.”

  She could tell by his face that he truly had no desire to move, but after a moment, his brain began working again and he rose. Holding out his hand to her, he helped her rise, his hands cupping her bottom on last time before he released her to retrieve his shirt. The dressed in silence, until at least, Eleanor turned to him and motioned to her back.

  “I do not suppose you know how to lace it as quickly as you unlaced it?”

  He chuckled at that but stepped behind her and started lacing her gown up.

  “You do realize, I hope, that this goes against every natural instinct I have.”

  “Helping me with my gown?”

  “Helping you into anything that requires you to be covering up more of your skin than revealing less of it.”

  Eleanor laughed. When at last he was done, she inspected him. Other than his hair, he looked perfectly presentable. Twirling once for him she smiled.

  “How do I look?”

  Then, to her surprise, passion was back in his eyes and he drew her to him.

  “You look like you are mine.”

  A gasp escaped her, but the possessiveness in his voice was almost flattering, she thought. But any exchange that would have happened was cut off by the sound of Bonnet’s voice calling their names. Storm turned to her one more time though, before they headed back toward the house.

  “You look like you have been thoroughly kissed, but other than that, you look perfect.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Floating down the stairs, Eleanor still felt the warmth of Storms arms lingering around her. Neither of them stayed at the ball very long. Long enough to satisfy the onlookers and his family, and then they both slipped from the festivities and into her room. They spent the night making love, but more than that, they spent in entirely in each other’s arms. They dozed in and out of sleep, their bodies twined together until the sun rose. Storm had to leave, of course, reluctant as they both were to admit it, but there was only three more days until they would never have to be apart. It was, he reminded them both, a small price to pay.

  Marcus had a meeting, she knew, but she was hoping to catch her brother before he left. He had made the most of his time here, since Felicity married and Eleanor began spending her days out with the Westbrook’s. She missed him, she realized. Things had changed between them. It was because of Storm, she knew. Whatever had transpired between the two of them, it had changed her brother. Marcus began to truly own his position as the Earl of Crayton. She had hoped that Storm would convince him to stay away from the military now that he would be able to only worry over himself, but Marcus seemed more determined now than ever. Any argument she had offered fell on deaf ears.

  It did make her sad that she would need to leave her brother. Especially since that day the men had spoken. She was not sure what Storm had said, but it did not seem kind. Eleanor knew her future husband blamed Marcus for the situation they were all in to some extent, even if she defended him. Marcus seemed to believe she held him responsible too. Though, in truth, she rather expected that she did in part. Her brother needed to find a purpose in his life. Hopefully, he would. Currently though, she was in the best of all moods, and she wanted to see her brother, and make sure he knew how happy she was.

  She had almost reached the study when she heard her brother’s voice. He was arguing with someone, and even though she knew it was wrong, she moved closer to listen.

  “Truly, Garret, you have caught me at a terrible time. I have a meeting I must get to.”

  “How could you have agreed to let her marry him? She was meant for me.”

  Eleanor did not want to eavesdrop, but she could not help it. She simply had to know what Garret Frompton was doing here. She had hardly given him a thought since there move to London. He had been her only other man who had ever given thought to courting her.

  “Garret, she would not have married you, no matter what I encouraged. Trust me, it is better this way.”

  Leaning closer, she saw Garrets face through a crack in the door. The man looked like he had ridden against the devil to get here. She should be flattered, but all she could feel was annoyed. Never once had she encouraged Garret Frompton.

  “How can you say that? I love her. More than the blasted duke does I would wager.”

  Marcus sighed.

  “You love the idea of her, Garret. You do not love her.”

  “There is more to this. There has to be. This is about the money, correct? Is the Duke paying you a for
tune for her? I offered what I could. We are friends. Why choose a mere stranger over me?”

  Eleanor had forgotten that Garret had been quite a close friend to Marcus in former years. Once his attention had gone to her, she had only thought of him as someone to be avoided. It must have been very hard for Maxwell to have dealt with the situation. It had not even occurred to her that the gentleman might have known of their money troubles.

  “It is because I am your friend that I am allowing her to marry Wakefield.”

  “Perhaps you care to explain.”

  “I have to go.”

  Still, Garret was not allowing him to leave without an answer. Eleanor found her own curiosity eager to be satisfied. Although her brother had often talked about how glad he was that she was marrying Storm, she was never quite convinced that he knew how deeply they loved. That marrying him had never been because of his fortune.

  “You know I never expected Eleanor to marry at all, but the Duke asked for her hand and she made it nearly impossible for me to refuse. In the end, I allowed their engagement to take place. Garret, Eleanor cannot bear children. I never told her, for I never thought she would marry, but you will need an heir, and I could not sacrifice your future. Wakefield deserves to remain childless for he treated Eleanor quite wrongly during the first half of their acquaintance. He tried to make himself feel better by saving us from our debt, but I cannot ignore his prior wrongs. He will marry my sister, but he will never beget a child on her.”

  Eleanor felt the tears coming down her face, but was certainly not prepared for the sudden wave of despair that overtook her. Sinking to the floor, she buried her face in her hands and tried to block away everything that she had just heard. Marcus could not be so cruel. He could not. Why had he never told her? Barren. How could she be? Voices floated through her aching head.

  “She was struck with some illness when she was younger. I do not remember all the details, but the doctor had made it quite clear that Eleanor was not going to be able to have a child. Now, really, Garret, I have to go. My advice to you is to leave town and find someone else that will suit you.”


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