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The Duke's Desire

Page 27

by Elizabeth Elliot

  Footsteps were heading toward the door and Eleanor scrabbled into the small closet only a few feet away. As the sound of voice drifted away, Eleanor curled her arms around her legs and began to sob. Why? Why had she had a chance to taste her dreams and then have them snatched away? Numb, Eleanor stayed hidden for nearly an hour before she collected herself and headed to her bedchamber. There was no avoiding it. She had to leave. Storm not only needed to have children, he deserved them. Fatherhood was always something on her mind. All the jokes about what they would nickname their children held some truth behind it. He needed an heir, but most of all, he needed a family. So, with the last ounce of her strength, Eleanor found herself putting her pen to paper, the last of her tears soaking the pages, and then calmly called for the carriage to be brought around. She would always be his, but… but he was meant to be someone else.

  Storm felt the note slip from his fingers as his heart was torn in two. The ring he had given Eleanor, her mother’s ring, fell to the floor and the sound echoed through the room. For the first time in his life, Storm had no idea what to do. Pain, pain more unbearable than he knew possible, filled his chest. This was what despair felt like. He could not breathe, he could not think, all he could do was let the numbness fill his soul. She was gone and he had to let her go. There was nothing else for him to do. Unaware of his pain, Bonnet strolled into the room with a smile and a collection of paper.

  “I think the roses should be a mixture of colors for the wedding instead of just white...”

  Storm knew that his sister must have seen him then, although she seemed miles away. He heard her skirts rushing to him and her hands come to his with concern. It did not help. Storm just sunk to the ground, tears finally streaming down his cheeks. Was he actually sobbing? When was the last time he had sobbed?

  “Storm.... what happened? Storm?”

  Not able to face the truth, he motioned to the letter.

  “There is not going to be a wedding Bonnet.”

  His sister gasped and took the letter. He closed his eyes remembering every word Eleanor had written.

  -My Dearest Storm, no… forgive me… My Dearest William,

  By the time you receive this letter, I will no longer be in London. I beg of you not to try to find me. Our time together has been the most wonderful in my life. The love we share will linger in my heart until my dying breath. It is because of that love, that I must leave you. I overheard my brother speaking to an old friend today. I curse myself for listening, for hearing what I have, but now that I know the truth, there is nothing for me to do but set you free. It has come to my attention that due to some childhood illness I am unable to bear children. The thought of not being able to have a family with you nearly killed me, but the thought of denying you a future full of family is worse. Over time, you will find another woman to love, another woman who can give you the life you deserve. Another woman who can make you a father. You deserve to be a father, my love. This I know with my whole heart. The only solace I have is that I have found out before it was too late to save your future. All I ask is that you never name one of your children Rosepetal. That I simply could not survive. We both know that with great love, there is great sacrifice. This is one I must make for you. I want you to move on William. And I want you to have the life we both know you have worked for. You told me you would carry my burdens, but I fear this is the only one that I am not willing to allow you to weigh yourself down with. Do not let my sacrifice be in vain. Find yourself the right woman and live a happy life. That is my greatest wish. Please forgive me and know that there is no other reason in the world I would give up a life with you. Please do not follow me Storm. I cannot live a life with the guilt of what you would give up for it, and I fear, if I ever find myself in your arms again I will be unable to let you go. This is too painful to suffer through again. You will always have my heart. As you know, I will always be yours.

  -Always Nora, no, I suppose I am simply Eleanor again.-

  Storm saw the tears in his sister’s eyes and she whispered.

  “You have to go after her.”

  He looked at her, his own eyes swollen with tears.

  “I cannot. I do not know where she is. And what will I do if I find her? She cannot have children, Bonnet. It is not only my future that it will affect. Think of Hunter. He will be heartbroken if he must take on the title. How could I ask that of him?”

  Bonnet was shaking her head.

  “He would not begrudge you this. You love her Storm. Hunter will understand.”

  Storm shook his head.

  “No. Please, I just need to be alone now. Please. Go.”

  Bonnet went to protest, but he shook his head.

  “Bonnet. Leave me be.”

  His sister must have taken pity on him, for she did leave. Crossing to pour himself a brandy, Storm let his tears fall and tried to drink the pain away. It would not work, he knew. There was no escaping this pain, but damn it all, he would try. He was on his second bottle when at last a haze overtook him and he collapsed onto the sofa, brandy bottle still in hand.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Storm was torn from his unconsciousness by a glass of water being poured over his head. Cursing he sat up ready to fight whomever the culprit was. He was in need of a good fight. Lord knew he had enough anger in him. Of course, it would be helpful if the room would stop spinning.

  “You look like hell.”


  “I feel worse.”

  “Indeed.” This time his brother offered him a glass of water instead of pouring it over his head.

  “Drink this. You will need to get your wits together if you are going to find Miss Pinecrest.”

  Storms eyes met his brothers so quickly, his head began pounding again.

  “I cannot follow her.”

  He groaned at the sound of his own desperation.

  “Brother, you listen to me. Really listen to me. Do you understand?”

  Storm nodded.

  “You and Bonnet have made countless sacrifices for this family. You both think we do not know, but we do. We all do. This time though, none of us will let you sacrifice your heart. So, you are going to put the blasted bottle down, take my horse and go find her. With any luck in time for the wedding, because none of us want to hear Bonnet’s dissertation on how much trouble it will be to have to make different arrangements.”

  Storm actually laughed at that. Blasted, how on earth could he have managed a laugh?

  “Hunter, I will not make you sacrifice your heart either. You told me the lady who has captured your heart would never manage as a Duchess.”

  For the first time, Storm looked to his brother. Hunter had grown up. It seemed a ridiculous thought. They were only a few years apart, but somewhere while Storm was off being the duke, he realized Hunter had become a man. And right now, he was a determined man.

  “Storm, these past few weeks, watching you and Miss Pinecrest…”

  “Eleanor.” Storm cut in.

  “Fine, watching you and Eleanor, well it was hard not to compare it to our parents. And if there is one lesson I had forgotten since they passed, it is that love, real love, will survive anything. That is what I want for all my brothers and sisters. It is what our parents would have demanded from us. Their love is in us, it survived well after their death. If Miss Barrett cannot love me because I am to inherit a title and the responsibility that comes along with that, then she is not the woman I am meant to love. But you have that love, and you need to hold onto it for the rest of your life. So, go. Right now. Before Bonnet can stop you. There is a ridiculously bad storm heading this way.”

  Storm just stared at Hunter, unable to gather his wits enough to understand when his brother had grown so wise. There was so much to speak about. So much lingering in the air around them both, but Storm knew his brother. Even this new version of his brother, and Hunter was being honest. If he was meant to inherit, he would not run from the responsibility. But more than that, he knew the Hu
nter was setting him free of yet another burden that was on Storms shoulders.

  “If I marry her, you will inherit the title, Hunter. You would have to leave Newmarket, your horses, everything that makes you the man that you are now. Why should you be forced to sacrifice the things you love so that I may have the woman I love.”

  Hunter shook his head and poured himself a brady. Taking a seat across from him, Storm noticed that his brother was not only wiser, but he looked older. He had been so caught up in his own matters this season he had completely overlooked everything going on with his closest brother.

  “Storm, I am not going to sit here and tell you it will not be hard. I do love my life in Newmarket. I do love the stud and the races, but in the end, I love my family more. Our family has never failed each other and it will be harder for me to lose my brother than for me to lose anything else. I am done being selfish. You have the love of a remarkable woman, Storm. One, I may add, that this family adores. She belongs here, more than anything I know that. And, dear brother, you seem to forget the fact that I do not inherit unless something tragic happens to you. Both of us know that between Eleanor and Bonnet’s nagging you are no doubt going to live to be a very very old man. Their stubborn enough to force life back into you if ever you passed.”

  Storm found himself laughing again. At the truth of it. From the moment they had lost their parents, his family went about living their lives as if it could end at any moment. It was time for them to start trusting that they may have a long future ahead. It was one thing to be prepared for the unpredictable but it was another to be afraid to make plans for the future. Maybe he would never have a child but he was suddenly very aware that if he did not marry Eleanor, he would also never have a wife. Now that he had found her, now that he knew what it meant to love someone, he would have no future with anyone else.

  “Are you sure Hunter?”

  “I brought you my fastest horse. Do you have any clue where she may be?”

  Did he? He had no idea.

  “Maybe we should ask her brother.”

  Storm felt the anger surge in him again.

  “No. I fear if I see her brother right now he would be beaten within an inch of his life.”

  “Oh, well then, perhaps not.”

  Storm looked to Hunter. His brother did not deserve this either. He wondered if he would ever be able to make up for this.

  “You two have spent plenty of time together. We all know that you snuck out practically every night to go see her.”

  Storm sighed.

  “Are there truly no secrets in this family.”

  “None whatsoever."

  They both laughed at that. For the first time since he received that blasted letter, Storm felt the vice on his heart loosen. All he had to do was to find her and bring her home. Home. Eleanor was his home now. Always. He conjured her image to his mind; the one of her twirling in his rose garden. Even without children he would make her know that happiness every day for the rest of his life. And suddenly, he knew exactly where she was.

  “I… I think I do know Hunter. I really do.”

  “Then go bring her home.”

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  He was completely soaked. His hair was dripping, his jacket and breeches ruined, his boots a mess. He had worn a cloak but it had not mattered. Lightning flashed in the distance behind him and Eleanor could not help but think, in that one moment, that he was the very devil coming to tempt her to join him in hell. And, Lord forgive her, she was not at all sure she would be able to resist. And she did not want to resist. Storm had come for her and nothing would stop her from running into his arms and staying there forever.

  Eleanor was rushing from the cabin with a blanket for him, but it seemed pointless. The rain was so heavy she and the blanket were soaked in seconds. None of it mattered however, because the moment Storm reached her the rest of the world just fell away. He never said a word, but his lips met hers and Eleanor could feel everything he wanted to say.

  Her lips drank from his hungrily, her fingers already pushing away his wet clothing as she desperately wanted to feel the heat of his skin against her. If Storm had any desire to protest it, he made no effort too, and Eleanor was delighted when she felt him clinging at her own gown trying to rid of it. It was scandalous, truly, undressing each other without thought to anything else. All Eleanor knew was that he was here, and he was hers, and she wanted him enough that even if they were only five feet from her bedchamber she would not have waited to walk to it.

  Storms lips trailed over her skin sending flames of desire through her. How had she believed she would be able to deny herself his touch for the rest of her life? In his arms, her body came to life. Every caress set a new wave of pleasure through her and Eleanor was very sure that she would never feel as wanted as she did at that moment. Nothing mattered except their love for each other. Their clothing has become just a heap of mud on the ground and Eleanor found herself being lowered onto them. Catching her breathe as his sunk to the ground atop her, Eleanor could not help but think he was the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. His hair was loose and dripping with rain, his lips full from her kisses and his eyes filled with such storm clouds Eleanor could not tell if the sky was actually filled with lightning or if the lightning was coming from them.


  It was all she could manage before he drag her lips back to his and began to run his hands over every inch of her as if memorizing her body. Eleanor arched into each caress, pleasure overcoming her until she thought she might explode even before he entered her. Storm allowed his lips to leave hers for only one moment and Eleanor felt her whole body shiver with need when he gently brought them to her ear.

  “You are mine, Eleanor. Always.”

  Storm did not know how long they stayed in the rain making love. All he knew was that when he kissed her nothing else in the world mattered. Their first climax came quickly. It did not surprise him. From the moment she stepped from the cabin and knew their fate was sealed, he could barely get her gown off fast enough. He was blind with a furious passion he had never known before. After they found their release he knew he should carry her inside, but Storm could not help but fuel their passion again. If they were going to catch a chill he knew it would happen regardless, and something about Eleanor drenched in rain and still heated by his touch was too delightful to deny himself.

  Eleanor, bless her heart, almost got a protest out before she gave up and raised her lips to meet his again. Storm let his hands slide over her breast, her stomach, her thighs. He was determined to memorize every inch of her. She giggled as she ran her hands through his hands, and his eyes met hers amused.

  “And what, my sweet love, is so amusing?”

  “I am just so happy William.”

  He kissed her softly then his lips only inches from her when he responded.

  “Did you really think I would not come for you my love?”

  Eleanor did not answer, and Storm allowed his gaze to meet hers again. Her hand came to his cheek and she brushed another wet lock of hair from his eyes.

  “I love you so much, William, I hope you understand that I had to leave.”

  Storm nodded, taking that moment to slip himself inside her. Eleanor, not expecting the sudden intrusion arched back delighted, a soft moan escaping her lip.

  “And, my dear sweet Nora, I hope you understand that I love you so much, I had to follow.”

  Words were pointless after that, as he once again proved to her just how much he needed her in his life. Their bodies molded together, each of them knowing that with the other they were finally complete. This time when he exploded inside her, it was with a love so pure, Storm finally understood what his parents had shared. Eleanor and he were meant to always be together, and nothing was going to keep him from that future.

  Eleanor was glad when they finally reined in their passions enough to head inside. Storm swooped her into his arms and carried her naked and sated into the cabin.
Glad the fire had heated the room Eleanor was grateful for the warmth. Dripping with rain Storm set her down on the chaise she had placed in front of the fire and began looking around the tiny room. Missing his touch Eleanor met his eyes and motioned to a small closet near the corner.

  “Blankets should be in there. We can use them to dry off.”

  He moved toward it pulling our nearly half the blankets stored there and coming back to instantly wrap a few around her. Eleanor sunk into them gladly but nothing would ever be as comforting as his arms. As if sensing her thoughts Storm covered himself and slipped onto the chaise beside her. Resting her head against his chest she found her voice.

  “How mad is your family at me?”

  Pulling her closer to him Storm pressed kisses against her forehead.

  “They are not mad at you. They are mad at the situation that we found ourselves in.”

  Nodding Eleanor remained silent but after on a moment she felt herself sobbing into his chest. Nothing in the world could take her from his embrace now but she could not help but mourn for the children they would never have.

  “I am so sorry William. If I had known about the children I would have never forced you into this marriage.”

  Caressing her Storm shook his head.

  “You never forced me into this marriage Eleanor. You are the woman I am meant to love. I will not deny that it hurts my heart that we cannot have children but I can honestly tell you that living without children I have never met is still a better life than one filled with knowing how amazing being loved by you is and being denied that pleasure. What we share, Nora, is something that so few people ever know. I will never let go of it.”

  Eleanor felt comfort in his words for she knew they were honest. She had no idea how she had become so lucky but she would spend the rest of her life being grateful for everything she now had. Storm was the most amazing man she had ever known and she would make sure she loved him enough for all the children they would never have.


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