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The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series: A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

Page 25

by Michelle Love

  “Meagan, you should know that Elizabeth told me everything. The weapons deals you made up would’ve sent me to prison for the rest of my life. Why would you do that to me?” he asks as he taps his fingers on the desk to make her look at him.

  She lifts her head. Her eyes meet his as she says, “I’d rather see you alone in prison than happy with another woman.”

  “And with that knowledge, you expect me to still want anything to do with you, much less marry you?” he asks as he shakes his head, “You have to see how insane that is.

  “Insanity is just another word to describe a driven person. Anyone who wants something so badly, they’d move Heaven and Earth to make it happen, is driven. Some may see it as insane, I see it as driven. All the risk takers in this world are the people who make things happen.”

  “I don’t agree with you,” he tells her. “I’d like us to end things with no one getting hurt. I’d like you to maybe go see a psychiatrist and get some help. But I will never want anything else to do with you. No matter what. Can you understand that?”

  “I can understand that just fine,” she says as she wipes the tears off her face. “I can’t accept it, though. So, here’s the deal. I’ve gotten very good at writing your signature.”

  He interrupts her, “You mean forging my signature.”

  She ignores his comment. “I’ve also managed to get my hands on one of your checkbooks.” She reaches into her purse and pulls out a piece of paper then pushes it toward him. “Here’s a copy of the check I wrote from your account with your signature on the bottom of it.”

  “It’s for one-hundred-thousand-dollars, Meagan. It’s written to The Twilight Bar and Grill. And why is that?” he asks then looks at her.

  “Because you are paying for a hit to be taken out on Elizabeth Cook, Zane. You see, you made a call to those people you called the other day when you were at my house,” she says with a smile.

  He shakes his head. “No, I did not.”

  “Oh, but you did. Or maybe I used a device to make my voice sound like a man’s. Anyway, you asked for the hit and you sent them the check and now your precious little woman is being sought after by the mafia.”

  “Call it off,” he tells her. “Call it off, now!”

  “Oh, I can’t do that. You see, it wasn’t me who ordered it. It was you, Zane. You ordered it and it will have to be you who cancels it. Either way, the money will never be returned. And the phone you used to order it was destroyed. I assume you know how they act when you call from a number they don’t know. They aren’t the most cordial of people to do business with. I don’t think they have a customer service number at all.”

  She laughs and claps her hands. “So, are you ready to make me your wife? That woman is dead. It’s just a matter of time, that’s all.”

  Zane is pale and I can tell he’s actually afraid for me. “I can’t believe you would do this, Meagan. You’re a judge, for the love of God. You’re running for governor of New York. Why would you do this?”

  “Because I want you. I’ve told you that a million times. She is no longer going to be in your life. She will simply disappear one day. And the thing is, your name is going to be all over that. So you’d be a fool to pursue any type of police action about it. It will only end up with you going to prison. I just wanted to give you the heads up about that.”

  “So you think you’ve won,” he says as his head hangs.

  “I know I have.” She produces one more paper and pushes it toward him. “Here’s the marriage license, Zane. Now this one is a little bit trickier. You see, the clerk needs you to come down to the courthouse and show them your ID card when you sign this one. Of course, if you refuse, I can always pay her off and have it done anyway. It’s your call, cupcake.”

  He looks at her as if she’s crazy, which she is. “I really wish you wouldn’t have done that, Meagan.”

  “Too bad, it’s done.”

  To be continued…

  The Billionaire’s Lighthouse Series

  A Billionaire, Bad Boy, Romance

  Book 9

  His Submission

  By Michelle Love


  Premonition. Passion. Courage.

  Meagan’s admission of all she’s done finally pays off for Zane and Elizabeth and the authorities have all they need to fully prosecute her.

  That fact doesn’t help Elizabeth at all. The hit Meagan called out on her is still a go until Zane can issue a public statement, letting the mafia know he wants the hit called off.

  Even then, that may not be enough to save Elizabeth’s life.

  In her younger years, Elizabeth had recurring nightmares about an event which she thought might be her death. She finds the dream coming true inside The Plaza Hotel.

  Will Zane be able to intervene in time to save Elizabeth from certain death?

  Chapter 1


  It was never my intention to lead Meagan Saunders to believe I would ever date her seriously, much less marry the woman. But here she is sitting in the chair on the other side of my desk with a marriage license.

  The woman has called out a hit on Elizabeth using my money and name, which is bad enough but she also has the audacity to think she’s going to force me to marry her too.

  I’ve had all I can take from this woman. Standing up, I pick up the marriage license and rip it into four pieces as she watches me with her jaw slack. “Now you are going to listen to me and you are going to do exactly as I say. Tell me you understand me, Meagan.”

  “Zane, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” she asks then starts to stand up.

  With two quick steps, I’m in front of her and forcing her back down on the soft leather chair I wish was made out of rattlesnakes right now. That’s how much I want this bitch to suffer.

  “I am putting your ass in its place. For once, Meagan, you are going to sit and listen to what someone else has to say.” She looks genuinely bewildered and I find that surprising.

  “I don’t understand,” she says.

  “Shh. No talking. I’m doing the talking. You’re doing the listening. Now, take your cell phone out and make the call to stop the hit. I’m not about to even ask for the money back, I just don’t want to worry about anyone hurting Elizabeth.”

  She sits perfectly still, looking stunned. “No.” The one word is simple and she’s a moron if she thinks that’s going to cut it with me.

  Taking her purse off the back of the chair where she put it. I dump the contents out on my desk, holding her by her shoulder to keep her ass in the chair as she fights to stop me.

  The little gun she shot me with falls out first with a heavy clunk. Then another bottle of pills and finally her cell phone. I pick it up and hand it to her. “Call the fucking number you called to make the hit or so help me, Meagan.”

  “What? What are you going to do to me, Zane? Nothing, that’s what. You’re not that man.”

  “Try me,” I say as I squeeze her narrow shoulder. “Now, do as I’ve told you or it’s about to get so fucking ugly, you can’t even imagine.”

  “Ow!” Zane, stop. That hurts!”

  “I know. You should hurry up and make that call.”

  Her hand is shaking as she finds the number. “They won’t stop it.”

  My office door flies open and Detective Lang along with a couple of other officers are standing at it. “Could you hand me the gun, Zane?” he asks me.

  I toss it to him and keep my hand on Meagan’s shoulder as she shrieks at the top of her lungs, “What the hell is going on?”

  “You have the right to remain silent,” Lang says, beginning to read her the rights that were forgotten the last time she was arrested.

  The officers step forward, one picks her up and the other cuffs her hands behind her back as Lang finishes up her rights. A sweet face looms in the hallway, Elizabeth looks worried.

  With Meagan in good hands, I go to Elizabeth. As I wrap my arms around her, I can feel her shaking.
We listen as Lang talks to whoever it was Meagan called. “This is Detective Lang with the New York police department. Do not hang up. I merely want to inform you that we know there has been a hit called out on one Elizabeth Cook by a Zane White. It is in your best interest to call this hit off. Mr. White does not want it and he was not the person who ordered it. If Miss Cook is harmed in any way, your organization can expect the wrath of God to come down on you. This statement will be publicly issued as well.” He swipes the phone to end the call and looks at me as the officers take Meagan past us.

  She looks at me with wild eyes as she screams, “If you think this is over, you’re sadly mistaken. I have so many connections in this town, there’s no way I’ll ever be convicted.”

  The detective waves the officers away and they take Meagan, screaming and shouting obscenities, out of my penthouse. “We’re afraid that might happen to so we’re going to petition the court to move her trial to upstate rather than here.”

  “That’s an excellent idea. Now what should we do about keeping Elizabeth safe until we’re sure that hit is not going to be gone through with?” I ask him as I hold the shivering woman in my arms.

  “I’d go ahead and get out of town for a while. Take that little vacation you were going to go on,” he tells me.

  “I think that’s an excellent idea, Lang. Thank you.” I shake the man’s hand and wish we’d have gone to him sooner. Things might have never escalated to this point if we had.

  As Lang leaves us alone in the penthouse, Elizabeth breaks down and starts crying. “What if they get me, Zane?”

  “Shh. Don’t even think about that. Tonight we’ll stay in another room and tomorrow we’ll leave. I’ll call Tristan and explain what’s going on and he’ll set us up in another room. No one will find you. Don’t worry. And soon whoever was going to do the hit will be informed not to. I’m sure.”

  “I’m not,” she cries. “Zane, I’ve never been more terrified. Not ever.”

  I’m thanking God Meagan has been taken away or I swear I’d choke her to death right here in my living room. “Baby, come on. I got you. Don’t you trust me?”

  “I do. I’m just in shock right now. My life has never been threatened. You see, this is like a nightmare to me. I used to have this recurring nightmare that someone was stalking me. I’d always wake up with the sound of a gun blasting and orange fire coming out of the barrel of a gun.”

  “It was only a dream, baby. I won’t let anyone get to you. I promise.”

  Holding her and rocking her in my arms, I have the feeling she’s not going to be able to fully trust anyone for a while. And that makes me very upset.

  How can one woman create such havoc in such a short amount of time? Meagan Saunders better get all she’s got coming to her or I’ll make damn sure she gets put in the place Elizabeth is right now.

  Chapter 2


  My insides are like gelatin, oozing around and making me feel sick. Fear is coursing through my veins like a poison. I told Zane only a fraction of the nightmare I’ve had since I was a little girl.

  My grandfather told me once when I woke up screaming during one of our overnight stays in the lighthouse that the nightmare might have some truth to it but in other ways than what I perceived them to be.

  I had no idea what he was talking about at the time. I thought he was trying to get me to face my fears or something, in hopes the nightmares would stop.

  After I started college, they went away. I haven’t had one since I was eighteen. With this news, the nightmare is as vivid as if I have just had it. The smell of vanilla on the gentle breeze is how it always started.

  The kind of smell that’s meant to soothe you but it brings out the opposite reaction in me since I’ve learned to associate it with death.

  It was always so dark that I never knew where I was at. I never could understand where it was happening. It was dark and there was a limited number of places for me to hide in.

  Each time I woke up with the loud sound of the blast, I felt as if I had narrowly escaped death. I’d wake up covered in sweat and panting as if I’d run a mile. My heart would take forever to regain its normal beat.

  Zane helps me put on a hooded jacket and he dons one too as Tristan leads us down the hallway to the service elevator to go to another suite in the hotel. “In the morning, a press conference has been scheduled, Detective Lang informed me on his way out,” Tristan tells us as we hurry to get to the elevator. “I can stay with Miss Cook and have several of our security guards stay too while you go to the conference. It’s best if you make a statement rather than relying on any cop to do it for you. I have a cousin who dabbles in the underworld here. He’s the one who told me to tell you that when I called to ask the best way to handle such a thing.”

  “You really go above and beyond for your residence here, Tristan,” Zane says. “It’s more than appreciated and there will be a nice tip for you, no one needs to know about.”

  “No tip necessary, Mr. White. Miss Cook is a wonderful person. It would devastate so many of us here if anything were to happen to her,” Tristan says, making me feel special.

  “Thank you, Tristan,” I say and smile at him. “I feel safe in your hands.”

  With a nod, he takes his key and we get into the small elevator, not meant for guests. The ride down to the third floor takes a little while. When it stops, Tristan walks out first as Zane waits with me. After he looks back and forth, he motions for us to come out and takes us to the door right next to the elevator. “In here,” he says as he opens the door.

  Slipping inside of the spacious suite, I see he’s placed a large fruit basket, wine, and cheeses, and even brought in a full minibar for us. “Tristan this is way beyond what I expected. Thank you,” I say as I push the hood off my head.

  “I’m going to personally bring up dinner for you two. If you’ll circle what you want off the room service menu, I’ll get on that right away,” he says as he hands Zane a small pamphlet.

  I take a seat at the table. “I can’t eat right now.”

  In typical Zane fashion, he isn’t hearing that. “Nonsense, you have to eat.” He circles some things then hands the pamphlet back to Tristan. “Thank you, Tristan.”

  “Should I station a guard outside of the room?” Tristan asks.

  Zane shakes his head. “No, but please bring that garment bag that’s hanging in my closet down to us. I can keep her safe. With the presence of a man sitting outside of a room, that will surely tip them off to where she is.”

  With a nod, Tristan leaves us alone. Zane turns his attention to me. “Now for a nice hot bath. You need to relax. Then I’ll give you my personal massage. I can’t stand seeing you like this.”

  “I can’t stand feeling like this.” I get up and let him lead me to the bathroom.

  A large deep tub with tons of jets in it gives me a touch of relief as he turns the water on to fill it. “How about you undress and I’ll go pour you a glass of wine.”

  “Aren’t you getting in with me?” I ask as I start to undress.

  He shakes his head. “No. I’m going to stay completely alert. You are going to relax.”

  “Oh, Zane, that’s not fair to you. I know you’re tense too.”

  “I am. But I need to be. I have to stay on guard. Until I’m sure you’re safe, I’ll never rest.”

  “That makes me feel terrible, Zane. Let Tristan get a guard up here. I don’t want you to exhaust yourself over this.” I climb into the tub and lie back. He presses the button on the wall to start up the soothing jets of hot water that blast my body from all sides.

  “You let me handle things,” he says then walks out of the room.

  I can see he’s not about to let up on this. The truth is, he does make me feel safer than anyone else ever could. I think the man would step in front of a bullet for me. Not that I ever want him to.

  When he comes back in with a nice deep red glass of wine, I see the worry in his eyes. “You’ve heard some
thing,” I say as I take the wine.

  He shakes his head. “No. It’s not that. It’s just that I wonder if that fire at the lighthouse was an attempt on your life. Your car is still there. Someone might have thought you were there.”

  “It might have been. I know it wasn’t Meagan. She’d never go all the way there and implicate herself in the crime. It had to have been some goon she hired. Or the hitman.”

  “Or the hit woman,” Zane says. “We can’t think in terms of it only being a man. Women will have to be watched too. I think going to Hawaii or anywhere other than right here is a bad idea until we get this contained. I don’t want you out in the open at all.”

  Taking a long drink, it’s beginning to sink in that I’m just as incarcerated as Meagan is. Maybe she meant it to be this way for me. Giving me a taste of the small amount of jail time she had because of me.

  Zane’s hands move through my hair as he wets it. “This is entirely my fault.”

  “No. It’s that deranged woman’s fault,” I correct him. “Don’t blame yourself, please.”

  “How can I not blame myself?” he asks as he runs his hands over my shoulders. “If I’d just have done things differently then none of this would be happening. Your life wouldn’t be in danger. I can’t seem to come back from the very first lie. If I could turn back time, I’d have done it all so differently.”

  “Don’t say that. I think you telling her I was your wife is a pretty romantic way to start what we’ve found in each other. So don’t sully the sweet beginning of us with wishes that it never happened.”

  His eyes droop at the outer corners as he looks at me. “I love you more than you’ll ever know, Elizabeth Cook.”

  I have a pretty good idea of how much that is, I share a love that large too!


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