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Rescuing Ruby Red (The Red Petticoat Saloon)

Page 9

by Maggie Ryan

  "I'm sorry, that sounded silly."

  "No, it sounded perfect," he countered. "You sound as wise as Miss Nettie."

  "I do?"

  "Yes, she was giving me a lesson before you came outside."

  Her laugh rang out again and he felt his body react with another rush of desire.

  "Did she say anything about slicing it open to bare its center so you can slap butter all over its bottom half?"

  His cock twitched at the realization that she was actually batting her eyelashes and grinning. "Nope, she was talking about hornets. Something about the occasional sting being a small price to pay for the sweetness of the honey."

  "Oh, um… I can see that could be true."

  "Can you, Rebekah?" At her nod, he dunked the bread again and watched her eyes widen in surprise as he stepped closer and lifted the bite to her lips. "Can you see yourself accepting both the heat and spice in life as well as its sting?" He watched her lips part and her eyes lift from the offered cornbread to his eyes.

  "Yes, Jeb, I believe I can accept all of that as long as I knew that someone truly loved me as a woman even though sometimes, he has to bare me to apply a sting to remind me of exactly how much he cares." She dropped her eyes and bent forward to accept the bite.

  He watched the slim column of her throat as she swallowed and his cock jerked again. Good God, how could he have ignored her for so long? How could he not recognize that she was no longer the little girl he'd teased and annoyed but was a grown woman—a woman who was a bit of a puzzle but one he was absolutely determined to solve. Passing her the plate, careful of her injured hand, he cupped her face with his palms. He could feel her trembling as he bent his head until his forehead rested against her own.

  "I'd like to start over, Rebekah," he said, the pads of his thumbs stroking against her soft skin.

  She considered for a brief moment telling him about the incident at the laundry. Feeling his thumbs stroking against her skin, she just couldn't. Instead, she'd start over from this moment, pushing any previous events into the past where they belonged. She smiled and said, "I'd like to as well, but, it's Red."

  "Make up your mind, woman," he said, smothering her giggle with his lips as he kissed her for the first time. The taste of her softness and her soft moan replacing her giggle had him pulling her closer to deepen the kiss until he broke away with a yelp. The bowl had slid off the plate to spill its remaining contents onto the front of his pants.

  "I'm so sorry," she said, reaching out to brush away the clinging bits of rice and vegetables before he pushed her hand aside.

  "I don't want you to burn yourself," he managed though the true reason was throbbing, hidden beneath his wet placket.

  "Did it burn you? Your pants are all messy," she said, reaching out again.

  His jaw clenched. If she touched him again, he'd have a mess both inside and outside his pants. "Nothing a good wash won't tend to."

  His cock grew harder as she looked up at him and smiled. "There's a bath just inside." At his growl, she hurried to add, "I was just teasing."

  "I know," he said, "but, young lady, your days of being a bathing attendant are over." He was about to add the only bath she'd be assisting in was his own when the door opened behind them. He bent to pick up the bowl from the ground and handed it to her.

  "I was just coming. Good night, Jeb," Rebekah said, her face flushed as she gave him a last look before turning to go back inside.

  "Good night, Red." Grinning he looked at Nettie. "Thanks for the gumbo, Miss Nettie," Jeb said, pulling some coins from his pocket only to see the woman wave her hand.

  "The only payment I need is to know that you two came to an understanding."

  Jeb nodded as he returned the coins. "Rest assured, Red and I both learned something from a very wise, very kind woman."

  "A spoon wielding woman," Nettie said, "a woman who won't hesitate to use it if either one of you go back instead of forward."

  Jeb laughed but tipped his hat. "No worries, I know who the queen bee is in this hive." He strolled off to the sound of musical laughter as he began to flap his arms, weaving about and making loud buzzing sounds.

  Chapter Seven

  After helping clean up after supper, blushing every time Nettie looked at her, Rebekah was halfway to her room before she remembered her own appointment. Her steps were slow as she made her way to Jewel's office. At the call to enter, she opened the door to find both Mr. Gabe and Jewel waiting for her.

  "Have a seat," Gabe instructed. When she'd seated herself, she tucked her uninjured hand beneath her hurt one in an attempt to hide the fact that it was shaking.

  "Ruby, I'd like to hear your version of what happened," Gabriel began, leaning his hip against the corner of Jewel's desk.

  "Happened?" she asked, wondering how he knew about her… her tryst with Jeb. "Um, he just kissed me."

  "Kissed you?" Gabe said, his eyes widening. "Then your statement that nothing happened was incorrect?"


  "Both you and John stated that…"

  "Oh, no. I mean nothing did happen."

  "I'm confused. I realize that a great deal more than kissing is done under this roof but, young lady, even a kiss is 'something'."

  She blushed and squirmed a bit but knew it was imperative that she make him understand. "Mr. Gabe, I meant that um… Je… um, the sheriff kissed me. Mr. Harrison was nothing but a gentleman."

  She squirmed again when he grinned and then shook his head. "Forgive me. Let me clarify my question. I'd like to hear your version of the incidents today before your assignation with the sheriff."

  "All day?" she asked and then flushed knowing he couldn't possibly want a minute by minute discourse of her day. Rushing to cover her awkwardness, she said, "I spent the morning doing chores and then Miss Jewel was kind enough to take me to the bank and the mercantile. I went to the laundry to pick up the towels because we didn't have many here and it's been really rainy for the past couple of days and the men are muddy. I-I was putting them in the bathing room when Mr. Harrison came in through the outside door." She paused to take a breath before continuing. "I wasn't sure what to do but… he was really polite and didn't make me feel too… um… too awkward. He knew about the rules about pink petticoats and was a gentleman, I promise."

  Gabriel nodded but she didn't miss the look he gave Jewel before turning his gaze back to her. "I apologize for the miscommunication about the job of bathing attendant. That is not a job required of you."

  "Oh, I didn't really mind but Jeb… I mean Sheriff Justice has already forbidden me from bathing… I mean helping in the bathing room." She saw the couple exchange another glance and Miss Jewel's smile appear before it slid away as Mr. Gabe looked back at Rebekah.

  "That's well and good but let me make this perfectly clear. You are not, I repeat not, to put yourself in any situation that leaves you susceptible to a man's advances. That includes not going upstairs or into the bathing room. You are underage, Rebekah, and until you reach your majority, it is our responsibility to keep you safe."

  "I know," she said when he paused and then added, "I mean, yes, sir, but, um, does that include Jeb? I-I didn't mind… I liked it when he kissed me."

  Gabriel shook his head. "I think we can make an exception for Jeb. After all, we know you've known each other for years, he is not only the sheriff but is an honorable man and," he gave her a quick grin, "it appears he has the same opinion of how to keep a girl in line when she tends to do things that jeopardize her safety that I do."

  This time, Rebekah caught herself before she squirmed. "He-he does," she admitted. "Thank you, Mr. Gabe."

  "You're welcome. Now, back to why I asked you to come see me. I also need to make it perfectly clear that you are never to go out alone. That includes the bank, the mercantile, the laundry or anywhere. I take my responsibility very seriously to keep the women under this roof safe. This is not to deny you the freedom to move around or run errands. It is because a man would hesitate
to attempt anything when you are with another. Even if you are in the sheriff's company, you need to make sure that Jewel or I know you are leaving the building. You step foot outside the doors to go anywhere but the privy by yourself and we will have a problem. Is that clear?"

  "Yes, sir," she said, and noticed the glance between her employers again. "Um, may I say something?"

  "Of course," Gabriel said.

  "I hope you aren't mad at Miss Jewel… I mean, she did suggest I see if Della wanted to go with me but she was asleep and, well, I've been to the laundry by myself lots and lots of times and nothing…" Suddenly, she couldn't complete her sentence, shuddering at the memory of what had transpired.

  "Rebekah, did something happen?"

  "No—everything worked out fine." She forced herself not to squirm as she told her lie. She was in enough trouble. She couldn't imagine the spanking she'd receive if he discovered she'd been glad that Della had been asleep, giving her the opportunity to not even have to ask for company. Like Jeb, if Mr. Gabe discovered her true reason for wanting to go alone or what that man had done, he'd most likely thrash her until she couldn't sit and then attempt to find the man and thrash him. While the first would be truly unpleasant for her, the second act could quite possibly land him in jail. She couldn't bear it if either man got into trouble for her stupidity. Looking up, she straightened her shoulders. "I won't go outside alone again."

  "See that you don't. Now that you are aware of the rules about safety, know that if you break them, I'll have you over my knees. Is that clear?"

  "Ye-yes, sir."

  "Tomorrow, I want you to sit down with Jewel and discuss exactly what your duties will entail, both now while your injuries heal and later when the doctor clears you. I don't want to hear that you weren't aware of the rules again."

  "Yes, sir."

  "Thank you, you may go to bed now."

  "You-you aren't going to spank me?"

  He smiled and shook his head. "No, honey. Sometimes a discussion is just that. I don't punish when you were unaware of a rule's existence. However, after your talk with Jewel tomorrow, I will expect you to know every rule or to ask if there is something that is unclear."

  Rebekah stood. "I promise I'll remember. Thank you." It wasn't until Nettie had tucked her into bed that she realized that Miss Jewel had never said a word during the meeting.


  "Do we even need to discuss what needs to happen now?"

  "Needs to or is going to?" Jewel asked quietly.

  "Evidently we do," Gabriel said. "I'll lock up while you get ready. You'll stand in the corner. Perhaps some time facing the wall will help you remember our rules… the rules we both agreed to implement."

  "Gabriel, I didn't even think about…"

  "Make that standing with your skirts at your waist and your drawers at your ankles. Ahora, chiquita." Jewel didn't speak again, just stood and moved past him. It really wasn't necessary to spend time with her nose pressed against the wall. She knew why he was upset and it didn't really have much to do with John. Yes, Gabe wasn't happy that Ruby had found herself in such a situation, but John's assurance that the poor girl had been too embarrassed to even look at him, had lessened Gabriel's concern. But, he was indeed furious to discover that she'd sent Ruby to the laundry unescorted. Though that hadn't been her intention, she had to accept responsibility.

  Once inside her room, she undid the tie to her drawers and pushed them to her ankles before gathering her petticoat and skirt and pulling them up to her waist. Pressing her nose to the wall, she felt the cool air waft across her bare bottom knowing it wouldn't be long before they weren't chilled but were hot and throbbing. This would not be a simple over the knee spanking. No, this time she'd go to sleep on her stomach after her partner reminded her what happened when she put one of their girls into any dangerous situation.


  Gabriel walked through the building making sure every door was locked and every lamp extinguished. It was very late and he was tired but he'd not sleep until he had punished the love of his life. He opened the door and put the lamp he was carrying on the dresser. The additional light fell onto the corner and Jewel's bare bottom, the porcelain skin so very pale… at least for the moment.

  He didn't speak as he removed his jacket and vest. He entered the small water closet that adjoined their room, washed his hands and then picked up the strop he used to sharpen his razor. Returning to the bedroom, he placed the strop on the bed and then took a seat in one of the chairs. "Come here, chiquita."

  Jewel turned and walked towards him, her steps small due to the restriction of her ankles by her bunched drawers. His pride in her was undeniable as she lifted her skirts even higher, further baring herself to him. The simple gesture told him she not only understood why she was going to be punished, she'd accepted the need. He put his hands on hers when she stepped between his legs.

  "I'm sorry, sir. I was working on the books and wasn't paying attention. I honestly didn't give it much thought. I mean, she'd worked at the laundry and…"

  "That doesn't matter, Jewel. She wasn't our responsibility at that time. The moment she entered our lives and especially our employ, we became her guardians so to speak."

  "I know and all I can say is that I'm really sorry and I won't let it happen again." He nodded and released her hands, well aware that she watched him as he slowly and deliberately began to roll up his sleeves. He didn't miss the fact that her breathing quickened nor the fact that her arousal became even more evident as her sex moistened.

  "Step out of your drawers." He bent to help guide her feet from the white fabric. Once freed, he set the drawers aside. "Over the bed, legs spread wide and bottom lifted nice and high."

  "Yes, sir," she said, turning to obey only hesitating for a moment which told him she'd spied the strop he'd left on the bed. He sat for a moment, just enjoying the sight of her as she positioned herself, the gift of her submission one he'd never take for granted. Once she'd settled, her torso and cheek pressed to the mattress, her legs spread apart to display the glistening pouch of her sex, and her beautiful bottom pushed up, he stood.

  Walking to her, he ran his hand across her unblemished globes feeling the slight quivering she couldn't contain. Lifting his hand, he began to pepper her bottom, warming her for the far more intense punishment to come. The distinctive slaps of flesh against flesh rang out until her small moans told him she was beginning to feel the heat of her spanking. He continued to swat her cheeks, one after the other, covering her entire backside until every inch of her flesh was an even dusky pink. Running his hand once more over each plump globe, he gave each one a squeeze, hearing her soft groans. Bending over her back, he placed his lips close to her ear. "Remember, even when I'm punishing you, I love you, chiquita."

  "I won't ever forget," she whispered and then moaned when he kissed the sensitive spot behind her ear before reaching to pick up the black strop.

  "Estás listo?

  "Yes, sir, I'm ready," she said, turning her face into the mattress to muffle what he knew would be loud cries. The first stroke he placed across the center of her bottom was his way of reminding her that he was well aware of that fact that she actually relished a bit of pain as it made her arousal soar. He'd seen the evidence of her desire during her spanking and could smell her scent as he lifted the stop again. The second stroke, a hairsbreadth beneath the first was to inform her that he would make sure that, by the time she was allowed to rise, she'd have absolutely no doubt that tonight she'd been punished. Her fingers gripped the quilt as stroke after stroke landed with loud, audible cracks against her ass until she was wagging her hips from side to side.

  "Push that bottom up and keep it still," Gabriel directed, the stroke accompanying his order slapping against the back of her thighs.

  "Yes, sir," she cried, her head lifting. "I'm so sorry, Gabriel."

  "Ready to finish?"

  "Ye-yes, sir," she said before burying her face again. The strokes came hard and fas
t, her cries muffled but audible as he made sure every inch of her bottom had gone from pink to scarlet. Her next sound was a loud cry as her head arched back when he fisted her hair and drove into her in one thrust and she exploded, her walls gripping his driving cock, pulling it deep inside her. His pelvis slammed into her burning nates with each thrust and yet she pushed her ass up and back, begging him to take her harder, faster, deeper.

  Pulling from her, he reached for the jar on the dresser. "Open your cheeks. Show me your little pucker."

  He listened as she moaned and watched as her hands moved to her bottom. Thin, elegant fingers pulled apart the red, welted globes to offer her most intimate opening. She gasped as he began to spread the unguent from the container across the puckered ring and gave a sharp yip when he pushed a finger inside. "Keep them spread, chiquita," he ordered, withdrawing his finger only to add another, pressing both inside and scissoring them to help her muscle begin to relax. Withdrawing them a final time, he coated his already slick cock with the salve and pressed it against her tight hole. He'd entered her cunt first knowing her strapping would have her on the edge of orgasm and knowing her contractions would have brought him off far too quickly if he'd already been inside her ass.

  "Oh, God, Gabe…" she moaned as he began to press into her anus.

  "Push back, chiquita. Show me you accept all that I give you." Her fingers still held her globes apart and as she pushed back to accept his cock more easily into her back passage, he steadily pressed forward. The sound of her sharp cry as his cockhead breached her inner ring of muscle had him clenching his jaw in order not to spill himself too soon. She was the most incredible woman he'd ever known. She never failed to amaze him with her intelligence, her compassion, her submission to him, and her unbridled passion.

  By the time he'd sunk balls deep, he'd had to grit his teeth as she'd come again. After her velvet walls had stopped gripping his shaft like a vise, he'd allowed her to remove her hands so that her fingers could grip the bedcoverings even as his fingers gripped her hair. Pulling her head back, he bent over her, watching her expression as he withdrew almost fully only to slam back into her ass. Her blue eyes were true windows that revealed the lust and the love she was feeling as he fucked her hard and fast. His mouth claimed hers, his tongue demanding entrance even as his cock entered her again and again. When she screamed into his mouth, the strength of the contractions rippling through her bowels brought his own eruption.


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